Skylight Astronomical Society, Inc. Presents:
A Star Watch at the Stow Minute Man Airfield
Saturday, November 9th from 6:00 PM until 8:30 PM
Rain date: Sunday, November 10th
Well, we’re definitely into the fall season! SAS members will set up their telescopes for guest viewing. This Star Watch has a wonderful show, featuring glorious Saturn with near edge-on rings, Venus if you come early, Jupiter if you stay late, and, of course, the original Terminator on the Moon all night long! See the galaxies of Pegasus and Andromeda, as well as a host of colorful double stars! In conjunction with visual scopes, we will also have a digital imaging system showing some of the fainter deep sky objects.
Scary masks are not required but will be available. If you have COVID-like symptoms or have been in contact with someone ill, we ask that you refrain from attending.
In case of bad weather, a cancellation notice will be posted on our website by 3:00 PM the day of our event. If we do cancel on Saturday, we will try again the next night (Sunday night), so stay tuned to our website for updates.
Saturday, November 9th from 6:00 PM until 8:30 PM
Rain date: Sunday, November 10th
Well, we’re definitely into the fall season! SAS members will set up their telescopes for guest viewing. This Star Watch has a wonderful show, featuring glorious Saturn with near edge-on rings, Venus if you come early, Jupiter if you stay late, and, of course, the original Terminator on the Moon all night long! See the galaxies of Pegasus and Andromeda, as well as a host of colorful double stars! In conjunction with visual scopes, we will also have a digital imaging system showing some of the fainter deep sky objects.
Scary masks are not required but will be available. If you have COVID-like symptoms or have been in contact with someone ill, we ask that you refrain from attending.
In case of bad weather, a cancellation notice will be posted on our website by 3:00 PM the day of our event. If we do cancel on Saturday, we will try again the next night (Sunday night), so stay tuned to our website for updates.