Heritage Chorale Fall Concert

Experience a musical adventure on Sunday, November 24, 4pm, at St. Mark's School, 25 Marlboro Rd., Southborough! This first concert of the Heritage Chorale's 88th season--A Glorious Journey: Vienna & Paris--not only features the music of two style-defining cities, but also music that takes us from classical to modern periods. Professional instrumentalists and vocal soloists will join the Chorale. Visit heritagechorale.org for concert details and to purchase advance tickets from the Chorale's Online Box Office.
Nov 8 updated folk festival

Folk Festival ’24 at First Church Unitarian Littleton

19 Foster St. Littleton, MA November 9, 2024 at 7:00 pm
First Church Unitarian Littleton is ready again this year to bring some joy into your life with Folk Festival ’24. This Folk Festival began so many years ago in a congregants living room! It has grown and changed a lot over these 14 years or so. We are proud to say that this year we have two of my favorite professional bands anywhere playing for us.
First up is the Sarah Levecque Band. Sarah grew up right here in Littleton - actually right here on Foster St. adding some lovely local musical color to match the changing colors of the leaves. The Sarah Levecque Band has become a popular staple of the Boston music scene.
Our headliner act features The Sugarsnap Trio from Burlington, VT. They played last year for Folk Festival ’23 and brought the house down. They say when you hear them for the first time you have to pick your jaw up off the floor - that’s how good they are.
Both bands classify their genre as “Americana”. I know you’ve heard it but you may not have put the music with the name. Americana uses elements from folk, rock, blues, soul and more, all of which have their musical roots in America.
There will be an Intermission offering a range of baked goods and other snacks. Beverages include coffee, tea and hot mulled cider. All for sale for $1 each.
New this year is our 50/50 Raffle. Buy Raffle tickets before the show starts from our funny raffle lady (you’ll know her when you see her) or during Intermission. Toward the end of Intermission, the winning ticket will be drawn and the winner gets 50% of all the cash collected for the Raffle! Folk Festival ’24 tickets are available at the door for $25 and online for $20. Or, you may make a donation of your choice to attend the Festival. Say, “I’d like to make a donation” at the door. First Church Unitarian is located at 19 Foster St., Littleton, MA across from the fire station. Questions? Text Patti at 978-621-1065. See you there!

Crossing the Waters "Water, Wind, Sails, Bones" Fundraiser for African Pilgrimage

Join First Parish at Crossing the Waters Institute for Cultural Exchange's (CTW) fundraiser at First Parish to support a pilgrimage to West Africa! Saturday, November 16, 2024 at 7 pm.
This event aims to raise funds for CTW’s upcoming 2025 pilgrimage to Benin, West Africa, a significant cultural and spiritual journey for descendants of the African diaspora to reconnect with their ancestral roots. The pilgrimage to Benin is a key initiative of CTW, marking the organization’s ongoing mission to heal the wounds of slavery through education, cultural exchange, and spiritual reflection.
The Performance, “Water, Wind, Sails, Bones,” will be presented as a staged reading. It is a powerful performance piece that weaves together dance, poetry, music, song, and the rhythmic pulse of African drumming to tell the story of the Interfaith Pilgrims’ journey and the harrowing experience of the transatlantic slave trade.
$100 suggested donation/pp
Read more: https://fpsudbury.org/2024/10/23/wind-sails-bones/
Free parking is available at First Parish’s Meetinghouse, 327 Concord Road, Sudbury, or across the street, behind Sudbury Town Hall.
Nov 8 concord womens chorus

Concord Women’s Chorus Presents ‘The Harper’s Song’

Concord Women’s Chorus (CWC), fostering the power of women’s voices in song, presents the holiday season concert “The Harper’s Song: A Ceremony of Carols,” on Saturday, December 7, 4 pm, at Trinity Episcopal Church, 81 Elm Street, Concord.  The performance is conducted by CWC Artistic Director Jane Ring Frank, accompanied by Daniel Goldsmith, piano, and Carrie Kourkoumelis, harp.
Benjamin Britten’s “A Ceremony of Carols,” scored for women’s voices and harp, sits at the heart of Concord Women’s Chorus’s December concert of inspired, seasonal works. Marked by innocence, joy, and optimism, this magical sequence of carols is one of the composer’s most beloved works.
The program also includes David Conte’s lyrical “The Harper’s Song” and Elaine Hagenberg’s haunting “O Come, Emmanuel,” both scored for voices, piano, and cello, as well as Ed Henderson’s urgently dramatic “The Huron Carol.” To round out the program, Carrie Kourkoumelis, harpist, performs a sparkling harp solo.
Concord Women’s Chorus is a 45-singer ensemble fostering the power of women’s voices through song, hailing from Concord and the greater Boston area. Artistic Director Jane Ring Frank conducts the chorus performing a wide variety of choral music, ranging from early music to contemporary repertoire, with an emphasis on works written for women’s voices.  CWC’s commitment to the mastery and performance of a dynamic repertoire for women transforms the act of choral singing into an instrument for collaboration, education, and connection. The ensemble features confident singers who care deeply about creating, through women’s voices, a source of strength and inspiration for themselves, the audience, and the world around us.
Tickets to “The Harper’s Song” are $30 adults, $25 seniors and students, $10 children ages 12 and under, available at concordwomenschorus.org and at the door.  Trinity Episcopal Church is fully accessible.  For more information, or to join Concord Women’s Chorus, email manager@concordwomenschorus.org, visit concordwomenschorus.org, and follow Concord Women’s Chorus on Facebook and Instagram.

Bedford Garden Club November Meeting

The Bedford Garden Club meeting on Tuesday, November 12, 2024, will be held at The Residence at Bedford, 240 South Road, Bedford. 9:30 AM: Social period. 10 AM: The Guestspeaker is Michele Schuckel on Winter Blooms - Amaryllis and Paperwhites. The public is invited. Michele will teach about the origin and history of Amaryllis and Paperwhites, provide tips for forcing and care, and demonstrate creative ways of potting these plants for beautiful arrangements from start to finish. Michele will create 3 containers with Amaryllis and/or Paperwhites. These containers will be raffled off at the end of the presentation. There will be a per ticket charge for the raffle. Michele is an experienced, organized and detail-oriented public speaker, and a certified Master Gardener. She is the owner and principal designer of Natural Selections Garden Design, which provides numerous services including designing native gardens, garden installation and maintenance, organic practices, holiday decorating, and instruction and consultation on home composting
Note: Use the main entrance, and the receptionist will point you to the dining room. The Residence suggested that those attending carpool.
Nov 8 needle arts fair

Friends of Acton Council on Aging Needle Arts Fair 2024

Our Needle Arts group has been busy creating many beautiful items just in time for the holidays! Please stop by and browse our collection. Help the Friends of Acton COA support programs and events at the Acton Senior Center. Your support is appreciated!
Date: Tuesday Nov. 19th and Wednesday Nov. 20th
Time: 10:30-1:30pm
Where: Acton Senior Center, 30 Sudbury Rd Rear, Acton, MA 01720
Website: https://friendsofactoncoa.com

Thanksgiving Luncheon at Concord Carlisle High School for All Concord Residents Age 60+

Saturday, Nov. 23rd
Starting at Noon. Doors Open at 11:30 AM.
The Concord Carlisle High School students will again sponsor a delicious Thanksgiving luncheon, free of charge, to the senior citizens of Concord and Carlisle. This scrumptious turkey meal, including gravy, and all the traditional Thanksgiving accompaniments, will be served to you by the CCHS students on Saturday, November 23rd at Concord Carlisle High School between noon and 2:00 PM. Doors open at 11:30 AM. Limited COA van transportation will be available to take people to the luncheon and back home. Please call the COA by Wednesday, November 13th to sign up at 978-318-3020 and be sure to let us know if you need a ride to the high school.

Harvard Lions 34th Annual Citrus Sale Benefits Local Charities

The Harvard Lions are selling fresh oranges and grapefruit. Treat your family to great fruit while at the same time benefiting Lions charities and families in need! We offer Royal Ruby Red grapefruit -- Sweet, thin-skinned and seedless, the flavor is reminiscent of refreshing red grapes and sweet nectarines. California Navel oranges – Easy peeling with the perfect balance between sweet and tart. Seedless and packed with Vitamin C. Grapefruit, oranges and ‘mixed’ are available in 20 lb. boxes for $40 each. Order online through November 21 and have the fruit delivered to your home in Ayer, Bolton, Boxborough, Devens, Harvard, Hudson, Lancaster, Littleton, Maynard, Shirley or Stow by a Harvard Lion on December 14. No need to be home for delivery. If outside our delivery area we can arrange for you to pick up on December 14 in Harvard. For those outside of our local delivery area we also offer a Mail Order Gift Box Option that offers different size options and different varieties of fruit, nuts, candy, soup and cake mixes from $20 to $45. This order can be shipped anywhere in the Continental US. Order by December 15 for delivery by Christmas. More details on the citrus sale can be found at www.harvardlions.com or emailharvardlionsfruitsale@gmail.com.

Divorce Support Group by Remote Meeting

Are you thinking of separating or going through the divorce process? The Metro-West Boston Divorce Support Group is a confidential peer-support group with no religious affiliation. Men and women from all towns are welcome. Our meetings had been every Thursday evening at 7 pm at the South Acton Congregational Church. Now we are continuing weekly on Thursday by remote videoconference. For more information, call Doreen 617-957-0838 or contact paulbaker01@verizon.net

Veterans Day in Acton

The Town of Acton’s Veteran Services Department, as well as the Celebrations and Ceremonies Committee, invite you to join us for this year’s Veterans Day Ceremony. The ceremony will be observed on Monday, November 11th at 11am.  Please park behind Town Hall or behind the Fire Station.  The ceremony will take place outdoors (weather permitting) by the Isaac Davis monument on the town common. In the event of inclement weather, we will move the ceremony to the Faulkner room inside town hall.  All are encouraged to attend. We hope you can join us in paying reverence to our nations’ heroes.
Oct 25 mcc open  house

MCC to Host Fall Biotech and Health Open House on Lowell Campus

Middlesex Community College helps students enter the workforce of some of the most in-demand health and STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) industries in the state. A Fall Open House focused on MCC’s health and biotechnology programs will be held at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, October 29 in Lowell will introduce prospective students and their families to these offerings. “Our health students are well-prepared to enter their field of work with hands-on clinical and lab hours combined with industry-driven curriculum that is taught by professors who are experts in their fields,” said KarenTownsend, MCC’s Dean of Health. “We’re excited to showcase our programs, state-of-the-art spaces, supportive faculty, and award-winning student support services. If you are interested in a rewarding and stable career in health, join us at the event to learn more about how MCC can get you started on your path. ”MCC’s health programs include nursing, dental assisting, dental hygiene, dental laboratory technology, diagnostic medical sonography, healthcare administration, medical assisting, medical laboratory technician, and radiologic technology. During the Open House, attendees can take a tour of the programs’ facilities, such as the dental hygiene clinic, new nursing simulation and laboratory spaces, and the biotechnology lab. “The biotechnology program at MCC is a leader of producing well-prepared graduates to work in the industry inMassachusetts,” said Dr. Marie Tupaj, MCC’s Dean of STEM. “Our faculty bring their experiences working in the field to the classroom in addition to offering practical experiences through our fully renovated lab and paid internship offerings. The Open House will allow us to feature the value of the program, including the career development and networking opportunities we provide to guide our students to success. ”The Lowell Open House will allow students and their families the opportunity to meet with faculty, speak with staff from all the student service areas, take a campus tour, and apply to MCC. Additional experiences include learning about academic and career counseling, financial aid, free tutoring, Dual Enrollment, honors opportunities, and Student Access and Support Services. Middlesex will also host a Fall Open House in Bedford at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, November 6. Students can learn about all programs, take a tour of the Bedford campus, and apply to MCC. “MCC offers many opportunities for students of all ages, backgrounds and goals to reach success,” said Jenna Hurd, MCC’s Assistant Director of Admissions. “Whether you’re exploring your options or are interested in learning more about our biotechnology and health options, we look forward to welcoming you on our campuses for the Open House events! ”Visit www.middlesex.mass.edu/admissions/ for more information and to RSVP for the Fall Open Houses.

South Acton Church Rummage & Bake Sale

Come One, Come All! The South Acton Church famous fall Rummage Sale is back!! Saturday, October 26, 2024 from 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM at 35 School Street in South Acton. The bargains will be Fabulous!
Upstairs, we’ll have delicious baked goods, scrumptious soups, veggie wraps, and beef and vegan chili --- perfect for lunch or take-out! Also, we’ll have our famous frozen entrees, terrific to keep in the freezer for a fast and healthy dinner. Downstairs will be all the deals! Clothes for all ages, housewares, toys, jewelry, and lots of special items, all at stunning bargain prices.
Come check us out!

Memory Lane Café at the Acton Senior Center

November 26, 2024, 12:00-1:30 pm at the Acton Senior Center, 30 Sudbury Road, Rear, Acton. A Memory Café is a welcoming place for people with memory impairment and their care partners/caregivers. Cafés are a place to talk with others, enjoy lunch and an activity or entertainment together. We do ask attendees to bring their care partners. Sponsored by the Acton Council on Aging, Concord Park Assisted Living and Memory Care Community and Cooperative Elder Services, Inc. An RSVP is not required but appreciated. There is no cost to attend. For more information or to RSVP, please call Sharon Mercurio, Acton Council on Aging Director, at 978-929-6652. Groups will be held on the last Tuesday of each month. This group is free and open to the public. Concord Park Assisted Living and Compass Memory Support is a project of the nonprofit Volunteers of America Massachusetts, which has supported local seniors with specialized services for over 75 years.

Hearts, Hugs & Hope:
A Virtual Alzheimer’s Support Group

November 14, 2024, 12:00 pm, hosted by Concord Park Assisted Living and Memory Care Community, 68 Commonwealth Avenue, West Concord. Dealing with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia isn't easy, so it is helpful to share your concerns and personal experiences with others who completely understand what you're going through. You will also learn about proven strategies to help you better care for your family members. Please contact Amanda Spinale, Compass Memory Care Director, at 978-369-4728 oraspinale@concordpark.org for more information and the Zoom link. This group is free and open to the public. Concord Park Assisted Living and Compass Memory Support is a project of the nonprofit Volunteers of America Massachusetts, which has supported local seniors with specialized services for over 75 years.

2024 Women’s Health Event

Date: Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Time: 6:00pm - 8:30pm
Location: The Umbrella Arts Center, 40 Stow St, Concord, MA 01742
Description: Join us for VIP access to women’s health experts. Spend a fun evening with friends, enjoy appetizers and mocktails, learn the latest health trends and prepare for and navigate changes in women’s bodies in our 30’s and beyond. The opportunity to meet some of Emerson’s top female physicians and leaders will follow the program. This event sells out so be sure to get your tickets early! All proceeds will support Women’s Health initiatives at Emerson Health. Cost: $40. Visit:  http://emersonhealth.org/womenshealthevent
Oct 25 jones tavern

Open house at the Faulkner Homestead and Jones Tavern, Sunday, October 27

The Iron Work Farm’s two Acton house museums will be open Sunday afternoon, October 27. Jones Tavern, 128 Main Street, first built in 1732 and opened by Samuel Jones as a tavern in 1750, will be open from 1 to 3:00 p.m. The 1707 Jones-Faulkner Homestead, 5 High Street, will be open from 3 to 5:00 p.m. Visitors can explore the restored rooms of this 1707 “First Period” architectural gem, the oldest house in Acton and home of the owners of the longtime fulling and grist mills on Fort Pond Brook. Members of the Nashoba Valley Weavers’ Guild will be on hand to demonstrate weaving, spinning and other textile crafts. Parking is available on-site or nearby.

The Bedford Garden Club will be
at the Pumpkin Festival

The Bedford Garden Club will be at the Pumpkin Festival at New England Nurseries, at 216 Concord Road, in Bedford, MA on Sat. October 26, from 1 to 4 pm. We will sell our pamphlet, Native and Invasive Plants of Bedford, Massachusetts, and the Surrounding Area. There is a lot happening, so bring the family!

All Souls and Samhain
FPC Sunday Service Oct. 27

First Parish Church of Stow & Acton (FPC), Unitarian Universalist, will hold a service on “All Souls and Samhain.” As the fall turns to winter, FPC’s minister, the Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Landrum, will remember the losses of our community this year and learn how the traditions of All Souls and All Saints are tied to the pagan Samhain. The service takes place both in person in the sanctuary and virtually on Oct. 27 at 10 a.m. The Open House will be held in Fellowship Hall and will be in person only. Masking is optional. Child care for the service only is available for ages 3 and under, and children over 3 are welcomed to join religious education classes. For information about those classes, contact FPC Director of Religious Education Rayla D. Baldwin-Mattson at dre@fpc-stow-acton.org. To enter the virtual room, go to tinyurl.com/22-23fpc. FPC warmly welcomes gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. The church is located at 353 Great Rd., Stow. Its facilities are wheelchair accessible. For more information, visit www.fpc-stow-acton.org.
Oct 25 smack dabs

Good-Time Swing from The Smack Dabs on Nov. 16

Stow’s New Revival Coffeehouse will open its season on Nov. 16 with the good-time swing blues music of the 1930s performed by The Smack Dabs. The Dabs features the songs of Tampa Red, Big Bill Broonzy, The Harlem Hamfats, and many other artists from the swing era. This delightful and timeless genre features a rich variety of musical styles, ranging from mournful blues to joyful celebrations, setting the stage for incredible solo and group improvisations and delighting audiences and dancers alike. The concert takes place at First Parish Church of Stow & Acton, 353 Great Rd., Stow. Doors open at 7pm. and the concert begins at 7:30pm. Tickets are $20 in advance at Tiny.cc/SmackDabs and $25 at the door. For questions, call 978-274-2593 or email coffeehouse@fpc-stow-acton.org. FPC is a nut-free location. Its facilities are wheelchair accessible.

Guest Table Community Dinner

Guest Table is a community dinner that takes place on the second Friday of each month at First Parish Church of Stow & Acton (FPC). The next dinner will take place on Nov. 8. It will begin at 5:30 p.m., with doors opening at 5 p.m. All are welcome! There’s no charge for dinner, but donations are gratefully accepted. FPC is a nut-free location. FPC is located at 353 Great Road, Stow. Its facilities are wheelchair accessible. When parking, please keep a clear path for emergency vehicles; do not block the driveway around the front of the sanctuary; park only on the 117 side of Commons Rd.; and do not block access to the back of the building. Thank you! This program is supported in part by grants from the Stow Community Chest, Nashoba Valley Rotary, and the Acton-Boxborough United Way. Guest Table is also grateful for the consistent support it receives from the Stow Council on Aging and the Stow Food Pantry, as well as the support from so many individuals who donate and volunteer.

First Baptist Church’s 64th Annual Fall Fair

Saturday, October 26th from 9am to 3pm
1580 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington
(In Lexington Center across from the police station)
Crafts; Handmade Items; Jewelry; Fresh Baked Pies, Cakes, Cookies,
Candy, Cheese; Used Book Room; Two Large Rooms of “Yard Sale” Items;
Cookie Walk; various outside vendors
Breakfast at 9:00 am of homemade muffins, coffee, juice hot tea and cider;
Luncheon at 11:30 a.m. of soup, chowder, chili, sandwiches, chips and soda.
FREE popcorn for kids.
Please come and enjoy. www.fbclexington.org

Join us for our annual Pumpkin Festival!

Held at New England Nurseries, 216 Concord Road, Bedford
The event will take place on Saturday, October 26th, from 1 PM to 4 PM. There will be many free activities, including a Spooky Scavenger Hunt, Trick-or-Treating, Face Painting, Kids' Crafts, and more! We'll also have refreshments for purchase, a build-a-scarecrow station, and, of course... pumpkins!
Oct 25 holy family parish

Holiday Fair in Concord

Holy Family Parish, 10 am to 4 pm, November 1 & 2, Monument Hall, 62 Monument Square, Concord, MA. Free Admission. Featuring: Handmade crafts, ornaments, holiday items, scarves, hats, baby items, blankets. Gifts & re-gifts. Children’s toys, puzzles, games, books. Wreaths (pine cone, fabric, cork). Indoor plants. Jewelry. Gift books (all genres, hard cover). Food (baked goods, jams & salsas, “mixin a jar,” candy, vanilla, herbs). Raffle items (large themed baskets & gifts). Silent auction of special items (framed original oil painting, heirloom quality handmade Irish knit afghan, use of a vacation home, and a $200 restaurant gift card. Café from 10 am to 2 pm both days.
Oct 25 recycling bins

You can recycle your hairbrush – really!

And not just your hairbrush – you can also recycle electronic hair tools and appliances, old manual toothbrushes, empty toothpaste tubes, empty toner and ink cartridges, and other surprising items listed here: https://tinyurl.com/littletonmarecycles   We have four collection points in the area:  the Acton or Littleton Donelan’s grocery store, the Reuben Hoar Library in Littleton, and if you have a Littleton transfer sticker, there’s a bin there, too.  Details and pictures on website.
Terracycle gives points for each item which translate into cash for non-profits such as 4-H, schools, and libraries.  This recycling stream helps fund the Acton C.R.A.F.T. 4-H club’s community service activities.  Still have questions?  Email littletonma.recycles@gmail.com

Small Works Art Exhibit at The Lunenburg Library

The Lunenburg Public Library is once again hosting the annual Small Works Art Exhibit this fall and holiday season. This year’s exhibit will open on Saturday, November 16, 2024, in the Wallace Community Room, and remain up until Thursday, January 2, 2025. Artists in Central Massachusetts are encouraged to submit up to three works of art, each under 11”square, by the Friday, November 15th deadline. Handouts with the submission guidelines can be picked up at the library’s front desk. All submissions should be dropped off at the library before the building closes at 6:00 pm on Friday, November 15th to be juried by the Library Director. To celebrate the exhibit installation, visitors are invited to the exhibit opening reception between noon and 2:00 pm on Saturday, November 16th. Guests are also welcome to view the artwork any time during the library’s operating hours, unless the room is in use for an event or meeting. The library asks artists to price their works for sale under $100 – making them wonderful holiday gifts that support local artists and your local library! If you would like more information, please contact Muir Haman at 978-582-4140 ext. 15 or email atmhaman@lunenburgma.gov

Skylight Astronomical Society, Inc. Presents:

A Star Watch at the Stow Minute Man Airfield
Saturday, November 9th from 6:00 PM until 8:30 PM
Rain date: Sunday, November 10th
Well, we’re definitely into the fall season! SAS members will set up their telescopes for guest viewing. This Star Watch has a wonderful show, featuring glorious Saturn with near edge-on rings, Venus if you come early, Jupiter if you stay late, and, of course, the original Terminator on the Moon all night long! See the galaxies of Pegasus and Andromeda, as well as a host of colorful double stars! In conjunction with visual scopes, we will also have a digital imaging system showing some of the fainter deep sky objects.
Scary masks are not required but will be available. If you have COVID-like symptoms or have been in contact with someone ill, we ask that you refrain from attending.
In case of bad weather, a cancellation notice will be posted on our website www.sasobservatory.org by 3:00 PM the day of our event. If we do cancel on Saturday, we will try again the next night (Sunday night), so stay tuned to our website for updates.

Flavors of Bedford Nov. 3

The 24th Flavors of Bedford takes place from 4 to 6 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 3 at Middlesex Community College, 591 Springs Rd. Flavors of Bedford is a festive, fun food sampling event where local restaurants and guests gather for an afternoon of food, spirits, and raffle prizes to help support the local community.
There will be a variety of offerings from local restaurant favorites such as Tashan Bedford, Holi Bedford, Bedford Cupcakes, The Residence at Bedford, Prince Street Café & Bakery, Jersey Mike’s Subs, and Red Heat Tavern. This event is organized by the Bedford Chamber of Commerce with a portion of the proceeds going to the Bedford Education Foundation (BEF), a volunteer organization promoting classroom innovation and empowering teachers and students to meet the growing challenges of the 21st century.
Ticketing and capacity is limited, so purchase early. Tickets for the event may be purchased in advance through the flavorsofbedford.org website. Family and senior discounts are available online. For tickets and to see the community sponsors, participating restaurants, and raffle donors, please visit flavorsofbedford.org or contact the Bedford Chamber of Commerce at bcoc@bedfordchamber.org.

Concord Orchestra Young Artists Competition

Auditions for the Concord Orchestra Young Artists Competition will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, February 5 & 6, 2025 at Concord Academy, 166 Main St., Concord, MA.  The winner will be the featured soloist at the Concord Orchestra's Concerts, on Saturday, May 31 and Sunday, June 1, 2025., and will receive the Ehlers Memorial Scholarship.  The second and third place finishers may be invited to perform a recital prior to these concerts.  The competition is open to high school and younger instrumental students, including pianists.  A complete concerto or other work suitable for performance with orchestra must be memorized for the audition.  Applications are due by January 17, 2025.   For more information and an application form, email:  jan.kinmonth@gmail.com with subject line “Concord Orchestra YA Competition.”    Applications can be made online, and additional information can also be found at https://www.concordorchestra.com/young-artist-concerto-competition.

14th Annual Bedford Chamber of Commerce Trunk or Treat – Friday, Oct. 25, 2024

Bedford's 14th annual Trunk or Treat will be hosted by the Bedford Chamber of Commerce on Friday, Oct. 25 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the Whole Foods parking lot on 175 Great Rd, Bedford MA.
More than 25 chamber members and community groups will be participating with many being dressed for the occasion in their favorite Halloween costumes and with creatively decorated trunks. Treaters will enjoy a safe, family-fun environment going from trunk to trunk for candy, goodies, and giveaways.
This is a free event and is open to all families with young children. Everyone is encouraged to stop by. Costumes encouraged, but not required.

The Alcott Toastmasters Fall Open House Upcoming

Monday, Oct 28th, 2024, from 7-9 PM at The Monument Hall, 62 Monument Square, Concord, MA. Attendees will be able to learn about Toastmasters, experience a real Toastmasters meeting, and participate in prepared speech presentations, speech evaluations, and impromptu speaking with Table Topics questions. We are dedicated to providing a supportive environment for individuals to improve their public speaking and leadership skills. Light refreshments will be served at the meeting.

Local Residents Named to Simmons University Dean's List

The following local residents have been named to the 2024 spring semester dean's list at Simmons University in Boston.
* Alissa Campbell, Acton (01720)
* Bella Mojica, Acton (01720)
* Fran Servello, Acton (01720)
* Sonia Vader, Concord (01742)
* Carly Rieter, Maynard (01754)
* Charlotte Hogan, Sudbury (01776)
To qualify for dean's list status, undergraduate students must obtain a grade point average of 3.5 or higher, based on 12 or more credit hours of work in classes using the letter grade system.
Congratulations to all!!
Oct 25 folk festival

Folk Festival to be held in Littleton on November 9, 2024

First Church Unitarian in Littleton will hold a Folk Festival on Saturday, November 9th at 7:00 p.m. at 19 Foster Street, Littleton.
The headlining artist is award-winning folk-blues-soul act The Sugarsnap Trio. You don't want to miss this talented young group! The Sugar Snap Trio features Collin Cope, harmonica and vocals; Chris Page, guitar and vocals; and Luke Hausermann, upright bass.
The opening artist is the popular Boston-based Sarah Levecque Band with their mixture of folk and blues and “Americana”. The band features singer-songwriter-guitarist Sarah Levecque; Peter Zarkadas, guitar and vocals; and Johnny Sciascia, upright bass.
There will be a brief intermission with refreshments. The evening will also include a “50/50 Raffle”.
A suggested donation is $25 per person at the door, but any donation in any amount is appreciated, and no one will be turned away. Tickets can be purchased in-advance for $20 per person at this link (as well as the option to watch the livestream of the concert): https://www.zeffy.com/ticketing/9d16ea6e-cb2b-4020-856a-0e26a4a1b747

Something for Everyone! - Small Works & Holiday Marketplace

Come make your holiday shopping more meaningful by supporting local artists! Members of the Princeton Arts Society invite you to come to browse, shop, and enjoy hundreds of their fine, artisan-made items. Peruse creative, unique, yet affordable small wall art in many media, as well as tables overflowing with jewelry, cards, prints, ornaments, fabric items, original books, bags, ceramics, woodworking, and so much more! Don’t miss out on this amazing holiday arts extravaganza! Fridays, December 6 & 13, 6-8:00 PM Saturdays and Sundays, December 7 & 8 and 14 & 15, 10 AM-4 PM. Location: 206 Worcester Road, Princeton Senior & Community Center, Princeton MA. The Princeton Arts Society is a nonprofit organization promoting the arts in Central Massachusetts through programs, events, and shows.

Community Resources for Caregivers: Caring for Loved Ones Living with Dementia

An education program presented by the Liberty Alzheimer’s Partnership.
Thursday, November 14, 2024 12:15 PM-2:15 PM at Concord Council on Aging, 1276 Main Street Concord. Call the Council on Aging to register (978) 318-3020. Limited seating available.
Join us for a lunch and learn! Find local community resources and hear from a panel of experts about a variety of topics related to caring for someone with dementia. We will end with a Q&A session, so come prepared with your questions!
Oct 18 jake kinney

Pianist Jake Kinney performs Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue

The Concord Band opens its 2024–25 season with a concert on Saturday, October 26, 7:00 pm at the 51 Walden Performing Arts Center in Concord, MA.
Music Director James O’Dell chose the theme "100th Anniversaries" in recognition of Geoge Gershwin’s composition and premiere of Rhapsody in Blue in 1924, a year that marks many musical milestones.
The program commemorates the passing of composer Giacomo Puccini, the most successful proponent of Italian opera after Verdi, and Gabriel Fauré, one of the foremost French composers of his generation. The program also features Camille Saint-Saëns’ Pas Redouble, arranged for a band by Arthur Frackenpohl, as well as Academy Award winning themes by Henry Mancini, considered one of the greatest composers in the history of film, in an arrangement by Warren Barker. Both Frackenpohl and Mancini were born in 1924.
Gershwin composed Rhapsody in Blue in a few short weeks for a concert by Paul Whiteman’s Palais Royal Orchestra, titled "An Experiment in Modern Music,” presented at Aeolean Hall in New York City in February of 1924. Whiteman’s intent was to show that American jazz could be combined with classical and other types of music. The original score by Ferde Grofe comprised 23 instruments and piano solo. Subsequently, Thomas Verrier expanded the original setting to concert band instrumentation based on Grofe’s manuscripts.
Pianist Jake Kinney is the featured soloist on Rhapsody in Blue. Kinney is a versatile musician, performing with the Concord Band on trumpet, with our Jazz Ensemble on piano, as well as leading our Holiday Pops sing-along on vocals.
Kinney first performed Rhapsody in Blue in 2014 at the Snow Pond Center for the Arts in Sidney, ME, and again in 2016 with the Greece Symphony Orchestra in Rochester, NY. Of the composition, Jake said, “it is one of my favorite pieces of music of all time, truly occupying a unique niche within the piano repertoire. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Jim O’Dell and the Concord Band for this opportunity.”
Admission to the Concord Band's Fall Concert is free, with a requested donation of $20 per person. A reception will follow the concert.

Mental Health Course, in Person in Boxborough

Family to Family is a free, evidence-based, eight-session, weekly course from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) for those who love someone living with a mental health condition. Topics include understanding the symptoms of mental health conditions, learning about treatments & therapies, practicing communication & problem-solving skills, creating a positive team approach, and self-care. Importantly, the course offers family members the invaluable opportunity of open conversation and mutual support in a stigma-free environment. The course will meet in person in Boxborough Mondays, November 11 to January 13, excluding holiday weeks, 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm. Additional information and registration: namicentralmiddlesex.org/newsletter/family-to-family-fall2024-boxborough.

Divorce Support Group by Remote Meeting

Are you thinking of separating or going through the divorce process? The Metro-West Boston Divorce Support Group is a confidential peer-support group with no religious affiliation. Men and women from all towns are welcome. Our meetings had been every Thursday evening at 7 pm at the South Acton Congregational Church. Now we are continuing weekly on Thursday by remote videoconference. For more information, call Doreen 617-957-0838 or contact paulbaker01@verizon.net
Oct 18 faulkner homestead

Open house at the Faulkner Homestead and Jones Tavern, Sunday, October 27

The Iron Work Farm’s two Acton house museums will be open Sunday afternoon, October 27. Jones Tavern, 128 Main Street, first built in 1732 and opened by Samuel Jones as a tavern in 1750, will be open from 1 to 3:00 p.m. The 1707 Jones-Faulkner Homestead, 5 High Street, will be open from 3 to 5:00 p.m. Visitors can explore the restored rooms of this 1707 “First Period” architectural gem, the oldest house in Acton and home of the owners of the longtime fulling and grist mills on Fort Pond Brook. Members of the Nashoba Valley Weavers’ Guild will be on hand to demonstrate weaving, spinning and other textile crafts. Parking is available on-site or nearby

Nashoba Regional High School's Fall Play

Kick off your holiday season this November with Nashoba Regional High School's performance of “A Christmas Carol”, November 22-24. This classic retelling of Ebenezer Scrooge's experience with the 3 ghosts is great for all ages. Be sure to purchase your tickets today! Performances are:
Friday, November 22nd at 7pm
Saturday, November 23rd at 7pm
Sunday, November 24th at 2pm
$14.00 Adult;$10.00 Child / Student / Senior

Concord Chamber of Commerce presents Trick or Treat on Thoreau Street

Kids, dress up in your Halloween costume, grab your parents, and come on down to the Thoreau St business district on Thursday, October 24th from 4-6pm. 20+ businesses participating handing out Halloween candy. It will be a great time!
Oct 18 trevor berens at fpc

Piano Concert: 200 Years of Women Composers

Pianist Trevor Berens presents a concert of music written by women, from1836 through 2005. The music is as varied as it is beautiful, from Clara Schumann’s early suite of short works inspired by the music of Chopin (“Soirées Musicales”) to Marti Epstein’s minimalist pieces written at the turn of this century (selections from “American Etudes”). Trevor will also be performing, in its entirety, Florence Price’s rarely heard set of four dances, “Dances in the Canebrakes”, as well as music by the early twentieth-century American composer, Amy Beach.The concert takes place on Sunday, Oct. 20, at 4 p.m., at First Parish Church of Stow & Acton, where Trevor is the accompanist. Tickets are available at the door and in advance at Eventbrite(tiny.cc/200Years) for a suggested donation of $5–$40. FPC is located at 353 Great Road, Stow. Its facilities are wheelchair accessible.
Oct 18 kobe henro

The First TNVR Clinic in Northern Puerto Rico, will take place the weekend of March 22-23, 2025 and the Sudbury-based nonprofit is accepting donations and volunteers

Kobe Henro Pet Food Bank in partnership with Puerto Rican-based Miracles For Sato Rescue (MFSR) will be opening a pop-up Trap, Neuter, Vaccinate, Release (TNVR) clinic in Puerto Rico. Pippi’s Project, will be the first TNVR clinic in northern Puerto Rico, with its launch scheduled for the weekend of March 22-23, 2025 in Vega Alta, Puerto Rico. Helaine Block, founder of Kobe Henro commented, “In just under eight months, we have built a strong and determined team to help control the stray population (650,000 dogs/satos and 1,000,000 cats/gatos) on the island.” For additional information or to donate, please contact: Helaine Block at: info@kobehenro.org and donations via venmo @kobehenro. Checks can be mailed to: Kobe Henro, Inc. 100 Powder Mill Road – Suite 124, Acton, MA 01742

for 2 upcoming SFCOA events!

On Saturday, November 2nd from 9 am to 12 pm you can shop local, get a bargain and support Stow’s senior residents at our November Fair.  That morning you will find an expanded selection of items from our Gift Shop, Thrift Shop and a Resale Shop.   The Gift Shop offers many unique hand-crafted items made by Stow residents who want to support our Stow seniors. The Gift Shop also offers a variety of other items for sale including seasonal and “Stow” things. The Thrift Shop sells clothing, shoes, bags, and jewelry donated by our community. Shop new, like-new, and gently used clothing and accessories. The Resale Shop will offer too many items to list individually but you will find a variety of home decor, household items, games, puzzles, books, electronics (e.g. laptops), and more!
On Saturday, December 7th from 10 am to 2 pm you can leave with your arms full and a smile on your face at the Second Chance Holiday Sale. Shop new & used holiday items at very reduced prices! Check out our baked goods for your holiday treats! Music from 10 am-12 pm by Matteo Faso, local pianist! Santa plans to visit too! And new this year will be a silent auction from 10 am to 1 pm.
Both events will be held at the Pompo Community Center, 509 Great Road, in Stow.  Visit our website at https://stowfriendsofthecoa.org/ or email us at StowFriendsCOA@gmail.com.
Oct 18 kitty angels

Annual Holiday Open House & Kitty Angels Weekend

Treasures Antiques, Collectables & MORE!, located at 106 Ponemah Road in Amherst,NH will be hosting their 34th Annual Holiday Open House and Kitty Angels Fundraising weekend on November 2nd and 3rd. Festivities for the weekend will run both days from 9AM till 4PM and includesHoliday inspired shopping, raffles and entertainment.This annual event has been a mainstay in the community since 1991 and features Kitty Angels, Inc. along with several live musical entertainers including: Wildwood, Jeff Damon, Roosta Gulla, Sunset Rhythm, ‘9 Strings’ with Dick Spencer and Dan Rodd and Side Effects! This Holiday and Fundraiser event is pet and kid friendly and will offer exceptional sales for all, inside and out. B’s Grumman Grub, offers an exceptional assortment of hot and cold food as well as several miscellaneous beverages. A petting zoo with horse and pony rides will be provided by Mapledell Farms and Trading Faces, LLC/Central Birch Art Studio a face painting, body art and air brushing professional, featuring a ‘paint and take’ activity for kids and adults alike. The weekend will also showcase some artists and artisans, crafters, professionals and specialty food vendors. Treasures will also be offering a number of fun and exciting raffles, with prizes donated by local and national businesses. These prizes will include a “hotel get-a-way,” a “2 tier cat tree” by ARUBACAT as well as other cat and dog related items, jewelry, specialty food packages, and a variety of extra cool and exciting prizes. Kitty Angels, Inc., a no-kill cat shelter is made up of all unpaid volunteers and is dedicated to rescuing stray and abandoned cats and furnishing them with treatment for injuries or other health issues. These cats are then placed into life-long, loving “forever homes” with compatible owners. All necessary steps are taken to ensure the wellbeing of the cats, including spaying and neutering and providing rabies, distemper and other necessary vaccinations. They are a non-profit, charitable corporation and all donations are fully tax-deductible with every penny of each donation going directly to the care of these cats. Please join Treasures and Kitty Angels, in friendship and the spirit of giving and sharing at the Holidays. For more information, visit www.TreasuresNH.com and www.KittyAngels.org
Learn More


The holidays are coming and they'll be here before you know it!  In the spirit of being prepared, Troop 1 Stow Scouts will be running their annual wreath sale from now through Wednesday, November 6th.  The proceeds help Stow continue one of its finest youth programs, and are used for equipment purchases, camping trips and the many troop activities.  The holiday wreaths are beautiful natural evergreens, all with a red bow and available in 2 sizes:
* Standard wreaths (fits standard size door), undecorated ($21), or decorated ($25)
* Large  (40" outside diameter), undecorated ($60)
* Sponsor a veteran cemetery wreath ($17) to be placed in the stow cemeteries by volunteers
The scouts will NOT be going door to door so order NOW and your wreath will be DELIVERED right to your home!
You can order your wreaths online at www.troop1stow.net or by mailing a check to Troop 1 Stow, PO Box 75, Stow, MA 01775.
Your wreaths will start to be delivered during Thanksgiving week.  If you have any questions, please contact us by phone at 978-212-9175 or by email at wreath@troop1stow.net

Come Celebrate 30 years of Boxborough’s Ownership of Steele Farm

The town of Boxborough purchased Steele Farm in the fall of 1994. The Steele Farm Committee will host a 30th anniversary celebration on the property at 484 Middle Road on Saturday, October 19 between 2 and 4 PM. This event will feature seasonal refreshments and tours of the barn and Boxborough’s only remaining ice house.  There will also be displays of various farm implements. While the public cannot tour the 1784 Levi Wetherbee farmhouse, there will be a “look in”  and pictures of the interior will be available.  This is a great chance to come and see and celebrate all the work that has been done!  All are welcome including canine companions.

Semi-Annual Fall Clothing Swap

Sunday, November 10, 2024, 8:00 AM until 10:00 AM
Location: Parker Damon Building, Upper Parking Lot, 11 Charter Rd, Acton, MA  01720
Registration is not Required.
Donations accepted:
Clean, unstained baby/children's clothes size newborn to 10/Medium (NO socks, shoes, or underwear)
Gently used maternity clothes (NO undergarments)
Donation drop offs will be accepted at the following locations through Saturday, November 9. Please sort and label bags/boxes of clothes by size to help our volunteers!
47 Ethan Allen Dr. Acton
124 Great Rd. Acton
8 Heather Hill Rd. Acton
48 Washington Dr. Acton
62 Chester Rd. Boxborough
This is a FREE and PUBLIC event. Anyone can donate, and anyone can come "shop" at the event. Please be sustainable and bring your own shopping bag. This is a great opportunity to pass on hand-me-downs and help our neighbors! Any items remaining at the end of the event will be donated to local charities.
FOOD DRIVE: We will also host a food and diaper drive for the Acton Food Pantry during this swap. There is an urgent need for baby formula, baby food (jars, pouches, snacks & cereal), and diapers (especially size 5-6). Food drive donations will only be collected at the event on November 10. (Feel free to donate directly to the food pantry or via their Amazon wishlist if you cannot make it! https://www.actonfoodpantry.org/food)

South Acton Church Rummage & Bake Sale

Come One, Come All! The South Acton Church famous Rummage Sale is back!! Saturday, October 26, 2024 from 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM at 35 School Street in South Acton. The bargains will be Fabulous!
Upstairs, we’ll have delicious baked goods, scrumptious soups, veggie wraps, and beef and vegan chili --- perfect for lunch or take-out! Also, we’ll have our famous frozen entrees, terrific to keep in the freezer for a fast and healthy dinner. Downstairs will be all the deals! Clothes for all ages, housewares, toys, jewelry, and lots of special items, all at stunning bargain prices.
Come check us out!

Fall Fellowship Fair

The First Baptist Church of Lexington will be hosting the annual Fall Fellowship Fair on October 26, 2024  from 9 am to 3pm. Breakfast will be served from 9 to 11 am.  Fresh baked muffins made on site will be served.  Lunch is served at 11:30 am.  Many items to choose from including homemade corn chowder.
The fair features the cookie walk room, holiday corner with homemade Christmas items, silent auction items, bake shop with homemade pies and other baked goods.  Jewelry table, knit shop, patchwork and quilts.
Hidden treasures, yard sale rooms, book room along with special vendors. For additional information, the telephone number is 781-862-9050.  fbclexington.org
Oct 11  robin putam

Westford Women’s Club will host a discussion on “Holiday Fraud Prevention” at their October 28th monthly meeting.

The holidays are right around the corner. Are you armed with vital information to keep yourself safe from scammers? The Westford Women’s Club welcomes you to a discussion on “Holiday Fraud Prevention,” led by Robin Putnam, Events & Outreach Manager for the Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation. Monday, October 28 at 6:30 p.m. at the Cameron Senior Center, 20 Pleasant Street, Westford. Visitors and prospective new members are encouraged to attend.
Discussion topics will include Black Friday shopping tips, return policies, defective merchandise, warranties, lost or stolen packages, gift certificates, credit card skimming devices and how to spot them, and identity theft and fraud prevention.
The Westford Women’s Club is comprised of women from Westford and the surrounding communities. For more info, contact: westfordwomensclub@gmail.com.  Visit us on Facebook. WWC is a member of the General Federation of Women’s Clubs (GFWC) www.GFWC.org and GFWC Massachusetts (GFWC MA) www.GFWCMA.org.