Look for The Friends of the Acton Libraries at Octoberfest
WEST ACTON: The Friends of the Acton Libraries will be one of the local community organizations taking part in the annual Octoberfest Celebration at Gardner Field on September 25 from 10am until 5pm. This is a great time for you to come by to say hi, learn about the mission of The Friends, and pick up a free book for kids or teens. It’s also the perfect opportunity to renew your membership to The Friends.
Be sure you are up to date before the big Friends Used Book Sale. Yes - an actual, in person, all kinds of books, used book sale on October 23 at The Acton Memorial Library! As a member of The Friends, you will be invited to attend the preview night, October 22, the night before the sale. Friends get first crack at the great selection of used books at the sale. This is a huge benefit if you are looking for something special, or just enjoy being there when every single book is available.
The Friends of the Acton Libraries is a volunteer organization dedicated to funding the town's elementary, middle, and high school library budgets. We also provide support to the Acton Memorial Library and West Acton Citizens' Library for programming, museum passes and more. The Friends additionally present scholarships each year to deserving high school seniors. For more information, contact The Friends at friendsofactonlibraries@gmail.com, or visit www.facebook.com/friendsactonlib, or follow them on Twitter at https://twitter.com/friendsactonlib and Instagram at www.instagram.com/friendsactonlib.
Be sure you are up to date before the big Friends Used Book Sale. Yes - an actual, in person, all kinds of books, used book sale on October 23 at The Acton Memorial Library! As a member of The Friends, you will be invited to attend the preview night, October 22, the night before the sale. Friends get first crack at the great selection of used books at the sale. This is a huge benefit if you are looking for something special, or just enjoy being there when every single book is available.
The Friends of the Acton Libraries is a volunteer organization dedicated to funding the town's elementary, middle, and high school library budgets. We also provide support to the Acton Memorial Library and West Acton Citizens' Library for programming, museum passes and more. The Friends additionally present scholarships each year to deserving high school seniors. For more information, contact The Friends at friendsofactonlibraries@gmail.com, or visit www.facebook.com/friendsactonlib, or follow them on Twitter at https://twitter.com/friendsactonlib and Instagram at www.instagram.com/friendsactonlib.