
"Beginning Conversations About Race, Culture and Prejudice" at Bedford Library

BEDFORD: First Connections will be offering a free playgroup for children age 3-6 with their parents at Bedford Library this spring called "Beginning Conversations About Race, Culture and Prejudice." Young children notice differences in people like skin color, hair type, eye shape, the foods they eat and languages they speak. We adults can help them learn about these differences and try to prevent them from absorbing prejudiced ideas they may see or hear other places. In this group we will read books together about skin color, race, culture, and the prejudice and discrimination associated with those traits, and explore our own physical appearance and culture through play and art. Each week families will also get to borrow a bag with books to read at home and tips/activities for parents related to the books. Younger siblings welcome. This program will be held on Mondays, 10-11:00, from April 24-June 15. The facilitator is an Early Childhood teacher. To register, email lmatthews@jri.org.

Charles Williams Scholarship Deadline March 5, 2023

CONCORD: The Williams Scholarship Committee, an initiative of the Concord Free Public Library Corporation, is now accepting scholarship applications from college-bound High School Seniors residing in Concord for The Charles Williams Scholarship for Excellence in Music and The Charles Williams Scholarship for Excellence in the Visual Arts. The deadline for submissions for both scholarships is May 5, 2023.

The Williams Scholarships are named for one of the Library’s original benefactors, Mr. Charles Williams, an enthusiastic supporter of higher education, music and the arts.

Online application forms as well as submission requirements for each Scholarship can be found here.
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CFPL Announces First Writer-in-Residence

CONCORD: The Concord Free Public Library (CFPL) and the Trustees of CFPL Corporation are delighted to announce their very first Writer-in-Residence George Jreije. Jreije is the Lebanese-American author of the Shad Hadid children's fantasy series as well as the upcoming graphic novel Tarik’s Bazaar Adventure, all with HarperCollins. He has also written short stories published in collaboration with UNICEF. When not writing (or thinking about writing), he enjoys scouring the world for delicious food, messing with yoga poses, and connecting with eager readers. George can be found on Twitter and Instagram at @ByGeorgeJreije.

A panel of CFPL Corporation/Trustees, Library staff and others reviewed over 60 applications between Fall 2022 and Winter 2023, after which they presented the top applications to a review board of local celebrated authors for final decision. Jreije showed a clear passion for community involvement, including mentoring, leading workshops, and organizing writing retreats. This is just a taste of the offerings he will bring to the Concord community in his role as Writer-in-Residence.

The Concord Free Public Library Corporation has awarded a generous grant to fund the Writer-in Residence, who will receive a stipend and will spend part of his fellowship in the Library writing as well as offering dynamic programming and creative mentorship to the community. Located in the beautiful, newly-renovated part of the Library known as the Library House, the Writer-in-Residence office overlooks the Courtyard Workshop makerspace and the delightful Children’s Garden.

“We are thrilled to welcome our first Writer-in-Residence to continue Concord’s illustrious literary tradition. We created a special space for this purpose during our recent Library expansion,” said Sherry Litwack, President of the CFPL Corporation.

Jreije is expected to begin his tenure in mid-April. The public will be invited to a special welcome event.

Local Playwright Hortense Gerardo's "Middleton Heights" Commission Hits the Umbrella Stage

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CONCORD: The Umbrella Stage Company is thrilled to commission its first full-length play, created by local playwright Hortense Gerardo. "Middleton Heights" is a dark comedy that follows Meena and her Filipino family as they assimilate to life in a fictional Midwestern suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. The play traces historical events from 1967 to 2014 and the pursuit of the American Dream, refracted through the intersectional lens of the Asian American Pacific Islander immigrant experience.

This production is directed by Michelle Aguillon, who has helmed several popular productions for The Umbrella Stage, including this season's sold-out run of Kate Hamill's Dracula, Fences, Joy Luck Club, To Kill a Mockingbird, and True West, which earned a DASH Award for Best Production (Play). Aguillon and Gerardo have collaborated frequently on recent projects, including last season's Incantation for The Umbrella Stage @Home New Works series and Scensation for the Boston Theater Marathon XXIII, among others.

The Umbrella Stage Company was pleased to present a special program on October 30, 2021 exploring the Filipino American Experience through the dramatic writing and production process as part of the 2021 Concord Festival Authors. An interactive discussion with playwright Hortense Gerardo, director Michelle Aguillon, and actors Jude Torres, Liza Fermin-Granada, and Justin Budinoff presented a scene of an original play examining what it means to be a Filipino American in relation to the American Dream through the lens of a Filipino family in the suburbs of Cleveland. The event included a short scene-in-progress from the commissioned World Premiere!

This production runs March 31 - April 23, at 40 Stow Street. For more information, visit https://theumbrellaarts.org/production/middleton-heights.

Concord Conservatory’s Spring Group Class Registration Open

CONCORD: Balancing rigor with the joy and fun of creating music, CCM group classes provide excellence in music education. Small classes give each student individual attention while learning and connecting with others. Share time together making music as a family in the group class, Family Notes—a class for parents, caregivers, kids through 4 years old and their siblings. Stimulate physical, language, social, cognitive, and musical development through musical play. Each class will incorporate simple percussion instruments, creative  movement, improvisation, and playful

If your kids love to sing and belt out tunes, there's Beginner Vocals for ages 6-8, ideal for enthusiastic singers with no previous experience is required.

Adults don’t delay starting or continuing your desire to learn the fun instrument, the ukulele. Whether you're a beginner or have many years of experience, there's a ukulele group class for you to join.

Love bluegrass and would you like to sing in harmony while playing? Sign up for the Bluegrass Harmony Singing—a 10-week course dedicated to deepening our understanding of harmony singing, growing our repertoire, and most importantly getting to practice singing with other folks in a supportive environment.

For more information on the Concord Conservatory of Music, visit
ConcordConservatory.org, email info@concordconservatory.org, or call (978) 369-0010. Concord Conservatory of Music is located at 1317 Main Street in the West Concord Union Church. Financial assistance is available.

Free Trial Adult Ukulele Classes at Concord Conservatory

CONCORD: Get ready to learn the ukulele, or pick it back up again! Sample a Concord Conservatory of Music (CCM) Ukulele group class and see why the Uke is a fun and popular instrument to learn and play with friends. Sign up for a free trial group class for beginners on Wednesday, April 5 at 6pm for the Ukulele Crash Course.

Already have some experience, the Uke 2: The Sequel at 7pm will help to hone your fundamental playing skills. These fun and engaging courses connect you to other like-minded musicians in a social and supportive environment. The 6-week semester begins on April 12.

The Ukulele Crash Course offers a fundamental approach to learning the ukulele for students of varied musical backgrounds. You’ll learn the first position notes and chords on the ukulele and about tablature, basic note reading, chord diagrams, and basic strumming patterns. Get ready to learn how to play single-note melodies and basic chords for songs.

If you’re no longer a beginner and ready for a lot of fun while developing your skills, sign up for the Uke 2: The Sequel trial class. You’ll work on movable chord shapes, more diverse strumming patterns, and fingerpicking while playing a range of genres and styles, including pop and folk songs, Irish tunes, and Renaissance music.

Sign-up for your free trial ukulele group class at concordconservatory.org/instruction-programs. For information on the complete list of CCM offerings, visit ConcordConservatory.org, email info@concordconservatory.org, or call (978) 369-0010. The Concord Conservatory of Music is located at 1317 Main Street within the West Concord Union Church on the 2nd floor. Financial assistance is available.

Local Residents Named to Simmons University Dean's List

CONCORD/ACTON: Congratulations to the following local students who were named to the 2022 fall semester dean's list at Simmons University in Boston_
  • Francesca Servello, Acton (01720)
  • Emma Ely, Carlisle (01741)
  • Annie Kinzlmaier, Concord (01742)
  • Olivia Palmer, Concord (01742)
  • Emma Wilcoxson, Concord (01742)

To qualify for dean's list status, undergraduate students must obtain a grade point average of 3.5 or higher, based on 12 or more credit hours of work in classes using the letter grade system.

Walk, Run & Roll with Minuteman Senior Services

BEDFORD: Join Minuteman Senior Services in May for the Spring Forward Walk, Run & Roll!  You will have the option of completing a 5K (3.1 miles) or 10K (6.2 miles) along the route of your choice anytime from May 20–29, 2023.  Other than the registration fee, there is no fundraising required, however you do have the option to  increase your support by setting up an individual or team fundraising page or joining a team.

This event will benefit all the valuable programs that Minuteman provides and aligns with our mission of enhancing health and well-being, as all who participate will benefit as well. In addition to raising needed funds for agency programs, we hope to get people moving for their health, outside or inside, with family and friends whenever possible.

So, if this is your first race or you are an avid runner, lace up your sneakers and “Spring Forward'' with Minuteman Senior Services in May!  For more information, please visit www.minutemansenior.org.

Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley Awards Scholarships to Local Students for Upcoming (RYLA) Conference in June

The Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley announced that it has awarded scholarships to this year’s Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) Conference to be held in June. The lucky scholarship winners are Nevaeh Duplessis, Vincenzo Porfino, Riley Dinjian and Madison Oxnard.

Robert Johnson, local Committee Chairperson, said that the chosen students will be among the more than 150 Massachusetts high school sophomores who will attend the RYLA Conference. Aimed at developing the leadership potential of young men and women, the conference will feature many thought-provoking events including interactive Leadership Labs, exciting guest speakers, and challenging mental and physical activities that will provide the participants with a chance to excel amongst and with their peers. Topics will include decision-making, critical thinking, communicating effectively, ethics, and public service. To be chosen, the candidates needed to qualify by showing leadership potential and good citizenship characteristics and showing a strong desire to attend and benefit from the conference. Additionally, in their individual interviews, they needed to stand out from the other applicants.

Congratulations from the Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley to this year’s scholarship winners and their families! Anyone interested in obtaining further information should visit www.ryla7910.org or contact
Robert Johnson at johnson@itesafety.com, (978) 875-3143 or any other member of the Nashoba Valley Rotary Club.
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Open Table Benefits from Local Rotarians' Grant Funding & Donation Drive

Open Table is benefitting from local Rotarians’ grant funding and donation drive. The Maynard-based charity is dedicated to fighting hunger and building healthy communities in 21 local communities, including Acton, Boxborough, Concord, and Maynard. Open Table’s mission is to end hunger by providing healthy food in ways that respect the dignity and diversity of the people it serves.

"We are so grateful for this partnership with the Rotary Club of Concord and the Rotary Club of Acton-Boxborough," states Alexandra DePalo, executive director of Open Table. "Many of the individuals and families we serve need the personal-care items that these clubs will collect. This initiative will have a major positive impact on so many members of our community."

The Concord and Acton-Boxborough clubs have partnered to provide a total of $5,000 in Rotary grant funding to Open Table. The two clubs are also conducting a donation drive to provide Open Table with personal-care items are not covered by the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as SNAP.  They are seeking donations from the general public of the following five sets of personal-care items:

- Diapers: Sizes 3, 4, 5, and 6. Each month, Open Table needs 260 each of these sizes. The largest box of any brand in those sizes will be great because Open Table needs two (2) boxes of each size per month.
- Baby Wipes – Standard Size: 24 to 36 packets per month.
- Laundry Detergent and Dish Soap: 400 units per month.
- Toothpaste and Shampoo: 400 units per month.

Here, alphabetically, are Concord’s and Maynard’s nine donation-bin locations:

- Action Unlimited, 100 Domino Dr., Concord
- Coldwell Banker, 11 Main Street, Concord
- Concord Teacakes, 59 Commonwealth Ave., Concord
- Frame-ables, 111 Thoreau St., Concord
- Keller Williams Realty Boston Northwest, 200 Baker Ave. Suite 205, Concord
- Middlesex Bank, 64 Main St., Concord
- Minute Man Arc Early Intervention, 1269 Main St., Concord
- Spirits Liquor Store, Maynard Crossing, 4 Digital Way, Suite 3,  Maynard (next to
Market Basket)
- The Thoreau Club, 275 Forest Ridge Rd., Concord

And here, alphabetically, are Acton’s and Boxborough’s seven donation-bin locations:

- Boxborough Liquors & Convenience, 1233 Massachusetts Ave., Boxborough
- Citizens Bank, Gould’s Plaza, 270 Great Rd., Acton
- Donelan's Supermarket, Gould’s Plaza, 248 Great Rd., Acton
- Extra Steps Pediatric Therapies, 222 Main St., Acton
- Gould’s Clothing, Gould's Plaza, 260 Great Rd., Acton
- Roche Brothers Supermarket, 387 Massachusetts Ave., Acton
- Stop & Shop Supermarket, Powder Mill Plaza, 100 Powder Mill Rd., Acton

Members of both the Rotary Club of Concord and the Rotary Club of Acton-Boxborough are "People of Action" in "Service above Self" - both locally and worldwide. To learn more, visit RotaryClubOfConcord.org and ActonBoxboroughRotary.org. For additional information, contact Acton-Boxborough President Steve Jones-D'Agostino at either abrotaryclub@gmail.com or email the Concord at info@rotaryclubofconcord.org.

Some Spots Remain in Spring Classes for Middle & High School Students

CONCORD: Have some Springtime fun at Concord Youth Theatre! Classes start next week - don't miss our fun, active, creative options for middle school and high school aged students!

Playmaking (Grades 5-8; Tuesdays 5-6pm)
Ready for a “change of scene?” In Playmaking, students work together to imagine characters and visualize how their relationships form on stage. Guided by Amy Nosowitz, students explore how dialogue, movement, and song can build stories as they collaborate on original pieces. Like comedy? moving monologues? expressing yourself through song or dance? There is something for everyone in Playmaking, just bring your playfulness, sense of adventure, and willingness to try! Limit: 18 students. Tuition $300.

Broadway Dance (Grades 6-12; Tuesdays 7:15-8:15pm)
Love all those big musical theater dance numbers? Come see how it’s done and try it yourself! Join us to learn choreography to musical theater songs and astound yourself as you perform a full fledged dance number. A fun experience for all dance levels. Take a homework break and come dance with us! Limit: 20 students. Tuition: $300.

For more information and to sign up for classes, visit concordyouththeatre.org.
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Women's Business and Leadership Luncheon at Concord's Colonial Inn

CONCORD: Join the Middlesex West Chamber of Commerce Professional Women’s Network for an informative and uplifting luncheon at Concord’s historic Colonial Inn, April 5, 11:30am-1:30pm. The program focus is Resources for Success. How you combine your business and life experiences can shape your future! Lisa Gonzalez Welch, Economic Development Specialist for the Small Business Administration, will share highlights from more than 30 years of experience guiding businesses to success. Jennessa Durrani, Empowerment Coach and host of "A Daily Practice" will share insights and inspiration for realizing your personal goals. The program will also highlight the innovative work being done by the Boston Area Gleaners. Raffles will be available to benefit the non-profit group. Members $30/ Guests $45 (Tickets include one raffle ticket!) More info and register is available at https://business.mwcoc.com/events/details/professional-women-s-network-business-and-leadership-luncheon-7151.

"A Perpetual Invitation: 150 Years of Art" at the Concord Free Public Library

CONCORD: In honor of the Concord Free Public Library’s 150th anniversary, the Concord Museum and the Library’s William Munroe Special Collection have collaborated on a special exhibition featuring the Library’s art collection. Featured objects will include paintings by Washington Allston, N.C. Wyeth, May Alcott Nieriker, Charles Hovey Pepper, Alicia Keyes, and Elizabeth Wentworth Roberts, among other artists, as well as sculptures depicting noted Concord authors such as Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry David Thoreau, and Louisa May Alcott. The exhibition will also highlight Concord’s artist communities, local art collectors, the history of institutions promoting public access to works of art, and the stories of specific artists, including May Alcott Nieriker, Alicia Keyes, Elizabeth Wentworth Roberts, and others who have lived and worked in Concord.

A Perpetual Invitation: 150 Years of Art at the Concord Free Public Library will be on view at the Concord Museum from March 24-September 4, 2023. On Opening Day, March 24, you are invited to view the exhibit 10am-4pm. Curators from the Concord Museum and the Library’s William Munroe Special Collection lead guided tours of the exhibition on March 24 and 31 at 11am and 2pm.

For more information, visit https://concordlibrary.org.
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The Concord Orchestra presents
“The Power of Nostalgia”

CONCORD: The Concord Orchestra presents “The Power of Nostalgia” at 8pm on March 25 and 3pm on March 26 at the Performing Arts Center at 51 Walden. The orchestra, directed by Channing Yu, performs a program of Samuel Coleridge-Taylor’s "Bamboula: Rhapsodic Dance," Edward Elgar’s "Cello Concerto," and Max Bruch’s "Symphony No. 3." A prelude recital by violinist Henry Lee precedes the concert on Saturday at 7:15pm. A pre-concert talk by the conductor is scheduled for Sunday at 2:15pm.

Guest conductor Channing Yu is Music Director of the Mercury Orchestra in Cambridge and Associate Artistic Director of the Refugee Orchestra Project in New York City. He is the national winner of the 2010 American Prize in Orchestral Conducting in the community orchestra division. He has served as Music Director of the Dudley Orchestra in Cambridge, and Music Director of Bay Colony Brass in Watertown. He has also served as Artistic Director and Conductor of the Lowell House Opera, the oldest opera company in New England, where he conducted over thirty fully staged performances with orchestra, including Tchaikovsky’s "Eugene Onegin," Richard Strauss’s "Der Rosenkavalier," Puccini’s "Turandot," Verdi’s "Otello," and Puccini’s "Tosca." For his musical direction of "Tosca," he was awarded second prize in the 2011 American Prize in Opera Conducting national competition.

Max Bruch (1838-1920) wrote his Third Symphony in 1884. A less familiar work than his frequently performed Violin Concerto No. 1, it has a lovely, lyrical slow movement, cheerful scherzo, and exciting
finale. Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (1875 -1912), an English composer whose father was born in Africa, wrote Bamboula: Rhapsodic Dance in 1910. The bamboula is the name of a drum and a dance that was brought to America and the Caribbean by African slaves.

Each season, the Concord Orchestra features a young performer selected by the annual young artist competition. The competition is open to musicians of high school age or younger who live in eastern
Massachusetts. This year’s winner was chosen by a panel of orchestra members and Channing Yu. Lazar Kaminsky (pictured), age 16, performs Edward Elgar’s "Cello Concerto." Throughout his life, Lazar has won competitions, and performed major solo, chamber, and orchestral works around the world. He won the AIMS Festival concerto competition in 2015 and 2019, the NEC Solo Competition, the IMO New York Solo Competition and the Waltham Philharmonic Concerto Competition. Lazar has performed as a soloist with numerous orchestras. He was co-principal cellist of the NEC Youth Symphony during their 2019 season and is now co-principal cellist of the NEC Youth Philharmonic Orchestra. Lazar has performed in many parts of the world, including NEC’s Jordan Hall, Italy, Spain, Israel, France, and Mexico.

Tickets for adults and seniors are $25. Admission for youth under 18 is free. Masks are required in the concert hall. Full immunization against COVID is strongly recommended, but proof of vaccination will not be required for attendance. For tickets and information, call (978) 369-4967 or visit www.concordorchestra.com.
Art show flyer 2023

Jacob Wren Throckmorton Memorial Art Show

BEDFORD: The Bedford Council on Aging will be hosting the annual Jacob Wren Throckmorton Memorial Art Show on April 8 from 10am-3pm. Jacob's artwork along with pieces submitted by local artists age 55 and older will be on display at 12 Mudge Way. A reception will be held at 1pm to recognize and honor all artists submitting works. There will also be a Kindness Rock Painting activity from 11am-2pm. Participation is free and open to all.

Jacob Wren Throckmorton was 19 years old. He died unexpectedly in his sleep, of Myocarditis on July 22, 2014. Jacob was a lifelong resident of Bedford and had been volunteering at the Bedford Council on Aging since seventh grade. He worked with Pat Le Van and Vicki Umanita for the Saturday parties and birthday events. Jacob would serve food and drinks, sit and chat with the seniors, and on occasion, bring his guitar and play and sing. He wanted to be helpful and to bring a smile to their faces, in any way possible. Jacob was preparing to attend Lesley University College of Art and Design, September 2014. He was excited to be starting art school and was also excited that he would be close enough to be able to come back for his Saturdays with Vicki and his senior friends. Jacob would be so proud and honored to be part of this event that would allow and encourage the senior citizens of Bedford to display their creativity and talents. In the past, submissions were made from many local residents, including the Bedford VA.

Please contact the Bedford Council on Aging at (781) 275-6825 or COA@bedfordma.gov for detailed information regarding submitting artwork. The event is open to the public and  attendance is free. Donations are welcome and appreciated. All donations are used to help fund COA art programs in Jacob’s name. Following the 2nd annual Jacob Wren Throckmorton Memorial Art Show, a fund was created which now supports art classes and art programs throughout the year at the COA. The classes have been well attended and greatly enjoyed. Pieces from these classes are encouraged to be submitted in the art show. The hope is that more seniors will have the opportunity to experience the world of art that was so important to Jacob.

Music for Passover with Stephen Pixley & Beth Rubens

CONCORD: Join Kerem Shalom of Concord for "Music for Passover," an evening of Jewish vocal music by classically-trained soprano and cantorial soloist, Beth Rubens, and classical  vocalist Stephen Pixley on March 25 at 8pm ( in-person). This eclectic program will feature well-known musical theatre songs, traditional Ladino music, and newly composed musical settings by Pixley, especially for Passover, with original poetry by Barbara Joan Tiger Bass, an Oakland (CA)-based poet. The concert will include world premieres, as well as a few other well-known hits by Jewish musical theater composers, a gorgeous traditional Ladino song, and a few additional selections from my own compositions on poems by Balzac, Yeats, and Rilke. There is no fee to attend this program, but kindly RSVP in advance to Rosalie@KeremShalom.org. Learn more about this event at keremshalom.org/current-events/music-for-passover. Kerem Shalom is located at 659 Elm Street.
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Toastmasters Spring Open House

CONCORD: On April 10, the Alcott Toastmasters Club will be holding their Spring Open House at The Monument Hall, 62 Monument Square from 7-9pm. This is a free event open to the public and designed to show what Toastmasters is all about by providing leadership, public speaking, and communication opportunities for personal and professional growth and success.

The club is a community-based group of members from Concord and many surrounding towns. Their members take the opportunity to improve their public speaking and leadership skills in a warm and supportive environment. During the Open House, you will have an opportunity to ask questions, meet new people, and experience an actual Toastmasters meeting including prepared speech presentations, speech evaluations, and impromptu speaking with Table Topics questions.

Everyone realizes that the ability to communicate and lead confidently is important to realizing success. The degree to which you can get your point across, and engage your listeners is important to making difference in your personal and professional life. At Alcott Toastmasters they pride themselves in pursuit of those goals for over 43 years. The Alcott Club is recipient of Toastmasters International's President’s Distinguished Club awards, signifying excellence in achieving its goals and providing the membership with excellent educational, speechcraft, and leadership opportunities. Alcott Toastmasters meet twice a month on the second and fourth Mondays. They operate in hybrid mode i.e., you are also welcome to join remotely via Zoom. For more information visit https://alcott.toastmastersclubs.org.

Concord Conservatory Presents Boston Jazz Wisdom

CONCORD: Beginning March 30, Concord Art presents THIS EARTH, curated by Stefan Hagen. The exhibition brings together the  work of 31 artists from the Montello Foundation Artist Residency in Montello, Nevada. The show will be on view through May 7. 

Hagen’s Montello Foundation is a solitary residency  in the Nevada Desert for artists who foster our understanding of the fragility of nature and the need to protect it. The guiding principles of THIS EARTH are based on the artists’ various approaches and personal relationships to nature. Some artists work in the great tradition of observing nature as listeners and note-takers; others work with natural elements and materials, transforming them with their practice. Still others focus on the well-meaning yet devastating ways in which  humans impact the natural world. The works presented in the exhibition include  photography, painting, sculpture, poetry, video, puppetry, music, and fragrance. 

The exhibition resonates with themes from Concord’s history, as Henry David Thoreau’s response to his environment at Walden Pond has often been likened to an artist retreat or  residency. Like Thoreau, the Montello Foundation artists strive to understand their subject  matter through uninterrupted observation and experience; submersion in the environment  is critical to such retreats. Artists in the exhibition: Renate Aller, Lee Arnold, Bug Carlson, Margaret Cogswell, Concrete Temple Theatre, Elisabeth Condon, Blane De St. Croix, Ash Ferlito, Markus  Guschelbauer, Matthew Hamon, Rachel Harkai, Nicole Jean Hill, Michael Dax Iacovone,  James Kao, Laurie Lambrecht, Jeff Leake, SaraNoa Mark, Summer McCorkle, Evie  McKenna, Sara Morawetz, Mia Mulvey, Brie Ruais, Victoria Sambunaris, Jill Sebastian,  Diana Shpungin, Miho Suzuki, John Thayer, Lea  Thomas, Lea Titz, Patricia Watwood, and Audra Wolowiec. 

A catalog of the exhibition is available at Concord Art. For more information, contact katejames@concordart.org or nataliereiser@concord.org. You may also call Concord Art at (978) 369-2578.
Boston jazz wisdom

Concord Conservatory Presents Boston Jazz Wisdom

CONCORD: On March 24, Jazz percussion legend Ra-Kalam Bob Moses leads an all-star jazz concert at Concord Conservatory of Music (CCM), 1317 Main Street, at 7:30 pm. Experience live music with an evening of energetic, free-spirited, and innovative jazz. His colorful and multicultural music knows no boundaries. The all-star jazz line-up features Dave Bryant on piano, John Lockwood on bass, and CCM faculty member Tsuyoshi Honjo on saxophone. Purchase $25 General Admission tickets in advance from ConcordConservatory.org or
at the door. Email info@concordconservatory.org or call (978) 369-0010 for more information.

Ra Kalam Bob Moses is one of the world’s great musicians, composers, and drummers. As an adventurous drummer and composer, Bob Moses has played with an amazing list of stellar musicians, including Dave Liebman, Pat Metheny, Herbie Hancock, Bobby McFerrin, Dave Sanborn, Gary Burton, and many more over his career.

Bedford's JGMS Presents "Disney's Frozen Jr."

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BEDFORD: The John Glenn Middle School Performing Arts Department will present "Disney’s Frozen Jr.," which is based on the 2018 Broadway musical. It brings Elsa, Anna, and the magical land of Arendelle to life onstage, written by Jennifer Lee. The show features all of the memorable songs from the animated film with music and lyrics by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez.  The show runs March 30-April 1 in the JGMS auditorium. The production, led by director Aidan Tatar, features more than 100 students in the cast and crew. Appropriate for all audiences, the show runs 60 minutes with no intermission. Tickets are available online at www.showtix4u.com/events/23538. Tickets are $10 and a streamed show is available for purchase for the March 31 performance.  The online box office will close seven hours prior to each performance time, but tickets will be sold at the door if available. 

Umbrella Ceramics Studio Redesign & Expansion Project Launched

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CONCORD: The Umbrella Arts Education Program is excited to announce they are embarking on a significant redesign and expansion of their highly popular Umbrella Ceramics Studio Program. The program has experienced increased and robust demand since reopening in 2020, with classes reaching maximum capacity within hours of opening registration each semester, and storage space strained for our thriving independent studio community.
The redesign project aims at once to improve facilities, increase capacity to serve more students and artists, create more navigable space and access, and provide a better experience for all participants. Highlights of the expansion plan include:
  • Combine Room 107 with the existing classroom (Room 108) into one expanded classroom space to accommodate four additional pottery wheels, including an accessible wheel for students and artists of all abilities; a hand-building space; additional cubbies for students and artists; and an upgraded sink area. This larger classroom space will become the primary classroom for youth ceramics.
  • Combine Rooms 105 and 106 into one new large Ceramics Program space dedicated to the glazing process. The creation of this space will allow for added capacity for adult classes in the main studio.
  • Create two permanent studios and one “rotating” studio space on the first floor (Rooms 112 and 113) to host at least one annual Ceramic Teaching Artist-in-Residence who will augment and refresh our class offerings teaching staff, offer workshops and talks for the community, and show their work alongside the studio. 

The Umbrella is investigating contractors and funding options, with the goal to begin construction on July 1 with a completion date of August 15, 2023.  Additional community updates and input opportunities will be shared on TheUmbrellaArts.org in the months ahead. Sign up for their newsletter to receive updates!

PHOTO by David Rosen

Bedford, MA Author Publishes Book on Black America

BEDFORD: "Introducing Democratic Socialism to America," a new book by Bedford's Eteri, has been released by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc.  The book discusses Black Lives Matter, black capitalism and economic systems, resources and other wages, pandemic issues, and issues in Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, and America around the world. The book also discusses war and racism inside Americans today. For more information, visit  https://bookstore.dorrancepublishing.com/introducing-democratic-socialism-to-america.
Eteri has a perspective about society and characters and all. She is trying to live with love and by books, trying to give abilities and provide ability and development to people - mental, physiological, emotional, cognitive, and social. She also tries to give to outcomes and many other supports. Mental health problems can have a negative influence on homelessness, poverty, employment, safety, and the local economy. They may impact the productivity of local businesses and healthcare costs, impede the ability of children and youth to succeed in school, and lead to family and community disruption.
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EmerSong A Cappella Festival – April 1

CONCORD: The Auxiliary of Emerson Health is happy to announce the return of the EmerSong A Cappella Festival on April 1 at 7:30pm at 51 Walden. Invite your family and friends to enjoy this fun and entertaining community event. Musical groups include Concord Carlisle High School’s Take Notes, Tufts sQ!, Amherst College Zumbyes, MIT Ohms, BroadBand, and the Choi/Wright Family Quartet. Proceeds support inpatient and outpatient behavioral health services at Emerson Health. Tickets cost $30 each. For more information, visit www.emersonhealth.org/EmerSong.
Acton concord littleton queen anne

Long Live the Queen!: A Bus Tour of Acton, Concord, and Littleton Queen Anne Homes

ACTON/CONCORD/LITTLETON: Many Queen Anne buildings have stood the test of time and still grace the streets of these three towns over a hundred years later. On April 30 at 1pm, join Histoury as they explore the picturesque and playful style that reigned in the last decades of Queen Victoria’s era, glimpsing into the lives of many locals along the way. The Long Live the Queen! Bus tour is a one-time cultural experience in the Massachusetts area. Spots are very limited!

Histoury is an organization that brings to life architectural tours that are both entertaining and educational. Made up of experts in tourism and history preservation, our team creates one-time tours in the New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts areas that both inform and inspire!  For more information, visit https://histoury.org.

Concord Conservatory Presents Grammy-Award Winners The Okee Dokee Brothers

CONCORD: Connect your kids to nature through music on April 1 at 2pm when Concord Conservatory presents the Grammy Award-winning Okee Dokee Brothers for one show only, bringing their new album "Brambletown" and all their fan-favorite songs for singing and dancing. The inspirational, infectious musical duo will perform at the Acton-Boxborough High School.

The Okee Dokee Brothers draw creativity from their incredible extensive outdoor experiences. With humor and heartfelt connections to nature, their songs teach and entertain audiences of all ages. The Minnesota Parent Magazine says, "The Okee Dokee Brothers are an absolute national treasure. These songs are just what the world needs right now." If you want to introduce your kids to great music with lyrics that embrace adventure and finding happiness, look no further than The Okee Dokee Brothers.

As childhood friends growing up in Colorado, Joe Mailander and Justin Lansing were always exploring the outdoors. Whether it was rafting down their neighborhood creek or discovering hiking trails through the Rocky Mountains, Joe and Justin were born adventurers, bringing their passion for the outdoors at the heart of their down-home and lively Americana Folk music. They have created their own unique sound with a touch of bluegrass, old-time, and folk.

Purchase $25 General Admission tickets in advance from ConcordConservatory.org or at the door (if not sold out). Email info@concordconservatory.org or call (978) 369-0010 to learn more about CCM.

Bedford Police Department Announces Launch of Bedford Safe Campaign

BEDFORD: Chief John Fisher is pleased to announce that the Bedford Police Department, in collaboration with the Bedford Board of Health and the Bedford Health Department, has launched the Bedford Safe Campaign to raise awareness of the effects of gun violence. This campaign focuses on gun safety, awareness, and education in an effort to protect the community from gun violence.

The Police Department plans to partner with area law enforcement partners on an enhanced unwanted gun buyback event in June 2023. In addition to the gun buyback program, the Bedford Police Department now offers free gun safety kits/locks. These locks may also be acquired at the Health Department, Council on Aging (COA), and the Bedford Free Public Library.

The campaign will host a free community education forum on March 1 at the Bedford High School Auditorium, 9 Mudge Way from 7-8pm with a presentation on the topic of gun violence presented by the co-director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Gun Violence Prevention.

"Gun violence is both a policing issue and a public health issue," Chief Fisher said. "We hope that this campaign will open dialogue on this topic, and led to a more informed and safer community."

A flyer regarding the campaign will be mailed to every household in Bedford. For details on the forum or questions about the campaign, residents are directed to visit the Bedford Safe Campaign website at www.bedfordma.gov/BedfordSafe or contact the Bedford Police Department at (781) 275-1212 or the Health Department at (781) 275-6507.

If you or someone you know is in crisis, call 988 to reach out to the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Additionally, you can call or text 833-733-2445 to reach the Massachusetts Behavioral Health Helpline 24/7 for urgent care evaluation and connection to clinical services.

An Intimate Musical Evening with Tony-Winner Laura Benanti

"Broadway wunderkind Laura Benanti isn't just a smashing vocalist; the woman is a comic genius...See her in any way you can!" - Kevin Taft, EDGE Media

CONCORD: The Umbrella Arts Center presents Tony Award-winner and five-time Tony Award nominee Laura Benanti in an intimate concert performance - two nights only, March 10 & 11 at 7:30pm. Hailed by The New York Times for her “effortless” vocals, and by the New York Post for her ability to “whip up laughs out of thin air,” Benanti first took Broadway by storm at the age of 18 as Maria in The Sound of Music, and has subsequently starred in ten more Broadway shows (musicals, straight plays, comedies and dramas) including Into the Woods, Nine (opposite Antonio Banderas), Gypsy (for which she won a Tony Award), She Loves Me, My Fair Lady, and Steve Martin’s Meteor Shower opposite Amy Schumer and Keegan Michael Key.

Benanti's flourishing television and film career have included widely acclaimed appearances on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert as Melania Trump, Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Tick, Tick... Boom! and roles on Hulu’s Life & Beth, Inside Amy Schumer, as well as Gossip Girl, Younger, Nashville, Supergirl, and the highly anticipated second season of The Gilded Age. In film, Benanti starred in Netflix’s Worth opposite Michael Keaton, Stanley Tucci and Amy Ryan, Here Today opposite Billy Crystal and Tiffany Haddish, and is currently filming the Sony Pictures comedy No Hard Feelings opposite Jennifer Lawrence and Matthew Broderick.

Also a book author and creator of the HBO Max special Homeschool Musical: Class of 2020 based on her viral social media movement: #sunshinesongs, Benanti released a self-titled audio album for Sony Music Masterworks and tours the world performing solo concerts alongside highly celebrated musicians and orchestras.

This engagement is an expansion of The Umbrella Concert Series, with recent sold-shows headlined by Lyle Lovett, Indigo Girls, Lake Street Dive, Ben Folds and Natalie Merchant. Purchase tickets at TheUmbrellaArts.org or (978) 371-0820 x209. The Umbrella is ADA accessible, and provides free parking and free admission to its visual arts galleries.
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Purim Mitzvah Masquerade Carnival & Purim Spiel at Kerem Shalom

CONCORD: Join Kerem Shalom of Concord for a Purim Mitzvah Masquerade on March 5, 2023, beginning at 1pm with a Children’s Purim Spiel and Sing-a-long, presented by students and Kerem Shalom faculty, followed by games for families with children at 1:30pm. Costumes are encouraged!  Enjoy Carnival Games, a Bouncy House, Snack Bag Packing, a Costume Parade, Crown Decorating, a Food Drive to Benefit Open Table, Tzedakah, Hamantaschen Sales to support KS’s Afghan Resettlement Initiative, and more! Suggested donation: $5/person (max $20/family).  For more information, visit keremshalom.org, located at 659 Elm Street.
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Open Studios Returns to The Umbrella

CONCORD: Studio Artists at The Umbrella Arts Center will open their doors March 18 and 19 to welcome the public into their recently renovated home at 40 Stow Street in the heart of the historic Concord Center Cultural District. A Concord tradition, Open Studios annually draws over a thousand visitors to The Umbrella, which houses more than 60 working artists skilled in a variety of fine and applied arts including ceramics, glass, fiber arts, jewelry making, illustration, mixed-media, painting, photography, printmaking, illustration, sculpture, woodworking, writing and more. Open Studios will take place between 12-5pm both days.

In addition to studio visits, there will be scheduled art demos in print-making, weaving, woodwork, oil painting and pottery, live music performed by Them City Ducks and Backwards Hats, as well as a Ceramics Studio Spring Sale and a mixed media visual art exhibition,

The Umbrella is ADA accessible with free public parking lot and street parking. Learn more at TheUmbrellaArts.org/Open-Studios.
Members of the class
CONCORD: Brava to the Concord Park residents who recently participated in a Wool Needle Felting Portrait Class, a truly unique art form! (L to R): Julia Lea, Dotty Jenks, Ann Batogowski, Patty Gerty, Kathy Ferris, Tabby Burak, and Art instructor Magda Stilmant.

Local Residents Earn Dean's List Honors from MassBay Community College

ACTON/CONCORD: The following local students have been named to the MassBay Community College Dean's List, achieving this outstanding academic honor for the fall 2022 semester.

* Hailey Martinez of Acton (01720), who studies Liberal Arts - Early Childhood Education.
* Elizabeth Alonzo of Acton (01720), who studies Cyber Security.
* Holly Lascko of Acton (01720), who studies General Studies.
* Frank Abbott of Acton (01720), who studies Biotechnology.
* Nell Larkin of Concord (01742), who studies International Business.
* Mildred Denisse Woodman of Concord (01742), who studies General Studies.

To be eligible for the MassBay Dean's List, students must complete at least six credits of college-level courses, be in good standing with the College, and earn a grade point average of 3.5 or higher.
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NFO Hosts Annual Conference in Concord

CONCORD: The National Folk Organization (NFO) will be holding their annual Conference in Concord this year. From March 29-April 1, look for presentations, workshops, networking and lots of dancing to various types of live music. If you have a passion for folk arts, meet, learn, and mingle with others that feel the same way. This year, there'll be a special focus on dance musicians speaking on the theme of musician/dancer communication. What do musicians and dancers need to know about each other to have successful events?  There'll also be a business meeting, reports on new NFO projects, and a little taste of Pourparler.

Meetings and presentations will be at the Trinitarian Congregational Church, 54 Walden Street. For the dance space, we have reserved the Concord Scout House, the well-loved contra dance hall, next door at 74 Walden Street. Neither venue has parking.

Full time registration includes all events and offers a discount for NFO members. Part time registration allows you to come by the day and covers breakfast and lunch but no evening activities. If you are local and just want to attend the evening dance parties, you can pay the host organizer at the door. Wednesday’s – Friday’s live music dance parties are $10 each; Saturday’s live music party is $20.

Consider inviting family and friends to attend the Awards Banquet on Saturday evening! $50 each. You can register for that under part time registration. It’s always a lovely affair.

For more information, visit tinyurl.com/nfo2023 or email nfoconfquestions@gmail.com.

Local Chefs Take Center Kitchen for Open Table’s Chopped for Charity Gala

Evening to feature chefs’ cooking challenge, food and silent auction

CONCORD/MAYNARD: Open Table, the MetroWest charity dedicated to fighting hunger and building healthy communities, announced that acclaimed local chefs Ben Elliot of Concord’s Salt Box Kitchen, Matt Kenah of Acton-based WECO Hospitality, and Kelcy Scolnick of Winchester’s Wright-Locke Farm will compete at this year’s Chopped for Charity gala with television and radio personality Chef Joe Gatto as the Master of Ceremonies. Celebrity judges include Tiziana Dearing of WBUR Radio, Andy Husbands of The Smoke Shop BBQ, and Peter Malloy of Nashawtuc Country Club.

“The highlight of the evening is the fast-paced competition between the three chefs before an expert panel of judges,” said Norma Frye, Open Table BOD member and Chopped for Charity  Co-Chair. “The event will benefit Open Table’s mission to address hunger in our local community by offering a wide variety of healthy and culturally appropriate food choices in our pantry and meal programs.”

Chefs competing in the Chopped for Charity challenge:
  • Chef Ben Elliot – As chef, farmer, and owner of Concord’s Saltbox Farm, Saltbox Kitchen and Saltbox Catering, Ben oversees all elements of the farm-to-table journey – playing an active daily role in planting, harvesting, preparing and serving his cuisine. Prior to Saltbox Kitchen, Ben's 20-year career includes time spent at La Folie and the Fifth Floor under Chef Laurant Gras in San Francisco and Locke-Ober in Boston. More recently, he worked with chef Barbara Lynch in Boston as Chef de Cuisine at No.9 Park, opening Lynch’s demonstration kitchen Stir, and launching Lynch’s catering company 9 at Home as Chef de Cuisine.
  • Chef Matt Kenah – Matt Kenah is the Director of Culinary at Acton-based food delivery service WECO Hospitality. He leads the culinary teams in multiple kitchens and heads the test kitchen team in trying new dishes for WECO’s weekly menus. Starting as a dishwasher and moving up in the kitchen from line cook to head chef, Kenah worked in restaurants all over New England, becoming a key player at WECO when the meal delivery service began in 2020.     
  • Chef Kelcy Scolnick – Chef Kelcy is a Lowell-based chef and educator focusing on eating with the seasons and supporting her local community through private cooking classes and dinner parties. She is also the Farm Chef at Wright-Locke Farm in Winchester, MA, where she runs a variety of educational programming for people of all ages and creates delicious farm-to-table food experiences.

Experts seated at the Chopped for Charity judges’ table include:
  • Tiziana Dearing, host of Radio Boston on WBUR, has been a commentator and contributor to WBUR for more than a decade. Prior to joining the Radio Boston team, Tiziana was a professor at Boston College in the School of Social Work, where she taught social innovation and leadership. A longtime anti-poverty advocate, Tiziana also ran Boston Rising, a startup antipoverty fund working to end generational poverty in Boston and was the first woman president of Catholic Charities for the Archdiocese of Boston.
  • Andy Husbands is the award-winning chef, author and pitmaster behind The Smoke Shop BBQ, Boston’s acclaimed barbecue restaurants, and four-time winner of Boston Magazine’s “Best Barbecue” as well as The Improper Bostonian’s “Boston’s Best” Award for “Best Barbecue.”  Husbands drives awareness for No Kid Hungry, the nation’s leading childhood hunger relief organization, serving as honorary chair of its annual Taste of the Nation fundraiser. He is also a Vice President of the Massachusetts Restaurant Association, for which he was honored as MRA’s Chef of the Year in 2014, works closely with the Rodman Celebration for Kids, and is an avid volunteer at local women’s shelter, Rosie’s Place.
  • Peter Malloy is executive chef at Nashawtuc Country Club, where he has been a part of the culinary team for over 10 years. With a passion for food and an unwavering commitment to high-quality ingredients, he creates vibrant, memorable, and nourishing dishes for club events and private functions. Throughout his career, Peter has worked in some of the most prestigious kitchens in the area, having honed his mastery of classical French cooking techniques at the renowned Cambridge School of Culinary Arts.
  • Joe Gatto, master of ceremonies for the evening, is a private chef, culinary Instructor, author, and host of the cutting-edge cooking show From Scratch. His private-chef client list has included a star Boston Red Sox player and the CEO and founder of iRobot among others.

This year’s Chopped for Charity will be held at Concord's Nashawtuc Country Club on Friday, April 28. VIP tickets are $200 and include preferred seating, a private reception, meet the chefs, and a high-end spirit tasting. General Admission is $150 per person. Tickets are available at Opentable.org/chopped.

In addition to the chefs’ challenge, the gala will also feature raffle baskets, silent and live auctions, and a cash bar. A light meal will be provided, including delicious desserts from the Open Table kitchen. A VIP reception takes place from 5:30-6:30pm. Doors open for general admission at 6:30pm. 

The evening’s honorees will be Jill Block and Wade Rubenstein and, in memorium, community leader Debra Stark of Debra’s Natural Gourmet.

Open Table is a 501(c)(3) established in 1989. Its mission is to address hunger in the local community by providing healthy food in a welcoming environment while respecting the dignity and diversity of those served. For more information, visit: www.opentable.org

FREE WORKSHOP - Art as Activism/Healing: Race and Racial Justice

CONCORD: Join artist and teacher Nayda A. Cuevas for two FREE workshops at Concord's Umbrella and see how she uses her art on a gallery wall to create a dialogue about race/identity. Cuevas will give a small presentation about different BIPOC figures and contemporary artists. In a safe and welcoming space, students will learn and discuss how other artists stand up to racial injustice and confront such issues as colonialism, stereotypes, slavery, racism, patriarchy, apartheid, and erasure of indigenous peoples and then create their own artwork to be exhibited at The Umbrella Arts Center in April 2023. As a group, discuss:

—How can I be visible in my community? Or how may a person of color feel invisible in their community?
—Has there been a time that you wished you could change something at home, school, or in your neighborhood?
—What artwork would you make to envision and create change?
—What kind of artwork would you make that shows who you are?

Workshops will be held March 4 and March 25 from 1-3pm. Please note artwork may be taken home to complete. Attendance to second workshop may be needed but not mandatory. For more information, contact stephanie@theumbrellaarts.org or register online at https://theumbrellaarts.org/class/free-workshop-art-activismhealing-race-and-racial-justice

Concord Conservatory Presents Music & Water Concert & Lecture

Concord conservatory music   water concert and lecture
CONCORD: On March 3 at 7:30pm, Concord Conservatory of Music partners with OARS and The Sudbury, Assabet and Concord Wild & Scenic River Stewardship Council to present "Music & Water." This evening of appreciation for the beauty of our local rivers and watersheds features a chamber music concert inspired by water and performed by the talented Concord Conservatory of Music faculty.

The many sounds of flowing water, a literal and metaphorical reflection of our world, arise in music from around the globe and throughout the centuries, creating organic patterns and connections between genre, time, and culture for us to explore. The concert will feature chamber music pieces evocative of and inspired by water by Takemitsu, Debussy, Franz Schubert, and others. CCM Faculty performers include Nicole Parks on violin, Susan Gottschalk on viola, Stephen Marotto on cello, Yoko Hagino on piano, and Justin Meyer on bass.

OARS is a non-profit organization whose mission is to protect, improve and preserve the Assabet, Sudbury, and Concord Rivers, their tributaries and watersheds, for public recreation, water supply, and wildlife habitat. Guest speaker Alison Field-Juma, Executive Director of OARS, will act as a guide and help explore local rivers.

General Admission tickets are $25. Kids under 18 are FREE. Purchase tickets in advance from ConcordConservatory.org or at the door. Email  info@concordconservatory.org or call (978) 369-0010 to learn more. Concord Conservatory of Music is located at 1317 Main Street in the West Concord Union
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The Miraculous from the Material with Professor Alan Lightman

Can We Build an Advanced Robot that Has Consciousness? 
CONCORD: Join Kerem Shalom of Concord for an online presentation by Kerem Shalom member Alan Lightman, focusing on the PBS series SEARCHING: Our Quest for Meaning in the Age of Science, (which aired last month) - February 26 from 10:30am–12pm. The series is based on several of Lightman's books. In his talk, he will explore a few of the large questions considered in the series:

· What does it mean to be human in a world of increasing science and technology?
· How can a system made of material atoms and molecules give rise to complex human experiences, like consciousness, falling in love, and awe?
· Can we create a conscious computer or organism in the lab and, if so, what moral and ethical responsibilities would we have?

Lightman will illustrate his talk with video clips from the series. In the clips, he will talk to Jack Szostak, a Nobel-Prize-winning biologist; Ruth Faden, a leading bioethicist at Johns Hopkins; Micah Greenstein, a rabbi in Memphis, Tennessee; the Dalai Lama; and BINA48, the most advanced android created to date.

Lightman is a Professor of the Practice of the Humanities at MIT, a novelist and essayist, a distinguished physicist, and social entrepreneur. In 2003 he founded the Harpswell Foundation, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to empower a new generation of women leaders in Southeast Asia. Alan has received numerous accolades and awards for his extensive creative work at the intersection of the sciences and the humanities.

See https://keremshalom.org/current-events/miraculous-from-materia-lightman/ to register. There is no fee to attend this online program.
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Find Out about Affordable, Reliable, Clean 21st Century Nuclear Energy

The climate crisis is no longer hypothetical. It has arrived. The fastest way to de-carbonize the planet and reduce use of fossil fuels is to incorporate more nuclear energy into the regional power grid. Energy educators are offering free public talks to groups of all kinds – schools, libraries, religious communities, as well as civic, service and environmental organizations in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, southern New Hampshire and Maine and northeastern Connecticut. 

Learn about modern safety procedures, the science and enormous power of uranium and thorium as a 21st century solution to meet the escalating world demand for electricity. Examine the fears underlying discussions of nuclear operations, waste and safety. Find out how modern nuclear reactors feed regional power grids with clean energy 24/7, and how other countries are developing this dense low-carbon energy source. Explore Eco-Nuclear Solutions, a non-partisan, volunteer, grassroots group of scientists, educators and environmentalists at www.eco-nuclearsolutions.org. To reserve a date to explore the potential of nuclear power, contact econuclearsolutions@gmail.com

The one-hour presentation is an introduction to nuclear energy and how it benefits the planet and the world’s people. Access to reliable affordable electricity is a gateway out of poverty, which typically leads to lower birth rates. Nuclear power is experiencing a renaissance as one of the most reliable, affordable and zero-carbon sources of electricity that requires minimal land. It is the only electricity generating technology that sequesters  and/or safely disposes of all byproducts which, along with its demonstrated reliability, makes it a rockstar to provide energy, the lifeblood of the world. The Seabrook, NH and Millstone, CT, nuclear plants provide 20% of electricity to the New England grid. Scientists and activists will share data, stories, slides and videos about the world’s drive for reliable, affordable and clean energy.

The team includes: David Butz, a self-educated living encyclopedia of nuclear energy, past, present and future; Carolyn McCreary, Ph.D, who served two terms on the Ayer Select Board and led the town to become a Green Community; Dale Levandier, Ph.D., a chemist with knowledge of nuclear physics; and other scientists and environmental activists.

Show the Love: Donate Personal Care via The Rotary Club

CONCORD: The Rotary Club of Concord in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Acton is spearheading a donation drive for personal care items for Open Table Food Pantry. The following items are not covered by SNAP/food support programs so Open Table must purchase them for the individuals and families they serve. The following items are being collected: Diaper Sizes:  3, 4, 5, 6, Baby Wipes, Laundry Detergent, Dish Soap, Toothpaste, Shampoo. Items can be dropped off at any of the following LOCATIONS:
  • Action Unlimited, 100 Domino Dr., W. Concord
  • Coldwell Banker, 11 Main Street, Concord
  • Frame-ables, 111 Thoreau St, Concord (Open 10-4, Tues-Sat.)
  • Middlesex Bank, 64 Main St., Concord
  • Minuteman Arc, 35 Forest Ridge Road and 1269 Main St., W. Concord
  • Keller Williams, 200 Baker Ave. Suite 205, Concord
  • Enterprise Bank, 340 Great Rd., ACTON
The Rotary Club of Concord has a long-standing partnership with Open Table which supports food insecure households in 21 communities. Club members volunteer to help transport locally grown vegetables and grocery items and prepare meals for delivery and curbside pick-up.

The Concord Rotary Club is an active group of volunteers who raise money each year for scholarships for local students including sending 10 sophomore high school students to a Rotary sponsored Leadership weekend. Club members also volunteer their time in the community including: the Assabet Valley Boys and Girls Club, building beds for children who do not have beds, working with Habitat for Humanity and holding community events. The Club sponsors a Rotary Interact Club at the high school and Early Act clubs at Concord and Carlisle middle schools. In the past the Club has donated funds for Concord center war memorials, the USS Concord Bell Park and the beautiful tree for the Concord holiday tree lighting.

Rotary International is a service organization with a global network of 1.4 million members taking ACTION to provide clean water and sanitation, fight disease and hunger, support education and mothers and children and grow local economies. Rotary is a leader in working to eradicate polio worldwide. Responding to the war in Ukraine, Rotary International raised $15 million for humanitarian relief which was distributed in the form of disaster response grants. Rotarians continue to provide help in Ukraine through grants from the Rotary Foundation. Interested in learning more about the Rotary Club of Concord? Visit www.rotaryclubofconcord.org for more information.

Start 2023 & Your Morning with the FBCOA

BEDFORD: Join the Friends of the Bedford Council on Aging (FBCOA) on February 28 at 10am for a delicious complimentary breakfast and friendship at the Council on Aging Senior Center, 12 Mudge Way. The FBCOA is a volunteer, multi-age, non-profit group that works to provide essential support and services for the seniors of Bedford and the Council on Aging.  If you are not already a member of the FBCOA, it is not too late to join. Annual FBCOA dues are $5 per person; $7 per family. Reservations are required and will close by February 22. Please call the COA to reserve your spot at (781) 275-6825.  For more information, visit www.facebook.com/FBCOA.

GLCF Seeks Request for Proposals for 2023 Discretionary Grant Cycles

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LOWELL: The Greater Lowell Community Foundation will open its 2023 Discretionary Grant Cycles on February 1 and is seeking requests for proposals from nonprofit organizations. The Foundation will award $200,000 through the Discretionary Grant Cycle. Nonprofit organizations serving the communities of Acton, Ashby, Ayer, Bedford, Billerica, Burlington, Carlisle, Chelmsford, Concord, Dracut, Dunstable, Groton, Littleton, Lowell, Pepperell, Shirley, Tewksbury, Townsend, Tyngsboro, Westford, and Wilmington are invited to apply.

Grant funding from the Greater Lowell Community Foundation’s 2023 Discretionary Grants Program includes the following strategic funding categories:
  • Racial Equity and Inclusion (details below) - The Foundation will award multiple grants of up to $15,000 that focus on racial equity and inclusion. The grant funding should focus on one or more of the following goals:
    • Increase understanding of our community’s challenges with racial equity and race relations
    • Provide access to stories and diverse perspectives on the lived experience of racial inequity in Greater Lowell
    • Strengthen relationships among Greater Lowell residents, particularly across racial and ethnic groups
    •  Increase awareness of resources and best practices related to advancing racial equity
  • Leclair Elder Services - The Foundation will award five grants at $7,000 each to organizations that support services to seniors (55 years+) in our service area.
  • Children’s Services - This year, thanks to the generosity of our donors, GLCF will award seven grants at $7,500 each to projects that support services for children. The Foundation welcomes proposals that improve the quality of life for children and young adults (birth to age 22.)
Grant applications must be submitted by noon on March 3, 2023. Grant recipients will be announced in May. More information is available online at  www.glcfoundation.org.

For more information about the grant process, contact Sharon, GLCF Grants Coordinator with any questions at sharon@glcfoundation.org.

PHOTO: Clarendon Early Education Services received a 2022 Discretionary Children’s Grant to support their Comfort Kits for Foster Kids.

"True Love" 13th Annual Valentine's Day Concert at First Parish

BEDFORD: Save the Date on February 12, 4 pm for "True Love" 13th Annual Valentine's Day Concert at First Parish Bedford UU, 75 The Great Road. Cynthia Mork, Ben Sears (vocals) and Bradford Conner (piano) will perform romantic favorites from the Great American Songbook including "Night and Day" and "I've Got You Under My Skin," as well as selections from "Kiss Me Kate" and "High Society". Special Guests Heinrich Christensen and Robert Winkley will play 4-hand piano works from Maurice Ravel, Paul Hindemith, Peter Warlock and Cole Porter. Scrumptious chocolate reception to follow! Suggested Donations Collected at the door: $20 adults $15 seniors and students, proceeds to benefit First Parish. Live streaming tickets available at tinyurl.com/uubedfordtruelove.
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Parent Ed Classes Offered thru Adult Ed at CCACE

CONCORD: Concord Carlisle Adult & Community Education (CCACE) is now offering parent education programs, previously offered through the Center for Parents and Teachers (CPT). Their goal is to continue to provide expert-led programs for ongoing and new challenges facing our children and families.
This winter they have four classes that address social media, bullying, pandemic effects and building resilience. All classes are online and full descriptions can be found at www.concordcarlisleace.org.

Want to understand how to use the recommended safety settings on your child’s smartphone? Check out Cell Phones & Parenting on Feb. 2nd. Improve your child’s social skills while reducing screen time with Bullying, Cyberbullying & the Effects of the Pandemic on Children Feb. 9th, led by Dr. Elizabeth Englander, a nationally recognized expert on cyberbullying, aggression and abuse online. In March, they will have Building Resilience & Managing Big Emotions with clinical psychologist Dr. Rachel Kramer (March 9) and Your Teens & Money with CCHS math teacher Laurie Fortunato (March 21).

For parents of preschool aged children, there’s a new monthly parenting group led by Allison Flynn, a licensed clinical psychologist with a specialty in child development and mental health.

To get information on these and other parenting programs offered through CCACE, visit their website or call (978) 318-1432.
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16 Adults Complete Carpentry, Welding, Robotics Evening Courses at Minuteman Technical Institute

Programs Are Tuition-Free for Many Students Thanks to Funding from Massachusetts Workforce Skills Cabinet Grants
LEXINGTON: Sixteen adults of a variety of ages and backgrounds were recently celebrated for completing programs in carpentry, welding, and robotics at Minuteman Technical Institute. The 15-week programs were tuition-free for most students thanks to Career Technical Initiative grant funding from the Massachusetts Workforce Skills Cabinet and the Northeast Advanced Manufacturing Consortium.
The Minuteman Regional Technical School District has received more than $3 million since 2020 in grants from the Workforce Skills Cabinet, which support high school and adult career technical education programming. The funds are used to help students, including those from under-represented backgrounds, work in career trades where there is a high demand for skilled workers.
The adult students and their families attended a “Signing Day” ceremony to celebrate their completion of the fall 2022 evening programs in carpentry (pre-apprentice), welding, and robotic technician. Many students brought their families as they signed ceremonial letters of commitment to build careers in their fields of study.
“Our incredible adult students are seeking rewarding careers in high-demand trades to build their futures for decades to come,” said Dr. Kathleen A. Dawson, Superintendent of the Minuteman Regional Technical School District. “From single moms pursuing carpentry to military veterans learning high-tech robotic skills, we welcome students from all backgrounds to help them reach their dreams. In the process, we are educating highly skilled professionals for our regional economy in trades where there are critical shortages of skilled workers.”

“Our adult students are truly committed and dedicated.” said Dr. Nancy Houle, Executive Director of Minuteman Technical Institute. “They often work full time jobs and take their courses in the evenings. We congratulate and celebrate these students for their accomplishments and for contributing to the growth of our regional economy.”

Carpentry (Pre-Apprentice) Program

The following students completed the Carpentry Pre-Apprentice program, which was hosted in collaboration with the North Atlantic States Carpenters Training Fund. They each earned the following industry-recognized credentials: OSHA-10 Safety, Hot Work, Fall Protection, Mobile Elevated Work Platform (MEWP), Scaffold Use Certification.
  • Alexa Cipkas of Norfolk
  • Nicole Crane of Saugus
  • Stephen Foley of Norwood
  • Kateri Gerald-Burns of Boston
  • Seikha Kim of Lowell
  • Lina Lopez of Revere
  • Nathan Oun of Dracut

The following students completed the Robotic Technician program. They each earned the following industry-recognized credentials: OSHA-10 Safety and Hot Work.
  • Raul Gonzalez of Lowell
  • Benjamin Judge of Malden
  • John Ko of Chelmsford
  • Michael Keating of Burlington
  • David Pardey of Millis

The following students completed the Welding program. They each earned the following industry-recognized credentials: American Welding Society (AWS) D1.1-Sheilded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW)-S.S, AWS-D1.1-Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW)-5.18, AWS D1.1-SMAW-Structural, Hot Work, and OSHA-30 Construction Safety.
  • Paul Damon of Chelmsford
  • Jacob Malkasian of Northbridge
  • Jacob Stuczynski of Northbridge
  • Luke Nichols of Woburn

PHOTO: Front row L-R: Instructors Garrett Rice and Tom Akers of the North Atlantic States Carpenters Training Fund;

Middle row: Students Lina Lopez of Revere, Nicole Crane of Saugus, Alexa Cipkas of Norfolk, Nathan Oun of Dracut, and Kateri Gerald-Burns of Boston;

Back row: Dennis Lassige, Regional Manager for North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters; Stephen Foley of Norwood; Seikha Kim of Lowell; Chris Clifford, career counselor for MassHire South/West; Kevin Kelly, regional manager for Local Union 339; and Eric Martinez, recruitment officer for North Atlantic States Carpenters Training Fund.

Bike Camp for Children with Special Needs – Registration Open

CONCORD/GROTON: Emerson Health’s Center for Rehabilitative and Sports Therapies is hosting its 6th annual camp for children and adults with special needs during April school vacation week - April 17-21, 2023. The camp is open to those who are at least eight years old, have a special need, and are able to walk without an assistive device. Trained counselors and spotters work individually with campers to teach them how to ride a conventional bike.

The iCan Bike camp will be held at the hockey rink at Lawrence Academy, 26 Powder House Road, Groton. Participants must be able to attend the same 75 minute daily session during each of the five days of camp. Parents and/or caregivers are required to stay during their camper's 75-minute session where they can observe in the spectator area. For more information and to register, please visit: https://icanshine.org/ican-bike-groton-ma/, or call (978) 589-6774, or email icanshinebike_rehab@emersonhosp.org.

The camp is run by iCan Shine, a national non-profit organization that teaches individuals with special needs to ride a conventional two-wheel bicycle through its iCan Bike program. Trained professionals, including pediatric physical therapists from Emerson Health, work closely with each camper using adapted bike equipment, to help them meet their goals of biking independently. With 75 minutes of daily instruction over five consecutive days, more than 80% of campers learn to bike independently by the end of camp, and nearly all campers make great progress towards biking on their own. 

“Riding a bike is one of the most exciting developmental milestones - it gives people a wonderful outlet for exercise and freedom and is an activity that families can enjoy together,” said Mary Evans, PT, pediatric therapist, Emerson Health. “We are excited to offer the bike camp to give people individualized instruction and the skills necessary to ride a bike on their own. We know the campers will make tremendous progress this year, as we have seen with hundreds of campers in prior years.”

Sponsors of this year’s bike camp are: The Auxiliary of Emerson Health, Lawrence Academy, Spring Hill Suites, Hilton Garden Inn Devens, Bay State Apparel, Cataldo Gift and Garden Shop, Goodale’s Bike store of Nashua, and The Bike Connector of Lowell.

Concord Conservatory’s Summer Piano Camp July 17-21 at Concord Academy

CONCORD: Concord Conservatory of Music, in partnership with Concord Academy, will offer a week-long Summer Piano Camp from July 17-21 for aspiring young pianists. Rising 3rd-12th graders with at least two years of private lesson instruction can focus on developing their piano and musicianship skills this summer while meeting and playing with kids who share the same musical interests. Conservatory faculty will teach small group classes that focus on the development of musicianship skills. Classes include, but are not limited to, composition, music history, improvisation, rhythm and time, sight singing, and score reading. Each day the camp will culminate in a performance and talk by a guest artist. Campers will also have the opportunity to play for one another in an informal performance class, a master class, and in the final camp recital. Piano campers will end the week with a greater appreciation of music in a fun and low-stress environment—the perfect combination of music, outdoor fun, swimming, and friends. For questions about the Summer Piano Camp, email info@concordconservatory.org or call (978) 369-0010.

Concord Orchestra presents “The Vernacular Express”

Korn photo 2020(1)
CONCORD: The Concord Orchestra presents “The Vernacular Express” at 8pm on January 28 and 3pm on January 29 at the Performing Arts Center at 51 Walden. The orchestra, directed by Eric Culver, performs Bernard Hoffer’s Fanfare for Dick, George Gershwin’s An American in Paris, Bernard Hoffer’s Kurt Weill Songbook, and Charles Ives’ Symphony No. 2. A pre-concert talk by the conductor is scheduled for Saturday at 7:15pm.

Guest conductor Eric Culver has been The Concord Orchestra’s consulting conductor during the process of finding a new music director. He has been active as a composer, pianist and conductor at New Stagecraft Theater Company in New York City, Huntington Theater in Boston, A.R.T. in Cambridge and Signature Theater in Arlington, Virginia. He is now in his fifth season conducting the Hanover Theater's full "Nutcracker" in Worcester.

The program “The Vernacular Express” celebrates American folk music, jazz, and musical theater. Charles Ives was influenced by composers such as Dvorak, Bartok and Tchaikovsky whose compositions are inspired by folk music of their native countries. His Symphony No. 2contains quotes from American hymns, spirituals, fiddle tunes, marching band tunes, and patriotic songs. George Gershwin’s jazz-influenced An American in Paris describes theexperience of an American strolling the streets of Paris, including the sounds of honking taxi horns.

Over the years, Bernard Hoffer has written several arrangements of standards from the Great American Songbook for The Concord Orchestra. This season, Jeffrey Korn performs Hoffer’s arrangement of songs of German-born American immigrant Kurt Weill. The audience will recognize Mack the Knife from The Threepenny Opera and will also enjoy rediscovering great tunes and fascinating lyrics from Broadway musicals first performed in the 1940s.

Vocalist Jeffrey Korn has appeared with the Boston Pops at Symphony Hall with John Williams and Yo-Yo Ma. He starred in the Off- Broadway hit “Forever Plaid” and the Off-Broadway Jewish musical comedy “That’s Life!” He has toured the US and Europe with his vocal quartet, “Where’s the Band? Acapella”.

Tickets for adults and seniors are $25. Admission for youth under 18 is free. Masks are required in the concert hall. Full immunization against COVID is strongly recommended, but proof of vaccination will not be required for attendance. For tickets and information, call (978) 369-4967 or visit www.concordorchestra.com.

Local Students Named to Dean's List at Fitchburg State

FITCHBURG: Fitchburg State University President Richard S. Lapidus has announced the students who qualified for inclusion on the Dean’s List for the Fall 2022 semester. A student is placed on the Dean’s List for the semester if an average grade of 3.20 or better is attained, and the student is attending the university full time.  Congratulations to:

Acton / Boxborough / Maynard
Catherine Abrams
Yilver A. Aguilera

Zainabu A. Bosungmeh 
Joseph D. Ditavi
Abderrahmane Garchali 

Ryan B. Kidder 
Carl W. Lindberg
Kyle J. Lindfors

Jonah T. Sallese 
Zachary J. St John 
Ayer / Shirley / Groton / Harvard / Devens
Chassity P. Boo 
Kaitlyn M. Bremer 
Jonathan W. Bremer 
Hailey G. Burke 
Savannah D. Caldbeck
Matthew J. Carey 
Andrew T. Esielionis
Emily J. Hanson 
Kayla A. Holland 
Curtis J. Holmes
Kabriana T. Kien 
Ryleigh A. Levensailor 
Brady W. Madigan 
Deven J. Muldoon 
Eli Norton 
Mishayla S. Silver
Megan R. Strout
Mark K. Terhune 
Danielle M. Varner 
Jing Wang
Stephen T. Wells

Chelmsford / North Chelmsford
David E. Kelley 
McKenna G. Moore 
Sara Najm 
Karen A. O'Rourke
Seth E. Rigby

Concord / Carlisle / Bedford
David P. Eisenberg 
Shujiao Liu

Hudson / Stow
Brian K. Boland 
Emily Cristobal 
Molly J. Flanagan
Isaiah French

Emily G. Hallsworth 
Nicholas D. Solimine 
Cameron J. Sousa
Dale A. Sousa 
Courtney M. Walsh

Marlborough / Sudbury
Julia M. Barnes 
Ava E. Hannon 
Kaleigh A. Morales 
Nickolai Voskanian

Westford / Littleton 
Vincent A. Colavita 
Erick K. Gakuo 
Benjamin R. Golash 
Kyanah Long 
Nathan S. Martin 
Edith Masembe 
Adam E. Quinlan 
Alyssa K. Ramirez 
Asha L. Speller 
Benjamin G. Stormwind
Meaghan J. Walsh

Additionally, Fitchburg State University President Richard S. Lapidus has announced the names of students included on the President’s List for the Fall 2022 semester. The President’s List honors students for consistently high academic achievement. A student is named to the list after achieving a 3.75 average in each of three successive semesters.  Congratulations to:

Acton / Boxborough / Maynard
Owen C. Thayer
Chelmsford / North Chelmsford
Alyssa J. Fields
Emily F. Klein 
Sophia A. Piper

Learn more at fitchburgstate.edu.