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Jerusha’s Halloween Ball Offers Up Some Spirited Fun

SUDBURY: Celebrate Halloween and The Wayside Inn's own Jerusha Howe who was a real-life figure in the history of the Inn. Jerusha’s Halloween Ball, scheduled for Friday, October 29 at 7pm offers up a spirited evening of good food and beverages, dancing to music spun by DJ T-Rex, prizes for the "most historic", "most creative," and "most legendary" costumes, and a festive wine & bourbon pull fundraising activity.

The event will be held outdoors under The Wayside Inn’s event tent. Plan your costume to accommodate October evening weather and face masks, should the mask mandate in Sudbury still be in effect.

Purchase tickets in advance at https://bitly.com/JerushasBall2021. Individual tickets are $85 with costume or $100 no costume. There is a 10 discount on tickets for members of The Wayside Inn.

‍For anyone interested in sponsoring the event or donating wine or bourbon for the wine and bourbon pull to help make the most of this fundraiser, please contact Sally Hild at shild@wayside.org.
Childrens library daffodil planting

Thursday Garden Club of Sudbury is Offering Tulips & Daffodils

SUDBURY: Recently Members of the Thursday Garden Club of Sudbury read a story, decorated a pumpkin, and planted  daffodil bulbs with children ages 5-12 at the Goodnow Library. The Club sponsors this program at the Library several times a year to bring art and nature together for children. Would you like bags of tulip or daffodil bulbs to plant in your yard? TGC might still have some bags for sale from their annual fundraiser. For more info email TGCSudbury1776@gmail.com or find them on Facebook!
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LSB Players Announces 2021-2022 Season

SUDBURY:  The 2021-2022 LSB Players announced their schedule of plays for this school year, and to offer you a chance to subscribe to our upcoming season.  All performances take place at LSRHS, 390 Lincoln Road.

The season begins with a fall musical, perfectly timed for “spooky” season, Andrew Lippa’s musical The Addams Family. This hilarious and irreverent musical, based on characters created by Charles Addams, tells the story of the Addams Family, a loving yet macabre family set in their ghoulish ways, as they face the prospect of their daughter/sister, Wednesday, marrying someone far too normal for their taste. The Addams Family was a fan favorite when it was on Broadway, nominated for multiple Tony and Drama Desk awards. The musical will be directed and choreographed by Carly Evans, music directed by Michael Bunting, and conducted by Tom Grandprey, and performed in the Kirshner Auditorium on Wednesday, November 17 thru Saturday, November 20, all shows at 7:30pm.

The second mainstage offering will be The Eighth Annual Winter One-Acts which continues the tradition of being student-directed one-acts. Three LS seniors will direct “That’s Not How I Remember It,” “As It Was,” and “I, Chorus.” These one-acts will be performed in the Rogers Theatre on February 4 at 7:30pm, February 5 at 3pm and 7:30pm.

In the Spring, the LSB Players will take us to England in Kate Hamill’s adaptation of Sense and Sensibility. Hamill’s clever and fast-paced adaptation of the Jane Austen novel of the same title takes on the gossipy society of late 18th century England and examines the societal pressures that affect the lives of sisters Elinor and Marianne Dashwood. Sense and Sensibility will be performed in the Rogers Theatre on April 8 & 9 at 7:30pm, April 9 & 10 at 2pm.

On May 6th and 7th, there will also be 9th and 10th grade play (title to be decided) at 7:30pm in the Rogers Black Box Theatre.

Finally, the year will end with COLLAGE XXVI, as always a collection of scenes, one-acts and original pieces selected and directed by students, performed in the Rogers Black Box Theatre on June 10 & 11 with shows at 7:30pm and free admission for all.

Tickets for all of our 2021-2022 shows are $8 for students and senior citizens, $15 for adults.

Consider becoming a Season Ticket holder or Benefactor. Benefactors and Season Ticket holders receive advance notice before tickets are available to the general public so they can reserve their tickets for the evening of their choice. Season Tickets are $40 for adults, $20 for students and senior citizens. A Benefactor's ticket is $60 per person. All Season Ticket holders and Benefactors are named in each program of the year. (Season Ticket holders and Benefactors will have the choice to use their ticket(s) for ONE of the following productions - the Winter One-Acts in February OR the 9th/10th grade play in May.) To become a subscriber, go to www.lsrhs.net/students/activities_clubs/drama for the form and payment information.

Marlborough Regional Chamber of Commerce joins Marlborough Rotary Club Recycling Event

MARLBOROUGH: This year, the Marlborough Regional Chamber of Commerce joins with the Marlborough Rotary Club for their second recycling event of this fall during their 11th year of Recycling events on Saturday, October 23, 10am to 2pm at the Navin Rink Parking Lot, 451 Bolton Street. It is only $40 per car/truck load and one and all from anywhere in New England are encouraged to clean out their attics, basements, and businesses and get rid of their junk.

Since the fall of 2011, the Marlborough Rotary Club created a one-day project for folks to recycle all their unwanted computers, electronics, appliances, and more.  The event is open to ALL communities and is focused on recycling household items rather than adding these items in the landfills.

Many things that have been sitting around in your attic, basement, or garage could be recycled at this Recycling Day event for just $40 per carload or truck load.  Items include:
  • Electronics of all types – computers, CPUs, games, accessories, cell phones, VCRs laptops, cameras, cables, wires, keyboards, mice
  • All electrical equipment – small appliances, motors, shop equipment, heaters, fans, extension cords, lamps
  • Vehicle batteries, cars, boats, RV’s etc.
  • Large appliances – washers, dryers, microwaves, AC units, freezers, refrigerators without Freon
  • Yard and lawn equipment – mowers and snow blowers (no fluids), chain saws, weed whackers,  power yard equipment
  • Televisions – $40 any size
  • Computer Monitors – $25 each
  • Audio speakers – $20 per pair
  • Child car seats – $20 each with fabric removed
  • Household vacuums $20 each
  • Treadmills $25 each
  • Appliance with Freon -- large $25, small $15
  • Lithium Ion Batteries (i.e. power tools) $5.00
  • Lead acid batteries (i.e. yard equipment, cars, boats, RVs $10 each
  • Small batteries (i.e. AA, AAA, C, D) $5/quart

Unfortunately, the arrangements with the recycling company do not allow acceptance of wood, plastic, tires, mattresses, textiles, hoses, glass, pool liners or large children’s plastic toys.

“This project benefits everyone involved and promotes recycling for a low cost,” said Rob Schachter, President of the Marlborough Regional Chamber of Commerce. “We are delighted to join with the Rotary Club’s longtime successful event. It benefits our environment and the Marlborough Rotary Club Foundation will generate a percentage of the fees to continue the club’s service to children and families of our community, literacy projects, polio eradication, and more.”

Open to ALL communities in MA, CT, NH, RI, ME, & VT! Please call 978-875-0097 with any questions that you might have about the event.  Info: www.marlboroughrotary.org & www.marlboroughchamber.org.

As October 24 is International End Polio Day, members of the Marlborough Rotary Club and Interact Club will be passing out information about Rotary International’s 35-year quest to end polio on this earth. Although there are only two countries remaining that have live polio virus, it is only a plane-ride away.
Svt mvp team

SVT Celebrates Conservation During 2021 Annual Meeting

SUDBURY: Sudbury Valley Trustees (SVT) celebrated another successful year during its 2021 Annual Meeting on September 26. A highlight of the online meeting, was the presentation of SVT’s Annual Awards to recognize important contributions to land conservation in Massachusetts.

”The recipients serve as good role models for us all,” said Lisa Vernegaard, SVT Executive Director. “They demonstrate the dedication and commitment required to protect our region’s lands.”

SVT’s 2021 Distinguished Public Service Award went to the Program Manager and six Regional Coordinators of the Massachusetts Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program. 

SVT presented its Lewis Conservation Award to Tim Simmons of Merrimac for his broad commitment to conservation over many years. Simmons is a restoration ecologist who has worked with numerous organizations, including a land trust on Martha's Vineyard, The Nature Conservancy and the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program.

Rob St. Germain of Ashland was named Steward of the Land for his work at SVT’s Cowassock Woods Reservation in Framingham, where he fights invasive plants, maintains trails, and builds woodland bridges. He has also mentored several Eagle Scouts who have upgraded bridges at the property.  

Bob May of Sudbury received the Morgan Volunteer of the Year Award for giving unselfishly of his time in support of SVT. As a member of the Finance and the Wolbach Facilities Committees, May has conducted research to ensure SVT enacts sound policies, and he has helped to plan and execute several maintenance projects at the organization’s headquarters.

SVT also celebrated the contributions of younger conservationists by presenting Youth Steward Awards to two Boy Scouts who completed their Eagle projects on SVT properties:

Jed Howrey of Sudbury designed, built, and installed two educational signs about glacial features at SVT’s Gray Reservation in Sudbury. The signs, which describe eskers and erratics, complement a self-guided audio tour at the property and are especially geared toward Middle School students. 

Sudbury's Luke Orup created a new trail entrance and kiosk for Wayside Forest in Framingham. In addition to clearing the trail and building the kiosk, Orup also had to enact safety measures so he could manage a crew of volunteers during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

SVT is a nonprofit land trust that protects land in 36 communities around the Sudbury, Assabet, and Concord Rivers. To learn more about SVT’s work, visit www.svtweb.org.
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Native Plant Trust Announces Climate Resilience Symposium, Examining  Future of Plant Life

FRAMINGHAM: Native Plant Trust, the nation’s first plant conservation organization and the only one solely focused on New England’s native plants, announces a virtual symposium on the  changing climate and its effects on the region’s flora. The program will address methods for  building climate resilience and how key players can support this process. The event will take  place online October 29 from 1-4 PM. 

The virtual symposium will feature distinguished experts in the fields of ecology, climate  adaptation, and conservation biology. The event will include a keynote address by Dr.  Jacquelyn Gill, Associate Professor of Paleoecology and Plant Ecology at the University of  Maine. The symposium also includes a workshop on climate adaptation networks, and a panel  highlighting current climate change patterns, their implications for the future of New England’s  plant diversity, and the path toward climate resilience.  

“The climate resilience discussion builds on our recent report, Conserving Plant Diversity in New  England,” explains Courtney Allen, Native Plant Trust’s Director of Public Programs. “The  symposium will consider diverse perspectives that offer cutting-edge thinking on applicable  conservation strategies and tools. Working together to implement best practices now will greatly impact the future of native plants and the ecosystems they support.” 

Speakers include: 
  • Dr. Jacquelyn Gill, Associate Professor of Paleoecology & Plant Ecology at the University of  Maine
  • Melissa Ocana, Climate Adaptation Coordinator at University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Dr. Christopher Neill, Senior Scientist at Woodwell Climate Research Center
  • Dr. Angelica Patterson is the Master Science Educator at Black Rock Forest in Cornwall, New York.
  • Aaron Marcus is the Assistant Botanist for Vermont Fish & Wildlife
For more information and to register for the symposium, please visit www.NativePlantTrust.org.

This program is eligible for professional continuing education credit through Massachusetts  Association of Landscape Professionals, Massachusetts Nursery and Landscape Association,  Northeast Organic Farming Association, Society of American Foresters, and Society for  Ecological Restoration. Please refer to the symposium registration page for further information  on credits. 
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The Friends of the Goodnow Library Present Always a Traveler, Never a Tourist with Author Judy Bloomberg

SUDBURY: Join the Friends of the Goodnow Library for an intriguing virtual travel adventure with Sudbury author Judy Bloomberg on October 20 at 7:30pm. Bloomberg will be sharing her travel adventures and some of the fascinating photos from her book, Always a Traveler, Never a Tourist: In Search of People and Places on the Road Less Traveled. A question and answer period will follow the presentation. The program is free, but registration is required.

Judy Bloomberg has been an intrepid traveler for over 50 years. As the Sudbury resident explains. “I have always had a passion for adventure. Not the kind where you climb Mount Everest to prove to yourself and the world that you have amazing endurance and ability to withstand cold, but the “Around the World in 80 Days” kind of adventure, the kind where you set off for countries whose names you can’t even pronounce, to explore other cultures and other peoples, to learn how we are different and (perhaps even more importantly), how we are the same”.

Beginning in 1970, with a 10 week “no set itinerary” honeymoon based loosely on recommendations found in “Europe on $5 a Day” (the famous budget guidebook of that era), and continuing over the years through such experiences as international homestays, home exchanges, and volunteer activities in some of the world’s poorest countries, Bloomberg continually searched for ways to veer off the beaten path. In 2002, a casual comment to her husband while dining in the French restaurant at Epcot even led to the two of them leaving their jobs and moving to a small village in France for a year!

Judy also has a long-standing love of traditional cultures that has led her to explore tribal communities all over the world. In fact, she sometimes calls herself a “closet anthropologist” At last count, she had visited about 115 countries, on all seven continents.  Some of her most memorable experiences include attending a giant gathering of about 200 different tribes in Papua New Guinea, having a random encounter and delightful conversation with the Queen Mother in Bhutan, staying overnight as an honored guest in the yurt of a famous eagle hunter in Mongolia, scaling a mountain in Uganda to spend time with a family of elusive mountain gorillas, and visiting the remote “explorer huts” in Antarctica, which have been left virtually untouched since explorers like Scott and Shackleton abandoned them over 100 years ago.

So what is an intrepid traveler to do when sidelined by COVID?  Bloomberg returned from her last trip, to Myanmar (Burma), Laos, Thailand, and Qatar in March, 2020, less than a week before the U.S. completely shut down. Stuck at home, she began curating her collection of thousands of travel photos, selecting the ones she considered most interesting and most depictive of life in the less-traveled corners of the world. After a bit of prodding from friends, she finally agreed that the photos would make a compelling book. Her book, Always a Traveler, Never a Tourist: In Search of People and Places on the Road Less Traveled, a collection of 294 of her best photos from those trips, focuses on the most exotic destinations on all seven continents (and the people who inhabit them), from colorful festivals like the Goroka Show in Papua New Guinea and Carnival in Rio to daily life in places like Lake Titicaca and rural Ethiopia, along with insights and anecdotes about traveling off the beaten path.

Escape the confines of Covid 19 and spend an enjoyable evening of travel adventures with the Friends of the Goodnow Library on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, at 7:30 PM on Zoom. A link to the program will be sent prior to the program. Don’t forget to register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/always-a-traveler-never-a-tourist-with-judy-bloomberg-tickets-177638360117.
If you’ve ever dealt with someone making threats against you, been the subject of physical or verbal attacks, had rumors floated about you, or been purposely excluded from a group, then you know what it’s like to be bullied. During October, we recognize National Bullying Prevention Month and raise awareness and focus on bullying.

Bullying is any unwanted and aggressive behavior that involves a power imbalance, whether real or perceived. It’s typically behavior that is repeated again and again over a period of time.

Technology, with all the benefits it provides, also has made bullying easier and more widespread. Cyberbullying includes the distribution of mean or inappropriate email or text messages, the use of social media to post rumors or embarrassing photos, videos, messages, and even fake profiles.

For more information on ways to prevent, respond, or act against bullying, visit stopbullying.org, which is a special initiative from the Department of Health and Human Services.

If your child has been the victim of bullying and you’ve noticed a change in his or her mental health as a result, or if your child or someone you love is struggling with depression or thinking about suicide, get help now. In Massachusetts, every 5.28 days on an average a young person (ages 10-24) is lost to the silent epidemic of youth suicide.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 1-800-273-TALK (8255), is a free resource, available 24 hours a day for anyone who is in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. The Crisis Text Line is a free 24/7 text line where trained crisis counselors support individuals in crisis. Text “Jason” to 741741 to speak with a compassionate, trained Crisis Counselor. Confidential support 24/7, for free.

The Jason Foundation is another available resource.  The Jason Foundation is dedicated to the awareness and prevention of youth suicide through educational programs that equip youth, parents, educators, and the community with the tools and resources to identify and assist at-risk youth. One element of these tools and resources is free online training that anyone may utilize. Among the training modules available is one dedicated to the study of bullying and suicide. Visit jasonfoundation.com and click Training for more information. 
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Snowy owl

Live Animal Programs at The Spellman Museum

WESTON: As part of its celebration of National Stamp Collecting Month, the Spellman Museum of Stamps & Postal History at Regis College is having several live animal presentations featuring popular animals on stamps.  On October 16 at 10:30am, Nancy Lamb from Drumlin Farm of Massachusetts Audubon will bring several animals from the farm and talk about how animals prepare for the winter.  This program will be held outside weather permitting.

On October 17 at 1pm, Joy Marzolf of The Joys of Nature  will bring some of her “creepy animals” to get people in the mood for Halloween.  Her animals will include some snakes, tarantulas, hissing cockroaches, a lizard and several other creatures.

At both programs, children can make a free set of animals on stamps to take home, do stamp activities including a stamp hunt and join the Museum’s Youth Stamp Club. Admission is $5 for adults; $3 for seniors and children to age 16.

Later in the month on October 24,  programs will be held at 1pm and 3pm featuring several owls from ”Eyes on Owls” including a snowy owl.  On October 30 at 10:30am, Animal Adventures and Animal Rescue Center of Bolton will bring some exotic animals which could include an alligator, a large snake like a boa, a chinchilla, ferrets, bunnies, a hedgehog, some turtles, frogs and other reptiles.

Advanced registration is not required but can be made at info@spellman.org.
The Museum follows all Covid guidelines from the state. For more information contact info@spellman.org or call 617-784-5838.

This program is supported in part by a grant from the Weston Cultural Council, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.

MCC Hosts Electronic Recycling and Document Shredding Event

SUDBURY: On October 9, from 9am–1pm, Memorial Congregational Church will hold a “contactless” electronic recycling and document shredding event and you don’t even have to get out of your car!  The event is open to all communities and will be held rain or shine.

At the electronics recycling truck, prices vary from $25-40 for a TV, $15 for a computer, $15 for a computer monitor, or $5 for a box of electric cords.  Workers will remove the items from your vehicle and place them in the recycling truck which is operated by a state-licensed electronic recycling company who will properly dispose of all items. They will accept ANYTHING WITH A CORD (including washing machines, air conditioners, etc.) as well as any type of battery, printer ink cartridges, and toner cartridges.

The fee for document shredding is just $8 per copy paper box or brown grocery bag, and a worker will remove your boxes or bags of documents from your car and shred the documents as you wait. The truck is equipped with closed-circuit TV so you can actually watch the shredding if you wish. Shredding personal or business documents containing sensitive information is one of the best ways to prevent identity theft!

You may pay in cash, check, or by VENMO.
MCC is located at 26 Concord Road, just across from Goodnow Library in Sudbury. For more information, please email recycle@MCCSudbury.org or shredding@MCCSudbury.org or call 978-443-3885.

Assabet Valley Mastersingers Announces New Board Members

NORTHBOROUGH: As the Fall Concert season begins, the Executive Board of the Assabet Valley Mastersingers is proud to announce its new Chair Nancy LaPelle, new Secretary Sue Benua, and new Community Representative on the Board Lee Beavers. 
Since 2003, Nancy LaPelle has been an independent consultant providing qualitative-research based services in the health care sector. Her focus is to provide clients with data-based summary recommendations needed to inform decision-making related to medical and public health intervention design, process/program improvement and evaluation, individual behavior change (patient and/or physician), cognitive testing of assessment instruments, and health-related information needs.  She has also taught courses in qualitative research methodologies and survey design for graduate students, faculty, and medical professionals during this time. Prior to 2003, she was adjunct faculty in the Division of Preventive and Behavioral Medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. During this time, she also worked at the University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute for 10 years as a curriculum and organizational development consultant to public sector agencies.

Susan Benua of Berlin is a former Project Analyst and Engineer. Before moving to Berlin, she was chair of the Music Committee at her church, and formerly served as a Deacon and chair of the Open and Affirming committee. She holds an MS in Electrical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and an MS in Project Management from Northeastern University. She currently serves as the Treasurer of the Eastern New England Chapter of the Ninety-Nines, a women pilots association.

Lee Beavers of Northborough is a former healthcare professional. She has worked more than 30 years in public relations and publications and more than 10 years as a Patient Representative at UMass Memorial Medical Center. She holds an MS in Public Affairs and Publications from Boston University. She currently serves on the Northborough Council on Aging.

The Board sincerely thanks Matt Pietro for his service.
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News from Tower Hill Botanical Garden

BOYLSTON: The New England Dahlia Society Show and Sale will take place
Saturday, September 25, from 1-5pm. (Show and Sale: 1-5; Award Ceremony: 3-4pm) at Tower Hill Botanical Garden.

On Sunday, September 26 from 10am-3pm, the show and sale continues, including a lecture from 1pm-2pm entitled “How to Grow Beautiful Dahlias in Your Home Garden.” There are few flowers that have the unique genetics of dahlias, which accounts for their amazing variability of forms, colors, and sizes. From dime-sized minion singles to giant decorative blooms, open-faced forms, honeycomb balls, waterlilies, and cactus types, you will be amazed at the variety of this flower family. Come and see for yourself! The annual Dahlia Show will feature displays of diverse and beautiful specimens entered into the Dahlia competition. Only the best of the best blooms are entered by growers joining us from all over New England.

The New England Dahlia Society is a horticultural organization devoted to the study, growth, exhibition, and enjoyment of dahlias. We are a young society, founded in 2016, with over 100 members of both seasoned and beginning growers from all over New England (MA, RI, CT, ME, NH, VT) as well as New York and New Jersey.

For more information about this and other upcoming shows, call 508.869.6111 or visit www.towerhillbg.org/shows.

Thursday Garden Club of Sudbury Hosts Annual Daffodil Bulb Sale

SUDBURY: Enjoy Fall but think spring! The Thursday Garden Club of Sudbury will be having their annual daffodil bulb sale this year on Eventbrite between now and October 2, 2021. The Thursday  Garden Club will be selling King Alfred Daffodils (18" tall, large yellow blossoms) and Red Impression Tulips (24" tall, large red blossoms)  - 12 bulbs for $15. Go to Eventbrite and type in DAFFODIL on the main page.  Order now and  pick up on October 2 and 3 between 10am-2pm at LS High School 390 Lincoln Road.
Over the past 25 years, the Thursday Garden club has planted over 12,000 bulbs throughout Sudbury to welcome spring.  Each year we sell our premium bulbs to help fund our daffodil trail, and to create a showy trail of flowers that add splashes of yellow at  town center, police and fire stations, and other public spaces. The Thursday Garden Club sponsors monthly meetings in flower arranging, horticulture, and landscape design.  They also provide scholarship money for a graduating L-S senior focusing on environmental studies. The Thursday Garden Club participates in a number of beautification projects in Sudbury, including the Daffodil Trail, community traffic island gardens, Town center and Hosmer House Holiday decorations, Blue Star Memorial, Goodnow library programs and much more.
Founded in 1951, and a member of the Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts, The Thursday Garden Club meets the second Thursday of each month from September to May.  Visit the Club on Facebook at ThursdayGardenClubofSudbury or email TGCSudbury1776@gmail.com to learn more. To make a donation send checks made payable to Thursday Garden Club PO Box 52 Sudbury, MA 01776.
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A Cappella Singers Seeks New Members

NATICK: The A Cappella Singers, based in Natick, sings a mix of secular and sacred, classical, folk and Broadway music, both accompanied and a cappella. Prospective new members who have prior choral experience and/or can read music in all parts (Soprano I, Soprano II, Alto I and Alto II) are welcome to join upcoming open rehearsals on Monday, September 27 from 7-9 pm at the Fisk Memorial United Methodist Church, 106 Walnut Street.  Please wear a mask (preferably a singer’s mask) and show proof of vaccination, or contact to join via Zoom.  For more information, call 774-231-1963, email info@theacappellasingers.org or visit http://theacappellasingers.org

Huge Fall Rummage Sale at First Church in Marlborough

MARLBOROUGHThe huge Fall Rummage Sale, sponsored by the Women's Fellowship of First Church in Marlborough, Congregational, will be held October 1 and 2 in the Parish Hall. The Sale will be open to everyone for sales on Friday, October 1 from 5pm to 8pm, and on Saturday, October 2, 9am to noon. All Saturday morning, brown paper bags, provided for shoppers, will be $5 each for everything you can put in the bag. Tables will be laden with clothes for all the family – children, men and women. There will also be white elephant goods galore, household items, books, toys, blankets, curtains and much more. Drop in and get some good buys.

The church is located at 37 High Street, at the corner of High and Bolton (Rte. 85) streets, above Union Common. Masks will be required.

Also, on Saturday, November 20, the First Church in Marlborough, Congregational, will hold its Meetinghouse Fair, at the church, High and Bolton (Rte. 85) streets, just above Union Common. The event will feature home baked goodies, clothing, knitted items, books, trash and treasures, Christmas items, jewelry and more.

Shir Joy Chorus Resumes Rehearsals October 3;
Open Rehearsals for New & Prospective Members

WESTBOROUGH: Shir Joy Chorus of Massachusetts is excited to begin a new season on October 3. Weekly rehearsals are held Sunday evenings from 6pm-8pm at Congregation B’nai Shalom. The first two rehearsals on October 3 and 10 will be open for all new and prospective members. 

Rehearsals are currently planned to take place indoors with all singers masked. However, Covid safety may require singers to sing in an outdoor space, from their cars in the parking lot with wireless microphones or remotely on Zoom (as a last resort in inclement weather). Shir Joy successfully used all of these techniques throughout the pandemic last year, even maintaining its 2020-2021 concert schedule with virtual choir recordings and livestreaming. 

Performances are currently planned for February 6 and June 26, 2022. These will be held live or with virtual chorus recordings (on Zoom) if necessary for the safety of chorus members and the audience. 

Singers interested in joining the group are welcome to open rehearsals October 3 and 10. All current and prospective members will be required to provide proof of vaccination prior to attending any rehearsals. Masks will be required for all indoor rehearsals.

For more information about joining the chorus, please contact Shir Joy President Karen Rothman at ShirJoyMA@gmail.com or Shir Joy PR Director Laura Logan at ShirazAtidah@gmail.com. For more information about the chorus please visit shirjoychorus.com

St. John Lutheran Church (ELCA) Announces Installation of The Rev. Eric G. Wolf

SUDBURY: St. John Lutheran Church (ELCA) is pleased to announce that they will be installing their new pastor, The Rev. Eric G. Wolf on September 26 at 2pm.  Following will be a celebration.  There will be no 9:30am worship service that Sunday morning. 
St. John is an open and affirming faith community worshiping in a universally accessible facility.  Their Mission Statement proclaims a three-fold goal of welcoming all, striving to meet the needs of our community, and serving each other in our mutual pursuit of loving God and the loving of neighbors. The church is located at 16 Great Road. For more information, call 978-443-8350, visit www.stjohnsudburyma.org, stop by YouTube at St John Lutheran Sudbury or on Facebook and Instagram @stjohnsudbury.

Domestic Violence Roundtable to Commemorate Domestic Violence Awareness Month with Purple Lights, Walk & Vigil

Shine a light vigil first parish wayland 2020
SUDBURY/WAYLAND/FRAMINGHAM: At any given time in Sudbury, Wayland, Lincoln and other similar towns there are 20-40 restraining orders in effect, indicating a judge has found significant evidence of violence. On any given day in our country, 4-6 girls and women lose their lives due to intimate partner violence.  The proportional rate is even higher for other under-represented genders.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and this year the Sudbury-Wayland-Lincoln Domestic Violence Roundtable will once again partner with the First Parish in Wayland, and the Lauren Dunne Astley Foundation to Shine a Light on the issues related to domestic and break up violence. Purple signifies courage and compassion, and purple lights will illuminate religious and civic buildings in Sudbury, Wayland, and Framingham at various locations throughout the month. In addition, community members are invited to join us by placing purple light bulbs in their window fixtures, lamp posts or porch lights. Local hardware stores are a good source for purple bulbs which fit regular sockets.

In Wayland, on Tuesday, October 5, walks will commence from several points in the town arriving at First Parish in Wayland, Unitarian Universalist, 225 Boston Post Road, for the Shine a Light Vigil at 7pm.  For more information, please go to www.domesticviolenceroundtable.org. for an announcement of the walk locations.

The traumas of domestic violence are harmful and long lasting, and we continue to seek community support in building awareness of the signs and causes of relationship violence and sources of possible support and safety. The Roundtable continues to work towards the creation of a more caring and equitable society that does not tolerate violence or any person’s domination of another, be it in relation to gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, geographic region, or economic status.

If you are concerned you or someone in your life might be experiencing relationship abuse, local support can be found www.domesticviolenceroundtable.org/counseling.

Rummage Sale at Memorial Church in Sudbury

SUDBURY: On September 17 and 18 from 9am-3pm, Memorial Congregational Church will be holding its semi-annual rummage sale of gently used clothing, shoes, accessories and linens. There will be lots of clothing for children and youth as well as the full range of adult clothing, including suits. Shop for bargains and check out our high-end rack. Good quality clothing at rock bottom prices!

The sale will be held in a large hall, with windows open for air circulation and with industrial air purifiers running at all time. Memorial Church is located at 26 Concord Road (across from Goodnow library). For questions or additional information, please call 978-443-3885.

All volunteers and shoppers must wear masks.
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The Plymouth Church in Framingham Hosts Annual Fall Fair

FRAMINGHAM: Come one, come all! The Plymouth Church in Framingham welcomes everyone to its Annual Fall Fair on October 2, 2021, from 10am to 2pm. After a year hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they are very excited to resume this popular tradition. Adhering to COVID safety guidelines, please wear masks. Air purifiers will be in use indoors, and distancing and use of sanitizers will be encouraged. The sale includes:
  • Huge White Elephant Tag Sale for household goods, kitchen gadgets, home décor, linens,
  • Kids section for toys, puzzles, games and gently used sporting equipment
  • Homemade crafts, jam, fudge and specialty treats
  • Costumes for children and adults
  • Books for Children
  • Themed gift baskets
  • Christmas Shop
  • Jewelry
And what would a fall fair be without food? There's something for everyone: popcorn, lots of yummy baked goods, sandwiches, pie, homemade Clam Chowder and Chili, and the Troop 12 Hot Dog Stand!
Admission Is FREE, and Kids Games are offered outside. Indoor booths are accessible. Fair proceeds support the local ministries of The Plymouth Church as well as both local and global justice ministries, environmental and humanitarian concerns.
The Plymouth Church in Framingham is located at 87 Edgell Road with onsite parking available. For more information, please call the church office at 508.875.1364.

Native Plant Trust Offers 100 Programs for Fall 2021/Winter 2022

FRAMINGHAM: Native Plant Trust, the nation’s first plant conservation organization and the  only one solely focused on New England’s native plants, announces 100 programs for the Fall  2021/Winter 2022 season, including more than 30 never offered before. Most programs are  available in a virtual format; in addition, half will be offered in-person throughout New England,  with preparations in place to switch from in-person to online if needed. Program registration is  open effective immediately at www.NativePlantTrust.org

Native Plant Trust offers a depth and breadth of resources to support first-hand exploration of  plants, as well as access to innovation and research in botany and horticulture. Among the 30  new programs this season are: 

A virtual symposium on Climate Resilience on October 29, 2021. 
Programs exploring a diversity of plant perspectives, including People & Plants of the  World, Environmental Ethics, and Understanding Plants over Time.
Workshops on tracking your plantings and seed conservation.
Virtual versions of all basic core courses for the Native Plant Studies Certificate. 
In-person field and landscape studies, including Collective Gardening in Burlington,  Vermont; New Takes on Historic Landscapes at Bedrock Gardens in Lee, New  Hampshire; and Native Plants for Native Birds in New Canaan, Connecticut.  

Native Plant Trust will also offer updated versions of its most popular programs, including: 

The University Herbaria Series in collaboration with Harvard University, Brown  University, University of Connecticut, and University of New Hampshire.  
The Library Conservation Talk Series, in collaboration with libraries across  Massachusetts. 
The annual Botany Story Slam.
Advanced practitioner favorites Building the Green Industry and Native Plants for  Professionals, in collaboration with the Massachusetts Nursery and Landscape  Association.  

Many programs are eligible for continuing education credits for professionals in conservation,  horticulture, landscape, and arboriculture.  For more information and to register for programs, visit www.NativePlantTrust.org.

Be a fraud fighter!
If you can spot a scam, you can stop a scam.

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Did you know that someone’s identity gets stolen every two seconds?  The AARP Fraud Watch Network provides you with tips and resources to help you spot and avoid identity theft and fraud so you can protect yourself and your family.  AARP's watchdog alerts will keep you up to date on con artists’ latest tricks.  It’s free of charge for everyone:  AARP members, non-members, and people of all ages.

SCAM ALERT #1: AARP Impostor Scams
One of the most effective things that criminals can do to gain your confidence is impersonate an organization that you do business with and trust. Sadly, no one is immune from this - not even AARP. Recently, the AARP Fraud Watch Network Helpline has been receiving calls about a scam involving phone calls from someone claiming to be with "AARP Security Systems" (or something similar sounding). The first question they ask is whether you own your home and then they hang up. Rule of thumb...Don’t engage with anyone claiming to be from AARP Security Systems, and if you get a call like this, call the AARP Fraud Watch Network Helpline at 1-877-908-3360, or reporting it on zour scam map (www.aarp.org/scammap). Anytime you are directed to pay a debt or other obligation with a gift card, it is a scam.

SCAM ALERT #2:  “Smishing”
As more of us catch on to scam calls to our smartphones and block them or don’t answer them, scammers have taken to texting. “Smishing” is the term of art: SMS + phishing. Just as scammers phish by casting a wide net with email, so they do with smishing. The same things that we suggest in order to avoid phishing attacks apply to smishing.  But texts live in this space of immediacy – scammers know we are likely to respond much faster to a text than an email. To thwart their efforts, take a pause and consider the message. Is this really my bank, or Amazon, or PayPal, or the IRS texting me? Don’t click links – access the company or agency in a way you know to be safe and see if there’s an issue. Otherwise, don’t engage.

SCAM ALERT #3: Grandparent Scams
Criminals know that fear is the best motivator, and nothing drives fear more than a loved one in trouble. This is why scams targeting grandparents seem never to go away. If someone calls claiming to be your grandchild, or some authority calling about your grandchild who is in trouble or danger, it’s most likely a scam. It’s certainly a scam if the caller directs you to send money fast to resolve the problem. Your best move is to hang up and call your grandchild or reach out to family who would know his or her whereabouts.

SCAM ALERT #4: Utility Scams
Utility scams heat up as the temperatures rise (and when they fall), so much so that the Federal Trade Commission ranks utility impostors among the top reported scams. In this one, you typically get a call, email or text saying your account is past due and you must pay immediately, or they will cut off your power.  Another tactic is the “utility” claiming you overpaid your bill, and they request your bank account information to issue a refund. Utility scammers can also show up at your door after a power outage or severe storm offering to get your power back on for a fee. Utility companies typically don’t do business this way. Any unusual communication from your utility should raise a flag. Disengage and contact your provider at a number you know to be legitimate (off of a recent statement, for example). Chances are you’ll learn that there is no problem to address.

Be a fraud fighter!  If you can spot a scam, you can stop a scam. Report scams to local law enforcement. Contact the AARP Fraud Watch Network at www.aarp.org/fraudwatchnetwork for more information on fraud prevention.
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OARS Annual River Cleanup

It's OARS 35th Annual River Cleanup September 17-19. Join staff and volunteers as they spread out across the Sudbury, Assabet and Concord River Watershed to clean up our rivers, streams, ponds and trails. This year, to accommodate the comfort and needs of volunteers, there are two options.

Team Up Clean Up: During the weekend, gather family and friends for a walk or a paddle near or along the river, stream or pond. Pick up what trash and recycling you can and send OARS photos of your group cleaning up! People love to see what trash is no longer in our rivers.

Cleanup Day: Saturday, September 18, from 9am–noon. A team of volunteers will tackle sites in needing a larger group effort in towns including Framingham, Westborough, Hudson, Maynard, Concord and Billerica. The morning of hard work will be followed by a celebration with pizza. Registration is required. Details and registration information is available at www.oars3rivers.org

OARS is the watershed organization working to protect, improve, and preserve the Assabet, Sudbury, and Concord Rivers, their tributaries and watersheds for the purposes of public recreation, water supply, and wildlife habitat. 

Assabet Valley Mastersingers Hosts Open Rehearsals

Nacc 2021 virtual performance
UPDATE: "Out of care and concern for all, the Assabet Valley Mastersingers feel that the changing dynamics of COVID infections make it prudent to postpone in-person rehearsals.  Open rehearsals have been postponed until Monday, September 13, 2021. The rehearsal time is 7:30-9:45pm  We will welcome any interested vocalists at this time. The new rehearsal space will be the Robert E. Melican Middle School, 145 Lincoln Street.  The AVM COVID protocol has also been updated.  Masks are now required at all rehearsals and performances. AVM looks forward to performing for all in the near future."

NORTHBOROUGH: The Northborough Area Community Chorus, in celebration of its 50th season of choral performances, is proud to announce a new 2021 virtual program entitled “Still Singing Together”. In the midst of a difficult time for all due to the pandemic, the NACC, under the leadership of director Elinor A. Armsby, has maintained a rehearsal schedule using Zoom and some outdoor practices. The NACC 2021 virtual program may be viewed on YouTube under “Northborough Area Community Chorus - Still Singing Together”. The performance will soon be on Northborough Cable as well as other local area Cable stations.
This program was generously supported in part by grants from the Northborough, Marlborough, Shrewsbury, Westborough and Southborough Cultural Councils, local agencies, which are supported in part by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.
In anticipation of in person rehearsals beginning this fall, new members are always welcome. Auditions are not required. For more information call 571-331-0214, find NACC on Facebook, online at www.nacc.net or by email at nacc.sings@gmail.com
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Help Create a Safe New Home

SUDBURY: The Sudbury-Wayland-Lincoln Domestic Violence Roundtable cordially invites you to participate in its Shower for Shelters. You can help families transitioning from a shelter or transitional housing to establish a new home by donating new household items. All gifts collected will be donated to clients of REACH Beyond Domestic Violence, The Second Step, and Voices Against Violence.

The Shower for Shelters will be held from Monday, September 20th through Thursday, September 30, 2021.  New unwrapped gifts may be dropped off at Sudbury Wine and Spirits, Rugged Bear Plaza, 410 Boston Post Road. Requested items include: department store and supermarket gift cards, diapers, twin size comforters, sheets and pillowcases, bed pillows, towels and face cloths, unscented cleaning products and laundry detergent, laundry baskets, kitchen utensils, flatware, dishes, drinking glasses, small kitchen appliances, and other household items.
For further information, please visit the Roundtable website at www.domesticviolenceroundtable.org.
Homecoming water bowl

First Parish Invites Community to Homecoming Sunday

SUDBURY: First Parish of Sudbury invites the community to join the congregation on Sunday, September 12, at 10am at Homecoming Sunday, as they take part in a special water ritual, on the grounds of First Parish.
Like in past years, congregants collect water from special summer places—streams, lakes, rivers, ponds, garden hoses—or even from summer rainfall, to add together to a special bowl, in a water communion. "There is no time like the present to realize just how uncertain life can be and how much courage it takes to live boldly into the present. These are the times that we seek facts,  research, and seek consistency as is practiced in science. This is the time that we reach for time-honored tradition and community to help us to maintain a foothold," comments Rev. Dr. Marjorie Matty.
In the case of inclement weather, the service will be held inside, in an air-purified, air-conditioned room. Masks are required both outside and inside. Learn more about Homecoming Sunday at https://fpsudbury.org.
Havdalah service

Celebrate High Holy Days 5782 with B'nai Torah

SUDBURY: Congregation B’nai Torah, of Sudbury, warmly invites the community to join online for High Holy Days 5782! Rabbi Dr. Lisa Eiduson and Cantorial Soloist Jodi Blankstein look forward to sharing prayer and song with the community as they celebrate the Days of Awe. The High Holy Days begin at sundown on Monday, September 6, and conclude at sundown on Thursday, September 16.

In addition to Rosh Hashanah, Kol Nidre, and Yom Kippur services for children and adults, the holiday schedule includes: an online Erev Rosh Hashanah Family Tableside Service and Seder; an in-person Shofar and Tashlich experience at the Wayside Inn Grist Mill and apple picking on Rosh Hashanah afternoon; and an online Yom Kippur afternoon Speaker and Study Hour.

B’nai Torah is a reform temple that welcomes all families, including interfaith families, and offers a unique one-day-a-week Hebrew School program. It is located at 225 Boston Post Road. See www.bnaitorah.com for the full schedule and registration for all events and contact the office at admin@bnaitorah.com or 978-443-2082 with any questions. 

Photo: Rabbi Dr. Lisa Eiduson at last year's Havdalah service. (Photo credit: Sheldon Golder)
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Save A Dog's Paws in the Park 2021 Fundraiser - September 12

SUDBURY: Save A Dog, Inc. of Sudbury is hosting its annual Paws in the Park fundraiser event on Sunday, September 12th from 10am-3pm on the beautiful grounds of Longfellow’s Wayside Inn.  Rain or shine, this is the place to be for a fun day where dogs and dog lovers can meet and have fun while raising funds to save the lives of homeless dogs and cats.  There will be lots of dog games in the main ring, a dog agility ring, bake sale booth, retail booth, a raffle booth, food court for humans and dogs, several vendor booths, an adoptable dogs parade at noon featuring dogs from other rescue organizations as well as Save A Dog, and a group pledge walk at 11am.

The first 50 dogs get a goody bag!  Admission is $10 per adult, $5 for children from 5-12, and children under 5 are free.  OR, bring in $10 or more in pledges and get in free. 

This past year has been a difficult one for rescue.  Many dogs and cats passed through shelters since March of 2020.  Happily, the number of animals being adopted soared, even with all of the restrictions.  Save A Dog was able to function with a very small crew of volunteers throughout the pandemic.  But, with all of the fundraisers and events being cancelled, their ability to raise money was greatly diminished. 

In the last eight months, they have had some major medical expenses. They have taken in dogs with broken bones, burns, and wounds from severe abuse, kittens with respiratory issues, and they dealt with two litters of puppies contracting the parvo-virus, an often-fatal disease.  Of the 13 puppies that contracted the virus, 12 of them were saved through the efforts of emergency vets, vet techs, and dedicated volunteers who worked around the clock to bring them back to health.

Fundraiser events like Paws help to raise the funds needed to continue rescuing and rehoming unwanted and abandoned dogs and cats.  For more information, visit

Sudbury Villagers Kick Off a New Year

SUDBURY: The Sudbury Villagers Club will kick off its 2021-2022 season on Thursday September 2nd with a Coffee Social starting at 10am at the Loyalty Lodge on the beautiful grounds of Camp Sewataro. The first meeting will be a brief presentation about upcoming programs.  The club has a variety of programs with speakers, as well as many activities including Lunch Bunch, bridge, MahJongg, book club, visits to various museums, a pot-luck holiday luncheon in December, May luncheon at an area country club, spring tea, and a Boston Harbor cruise in September.  Members support the Thanksgiving collection for Sudbury families, the Sudbury Food Pantry and local Red Cross blood mobiles.  The club also makes substantial donations to a variety of non-profits yearly. This meeting (and Club) is open to all women in Sudbury and the area communities.  For more information, write to sudbury_villagers@yahoo.com.

Marlborough’s Annual Labor Day Weekend Greek Festival is Back!

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MARLBOROUGH: Marlborough's annual Labor Day Weekend Greek Festival is back and everyone is invited to celebrate at Saints Anargyroi Greek Orthodox Church, 9 Central Street, is just one block off Main Street behind the Walker Building.   The event will take place September 4 and 5  from noon to 11pm,  and on Monday, Labor Day from noon to 3pm. Also, on a side note starting at noon on Labor Day, the largest parade in the state makes its way down Main Street.

Every year the question most asked is about the church’s name.  Anarygroi means the unmercenary and Saints is plural as there were two brothers, Kosmos and Damian.  They healed the sick with faith and medicine and never accepted payment since they were independently wealthy.  As many people have never been in an Orthodox Church there will be church tours given at 2:00 & 4:00 p.m.  This is an opportunity to understand how symbolism, beautiful Icons and two thousand years of tradition come together.

The Church started hosting a Festival in 1982.  Unfortunately, their plans were a bit too small.  Little did they know their planning was inadequate, both days they ran out of food.  Unfortunately, in 1983,  the same scenario repeated.  Along the way, a fire at the church forced them to miss two years.  In some ways, it was a blessing in disguise.  It helped the church prepare for future festival growth. St. Anargyroi then replaced all the classrooms with a two-story community center, a large function hall, a really needed commercial kitchen, and a parking lot which played right into helping the Festival grow. 

Authentic Greek foods, prepared with love, the way our yiayias made it for generations may be the first thing people think about when they think of Greek Festivals.  A few years ago 300 Lamb Shanks were added to the menu and that number has since grown to 900.  And yes, Americas longest running Greek radio program has dubbed the Marlboro Festival “Lamb Shank City” for the 8 hour, slow cooked and made fresh daily 1 ½ pound shanks served with Greek style green beans in a savory tomato sauce and rice.  Some patrons come back 3 days in a row just for the tender, fall off the bone, shanks.  All meats are fresh, cut and prepared in house.  The menu also includes Gyros, Pork Souvlaki (chunks of pork tenderloin in Gyro bread with toppings and freshly made Tsatziki (yogurt, cucumber, garlic sauce), Chicken or Lamb Shish-ke-bab dinners, Pastitsio (Greek style baked macaroni with three kinds of cheese), Spinach Pita, Feta Cheese Pita, Greek style green beans, Stuffed Grape Leaves, Greek Salad,  Greek Style Meatballs in a tomato sauce and Greek Style  roasted potatoes.  Many authentic Greek pastries and cookies, baklava and baklava sundaes are offered along with Loukoumathes (fried dough balls dipped in honey sprinkled with cinnamon sugar).   Soft drinks, Greek Frappe (frothed iced coffee) the two most popular Greek beers, Fix and Mythos along with American beers, Greek and American wines, Tsipouro, Metaxa and of course, Ouzo will also be offered. OPA!!!   better yet... OPALICIOUS !!!

Music will be played all day by Marlborough’s well-known DJ, George “Regas” Regan.  Saturday and Sunday starting at 6pm, two of New England’s top Greek bands will be playing for your dancing and listening pleasure until 11pm.  Greek folk dance performances will be featured twice each day at 3pm and 5pm by area Greek dance troupes in beautiful authentic folk costumes.  
Indoor and outdoor seating under the tents is provided and now we’ve added a third tent down the middle of Central Street.  

To keep children occupied, there will be bounce houses, face painting, children’s activities, hot dogs and soft drinks. There’s something for everyone! Admission is free. Our last Festival held in 2019 was attended by thousands.  All orders can be put up for take-out.  We also have two ATM machines on property as we do not take credit cards or checks. Visit www.stsanargyroi.org for more details.

Dangerous Heat Advisory Continues!

The National Weather Service (NWS) is forecasting a potential period of prolonged oppressive heat through Friday (8/13) in most of the Commonwealth. During this period, daytime temperature highs will be 90-99 degrees. Heat index (Apparent Temperature) values will be 95-110 degrees. Scattered showers/thunderstorms are possible in the afternoons, with the potential for a few strong to severe thunderstorms late Thursday. There is a low probability that the heat wave could continue through Saturday.
Impacts/ Potential Impacts:
- Very hot temperatures with moderate humidity. Little relief at night especially in urban population centers.
- Potential of heat related issues to at risk population and those doing higher levels of outdoor physical activities.
- Damaging straight line winds and localized street flooding are possible on Thursday in areas where severe thunderstorms occur.
Preparedness and Safety Information:
- Safety and preparedness tips for extreme heat: www.mass.gov/mema/heat
- Never leave children or pets alone in a closed vehicle. Even with the windows cracked open, interior temperatures can rise almost 20°F within 10 minutes.
- Check with your local officials to find locations of cooling centers near you.
- Know the symptoms of and watch out for heat-related illnesses like heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. Call 9-1-1 to report emergencies.
- Be a good neighbor. Check on family, friends, and neighbors, especially the elderly, those who live alone, those with medical conditions, those who may need additional assistance, and those who may not have air conditioning.
Power outage preparedness and safety information: www.mass.gov/info-details/power-outage-safety-tips
Preparedness and safety tips for thunderstorms and lightning:

St. John Lutheran Church (ELCA) Announces In-person Worship & Virtual Opportunities

SUDBURY: St. John Lutheran Church, ELCA is gathering weekly for in-person worship Sundays at 9:30am in their air-conditioned fellowship hall for the rest of the summer. New pastor Rev. Eric Wolf invites all to join in, though there are a few things to know: Masks are required. There will be lyrics in your bulletin, and you may sing. At communion, all bread will be gluten free rice wafers with options for wine or grape juice.
In addition to their in-person Sunday morning worship service, there are other ongoing opportunities for you to gather virtually. If you would like to participate in any of the following groups, please call the church office at 978-443-8350 for Zoom log-in information.
- The New(ish) Parents Group (parents of children from birth through middle school) will meet every second and fourth Wednesday of the month for about an hour. The aim is to provide a chance to get to know each other, build new friendships, talk about what brings us joy and what we find challenging, and share some time with by ZOOM while enjoying a beverage of your choice. The hope is to pair each family with a “buddy” family to keep in closer contact with during the off weeks.
- Senior Exercise class meets on Mondays and Wednesdays at 10am via Zoom.
- Senior Book Group that meets on Tuesday mornings at 11am and reads a book a month.
- On the Second and Fourth Thursdays of the month at 11am there is a group that discusses Race, Racism and Anti-racism.
St. John is an open and affirming faith community worshiping in a universally accessible facility located at 16 Great Road. For more information, call 978-443-8350, visit www.stjohnsudburyma.org or find them on YouTube at St John Lutheran Sudbury and Instagram @stjohnsudbury.
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Join the Maynard Folds Virtual Origami Exhibition Contest

MAYNARD: Be an origami museum exhibitor in The Origami Museum, founded and led by artist and teacher, Lisa B. Corfman.  Corfman announces Maynard Folds, a virtual origami exhibition contest – come exhibit in the upcoming Origami Museum Community Gallery. The origami museum welcomes EVERYONE to submit from children and adults, and from novices to experts to be in the spotlight.

Entries can be anything you can do, neatly folded, nicely presented (with fitting paper used, etc.), without cutting, gluing, or drawing on the model.  Just share something you are happy with for fame in the origami museum’s online gallery.  Don’t fret, just enjoy and do your best.  Origami can be simple, fun, or even amazing.  A personal note with questions, comments or concern is always welcome.

All contestants who submit will exhibit within the origami museum website, receive a certificate of participation, have a mention on Instagram and Facebook and receive a selection of origami paper.  Awards for one top child and one adult winner features a certificate of honor, a solo Instagram and Facebook post and an online membership to OrigamiUSA.

There are three jurors and the just listed prizes.  Jurors are Ruthanne Bessman, Susan Dugan and Lisa B. Corfman.  Bessman is a long-term curator of origami exhibitions and contests.  Dugan is a 40-year veteran of origami and is a photography professor.  Corfman makes, sells, teaches, and showcases origami inspired art and she is bringing this opportunity to you!

There are the two categories for origami model submissions: under 18 and adults.  Eligible contestants are within a 20-mile radius from Maynard, whether home, work, or school.  Here are the towns in this eligible catchment area:

Acton | Ashland | Arlington| Ayer | Bedford | Belmont | Berlin | Billerica | Bolton | Boxborough | Boylston | Carlisle | Chelmsford | Clinton | Concord | Devens |Dover | Framingham | Groton | Hanscom AFB| Harvard | Hudson | Lancaster | Lexington | Lincoln | Littleton | Marlborough | Maynard | Natick | Northborough | Sherborn | Shirley | South Lancaster | Southborough | Sterling | Still River | Stow | Sudbury | Waltham | Watertown | Wayland | Wellesley | Westford | Weston

The juried contest is sponsored by the Maynard Cultural Council and OrigamiUSA.  The goal is to increase folds!

Find out more at: https://origamimuseum.org/opportunities/. Maynard Folds information, statement about the jurors, and the application can be found there.

Help For Families: Mental Health Challenges

UPDATE: All programs, due to the increase in active Delta Covid transmissions and illness on the rise in MA, will be be conducted only on Zoom.

Mental illness touches one in five people. It is likely a spouse, partner, child, sibling, parent or dear friend of yours may be living with a mental health condition. The National Alliance on Mental Illness, NAMI is offering a FREE 8 session family educational program called “Family to Family”. It is a designated evidenced-based program. The program is taught by NAMI trained family member volunteers who have been there - and includes presentations, discussion, and interactive exercises.

What will you gain? The class provides critical information and strategies for taking care of the person you love, and you’ll also find out – you are not alone! The group setting provides mutual support and shared positive impact – you will experience compassion and reinforcement from people who understand your situation. You can also help others through your own experiences.

You’ll learn about: The latest up-to-date information on mental health conditions and how they impact the brain. Current treatments: Medications - their therapeutic use and side effects, current treatments and therapies. Local mental health services and supports. Managing crisis, problem solving techniques and effective communication. The emotional impact of mental illness on the entire family. Taking care of yourself and managing your stress.

Two Programs are sponsored by NAMI Central Middlesex for fall 2021.  Thursdays via ZOOM, Sept 16 – Nov 4th, 6:30 – 9:00 PM. To register contact Steve at 978-621-3253, shadden@hadlorgroup.com or Lindsay at 781-864-7003, linzbfar@gmail.com. Tuesdays IN PERSON in Littleton MA Oct 12th – Nov 30th, 6:30 – 9:00 PM. proof of vaccination is required. To register, contact Sara at 339-223-3146, doddsara25@gmail.com or Phyllis at 978.973.3995, phyllis.terrey100@gmail.com.

Addiction Referral Center (ARC) Holds 12th Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser

NORTHBOROUGH: The Addiction Referral Center (ARC) is holding its 12th Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser on Friday, August 20th at the Juniper Hills Golf Course. The ARC has been a vital part of the Metrowest community for 49 years. Supporting our fundraising event helps us disrupt the cycle of addiction and provides services, support, and hope to individuals and families in the Metrowest area. Prizes include a new Subaru auto ($25K value) for the Hole In One competition, awards on all par 3 holes, and a $2,500 prize for winning the putting contest.  For information about how to provide a sponsorship or register to golf in the tournament, call the ARC at 508-485-4357 or find more information at www.theaddictionreferralcenter.org.

Assabet Valley Mastersingers Hosts Open Rehearsals

NORTHBOROUGH: Potential members of Assabet Valley Mastersingers will be welcomed at open rehearsals on August 30th and September 7th.. Rehearsal times for these dates and all regular Monday practices to follow will be from 7:30-9:45pm at St. Rose of Lima Parish, 244 Main Street. AVM offers a choral experience in a community of welcoming, inclusive, respectful, collegial and talented vocalists who value high artistic standards.
Preparation will begin for the first concert—Songs of Unity—with orchestra and soloists on Saturday, October 30, featuring Unity in Diversity by Cynthia Lee Wong, commissioned by AVM in honor of its 40thanniversary; LUX:The Dawn From On High by Dan Forrest, exploring ancient liturgical chant, scripture, and modern secular love poetry; Oliver Caplan’s We Exist, the lyrics of which respond to the 2017 violence in Charlottesville, Virginia…honoring all races, faiths and all genders. Arrive early so that you can meet the Membership chair, Deb Wallace and section leaders, and get music prior to rehearsal. For more information, visit www.avmsingers.org/sing-with-us!

NEF Announces Sixth Annual Applefest Gala

NORTHBOROUGH:  The Northborough Education Foundation invites you to join them for the sixth annual Applefest Gala: Cocktails and Dancing Under the Stars. The event will be held at Juniper Hills Golf Course Pavilion on Friday, September 17, 2021, from 7:30pm–11:30pm. Guests will enjoy a cash bar and hors d’oeuvres followed by dancing to live music provided by Fever (www.feverband.net). Cocktail attire is requested.  Tickets are $60 per person and can be purchased online after August 1, 2021, at www.ApplefestGala.eventbrite.com

The Gala is part of Northborough’s annual Applefest weekend which is scheduled for September 17-19, 2021. Applefest is a highly anticipated community celebration that includes fun family events all weekend including a dessert bake off, 5K road race, apple pie café, street fair and car show.

All proceeds from the event will benefit Northborough Education Foundation (NEF), a volunteer-run organization that provides teachers and administrators in the town of Northborough with the resources necessary to improve curriculum, programs and services beyond the level supported by the annual school budget. Through fundraising initiatives like the Applefest Gala, NEF helps finance the costs of extraordinary curriculum and staff development projects, student services and activities, special programs, equipment purchases and other efforts in order to foster creativity and nurture and develop a bright and enthusiastic generation of learners. 

NEF is a tax-exempt charitable organization under 501(c)3. All qualifying donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. All donations can be mailed to Northborough Education Foundation, PO Box 1094, Northborough, MA 01532. For questions about NEF or how a business can become a sponsor, please visit www.northboroughed.org.

Mary Ann Morse Healthcare Corp. Hosts 3rd Annual Fundraising Golf Tournament

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BOYLSTON: Non-profit Mary Ann Morse Healthcare Corp., a continuum of exceptional quality, affordable senior living, healthcare, and home care services in Metro West for more than 25 years, announces its 3rd Annual Fundraising Golf Tournament on Monday, October 4 at The Haven Country Club. Proceeds from the tournament will fund a new handicap accessible van to transport senior residents to their favorite activities. Interested individuals, groups, or businesses are invited to participate by playing golf, taking advantage of numerous sponsorship opportunities, or by making a donation of any amount at maryannmorse.org/golf.

DPW to Host a Forum on the Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan

SUDBURY: The Sudbury Public Works Department, with their consultants Woodard & Curran, as well as Capital Strategic Solutions will host a virtual informational session on Thursday, August 5, 2021 regarding the Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (CWMP). The virtual informational session will begin promptly at 7pm, with a brief presentation regarding the CWMP, followed by a question-and-answer session. Residents, business owners and all interested parties may join the meeting through the Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86748430939

Sudbury has been investigating wastewater options for the Route 20 Business District for decades. Septic systems have been and continue to be an environmental concern due to the proximity of these on-site wastewater systems that discharge to the ground near the Town’s Municipal Water Supply wells located on Raymond Road, as well as a limiting factor to business expansion and/or actual relocation.

Visit sudbury.ma.us/cwmp to learn more about the CWMP. Residents, business owners and interested parties are encouraged to send questions in advance of the information session to cwmp@sudbury.ma.us.  To subscribe to their email list visit sudbury.ma.us/cwmp/email.

Save the Dates - Summer Auction to Benefit The Wayside Inn Foundation Scheduled

Coach house from south before move
SUDBURY:  The Wayside Inn Foundation’s Summer Auction 2021 will run from August 12 at 5pm until August 20 at 9pm. Proceeds will support The Foundation’s “Rediscovering the Red Horse” effort to create a new center for education and research at the historic Gate House at The Wayside Inn®.
The new center will inspire new thinking about old history by encouraging opportunities for:
  • Program development for all ages -- students, families, and adults;
  •  Improved access to the archives and streamlined collections management and care;
  • Active research; and
  • Dynamic engagement with history through renewed interpretation of The Wayside Inn’s historic assets.
Over 80 items are scheduled to be auctioned off. These include items and experiences from local businesses, organizations, artists, AND The Wayside Inn's Trustees and Staff! (Items from The Wayside Inn’s collection will not be auctioned off.) “We are grateful for the support and to have the opportunity to work with some phenomenal people to pull the auction together,” said Nonprofit Director Sally Hild.
Online bidding will require participants to complete an easy registration with 32 Auctions.com. Visit https://32auctions.com and follow instructions to set up an account and a unique bidder name. The link to the Summer Auction 2021 will be posted on The Wayside Inn Foundation’s web site (wayside.org) and social media (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) the week prior to the Auction. ‍Stay tuned for great opportunities to place some winning bids and help The Wayside Inn Foundation with its collections relocation project at the same time!

Live Virtual Author Series Features Outstanding New Publications by  Plant, Garden, and Landscape Specialists 

FRAMINGHAM: Native Plant Trust, the nation’s first plant conservation organization and the  only one solely focused on New England’s native plants, announces a live virtual Author Book  Talk Series featuring top plant scientists and landscape designers discussing their newest  publications. The series will run August through October 2021 and feature renowned experts  Darrel Morrison, Jonathan Drori, Ellen Sousa, Lauren Brown and Ted Elliman. Tickets available  at www.NativePlantTrust.org.  

“This series creates a forum for outstanding leaders in plant-related fields to share new ideas  and perspectives with audiences around the world,” shares Courtney Allen, Director of Public  Programs at Native Plant Trust. “Research, innovation, and publication are organizational  priorities for Native Plant Trust, and we look forward to highlighting the work of our local,  national and international colleagues.”

Authors include: 
  • August 6, 2021: Darrel Morrison 
Distinguished professor and landscape architect Darrel Morrison will discuss his new book,  Beauty of the Wild: A Life Designing Landscapes Inspired by Nature, published by the Library of  American Landscape History. Morrison is a renowned landscape architect, professor, and  leader in promoting ecological diversity and restoration in landscape design. Beauty of the Wild highlights Morrison’s approaches to native plant communities and natural processes in his  landscapes at the New York Botanical Garden, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, and Storm King Art  Center. Morrison is co-founder of Landscape Journal and a Fellow of the American Society of  Landscape Architects. He is one of the most revered educators in landscape architecture today,  whose ecology-based approach has influenced a generation of practitioners.
  • September 10, 2021: Jonathan Drori 
Jonathan Drori will discuss his new book, Around the World in 80 Plants. Drori is a plant  scientist, professor, and science communications expert and author of the acclaimed book  Around the World in 80 Trees. He has led and served in such roles as BBC Executive Producer  and founding Director of Culture Online at the UK Government’s Department for Culture and  Media. In Around the World in 80 Plants, Drori brings plant science to life by revealing how plant  worlds are intricately entwined with human history, culture, and folklore. Some plants have a  troubling past, while others have ignited human creativity or enabled whole civilizations to  flourish. Drori is a former Trustee of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and was awarded the  Commander of the Order of the British Empire.  
  • October 1, 2021: Ellen Sousa  
Ellen Sousa will discuss her upcoming book, Native Green Garden (an updated edition of her  previous publication, The Green Garden), and will share how to create ecologically sound New  England habitats with horticulture. She is a garden expert, nursery owner, teacher naturalist,  and speaker. Native Green Garden is an illustrated guide to native plantings for the region’s  microclimates that will increase ecosystem health and attract native pollinators.  

Native Plant Trust’s Author Book Talk Series also recently featured Lauren Brown and Ted Elliman discussing their book Grasses, Sedges and Rushes: An Identification Guide. The 2020  publication is an updated edition of Brown’s definitive guide from the 1970s. Lauren Brown and  Ted Elliman are both highly regarded botanists with several landmark publications in the field,  including Brown’s Grasses: An Identification Guide, Weeds in Winter, and Grasslands and  Elliman’s Wildflowers of New England
To reserve your spot for virtual author book talks, please visit www.NativePlantTrust.org.
Avm afsscreenshot

AVM Announces Summer Sing of Mozart’s Requiem

WESTBOROUGH:  The Assabet Valley Mastersingers will host a Summer Sing of Mozart’s Requiem in d minor on August 17, 7:30pm at Congregation B’nai Shalom. Sing the choruses with members of the AVM chorus while professional soloists sing the solos.  All are welcome!  Bring your music score or borrow one at the door.  Suggested donation is $10 per person.

Artistic Director Dr. Robert Eaton will briefly rehearse the audience/chorus in the choral sections of the Requiem prior to directing a complete performance of the work including professional soloists; Andrea Ehrenreich, soprano, Jessica Tasucu, alto, Killian Mooney, tenor, John Salvi, bass; and accompanist Mark Bartlett.  For more information, visit  www.avmsingers.org.

The Assabet Valley Mastersingers (AVM) is a community chorus of about 65 SATB
vocalists in Northborough.  Choir members are experienced singers,
ranging from 16 – 75+ years of age, hail from 20+ area towns, and represent a diverse community joined together by the vision of Artistic Director, Dr. Robert Eaton; the love of choral music and the challenge of performance. AVM performs in the Shrewsbury, Northborough, Westborough, Southborough and  Marlborough area, presenting three
major concerts annually plus a Messiah Sing. The choir has been performing since 1978 and enjoys a reputation for excellence in choral performance.
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The Northborough Free Summer Concerts are Back! 

NORTHBOROUGH: The Northborough Community Affairs Committee is thrilled to announce the return of our free Summer Concert Series for 2021!.  All concerts will be held on Sundays at Ellsworth-McAfee Park (Rt. 135) from 5-7pm. These events are fun for the whole family! Food trucks will be back again this year as well!. In the Summer line-up will be Playing Dead, Way Up South, Cold Spring Harbor & Crocodile River Music. The food vendors will include Northborough House of Pizza, Fork N' Delicious Food Truck, Uhlman's Ice Cream and Yummy Mummy Bakery. For more information about the Northborough Community Affairs Committee, visit www.northboroughcac.weebly.com or find them on Facebook.

Callahan State Park Expands Thanks to Collaborative Effort

MARLBOROUGH: Callahan State Park gained 33 additional acres on June 28, after the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) purchased the O’Donnell Property in Marlborough. This purchase was the culmination of a long-term, collaborative effort to protect the property, which shares a ½-mile boundary with the state park.

DCR identified the property as a priority for protection nearly 20 years ago due to its critical location within an actively used portion of the park. In addition to the $1.25 million that DCR contributed to the acquisition price, the City of Marlborough contributed $150,000 and Sudbury Valley Trustees (SVT) raised $100,000 from foundations and local individuals. 

“By protecting this important property, DCR is able to expand the Callahan State Park trail network and secure this pristine natural resource for future generations to enjoy,” said DCR Commissioner Jim Montgomery. “Callahan State Park provides essential outdoor recreation opportunities to people seeking respite in our state parks, and DCR is grateful for the ongoing partnership and collaboration with the City of Marlborough and Sudbury Valley Trustees, which were critical to the successful completion of this acquisition.”

Marlborough Mayor Arthur Vigeant commented, “The City has been interested in this land for quite some time and we are appreciative that the O’Donnell family decided to allow us to purchase it to preserve it as conservation and recreational space for the public to enjoy. I’d like to thank the Department of Conservation and Recreation, the Sudbury Valley Trustees staff, and all who worked with us to secure this asset.”  Visitors to Callahan State Park have likely crossed the O’Donnell Property without realizing that it was privately owned. Nearly ¼ mile of the Beebe Pond Loop Trail cuts through the property, so by conserving this land, the project partners have protected a popular recreational resource.

Priscilla Ryder, Marlborough Conservation Officer, added, “We are thrilled to have this property protected to enlarge Callahan State Park. Any time we can enlarge existing open spaces, it helps the environment and wildlife habitat. Many people from Marlborough and the region use this park, so it is wonderful to have the land and trail system protected for future generations.” 

Left unprotected, the property could have been carved up into 20 or more house lots, which would have fragmented the forest habitat, harmed wildlife, and increased runoff and erosion into Angelica Brook.  In fact, Colie and Nora O’Donnell acquired the property several years ago to protect it from a proposed development project. But they always intended to sell the land for permanent conservation once an agreement could be reached with an appropriate organization. Discussions with DCR picked up over the past year, with the City of Marlborough and SVT stepping in to raise public awareness of the project and to provide supplemental funding.

Trail maps for Callahan State Park are available on the DCR website at www.mass.gov/dcr.
Photo by Dany Pelletier

AARP Massachusetts Fraud Watch Update: July 2021

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Did you know that someone’s identity gets stolen every two seconds?  The AARP Fraud Watch Network provides you with tips and resources to help you spot and avoid identity theft and fraud so you can protect yourself and your family.  Our watchdog alerts will keep you up to date on con artists’ latest tricks.  It’s free of charge for everyone:  AARP members, non-members, and people of all ages.  Be a fraud fighter!  If you can spot a scam, you can stop a scam. Report scams to local law enforcement. Contact the AARP Fraud Watch Network at www.aarp.org/fraudwatchnetwork for more information on fraud prevention.

Warm weather is here which means door-to-door sales crews are here, too. But what they’re selling isn’t always legit. Be cautious anytime a stranger comes knocking, especially if the visitor is trying to sell you goods or services. Be wary of contractors who say they stopped by because they just happened to be in the neighborhood. The good ones are usually too busy to roam around in search of work. Also be on guard for high pressure tactics to make a quick decision for a steep discount, and requests for payment upfront. Your best bet is to proactively seek out services if you need them, versus reacting to an unexpected sales pitch. It’s always okay to explain you don’t do business at your front door (or to not answer when strangers knock).

Many scams originate right at your fingertips through your computer or smartphone. The good news is the way to block them is also within your grasp. Here are three tips to keep your devices safe from criminals. Make sure your devices’ operating systems are up to date; you should be able to set an auto-update feature that downloads the latest software when available. Next, make sure to change the password on your Wi-Fi router so it’s different from the password it came with. If you have a lot of devices connected to it, they could be vulnerable if the router is compromised. Lastly, a password manager is a great way to create unique and hard-to-guess passwords for all of your online accounts and apps.

America is open for business again and millions of people are traveling, or planning to. One thing you may run into is sticker shock – especially with rental cars. The lack of travel in 2020 led rental companies to sell a lot of their inventory of cars. Now that demand has spiked, supply is tight and prices are high.
Unfortunately, criminals are paying attention and posting fake rental car deals at rock bottom prices online. While everyone loves a good deal, doing business with an entity you aren’t familiar with could be risky. Whatever your travel needs, stick to reputable websites with proven track records. If you do find a deal with an unfamiliar provider, do your research: look up the company name with “scam” or “complaint” and see what appears, and check out reviews.

Who doesn’t love something for free? But beware, that “free trial offer” might mean months of payments that you didn’t know you signed up for and will have a hard time canceling. These types of sales tactics are called negative options – a customer signs up for a free trial and unwittingly accepts a subscription – sometimes for a questionable product – often by not seeing a pre-checked box in the very tiny print. When it comes to free trials, research before you enroll. Fully understand the terms and conditions by reading the fine print. Keep a close eye on your credit and debit card statements so you spot unexpected charges right away. Contact your bank or credit card company to address the issue; calling the company you inadvertently signed up for a subscription with will likely get you nowhere.

Be a fraud fighter!  If you can spot a scam, you can stop a scam. Report scams to local law enforcement. For help from AARP, call 1-877-908-3360 or visit the AARP Fraud Watch Network at www.aarp.org/fraudwatchnetwork.
Svt kellyproperty trail

Peppercorn Hill Conservation Area Gains 67 Acres

UPTON: A year-long effort to conserve the 67-acre Kelly Property in the eastern part of Upton concluded in June, when the Town of Upton purchased three parcels of the property and Metacomet Land Trust (MLT) purchased the fourth. The property will now become part of the adjacent Peppercorn Hill Conservation Area.
The Kelly Property hosts mature forests, wetlands, streams, a vernal pool, and rocky outcrops. In addition, about 1 mile of the popular Peppercorn Hill trails crosses the property and offers a stunning view to the west from a scenic overlook. 

“People who have visited the trails at the Peppercorn Hill Conservation Area in the past have likely walked across the Kelly Property without realizing that it wasn’t public land,” said Lisa Mosczynski, President of MLT. “By protecting the property, the project partners have ensured that the public will always have full access to the entire trail network and can enjoy the view from atop Peppercorn Hill.”

MLT purchased its 25-acre parcel on June 15 with assistance from Sudbury Valley Trustees (SVT), a regional land trust that works in 36 communities. MLT received a $56,500 Conservation Partnership grant for the purchase from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. To close the gap in the purchase price and to cover costs such as legal fees, SVT secured additional grants from anonymous foundations, and the two member-supported land trusts worked together to solicit donations from private individuals. 

 “We are grateful to SVT for supporting this project and helping it to succeed,” said Mosczynski. “MLT is also proud to have worked with the Town to expand the Peppercorn Hill Conservation Area, protect important wildlife habitat, and provide recreational opportunities for the public far into the future.”

The Town of Upton used $156,908 of Community Preservation Funds to purchase its 42 acres on June 30. Town voters approved the use of these funds during a Special Town Meeting in November 2020.  SVT will hold conservation restrictions on all 67 acres and will annually monitor the land to ensure its critical ecological properties are protected.

 “The Town is excited to partner with Sudbury Valley Trustees and the Metacomet Land Trust to continue to provide recreational opportunities to our residents as we add to the town’s treasured Peppercorn Hill Conservation Area.” said Maureen Dwinnell, Board of Selectmen Chair. “On behalf of the Board of Selectmen, I want to thank the members of the Conservation Commission for their leadership in preserving this land for future generations to enjoy.”

After both deals closed, Meredith Houghton, SVT Land Protection Specialist, commented, “SVT believes it is important to act now in order to conserve precious open spaces such as the Kelly Property. We were delighted to collaborate with MLT and the Town to protect this land for the surrounding communities.” 
Houghton continued, “We also thank everyone, including over 70 area residents, who donated to the fundraising campaign to save this land. Your support was essential to the project’s success.”
A trail map for the Peppercorn Hill Conservation Area is available on the Town of Upton website.

DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED: Red Cross Still Facing Severe Blood Shortage

The American Red Cross continues to experience a severe blood shortage that is negatively affecting blood product availability across the country. Donors of all blood types – especially type O and those giving platelets – are urged to make an appointment to give now and help ensure hospital shelves are stocked with blood products over the Fourth of July holiday and beyond.

Right now, the Red Cross is working around the clock to provide blood products to hospitals responding to an unusually high number of traumas and emergency room visits, as well as overdoses and resulting transplants. As a result of the blood shortage, some hospitals are being forced to slow the pace of elective surgeries until the blood supply stabilizes, delaying crucial patient care. 

In addition, while summer is traditionally a time when blood donations decline, this year is particularly challenging as many Americans receive their vaccinations and resume summer activities after more than a year of limited interactions and travel, leading to lower donor turnout. The need for blood doesn’t take a holiday break − patients still depend on lifesaving transfusions.

Donors are needed now to prevent further delays to patient care. Schedule an appointment to give blood now by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting RedCrossBlood.org, calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or enabling the Blood Donor Skill on any Alexa Echo device.

As a thank-you, all those who come to give July 1-6 will receive a Red Cross embroidered hat by mail,* while supplies last. And, donors who come to give July 7-31 will receive a $10 Amazon.com Gift Card by email, plus a chance to win gas for a year (a $5,000 value). (Terms and conditions apply; visit rcblood.org/fuel). 
In most cases, those who have received a COVID-19 vaccine can donate. However, knowing the name of the manufacturer of the vaccine they received is important in determining donation eligibility.

Diaper Collection to Benefit The Diaper Project at A Place to Turn, Natick

FRAMINGHAM: Lutheran Church of Framingham and St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, partners in mission and ministry, will hold a month-long virtual and a one-day in-person diaper collection to benefit The Diaper Project at A Place to Turn. Diapers and baby wipes are not covered by SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) or any other federal or state programs. This collection will provide diapers and baby wipes to families in our MetroWest community who are in financial distress.

At this time, the Diaper Project is looking for: 1) Diapers in sizes 5 & 6; 2) Diaper wipes; and 3) Monetary donations.  You can donate three ways:

Virtual Collection, July 1-31. Shop online at your favorite retailer and have the diapers and wipes shipped directly to: The Diaper Project, 99 Hartford St., Natick, MA 01760.

One-day, In-Person Collection, Sunday, July 25, 11:30am to 12:30pm. Hand-deliver your donations to volunteers in the parking lot of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 3 Maple St., Framingham. Volunteers will be there to collect your donations. Please do not leave donations outside the church at any other time.

Monetary Donations: Visit the A Place to Turn website: www.aplacetoturnnatick.org. Click the “Make a Donation” button at the top right section of their home page. If you’d like, you can type St. A/LCF Diaper Collection in the comment section. You may also send a check made payable to A Place to Turn to 99 Hartford St., Natick, MA 01760 and write St. A/LCF Diaper Collection on the memo line.
There is a constant need for these items. If you are unable to help now, you may donate directly to A Place to Turn at any time. Please join us in helping our neighbors in need.

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church and The Lutheran Church of Framingham are co-located at 3 Maple Street in Framingham, MA. For more information, please call the church office at 508.875.5095.