Free Event – 2nd Annual Family Fun Day – Saturday September 7th

You are invited to attend our second annual Family Fun Day, a fun-packed event for the entire community. Events will begin at 10am and conclude by 1pm. Location:The Lutheran Church of the Savior, 426 Davis Road, Bedford, MA. To celebrate the end of summer, we are offering:- Outdoor Games for all ages- Indoor (air-conditioned) Games- Face Painting- Burgers, Dogs and fixings- Ice cream- Refreshments. The event is open to everyone and reservations are not required. Bring the whole family and come join us.
Acton women's club

Acton Fire Chief Anita Arnum speaks at the Acton Woman's Club September

Please join the Acton Woman's Club for its monthly meeting on September 11, 11:30 am for a light luncheon, 12:15 pm to 1 pm a short business meeting, and at 1 pm our special guest speaker Anita Arnum.
Chief Arnum was appointed Fire Chief in Acton, in October 2023. Deputy Arnum was already the highest-ranking woman in the history of the Acton Fire Department, and is the first female to serve as Chief. Chief Arnum began her career with the Acton Fire Department as a full-time
firefighter in 1989. Chief Arnum has a Bachelor's Degree in Microbiology and Chemistry from UMass Amherst, and a Bachelor's Degree in Fire Science from Anna Maria College. Chief Arnum is a state and nationally registered paramedic, a member of the State Hazmat Response Team, and a member of the Federal Emergency Management Agency's National Search and
Rescue System. She is also certified in numerous technical rescue fields, and is qualified as an instructor/trainer in EMS, hazmat, firefighting, and technical rescue.
Arnum helped guide the Town of Acton through the COVID-19 pandemic, providing testing, vaccination clinics and procuring difficult to obtain personal protective equipment for firefighters. She is known for fostering positive relationships between town departments and the community, and constantly seeks out opportunities for the Department to train, grow, and work with other communities to stay at the forefront of technology.
The Acton Woman's Club is a place for fun and companionship.  We host monthly lunches, social/cultural events, and clubs. Any woman who lives or works in Acton or a surrounding town may join the Acton Woman’s Club. Potential new members are welcome! Phone is 978-263-5275 or email us at
Please join us! And get a house tour! You might want to rent the beautiful clubhouse for your next birthday party, baby or bridal shower, wedding, memorial event or any gathering or private party. The brick-front building at 504 Main Street has been Acton Woman's Club's home since the 1920s. It is a handsome example of the Federalist period, and has a charmingly furnished period living room and dining room, comfortable for up to 35 guests. On the main floor is a modern kitchen, an accessible bathroom and a lift to the sprung-floor ballroom upstairs, which has a stage and sound equipment. It is perfect for catered lunches or dinners for up to 75 guests. Rental rates are reasonable. For more information and photos:
The Acton Woman's Club is non-profit. Rental income helps the Acton Woman's Club maintain and preserve this lovely old building.  It also funds civic and educational causes and two ABRHS scholarships each year. More info:
Learn More

Acton/Boxborough Senior Citizens

You are cordially invited to attend a luncheon on October 6 at 12:00 PM in the Courtyard at the Boxboro Regency, in Boxborough.  The menu is as follows: Regency Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Rolls and Butter, and Apple Pie.  Entertainment will be provided.  The luncheon is hosted and sponsored by the Boxboro Regency Hotel and The Rotary Club of Acton-Boxborough.  Sign up by September 20 at your COA to reserve your place for this happy event.

Scarecrow Contest in Acton

Enter the “Stand Up to Stigma” Scarecrow Contest to benefit the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Central Middlesex. Bring your $25 donation to Cucurbit Farm at 32 Parker St. in Acton and pick up your scarecrow starter frame. Then drop off your family friendly scarecrow at the farm stand. Individuals, organizations, and businesses are invited to participate. The scarecrows will be on display for the month of October, and the public is invited to cast their vote for the winning entry. Our goal is 100 scarecrows along the fence and many conversations about mental health! Additional info at
Learn More

Popcorn Theology (You Choose the Topic!)-FPC Summer Service

Come to the Assabet Craft Beer & Food Truck Festival on Aug. 31 and vote on what the next day’s
Sunday service will be at First Parish Church of Stow & Acton (FPC)! (We call it “popcorn theology.”) Show up to the Sept. 1 service to find out which movie the vote has been cast for. Will Rev. Cindy preach on the very silly Monty Python's "Life of Brian"? Will it be "The Grapes of Wrath," because it's so timely and applicable? Will it be on "Star Wars" because you know the force is with us? Or will we
explore the too-real dystopia of "The Hunger Games"? Your votes will decide. And yes, we plan to have popcorn!
The service will take place both in person and virtually on Sept. 1 at 10 a.m. Masking is optional.
Child care is available for all in-person summer services. To enter the virtual room, go to
FPC warmly welcomes gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people.
The church is located at 353 Great Rd., Stow. Its facilities are wheelchair accessible. For more information, visit

Eyes on the Prize: Traveling the Long-Arcing Road Towards Racial Justice

While we live in the hope of one day achieving racial justice in our communities, in our country, and in the world, we know that the work is about an ongoing journey—a journey that may not be completed during our lifetime. Through music, meditation, and the spoken word, members of
the Racial Justice Task Force for First Parish Church of Stow & Acton (FPC) will explore how we keep our “eyes on the prize” while keeping up our courage, compassion, and commitment for the work of racial justice.
The service will take place both in person and virtually on Aug. 25 at 10 a.m. Masking is optional. Child care is available for all in-person summer services.
To enter the virtual room, go to
FPC warmly welcomes gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people.
The church is located at 353 Great Rd., Stow.
Its facilities are wheelchair accessible. For more information, visit

Lobster and Meat Shoot Friends of the Hudson Public Library

The Friends of the Hudson Public Library is pleased to present its 7th Lobster and Meat Shoot fundraiser. It promises to be an entertaining and exciting evening. The game of “shoot” uses playing cards. It is similar to Keno or bingo and you have the opportunity to win prizes of fresh lobster and steak! The Lobster and Meat Shoot will take place at the VFW Hall, 3 Palmieri Drive, Hudson, on Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. There will be a cash bar, basket drawings, and a 50/50 cash raffle. Each year, new faces who have heard about the good time from others show up for the fun and excitement. So, gather friends and family and enjoy the night while supporting a great cause – the Hudson Public Library. Funds raised from this event will be used to augment the work of the Friends which support passes to farms, museums, zoos, and other venues. The Friends also purchase equipment and support the summer reading programs. Admission to the VFW Hall is free, and card sets for the games will be sold at the door. The lobster and meat prizes are “top shelf.” Remember – you can’t win if you don’t play. See you on September 28th!

Upcoming Events at Acton Senior Center

The Council on Aging at the Human Services & Senior Center is located at 30 Sudbury Rd, Rear. Telephone: 978-929-6652          
Hours: Mon, Wed & Thurs: 8:00am-5:00pm, Tues 8:00am-7:30pm, and Fri 8:00am-12noon

Monday Movie Matinee
One Life
Monday, August 26th, 1:00-2:50 pm
(2023-PG) Anthony Hopkins stars as Sir Nicholas Winton, a real-life London broker who rescued over 600 children from Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia.
This film is shown in collaboration with the Acton Memorial Library. DVD will be available to borrow from the lounge resource shelf after August 26th.

Dinner with Doug                                                                                                 
Tuesday, August 27th, 5:00 pm
Doug from Boston Events will be serving BBQ pulled pork, homemade mac and cheese, coleslaw, and dessert for $5. Please sign up prior to the event.
The Senior Center and Human Services Building will be opening at noon on August 28th as all Human Service staff will be in training.
Computer Club                                                                                                           
Wednesday, August 28th, 1:30-3:00 pm                 
All seniors are welcome to participate in Computer Club.  Bring your computer and hardware questions, problems and related issues. If possible bring the problem hardware to the meeting. This is a club with no formally planned instruction. Several regulars are there willing to share their experiences, and work one-on-one, to resolve any computer issues, from Windows system difficulties, email setups/usage, networking issues, upgrades, and assistance with “how do I” frustrations. MAC and Chrome/Android users are welcome.
Book Discussion Group                                                                
Summer break July/August
Open to out-of-town seniors/free
The discussion for the September 10th meeting will be around the book The One in A Million Boy by Monica Wood.  Copies of the book are on hold for the group at Acton Memorial Library. You may also check availability at Citizen’s Library (978-929-6654). If you would like to read ahead, Secret Keeper by Kate Morton is the book for Tuesday October 8th. Ann Kulsick facilitates the gatherings.

Local Students Named to the Dean's List at Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is pleased to announce the students who have been named to the Dean's List for the Spring 2024 semester:
* Amnamae Aboushhiwa, a native of Acton, Mass., is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Premedical Health Studies degree and will graduate from the Boston, Massachusetts campus in 2026.
* Lisun Tormey, a native of Acton, Mass., is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Premedical Health Studies (Physician Assistant Studies) degree and will graduate from the Boston, Massachusetts campus in 2027.
* Mahera Malek, a native of Concord, Mass., is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Business degree and will graduate from the Online campus in 2024.
* Amy Hoaglund, a native of Concord, Mass., is pursuing a Doctor of Pharmacy degree and will graduate from the Worcester, Massachusetts campus in 2025.
* Eliza Smethers, a native of Maynard, Mass., is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Premedical Health Studies (Physician Assistant Studies) degree and will graduate from the Boston, Massachusetts campus in 2027.
* Christina Cutler, a native of Maynard, Mass., is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography degree and will graduate from the Worcester, Massachusetts campus in 2024.
The Dean's List recognizes those students with a full-time course load who have achieved outstanding scholarship with a 3.5 GPA or higher for the academic term.
The mission of Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences is to advance health science education, scholarship, and practice grounded in collaboration and inclusion. Founded in 1823, MCPHS is the oldest institution of higher education in the City of Boston. As the University moves beyond the 200th anniversary of its founding, MCPHS is committed to maintaining its position as the most comprehensive provider of health and life sciences education in the world.
Jagdish bakshi

Local Resident Wins Top Honors in Toastmasters Public Speaking Contest

Jagdish Bakshi, a talented resident of Acton, has made waves in the world of public speaking by winning various regional speech contests before moving on to represent his club, the Isaac Davis Toastmasters at the prestigious Toastmasters District 31 contest.
Bakshi's journey to success began on February 5, when he took top honors in the Tall Tales contest at the Isaac Davis Toastmasters Club. He continued his winning streak by securing first place in the Area Contest on February 27.
Undeterred, Bakshi went on to compete in the Division Contest on March 26, where he once again emerged victorious, taking home the first-place prize.
His impressive performance earned him a spot in the highly competitive District level championship contest, where he represented Acton with pride.
Bakshi's achievements are a testament to his dedication and passion for public speaking. His success serves as an inspiration to others in the community, showcasing the impact that effective communication and leadership skills can have on personal and professional growth.
Action Unlimited is proud to recognize Jagdish Bakshi's outstanding accomplishments and wishes him continued success in his future endeavors.
For more information about Isaac Davis Toastmasters and Toastmasters International and to contact us please visit and

Supporting Someone with a Mental Health Condition?

The Family to Family course from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) could prove helpful to you. This is a free, evidence-based, eight-session, weekly course for family members and friends of individuals living with mental health conditions. Topics include understanding the symptoms of mental health conditions, learning about treatments and therapies, practicing communication and problem-solving skills, creating a positive team approach, and self-care. Importantly, the course offers family members the invaluable opportunity of open conversation and mutual support in a stigma-free environment. The class is taught by NAMI trained family members. The NAMI Central Middlesex local affiliate will host two sessions of the course this fall. The first will meet in person in Winchester on Saturdays from 9:00-11:30 am, starting September 14th. The second course will be available via Zoom, meeting on Tuesdays from 6:30-9:00 pm, starting September 24th. Learn more and register at:
This land   open sing

Acton Community Chorus Open Sing

You are invited to join the Acton Community Chorus as we prepare a concert called “This Land Was Made for You and Me,” songs of unity, equality, and finding common ground. Songs will include a new arrangement of “The Times They Are A-Changin’” by Adam Podd, “Equality is in the Air We Breathe” by Gwyneth Walker, “America, the Beautiful” by Samuel A. Ward, and “Give Me Your Tired Your Poor” by Jay Rouse. Experience how music can unite us despite our differences and inspire us to move toward a more equitable future. Our open rehearsal is Monday September 9th at 7:30. Please attend and see if you'd like to join us for the season! We rehearse most Monday nights and this concert will be performed on January 11, 2025. Please visit our website for more details -
Craft fair

Crafters Wanted

for St. Nicholas Parish Annual Christmas Craft Fair Saturday, November 30, 2024, 9am-4pm to be held at Derosier Hall, 33 Chapel Street in Shirley.  Do you have a hobby or small business where you build, bake, create beautiful items from scratch? Here's a place to be seen and sell your creations! This is the 19th year of this well-loved craft fair & we'd love to have you participate! We request only items that are hand-crafted. Applications are due by Sunday, October 6. To reserve your spot & obtain other information check out our website at   For more information, email Marianne Cooper at or call 978-772-0727.

OARS’ CAR-TOP SWAP MEET—for all things paddle related

Saturday, September 14th (Rain date: Sunday, September 15th) | 10 AM to 2 PM | Bradford Mill Back Parking Lot at The Bradford Mill, 8A Bradford Street, Concord, MA 01742
Join us for our first-ever OARS’ outdoor paddle gear exchange! Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, or trade paddle-related items, this event is perfect for you. Find new and used kayaks, canoes, stand-up paddleboards (SUPs), and all kinds of gear to wrap up the summer season and prepare for the next.
  • Buy, sell, and trade paddle- and outdoor-related items
  • New and used kayaks, canoes, SUPs, and outdoor gear
  • Food trucks, games, and family-friendly activities
  • Free fly fishing demo lessons (12 PM–2 PM)
  • Individual Sellers: $40 registration (includes OARS membership)
  • Corporate Sellers & Sponsors: Various sponsorship levels available
For up-to-date event information & seller or sponsor registration please go to:

Mt. Calvary Community Supper “All are Welcome”

Join us at our Sit-Down Supper! We are welcoming all our guests inside to join neighbors and friends at the tables in our Air-Conditioned Fellowship Hall. Welcome Summer! We look forward to sharing a meal and friendship with you.
Where: Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church of Acton, 472 Massachusetts Ave., Acton MA 01720
Time: Dinner is served 4:30pm – 5:45pm Doors will open at 4:15pm. Please, do not enter prior so our volunteers can prepare your Supper.
Parking: Park your car in the back parking lot and enter from the walkway to the church door.
August 2024 Menu:
8/21 Pepper Steak Subs with Cheese: “Birthday Night”
Sponsored by Boston Metro West Bible Church
8/28 Huli Huli Hawaiian Chicken
Sponsored by Friends of Mt. Calvary Community Supper
** Please note that the meals we serve may contain gluten, nuts, seeds, or dairy.
No more worries about the heat. We have Air Conditioning!! We are so grateful for the support and dedication of so many individuals, community organizations, church members and the team of our Supper volunteers. Together we hope that each meal we share will bring us closer together.

First Connections Offers a Free Live Webinar

First Connections invites parents and caregivers to a free live webinar about talking to young children about race and racism in age-appropriate ways. We teach children to recognize colors and to categorize objects by similarities and differences, but when a child remarks on someone's skin color, eye shape, or other physical characteristics, many caregivers feel embarrassed and don't know what to say, because we were taught not to talk about race. We now know that talking explicitly with children about skin color, race, ethnicity and discrimination is the best way to prevent them from absorbing the racist ideas prevalent in our culture and media. But it's hard to know where to start and what to say. If you're wondering how to have these conversations with your children, join Ellie Springer, M.Ed., for a discussion with tips about how to talk about race and racism with young children, receive information on quality children's books on this topic, and recommended websites for further adult learning. This program is appropriate for parents of babies through elementary school. Please join us on Thursday, August 22, 7-8:30 p.m., and bring your questions. First Connections is the local CFCE through the Mass. Dept. of Early Education and Care, providing free playgroups, new parent support, parenting topics and resources to families with children age 0-6. To receive the link for this program, email

Help Support People Affected by Domestic Violence in Our Communities

Domestic Violence Services Network, Inc. (DVSN) is looking for interested community members to participate in their FREE September 2024 Volunteer Advocate Training program at the Lexington Police Department.
The 40-hour training is designed to familiarize the volunteers with the many aspects of domestic violence and give them the skills necessary to provide confidential and appropriate services to DVSN’s clients. Once trained, DVSN’s volunteer Advocates provide direct service over the phone, at the Concord District Court, and at Emerson Hospital to people affected by domestic violence.
The September 2024 training will be held over three weeks from September 9th to September 27th on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6:00 PM to 9:15 PM and Friday days 9:15 AM to 3:30 PM. For those who wish to activate as Advocates, an additional 10 to 12 hours of individual field training will take place after successful completion of the classroom segment.
The training is provided at no cost to attendees. All necessary materials will be provided. To learn more about DVSN and its programs, services, and events, visit
Those interested in more information about the training or who want to request an application should call (978) 318-3421 or send an e-mail to Applications are due no later than Monday, August 26, 2024.
Comedy night littleton

Comedy Night in Littleton

Start the new season off on a high note. Sit down for some epic stand-up comedy. On Friday night September 6, a trio of comedians will entertain you at the Congregational Church of Littleton, 330 King St. First up: Mark Shea and John Kelly, who will likely share their experiences with road trips gone wrong, social commentary, relatable medical experiences, and personal foibles that will make you laugh at them and, gently, at yourself. Both are experienced performers at clubs, on campuses, and at community events. The headliner is Frank O’Donnell, who was inducted into the Rhode Island Comedy Hall of Fame. The honor finds him in stellar company, including his close friend, writer Danny Smith of “Family Guy.” Frank has written for comics like Bob Hope and Jay Leno. Frank’s passion, besides comedy, is a foundation he started, The Keri Anne O’Donnell Memorial Fund. The foundation commemorates his daughter Keri, a dancer and performer, who died in an auto accident. It provides scholarships for students of performance who need a financial hand up. You never know what Frank will talk about: weight loss (and gain), shows gone very, very wrong, and maybe what it is like to be the quiet kid who made everybody laugh. There may be an extra treat: the church’s pastor is Reverend Jen Munroe Nathans, a friend of Frank’s and a seasoned comic herself with experience at Chicago’s famous Second City in her resume. Tickets are $15 until September and $20 thereafter, including at the door if the event isn’t sold out. Get your tickets by calling the church office at 978 486 3245. The fun begins at 7 pm; doors open at 6:30. This is a great way to kick off the fall school-and-overwhelming-calendars season with good hearty laughs, which are actually healthy. Imagine that: something fun that’s actually good for you. Join us!

Join in Joyous Song!

Sounds of Stow Chorus welcomes all area singers to their Open Rehearsals, August 26, September 2 and 9; First Parish Church in Stow Center (353 Great Road), from 7-9 pm. Come as early as 6:30 to meet and greet your fellow singers. Our 46th season opens with “Baroque Brilliance: 1685 — It was a Very Good Year!” , 2:00 November 24 at Maynard High School. We open with Giovanni Gabrieli’s stunning “Jubilate Duo” for double chorus and brass, then feature the three great Baroque composers all born in 1685 — Scarlotti (two beautiful motets), Handel (delightful and sensuous selections from Solomon); and Bach’s profound “Gerechte kommt um”, closing the program with his familiar “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring. All are accompanied by full orchestra. Once again we have been invited to sing in three performances of “Christmas Magic” with the Vista Philharmonic at the spectacular, world-class performance venue, Groton Hill Performance Center. What a wonderful way to welcome the holiday season, and to experience the Gabrieli and other popular favorites from the stage of this extraordinary hall! “Romantic Riches: music by Mendelssohn and Brahms” explores the emotional depths of these great composer, including Mendelssohn’s Psalm 42 and Brahms’ motets, Nanie and Schicksalslied, again with full orchestra. Concert is April 13 at Littleton High School. The season closes June 1 with “A Garden of Song”, featuring music by diverse composers such as Sarah Quartel, Elaine Hagenberg, Melanie DeMore and others. We are a friendly and welcoming group whose singers hail from 20+ towns in the Metrowest area and beyond. Membership is open to anyone who can match pitch, learn the music, and blend with the other voices. We particularly need some strong Tenor voices to join our group for the upcoming year. Artistic Director Barbara Jones and Assistant Artistic Director Christina Kennedy promote serious musicianship at weekly rehearsals that are lively, challenging, educational, and always fun! For further information, please visit or email

Westford Women’s Club Fall Kickoff Meeting: “Salads and Sweets”

Monday, September, 23 @6:30 p.m. at Cameron Senior Center, 20 Pleasant St, Westford.
Enjoy an array of salads and sweet treats while getting to know women of different ages and backgrounds who are active in Westford and the surrounding communities. Learn about upcoming social activities, service projects, and community outreach events. Find out how you can become involved. Free. Please R.S.V.P. and receive more info, contact:  Visit us on Facebook or stop by our table at the Annual Townwide Yard Sale on September 28 at Abbot School. WWC is a member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) and GFWC Massachusetts (GFWC MA)
Heritage chorale

Sing with Us!

Announcing Open Rehearsals on Tuesday, September 3rd and 10th. Open Rehearsals give potential new members a chance to sing with us and audition after the rehearsal if they are interested in chorale membership. You can experience the energy, talent and dedication of Heritage Chorale singers, our inspired music director Steve Lipsitt, and expert accompanist Kevin Neel. Now in our 88th season, we uphold the tradition of choral excellence established so many years ago in Framingham, MA.
We rehearse at Scott Hall, 24 Vernon Street, Framingham on Tuesday evenings from 7:30-10pm. Performing three concerts a season (September through May), we often include professional orchestras and soloists.
For more information about rehearsals, auditions, membership, and Covid precautions, please see

Discovery Day Open House at Concord Conservatory of Music

Instrument Exploration for Kids & Adults on Saturday, September 7, from 1 – 3 pm
Join us for a free, fun, and interactive afternoon event for kids and adults! Try out instruments you’ve never even held before at the Concord Conservatory of Music’s Discovery Day Open House. Experience our hands-on Instrument Exploration, which allows you to play various instruments in a safe environment. We’ll guide you to determine which instrument and group class is right for you and your kids. Develop and enhance your skills with our extremely knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and innovative faculty. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced musician, you'll connect with an instructor who suits your needs and goals. At CCM, we match every student with an instructor who tailors their teaching to support your growth and aspirations. Experience free 30-minute Music & Movement and Group Keyboard demo classes. For children from newborn to age 11, select demo classes that match their age and interests. Sign up in advance: Introduce your kids to the world of music through singing, dancing, and games! CCM Early Childhood and Music & Movement group classes help kids develop social, cognitive, and emotional skills while having fun with music. Young musicians explore the qualities of music through movement—learning about pitch, phrasing, accents, and more. Group Keyboard allows students ages 5 – 7 to learn to read music and play the piano through songs, games, movement, and educational activities. The small classes of students move together as a group, covering note reading, rhythm skills, and ear training by singing with solfège. For new students seeking private lessons, visit CCM’s website and submit a Student Interest Form or call (978) 369- 0010 so that we can learn more about you. Concord Conservatory of Music is the area’s non-profit community music school, located at 1317 Main Street in the West Concord Union Church. Financial assistance is available.
About CCM: Concord Conservatory of Music is an energetic community of people who are passionate about music education. CCM enrolls more than 400 students annually and offers programs for all ages and abilities. As a non-profit school, CCM serves Concord, MA, and 15 surrounding communities. Its curriculum includes private instruction, group classes, and performance opportunities.
Family fun day

Community Family Fun Day

Sunday August 18, 2024 from 12 pm to 3 pm
Hudson Seventh Day Adventist Church at 94 Marlborough Street, Hudson, MA
Please join us for a fun day with games, events, music, food for the entire family;  free entry

#realtalkwithrayla! - FPC Summer Service

Rayla Baldwin-Mattson, Director of Religious Education for First Parish Church of Stow & Acton (FPC), tries to live as openly and honestly as possible. Rayla does this through storytelling and humor, often tagging things with #realtalkwithrayla! Come join Rayla on a fun journey through Rayla’s learning of some of life’s lessons! The service will take place both in person and virtually on Aug. 18 at 10 a.m. Masking is optional. Child care is available for all in-person summer services. To enter the virtual room, go to FPC warmly welcomes gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. The church is located at 353 Great Rd., Stow. Its facilities are wheelchair accessible. For more information, visit

Peach Social

The Littleton Historical Society will be holding its annual Peach Social on Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 6:30-8:00 pm at the Houghton Memorial Building on 4 Rogers Street. Come enjoy a summer dessert with peaches from Theo’s Market Gardens, visit our museum, and chat with friends. See you there!
Why me

14th Annual Ride for Why Me-Sherry's House-Helping Families with Cancer - September 8th Hudson Eagles

"People Helping People"-the motto of the Fraternal Order of Eagles! With that, the Hudson Eagles are pleased to invite you to join us in support of our 14th Annual Ride for Why Me-Sherry's House on Sunday Sept 8th at the Hudson MA Eagles-271 Cox Street. Registrations begin at 9:00am with Kick Stands up at 11:00am.  Donation of $20 for rider and the passenger $10.  Don't ride? Join us at 1:00 for the BBQ for a donation of $10.00.
Enjoy the great ride up to Princeton and arrive back at the Eagles around 1:15 for cookout and chances for some great donations.
Why Me is a Worcester Based non-profit organization created to help  families  who are being treated at Boston Children's Hospital and UMass Oncology cope with childhood cancer. Why Me is not affiliated with any national organization. These children come from all over the world to be treated at our great hospitals.
Why Me was started in 1985 by 13-year-old Sherry Shepherd during her four year battle with cancer. In the last months of her life, Sherry became determined to do something that would have a lasting value in the community to help children with cancer. With the help of her dad, she founded the non-profit organization WHY ME, which stands for Worcester Help for Youth, Memories Everlasting.
Today, over 36 years later, Why Me offers a comprehensive approach to supporting the entire family through a pediatric cancer diagnosis. We are here from the moment a family hears the words “your child has cancer” and continues throughout every step of their journey. When a child is diagnosed with cancer, the effect on the entire family is profound and pervasive. The initial diagnosis is devastating, followed by fear and anxiety for all that lies ahead. Pediatric cancer protocols can last years and life is disrupted not just emotionally but financially as well. Through our all-encompassing support services and programs, families find the tools and assistance needed to manage these changes. The organization continues to be managed in part by individuals who have had a child with cancer and wish to help others who now face the same challenge. This deeply felt personal perspective serves as a guiding light in delivering services that are essential, compassionate and life affirming.
What “support” means:
While a childhood cancer diagnosis may be the most difficult challenge a family can face, with tangible support, guidance and friendship, together we can make this difficult time a little easier. Through family fun events, dinners, group outings, summer camp and other programs, families forge enduring bonds of friendship through the power of a shared common experience. From support groups, to logistical and financial support, as well as staff visits – whether at home, hospital or clinic – families receive support to address the specific ways their families’ lives have been disrupted. At Why Me we are always striving to meet the unique and increased needs of every family with ever-expanding programming that benefits each child and each family here in our community now, when they need it most. All support and services Why Me provides are free of charge.

Supporting Someone with a Mental Health Condition?

The Family to Family course from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) could prove helpful to you. This is a free, evidence-based, eight-session, weekly course for family members and friends of individuals living with mental health conditions. Topics include understanding the symptoms of mental health conditions, learning about treatments and therapies, practicing communication and problem-solving skills, creating a positive team approach, and self-care. Importantly, the course offers family members the invaluable opportunity of open conversation and mutual support in a stigma-free environment. The class is taught by NAMI trained family members. The NAMI Central Middlesex local affiliate will host two sessions of the course this fall. The first will meet in person in Winchester on Saturdays from 9:00-11:30 am, starting September 14th. The second course will be available via Zoom, meeting on Tuesdays from 6:30-9:00 pm, starting September 24th. Learn more and register at:

Town of Acton to Share in $187,450 State Grant to Implement Bike Sharing Program

Town Manager John S. Mangiaratti announces that the Town of Acton will share in a $187,450 grant from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) to implement a bike share program.
The grant will be divided among Acton, Concord, Maynard, and Lincoln.
The Town of Acton will use the funding to implement a three-year regional bike share program. The program will consist of seven stations and 42 bikes,
including seven adaptive bikes across the four communities. These bikes can be used for recreational purposes or to commute to and from one of the four commuter rail stations along the bike share's route. The program stations will be located at Brook Street, Concord Road/East Acton Village Green, and the South Acton Commuter Lot Station.
Making bikes accessible to residents increases bike connections across the region while improving the Town's health, equity, and environmental preservation. The program also aims to improve access to existing public transportation.
MassDOT awarded $6.5 million in funding to 28 municipalities and two Regional Transit Authorities (RTAs) as part of the Healey-Driscoll Administration’s Shared Streets and Spaces Program. The program provides project funding to help municipalities design and implement changes to curbs, streets, and parking areas in support of public health, safe mobility, and community growth and revitalization. 
The four towns applied for the grant after the success of the 2023 Minuteman Bike Share pilot program, in the hopes of closing last mile connections to public transportation and lowering emissions in the transportation sector by decreasing community-wide dependency on vehicles.
"This funding is essential in expanding our efforts to provide accessible recreation and transportation options to our community," said Town Manager Mangiaratti. "Residents received the pilot program positively, and we are happy to be able to continue and expand this program."
Improving the odds

The challenges facing today’s kids: Free sessions offer solutions

Research shows that American kids today are more likely to be anxious or depressed than American kids from a couple of decades ago. It also shows an alarmingly widening gender gap in academic achievement: the boys are getting left in the dust. This is not because girls are doing better (although they are), but primarily because boys are doing worse. Yet girls have their own challenges. While alcohol and drug use among boys has remained stable or even dropped over the last 40 years, use among girls has soared. As if these challenges weren’t enough, any parent today knows that guiding kids safely through the obstacles of social media and video games is an exhausting and uphill climb.
Dr. Leonard Sax will share evidence-based insights and research-backed solutions related to these topics and more in a series of informational sessions titled Improving the Odds for Our Kids and hosted by Mt. Calvary Church in Acton, MA, in September. A physician, psychologist, and author of the New York Times bestseller The Collapse of Parenting, Dr. Sax has spoken about topics relevant to raising and working with today’s youth at more than 500 schools, juvenile correctional facilities, communities of faith, and other venues around the world.
“I’m really excited to be bringing Dr. Sax and his message to the greater Acton community,” says Kerry Evans, one of the event organizers and a Harvard resident. “I first read his book Boys Adrift when my teenage sons were little, and it left a huge impression on me. It changed the way I raised my kids.”
“As a grandmother raising two grandchildren with ADHD, I’m excited to hear Dr. Sax’s evidence-based advice for guiding our kids to become capable, confident adults,” adds co-organizer Dawn Phelan, who is planning to attend all sessions.
But the sessions aren’t just for parents and grandparents. Educators, medical professionals, and anyone interested in supporting kids will find them relevant.
“I first heard Dr. Sax interviewed as a guest on a podcast, and I was really interested in what he had to say about the importance of ‘rites of passage’ for girls and boys on their journey to becoming healthy women and men,” says Acton resident Naomi Veeder. “Even though I don't have children of my own, I have nieces, nephews and friends' children that are in my life and that I care deeply about, and so I'm looking forward to hearing more from him on how I can support them on their journey to adulthood.”
The sessions take place Friday and Saturday, September 27 and 28 and are free and open to the public. However, because space is limited, the organizers suggest that people register ahead of time to reserve their spot. For more information and to register, visit If you have questions, email or call (978) 263-5156. Mt. Calvary is located at 472 Massachusetts Avenue, Acton, MA. Parking (including handicap) is available behind the church, off Prospect Street. Parking attendants will direct attendees to overflow parking options.

Community Blood Drive.
Save a life on August 13th!

Please help!
Cornerstone Congregational Church is proud to sponsor our next blood drive with the American Red Cross on Tuesday August 13th from 9AM to 2PM. Each pint of blood we collect can help save up to three lives and will touch the lives of so many more. What a great way to pay it forward and make an impact on people in our community and across the country. An estimated 38 percent of Americans are eligible to give blood or platelets, but of those, less than 10 percent actually donate each year. If you are healthy and eligible, please come out to donate. Most donations take about an hour, so book your appointment, roll up your sleeve and become a part of the lifesaving mission of the Red Cross.
Thank you!!
Cornerstone Congregational Church
32 Graniteville Road
Westford, MA 01886
For an appointment, please visit
Or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).

Open House @ AHS

Sunday, August 11th from 2-5PM , the Acton Historical Society will hold an open house.
This event will include our 1760's duplex and 1822 barn.
Come and see how family life was 260 years ago.
Also visit our exhibit about Acton schools and see how education has evolved.
We are located at 300 Main Street, Acton.
There is no admission fee but your free will offering is appreciated.
Visit us at

Crafters Wanted

Do you have a small business where you build, bake, create beautiful items from scratch?
Here's a place to be seen and sell your creations!  St. Nicholas' Annual Craft Fair (formerly St. Anthony's) will take place at Derosier Hall at 33 Chapel Street in Shirley, across from St. Anthony Church on Saturday, November 30, 2024, from 9am-4pm.
This is the 19th year of this well-loved craft fair and we'd love to have you participate.
Deadline for applications is October 6.  A registration form to apply for one or more spots and other information can be found at .  For more information, email Marianne Cooper at or call 978-772-0727.

Help Support People Affected by Domestic Violence in Our Communities

Domestic Violence Services Network, Inc. (DVSN) is looking for interested community members to participate in their FREE September 2024 Volunteer Advocate Training program at the Lexington Police Department.
The 40-hour training is designed to familiarize the volunteers with the many aspects of domestic violence and give them the skills necessary to provide confidential and appropriate services to DVSN’s clients. Once trained, DVSN’s volunteer Advocates provide direct service over the phone, at the Concord District Court, and at Emerson Hospital to people affected by domestic violence.
The September 2024 training will be held over three weeks from September 9th to September 27th on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6:00 PM to 9:15 PM and Friday days 9:15 AM to 3:30 PM. For those who wish to activate as Advocates, an additional 10 to 12 hours of individual field training will take place after successful completion of the classroom segment.
The training is provided at no cost to attendees. All necessary materials will be provided. To learn more about DVSN and its programs, services, and events, visit
Those interested in more information about the training or who want to request an application should call (978) 318-3421 or send an e-mail to Applications are due no later than Monday, August 26, 2024.

Westford Women’s Club Fall Kickoff Meeting: “Salads and Sweets”

Monday, September, 23 @6:30 p.m. at Cameron Senior Center, 20 Pleasant St, Westford.
Enjoy an array of salads and sweet treats while getting to know women of different ages and backgrounds who are active in Westford and the surrounding communities. Learn about upcoming social activities, service projects, and community outreach events. Find out how you can become involved. Free. Please R.S.V.P. and receive more info, contact:  Visit us on Facebook or stop by our table at the Annual Townwide Yard Sale on September 28 at Abbot School. WWC is a member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) and GFWC Massachusetts (GFWC MA)
Acton police

Acton Police Deploy Body-Worn Cameras and Cruiser Mounted Cameras

Chief James Cogan is pleased to report that the Acton Police Department has completed a pilot program and is now deploying body-worn cameras department wide.
The pilot program, which involved four patrol officers and two supervisors, began last August and lasted until this month, when police issued body-worn cameras to all full-time, sworn police officers and installed cruiser mounted cameras in all marked patrol vehicles.
Purchase of this equipment was made possible thanks to a more than $135,000 grant from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Office of Grants and Research, as well as a $100,000 appropriation from Acton Town Meeting.
"We are excited to be taking this major step to increase the transparency of the Acton Police Department," said Chief Cogan. "We have been working on our pilot program and fully deploying body-worn and cruiser mounted cameras for almost a year now, and we have finally achieved our goal of deploying the cameras with all of our officers."
Prior to the launch of the program, the department completed research into policy and best practices, vetted vendors, negotiated with the police union, worked with the selected vendor to tailor the system for the department’s needs, and developed formal policies for camera use and data storage.
Officers are now required by department policy to wear a body camera at all times during their shift. Policy dictates that they activate the camera during all interactions with the public that are a result of a call for service, or any investigative or enforcement activity. Officers will take privacy concerns into consideration when activating the body-worn camera in certain areas, such as private residences or medical facilities.
Wearing body cameras demonstrates a departments' commitment to transparency and accountability and helps improve policing practices so that officers may better serve their communities.
Research done by the Bureau of Justice Assistance suggests that implementing a body-worn camera program has led to reductions in crime, police-generated incidents, assaults against police officers, and complaints against police officers in certain communities.

Myles Above in Heaven

(An intimate support group for Mothers in the loss of a child)
Saturday August 17th
Community Room at the Avidia Financial Center
17 Pope Street, Hudson, MA

Saturday August 24th
Duffy Properties
135 Beaver Street, Waltham, MA

Celebrate Farmers Market Week August 4-10

August 4 – 10 has been designated 2024 National and Massachusetts Farmers Market Week. This celebration of Farmers' Markets recognizes how they increase access to fresh food, support local farmers and food producers and build community.
Summer produce is reaching its peak with corn, tomatoes, eggplant and peaches all available. During the week, there are many opportunities for area residents to visit one or more farmers markets. On Sunday, the Acton-Boxborough Farmers’ Market is held at 19 Elm Street in Acton from 10am – 1pm, On Tuesday, visit the Hudson Farmers Market from 3:30-6:30 pm at 76 Main St in front of Town Hall. Saturday, there are two local options: visit , the Maynard Farmers’ Market from 9am-1pm in the Mill Pond parking lot on Main St, or or the Marlborough Farmers Market at 19 Weed st behind city hall from 9am--1pm, . The Hudson, Marlborough and Maynard markets can all be easily accessed from the Assabet River Rail Trail
In addition to offerings such as local fruits, vegetables, cut flowers, baked goods, meats, dairy, eggs, coffee, pasta, cider, wine and other specialty items, most farmers' markets are gathering places that often feature artisans, musical performances, community information, kids’ activities and special events such as and cooking demonstrations. Many MA Farmers' Markets also accept Senior / WIC Farmers' Market coupons and SNAP benefits. Check the individual market websites for details.  Let's make this the week everyone visits a farmers' market to find out what all the excitement is about!

Renew Thrift Shop Summer Sale

Renew Thrift Shop of Littleton is having an early 50% off Summer sale that will last 2 weeks, starting on Thursday August 1st.
Renew is located in the First Baptist Church on 461 King St, although supported by Friends of the Littleton Council on Aging, which is a nonprofit 501c. All proceeds, after expenses are paid, benefit the seniors of Littleton. In-season donations of mens and women’s clothing can be made during shop hours. Monetary donations can also be made and are tax deductible, and help defray the cost of rent. What we don’t sell, we donate to others in need. Our hours are Thursday and Friday from 11-4, and Saturday 10-1. We hope you stop by.

Upcoming Events at the Acton COA

The Council on Aging at the Human Services & Senior Center is located at 30 Sudbury Rd, Rear.
Telephone: 978-929-6652, Email:     
Website:  Facebook:
Hours: Mon, Wed & Thurs: 8:00am-5:00pm, Tues 8:00am-7:30pm, and Fri 8:00am-12 noon

Monday Movie Matinee
Rita Moreno: Just a Girl Who Decided to Go for It
August 5th, 1:00-2:30 pm
(2021, PG-13) Documentary about the life and work of Rita Moreno, from her humble beginnings in Puerto Rico to her success on Broadway and Hollywood and the prejudice and sexism she overcame.
Japanese Tea Ceremony & Wagashi Cooking Class with Asako Judson    

Tuesday, August 6th, 2:00-3:00 pm                                                           
Acton seniors only                                                                      
The Japanese tea ceremony, or “chanoyu,” is a traditional practice where people enjoy matcha, a powdered green tea. The host prepares and serves the tea with graceful and mindful steps. It is all about appreciating the moment, the tea, and the company you are with, resulting in a peaceful and reflective experience. Participants will also learn to make a traditional wagashi sweet and how to prepare and serve matcha tea for a ceremony. Asako Judson, who lives in Acton, has worked at several restaurants and as a private chef and caterer.
Technology Help Appointments with Acton Memorial Library
Thursday, August 8th, 10:00-11:00 am                   
Acton seniors only   
Need help with common smartphone (iPhone or Android), tablet, or laptop functions? Join Rebecca Schmidt, Acton Memorial Library’s Community Engagement Librarian, at the Senior Center for one-on-one help with your device! Bring your fully charged device and your questions, and Rebecca will troubleshoot technology problems alongside you. If Rebecca can’t help with a specific problem you are having, she will do her best to find the right resources that can help you. Call the COA to reserve a 15-minute appointment.
The Funniest Moments in Film
Thursday, August 8th, 1:00-2:00pm                                                          
Open to out-of-town seniors for $5
This interactive presentation by award-winning author and pop culture historian Marty Gitlin highlights the best of the best funniest moments in film from the silent era to the modern era. Marty will show videos of the best laugh-out-loud scenes from the 1920s to today, including snippets of such stars as Harold Lloyd, Groucho Marx, Woody Allen, Peter Sellers, Gene Wilder, Leslie Nielsen, John Candy, and Robin Williams. You will be entertained by the funniest moments in such comedies as It Happened One Night, A Night at the Opera, The Producers, The Pink Panther Strikes Again, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Naked Gun, Mrs. Doubtfire, The Birdcage and Planes, Trains and Automobiles. He will discuss why they are considered the funniest ever and the impact they made on pop culture. The presentation will include plenty of fun trivia questions and a question-and-answer period. This one is a blast so make sure to join in!
Chess Lessons with Ken LeBow                                                       
Thursdays, ongoing, 1:00-3:30 pm
Open to all seniors/free                                  
Acton resident Ken Lebow teaches this class that is best for people with some chess experience who know how the pieces move and the concepts of check and checkmate. You will play games and get feedback. Chess sets supplied by the COA. If you are a true beginner, Ken is happy to meet with you at the Senior Center to teach you the basics. Just let us know if that’s the case and Ken will get in touch with you to arrange some times to meet. Ken LeBow has been playing chess for over 50 years. He started a chess club and lessons for seniors in Pennsylvania and has been teaching and leading chess club in Acton, in person and virtually, since 2013.
Chess Club                                                                                                              
Thursdays, 1:00-4:00 pm
Open to all seniors/free                                                                                                                   
Players with some chess experience get together for games at the Senior Center. You only need to know the basics to play.
Come and play pool! Table available during regular opening times. We have cues and chalk or bring your own. Available for all seniors.
Beerfest photo new

Family-Friendly Craft Beer & Food Truck Festival

The third annual Assabet Craft Beer & Food Truck Festival will include local craft beer brewers, food trucks, music from Becky & the Swingin’ Bards, and a separate, dedicated children’s area with games and crafts.
General admission is $5-10 donation per person, with those 12 and under admitted free. Drink tickets are $5, and soft drinks and bottled water will be available at food trucks. The event will proceed rain or shine.
The festival will take place on Saturday, Aug. 31, from 12 to 4 p.m., at First Parish Church of Stow & Acton, 353 Great Road, Stow, MA. Its facilities are wheelchair accessible. For more information, contact or visit

Multigenerational Game Night at FPC Stow

All are welcome to a multigenerational game night that takes place on the third Friday of the month at First Parish Church of Stow & Acton (FPC). Children under 13 must be accompanied by an adult. Enjoy free parking, free snacks, and free fun!
The next Game Night will take place on Friday, Aug 16, from 7 to 9 p.m. FPC is a nut-free location. It’s located at 353 Great Rd, Stow. Its facilities are wheelchair accessible

Guest Table Community Dinner

Guest Table is a community dinner that takes place on the second Friday of each month at First Parish Church of Stow & Acton (FPC). The next dinner will take place on Aug. 9. It will begin at 5:30 p.m., with doors opening at 5 p.m. All are welcome! There’s no charge for dinner, but donations are gratefully accepted. FPC is a nut-free location.
FPC is located at 353 Great Road, Stow. Its facilities are wheelchair accessible. When parking, please keep a clear path for emergency vehicles; do not block the driveway around the front of the sanctuary; park only on the 117 side of Commons Rd.; and do not block access to the back of the building. Thank you!
This program is supported in part by grants from the Stow Community Chest, Nashoba Valley Rotary, and the Acton-Boxborough United Way. Guest Table is also grateful for the consistent support it receives from the Stow Council on Aging and the Stow Food Pantry, as well as the support from so many individuals who donate and volunteer.

Joint Unitarian Universalist Sunday Service

First Parish Church of Stow & Acton will join several Unitarian Universalist (UU) churches at the 21st annual Joint UU Summer Service.
First Church Unitarian of Littleton will host the service on Aug. 4 at 10 a.m., led by Rev. Lara Hoke. There will be a pick-up choir, with all singers welcome and rehearsal beginning at 8:30 a.m.
The annual service includes the UU churches serving Bolton, Fitchburg, Harvard, Lancaster, Leominster, Littleton, Marlborough/Hudson, and Stow/Acton.
First Church Unitarian of Littleton is located at 19 Foster St, Littleton. A link will be posted at for those who wish to attend virtually.

Mt. Calvary Community Supper “All are Welcome”

Join us at our Sit-Down Supper! We are welcoming all our guests inside to join neighbors and friends at the tables in our Air-Conditioned Fellowship Hall. Welcome Summer! We look forward to sharing a meal and friendship with you.
Where: Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church of Acton, 472 Massachusetts Ave., Acton MA 01720
Time: Dinner is served 4:30pm – 5:45pm Doors will open at 4:15pm. Please, do not enter prior so our volunteers can prepare your Supper.
Parking: Park your car in the back parking lot and enter from the walkway to the church door.
August 2024 Menu:
8/7 Beef Macaroni Bolognese: “Bring a Friend Night”
Sponsored by Friends of Mike Tobia
8/14 Cajun Pork Chop
Sponsored by Thrivent Financial
8/21 Pepper Steak Subs with Cheese: “Birthday Night”
Sponsored by Boston Metro West Bible Church
8/28 Huli Huli Hawaiian Chicken
Sponsored by Friends of Mt. Calvary Community Supper
** Please note that the meals we serve may contain gluten, nuts, seeds, or dairy.
No more worries about the heat. We have Air Conditioning!! We are so grateful for the support and dedication of so many individuals, community organizations, church members and the team of our Supper volunteers. Together we hope that each meal we share will bring us closer together.

Free Infant Massage Workshop

First Connections is offering a free infant massage class for pre-crawling babies which will take place on Tuesdays, August 6, 13, 20, and 27, from 2-3:00 at our office in Acton. Mary Beilman is a Certified Educator of Infant Massage through Infant Massage USA. New strokes will be taught each week that combine Swedish and Indian Massage in addition to reflexology. Massage can help babies with sleep, gas, and fussiness. It also enhances the connection between caregiver and baby. Each class will include discussion, demonstration of strokes, and time for questions and answers. To register for this class, please email Linda at First Connections is the local CFCE grant program through the Mass. Dept. of Early Education and Care providing free playgroups, parenting topics, resources and new parent support to families in 11 towns.

First Connections Offers a Free Live Webinar

First Connections invites parents and caregivers to a free live webinar about talking to young children about race and racism in age-appropriate ways. We teach children to recognize colors and to categorize objects by similarities and differences, but when a child remarks on someone's skin color, eye shape, or other physical characteristics, many caregivers feel embarrassed and don't know what to say, because we were taught not to talk about race. We now know that talking explicitly with children about skin color, race, ethnicity and discrimination is the best way to prevent them from absorbing the racist ideas prevalent in our culture and media. But it's hard to know where to start and what to say. If you're wondering how to have these conversations with your children, join Ellie Springer, M.Ed., for a discussion with tips about how to talk about race and racism with young children, receive information on quality children's books on this topic, and recommended websites for further adult learning. This program is appropriate for parents of babies through elementary school. Please join us on Thursday, August 22, 7-8:30 p.m., and bring your questions. First Connections is the local CFCE through the Mass. Dept. of Early Education and Care, providing free playgroups, new parent support, parenting topics and resources to families with children age 0-6. To receive the link for this program, email

Climate Café: Travel with Climate Awareness

When: Tuesday, August 6, 6-7pm
Where: Acton Memorial Library, 486 Main St., Acton, MA
Acton: Many of us need or want to travel, but we are increasingly aware that some forms of travel have a significant climate impact. This Climate Café looks at three elements of the travel dilemma. 1) What are the climate costs of travel? 2) Can we reimagine or re-prioritize how we travel? And 3) when we do need to travel long distances, are there sustainability tips to help lessen the CO2 consequences of transportation? We will explore how people, near and far, are addressing these issues with some innovative approaches. Please come and share your thoughts and ideas! More info at or at the Acton Memorial Library.

Come see Boxborough’s Treasures

The Boxborough Museum at 575 Middle Road will be open from  2 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday August 11.  Come see Boxborough’s historic treasures including the 1850’s scale which is sensitive enough to weigh a penny and strong enough to calibrate a 50 pound weight, the “new” hearse built in 1881, and the “old” hearse (come and see how old is old).  Admission is free and all are welcome. For more information or if anyone wishes to arrange a private tour for a small group at a different time please call John Fallon at 978-264-0069.

Chelmsford Historical Society Holding Classic Car Show

The Chelmsford Historical Society, in collaboration with Goonz Car Club Massachusetts, will be holding a classic car show on Sunday, August 11, 2024 from 1-4pm.
All pre-1970 cars and trucks are welcome at the event. The show will feature the 1959 Raven, a custom car designed and built by Arthur Bentas in Chelmsford from 1950-1959. It has won numerous awards and was bought by Joe Germann in 2007 and restored in time to celebrate its 50th anniversary of winning the 1959 NHRA National Championship Custom Car Show Trophy.
The car show will be held rain or shine at the Barrett-Byam Homestead, located at 40 Byam Road, Chelmsford, MA. There will be food for purchase, music, games, a 50/50 raffle, and tours of the house.

Blessing of the Animals - FPC Summer Service

Stow, Mass., July 28 – The annual Blessing of the Animals will be held on the grounds of First Parish Church of Stow & Acton (FPC) on July 28 at 10 a.m. Join FPC member Susan Avery with your animal(s) or representations of them (photos, drawings, etc.) as this service explores the power they have to lift our spirits. We’ll celebrate by collectively blessing each of them.
Because this service will be held outdoors, it will not be streamed. Child care is available for all in-person summer services.
FPC warmly welcomes gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. The church is located at 353 Great Rd., Stow. Its facilities are wheelchair accessible. For more information, visit