
Concord Orchestra Young Artists Competition Holds Auditions

CONCORD: Auditions for the Concord Orchestra Young Artists Competition will be held on November 16 & 17.  The winner will be the featured soloist at the Concord Orchestra's Concerts, on March 25 & 26, 2023, and will receive the Ehlers Memorial Scholarships.  The second and third place finishers may be invited to perform a recital prior to these concerts.  The competition is open to high school and younger instrumental students, including pianists.  A complete concerto or other work suitable for performance with orchestra must be memorized for the audition.  Applications are due by November 1, 2022.  For more information and an application form, call (978) 371-1491 or (978) 369-4967.  Applications (and additional information) can also be downloaded from www.concordorchestra.com.

Concord Conservatory Presents Music & The Cosmos Concert & Lecture

Ccm019 music cosmos webpageheader
CONCORD: For centuries, composers have found inspiration in the vastness of the universe. The intersection of music with the cosmos challenges our conventional thinking of what music can be, where it can occur, how it is constructed, and how it can connect us to nature. Explore the intersection of music and space and delight in a chamber music concert performed by the talented Concord Conservatory of Music faculty. On  October 21 at 7:30pm, join CCM for Music & The Cosmos. The evening will feature presentations by guest speakers, Observational Astrophysicist Erin Kara of the MIT Kavli Institute and Brad Wells of the Grammy Award-winning Roomful of Teeth and Williams College Lecturer. We'll learn about the sonification of black holes and the concept of space, and its relationship to sound. The concert will feature chamber music works of Mozart, John Luther Adams, and Urmas Sisask performed by Concord Conservatory faculty, flutist Anthea Kechley, violinist Nicole Parks, cellist Stephen Marotto, and pianist Keun Young Sun.

Guest speaker, MIT Assistant Professor of Physics Erin Kara, is an observational astrophysicist working to understand the physics behind how black holes grow and affect their environments. She has advanced a new technique called X-ray reverberation mapping, which allows astronomers to map the gas falling onto black holes and measure the effects of strongly curved spacetime close to the event horizon. She also works on a variety of transient phenomena, such as tidal disruption events and Galactic black hole outbursts. She is a NASA Participating Scientist for XRISM Observatory, a joint JAXA / NASA X-ray spectroscopy mission, and co-chairs the supermassive black hole working group. Her work in the field of space is extensive, and she also works to develop new and future space missions. 
Guest speaker and musician Brad Wells is the Founder and Artistic Director of the Grammy Award-winning new music vocal group Roomful of Teeth. He has led the ensemble in premieres of works by many of today's leading composers, including Caroline Shaw, Terry Riley, and Sarah Kirkland Snider. This new music "vocal band," praised by WQXR as "the future of vocal music," performs regularly in festivals, on concert stages, and in educational residencies around the world. He has composed and arranged vocal and instrumental works that have been performed throughout the U.S. and Europe. Since 1999 Wells has been Artist in Residence in Vocal Music at Williams College. He has lectured and published articles on the physiology and acoustics of non-classical vocal styles and the role of singing in film.  

General Admission tickets are $25. Kids under 18 are FREE. Purchase tickets in advance from ConcordConservatory.org or at the door. Email info@concordconservatory.org or call (978) 369-0010 to learn more about CCM, located at 1317 Main Street in the West Concord Union Church. 

FINANCIAL FOCUS: Should you Stick with Index-based Investments? 

September 21, 2022
You may have heard that you can simplify your investment strategy just by owning index-based or passive investments. But is this a good idea? You’ll want to consider the different aspects of this type of investment style. 
To begin with, an index-based investment is a vehicle such as a mutual fund or an exchange-traded fund (ETF) that mimics the performance of a market benchmark, or index — the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the S&P 500, and so on. (An ETF is similar to a mutual fund in that it holds a variety of investments but differs in that it is traded like a common stock.) You can also invest in index funds that track the bond market. 
Index investing does offer some benefits. Most notably, it’s a buy-and-hold strategy, which is typically more effective than a market-timing approach, in which individuals try to buy investments when their prices are down and sell them when the prices rise. Attempts to time the market this way are usually futile because nobody can really predict when high and low points will be reached. Plus, the very act of constantly buying and selling investments can generate commissions and fees, which can lower your overall rate of return. Thus, index investing generally involves lower fees and is considered more tax efficient than a more active investing style. Also, when the financial markets are soaring, which happened for several years until this year’s downturn, index-based investments can certainly look pretty good — after all, when the major indexes go up, index funds will do the same.
Conversely, during a correction, when the market drops at least 10% from recent highs, or during a bear market, when prices fall 20% or more, index-based investments will likely follow the same downward path. 
And there are also other issues to consider with index-based investments. For one thing, if you’re investing with the objective of matching an index, you may be overlooking the key factors that should be driving your investment decisions — your goals and your risk tolerance. An index is a completely impersonal benchmark measuring the performance of a specific set of investments — but it can’t be a measuring stick of your own progress.
Furthermore, a single index, by definition, can’t be as diversified as the type of portfolio you might need to achieve your objectives. For example, the S&P 500 may track a lot of companies, but they’re predominantly large ones. And to achieve your objectives, you may need a portfolio consisting of large- and small-company stocks, bonds, government securities and other investments. (Keep in mind, though, that while diversification can give you more opportunities for success and can reduce the effects of volatility on your portfolio, it can’t guarantee profits or prevent all losses.)

Ultimately, diversifying across different types of investments that align with your risk tolerance and goals — regardless of whether they track an index — is the most important consideration for your investment portfolio. Use this idea as your guiding principle as you journey through the investment world. 
This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor: Marshall-Ben Tisdale,Westford, MA  - www.EdwardJones.com/Marshall-Ben-Tisdale, Edward Jones, Member SIPC
Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors cannot provide tax or legal advice. You should consult your attorney or qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.

Goats and Giggles at the Concord Free Public Library

CONCORD: Bouncing baby goats are coming to the Concord Free Public Library
Children's Garden on October 6 from 10:30-11:30am! Children ages 0-5 and their caregivers are invited for a hands-on playtime with baby goats from Chip-In Farm. There will be plenty of time for goat cuddles and photo ops. The folks from Chip-In will set up a large pen to mix and mingle with their friendly Nigerian dwarf fainting goat kids. While you wait for your turn to pet the goats, enjoy some goat stories with the librarians! For more information about Library programs and services, call (978) 318-3301 (Main Branch) or (978) 318-3350 (Fowler Branch), or visit www.concordlibrary.org.

An Invitation to Share High Holy Days 5783

CONCORD: Kerem Shalom—Vineyard of Peace— warmly invites the community to join in for the High Holy Days 5783! This year’s services and programs will take place both in-person and online and include: 
  • Erev Shabbat Service - September 23, 7:30pm. Spiritually Preparing for the Yamim Noraim (Days of Awe)
, in-person only. 

Throughout this month of Elul, it is our task to be engaged in a process of deep, introspection and reflection on who we have been over the past year, and who we want to become during the upcoming year. Jewish tradition refers to this process as “Teshuvah.”
 This Shabbat Service is the last Shabbat before Rosh HaShanah and the New Year. Take the opportunity to engage in some of the melodies and prayers of the High Holy Days as well as engage in conversation about how we can make real practical sense out of some of the complex themes of the High Holy Days. Also have the opportunity to hear the shofar sounded in preparation for Rosh HaShanah and to sing the words of the Psalm for this season, Psalm 27, Achat Sha’alti. 

  • Erev Rosh Hashanah - September 25, 7pm – Community Service, in-person and online, with live captioning;
  • Rosh Hashanah - September 26, 8:30am – Early Childhood Family Service, in-person, with ASL, and online; 10am – Community Service, in-person and online, with live captioning. All children are welcome during the community service. Childcare primarily geared to young children (ages three to eight) is also offered. Students in grades 3-6 are invited to come to the first part of the service and then to join in age-appropriate holiday activities with Rabbi Sam during the Torah Service. Students will return for a special blessing during the Shofar Service.; 12:30 pm – Extended outdoor Kiddush following the Rosh Hashanah service; 4:30 pm – Tashlich at the Old North Bridge – At the Monument Street entrance (NOT Liberty Street). Please note this service will not be available via Zoom.
  • Rosh Hashanah Day 2 - September 27, 10am – Community Service led by David Orlinoff, in-person and online, with Zoom captioning;
  • Erev Yom Kippur (Kol Nidre) - October 4, 7pm – Community Service, in-person and online, with live captioning. Please note Rabbi Darby will deliver his main Yom Kippur sermon at this service.;
  • Yom Kippur - October 5, 8:30 am – Early Childhood Family Service, in-person, with ASL, and online; 10am – Community Service,  in-person and online, with live captioning. All children are welcome during the community service. Childcare primarily geared to young children (ages three to eight) also offered. Students in grades 3-6 are invited to come to the first part of the service and then to join in age-appropriate holiday activities with Rabbi Sam during the Torah Service and, optionally, continuing through Yizkor.; 12pm – Yizkor (Memorial Service), in-person and online, with live captioning. See below for information on the Yizkor slide show and how to submit photos.; 1:30pm – Torah Study, with Rabbi Sam, in-person only; 2:30pm – Mindfulness Meditation, with Cheryl Steinberg and Scott Sancetta, in-person only; 3:30pm – Musical Musaf Service, with Tiferet Ensemble, in-person only. 4:30 pm – Mincha (Afternoon Service),  in-person and online, with live captioning; 5:30pm – Neilah (Closing Service),  in-person and online, with live captioning; 6:30pm – Havdalah, in-person and online, with live captioning.

Visit keremshalom.org for the full schedule as well as registration and further details. For further information, contact the Kerem Shalom Office at ksadmin@keremshalom.org or (978) 369-1223.

Guided House Tours at Job Lane

BEDFORD: Job Lane Farm Museum, 295 North Road, will be open for tours on
September 25. Guided tours are held on the 2nd & 4th Sunday, May through October from 2-4pm.  One of the oldest homes in Bedford, Job Lane is owned by the Town of Bedford.  The house has Rufus Porter murals, a beautiful garden maintained by the Bedford Garden Club ladies and Children’s Colonial Games.  Memory Lane Gift Shop in the Job Lane Barn has many children’s books, Bedford Flag items, and much more.  Admission donation is $4/per person or $10 per family.
Mark your calendar for their next big event - a Quilt Exhibit on October 9.  They will display older quilts, as well as more modern ones, and other objects having to do with quilting. Info: https://joblanefarmmuseum.org.
Beg vocal singers

Voice Instruction this Fall at Concord Conservatory of Music

Calling All Singers & Want-to-be Singers of Every Age
CONCORD: Gain confidence, learn proper techniques, and get that feel-good feeling while singing. Concord Conservatory of Music (CCM) can help you and your kids achieve all that. CCM offers one-on-one private voice instruction as well as group offerings this fall.
You and your kids can improve the tone and control of your voices Take the time and effort while having fun to discover a wider range of music and vocal best practices. Our accomplished and talented voice instructors, Holly Jennings, Jay Lane, and Gray Leiper, have all received formal music training along with a wealth of performance experience. They know and understand what it means to perform on a stage in front of a live audience. Voice instruction provides continuous feedback. You’ll learn proper breathing and posture for singing while you increase your repertoire and explore new genres.

Gain additional benefits from singing in a group. Start your young singers out right by registering them for Beginner Vocals (ages 6–8). They’ll focus on developing their voice in the context of singing age appropriate songs from the musical theatre repertory. Kids will learn the basic elements of breathing, pitch, voice placement, range development, and tone while working towards a performance of songs from a well-known musical.

Singing in a group builds students’ self-esteem as they work towards a common goal, and form strong friendships as part of a community. The Concord Conservatory Girls Chorus for ages 9-14 receive training in vocal technique and musicianship and explore a wide variety of musical genres including folk, jazz, pop, Broadway, and world music.

If you or your child prefer a smaller group, consider joining a rock or jazz ensemble. Ensembles offer students a wonderful way to learn and collaborate with peers and experience the joy of making music together. Students of similar abilities are grouped together to form trios, quartets, and/or quintets. Musicians will be coached weekly throughout the semester.
Visit www.ConcordConservatory.org for more information. Concord Conservatory of Music is located at 1317 Main Street in the West Concord Union Church. Financial assistance is available.

Library Friends Host Sean Wilentz at Annual Lecture

CONCORD: The Friends of the Concord Library are pleased to announce that Princeton University Professor Sean Wilentz has been selected as the 2022 Ruth Ratner Miller Award winner. The Miller Award lecture will be held on October 15 at 7pm in the new Goodwin Forum of the library on Main Street. The ticketed event is part of the Concord Authors Festival.

The Ruth Ratner Miller Memorial Award for Excellence in American History was established in 1998 by Richard Miller, and is sponsored by her four children, to honor the life of their mother, Ruth Ratner Miller. It has been presented by the Friends of the Concord Public Library since 2001.

Prof. Wilentz is the George Henry Davis 1886 Professor of American HIstory at Princeton University, where he has taught since 1979. According to a Princeton University website, Wilentz is currently at work on The Triumph of American Antislavery, a companion volume to The Rise of American Democracy, which will offer a comprehensive political history of the antislavery movement from its seventeenth-century origins to the eradication of slavery in 1865.

Wilentz’ research includes works on American social and political history. He has written award-winning books including The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln, which won a Bancroft Prize and was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize, among other titles.

His books include The Age of Reagan: A History, 1974-2008, a reconsideration of U.S. politics since the Watergate affair; Bob Dylan in America, a consideration of Dylan's place in American cultural history; and The Politicians & The Egalitarians: The Hidden History of American Politics, a thematic collection of essays covering American political history from the Revolution through the 1960s, among other titles. He has also won two Grammy nominations from his writings on American music, including a book on Bob Dylan.

After the lecture, the Friends will hold a reception and book signing in the newly expanded library building. Tickets are $15 for adults; $5 for students, available at both libraries, Barrow Books and the Concord Bookshop. An online presentation will be available free, with donations to the Friends kindly accepted. Visit www.concordlibrary.org for more information.

Local Residents Named to Simmons University Dean's List

ACTON/CONCORD: The following local students were named to the 2022 spring semester dean's list at Simmons University in Boston.

* Laura Gaynor, Acton
* Emma Bethel, Acton
* Celia Morse, Acton
* Olivia Palmer, Concord
* Amanda Tong, Concord
* Emma Wilcoxson, Concord

To qualify for dean's list status, undergraduate students must obtain a grade point average of 3.5 or higher, based on 12 or more credit hours of work in classes using the letter grade system.

Located in the heart of Boston, Simmons is a respected private university offering more than 50 majors and programs for undergraduate women and graduate programs open to all on campus, in blended formats, or entirely online in nursing and health sciences, liberal arts, business, communications, social work, public health, and library and information science. Follow Simmons on Twitter at @SimmonsUniv, and on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/school/simmons-university/.
Gigl bophamalone 2022

Girls Inc. Alum to Lead Girls Inc. of Greater Lowell

Alum, Parent & Board Member Bopha Malone Steps Up to Lead 105-year-old Organization

LOWELL/BEDFORD: Girls Incorporated of Greater Lowell (GIGL) is pleased to announce Bopha Malone has accepted the position of Interim Executive Director and has committed to that role for a full year while the Board of Directors conducts a thorough, nationwide search for a permanent leader.  Bopha resigned from her prominent VP position at Enterprise Bank to step up and guide Girls Inc. through a period of building upon strengths while developing new programming, hiring and training staff, and meeting the challenges of post-Covid learning loss head on.
“The GIGL Board is grateful to Bopha for stepping into this critical role and leading during a time of real transformation,” said Jennifer Aradhya, president of GIGL Board. “Her deep connection to Girls Inc. and the Greater Lowell community is unsurpassed and we look forward to working together.”
“Girls Inc. is an extraordinary organization that has nurtured, guided, and empowered girls for more than 100 years, preparing them for their futures and helping them to become the best versions of themselves,” said Jack Clancy, Enterprise Bank CEO. “Bopha has consistently embodied Enterprise Bank’s core value of ‘community’ during her time with us and I am delighted to see her bring her talents to this new role at Girls Inc., an organization she is truly passionate about with a mission she so deeply believes in. She will provide tremendous leadership, passion, and purpose to Girls Inc. and she will make a very positive and meaningful impact and difference.”

Bopha immigrated to the U.S. at the age of eight, and credits caring mentors for helping her get to where she is today. She joined Girls Inc. of Lynn at the age of 15 and worked as a Peer Leader, educating youth about racism, homophobia, and the dangers of tobacco use and gun violence, among other issues.  As a first-generation Cambodian American who benefited from the support and encouragement of others, her passion is to seek opportunities through her roles at the bank and in the community to give back and help others in the ways that she has been helped.
“Girls Inc. played a tremendous role in my life growing up and was instrumental in helping me become the woman I am today, “said Malone. “I am grateful to Enterprise Bank for supporting my involvement with nonprofits over the 16 years I’ve been with them and am honored by the opportunity to inspire the next generation of girls to be strong, smart, and bold as interim executive director for Girls Inc.”

"Girls Inc. provides a sisterhood of support and transformational programs to help girls tap into their inherent power and become the leaders they are intended to be," said Patricia Driscoll, Chief Operating Officer Girls Inc. National. "I have witnessed Bopha's evolution from a girl balancing traditional cultural norms with her new life to an impassioned professional supporting her community, running for Congress, and now leading Girls Inc. of Greater Lowell. She embodies 'strong, smart, and bold,' and her combined lived and Girls Inc. experiences will be a tremendous asset in the development of the new generation of girl leaders. I am honored to be working alongside her."

In addition to helping thousands of people create financial success for themselves, their families, and their businesses, Malone is actively involved with several nonprofit organizations.  She is a trustee of Middlesex Community College, Tufts Medicine (Lowell General Hospital), International Institute of New England, Women Working Wonders and is a member of the Bedford Rotary Club and Chamber of Commerce. She lives in Bedford with her husband and two children and serves as a member of the Bedford Select Board.

FINANCIAL FOCUS: Look Closely at Open Enrollment Choices

September 6, 2022

Once again, it’s the season for football games and back-to-school activities. And if you work for a medium-size or large employer, it will soon be open enrollment season – the time of year when you can review your employee benefits and make changes as needed. What areas should you focus on?

Actually, it’s a good idea to pay close attention to all your benefits. Some of the offerings may have changed from last year — and you might have experienced changes in your own life, too, which might lead you to look for something different from your existing benefits package.

You may want to start with your health insurance. If you’re satisfied with your coverage, and it’s essentially the same as it’s been, you may well want to stick with what you have. However, many employers are increasingly offering high-deductible health plans, which, as the name suggests, could entail more out-of-pocket costs for you. But high-deductible plans may also offer something of benefit: the ability to contribute to a health savings account (HSA). Your HSA contributions are made with pre-tax dollars, so they can reduce your taxable income for the year. Also, your earnings grow tax-free, and your withdrawals are tax-free, provided the money is used for qualified medical expenses. (Withdrawals taken before age 65 that aren’t used for qualified medical expenses are taxable and subject to a 20% penalty; once you reach 65, the penalty no longer applies, although withdrawals are still taxable as income if not used for a qualified expense.)

Your next benefit to consider: Life insurance. Your employer may offer a group life insurance plan, but you’ll want to evaluate whether it’s sufficient for your needs, especially if you’ve experienced changes in your personal situation over the past year, such as getting married or adding a new child. There’s no magic formula for how much life insurance you need — you’ll need to consider a variety of factors, such as your income, family size, mortgage and so on — but it may be necessary to supplement your employer’s coverage with a private policy.

Your employer may also offer disability insurance as a benefit. Some employers’ disability policies are fairly limited, covering only short periods of time, so you may want to consider a private policy. 

Beyond the various insurance policies your employer may offer, you’ll also want to closely look at your 401(k) or similar retirement plan. Typically, you can make changes to your 401(k) throughout the year, but it’s important to make sure your investment selections and contribution amounts are still aligned with your risk tolerance and goals. Also, are you contributing enough to earn your employer’s match, if one is offered? And if you’ve already receiving the match, can you still afford to put in more to your plan if such a move makes sense for you? 

Your employee benefits package can be a valuable part of your overall financial strategy. So, as open enrollment season proceeds, take a close look at what you already have, what’s being offered, and what changes you need to make. It will be time well spent.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor 
Financial Advisor, Alan Bell, Littleton, MA
Edward Jones, Member SIPC

Edward Jones, its employees and financial advisors cannot provide tax or legal advice. You should consult your attorney or qualified tax advisor regarding your situation.

Pizza, Pizza:  Support the Bedford Council on Aging

BEDFORD: On October 6 from 5-9pm, Flatbread has generously offered to donate a portion of the proceeds from the sale of all pizzas to the Bedford Council on Aging!  You can either dine in or take out.  The money will go to support the CoA's many programs that support Bedford seniors.

The Friends of the Council on Aging will be there hosting a very exciting raffle.  ALL the proceeds of the evening go to supporting a variety of programs.  Just to mention a few:

1. Day trips and informational programs
2. Memory café that supports those with dementia
3. Seasonal and holiday parties
4. Fix-it shop operation
5. Exercise programs
6. Saturday Netflix movie with popcorn and drinks

Join the Friends of Bedford Council On Aging (FBCOA) at Flatbread Pizza on Burlington Road.  Enjoy a fun night out, mingle with members of the FBCOA , and who knows, maybe even win the raffle!  You can dine in or take out, so why cook dinner when you could to enjoy a scrumptious pizza while supporting the Bedford Council On Aging?!

Spinning is Not a Lost Art at Job Lane Farm Museum

BEDFORD: Spinning is not a lost art. In 1768, Boston merchants decided not to import any products from Britain, including textiles. Ladies here had to learn to spin, which gave way to spinning bees. Some spinning bees are still held. On September 11 from 2-4pm, Zoe Lawson, a very knowledgeable spinner as well as Elizabeth Skipper will be spinning during Job Lane house tours for all to see. Info: https://joblanefarmmuseum.org.

Bedford Cultural Council Grant Applications Open; Deadline October 17

BEDFORD: The Bedford Cultural Council grant cycle for FY23 opened September 1, and the BCC seeks applications from interested individuals and organizations for funding. Eligible projects include a wide range of artistic projects and activities in and around Bedford — including festivals and performances; lectures and workshops; arts education and enrichment programs for children and adults; nature, science, and environmental education projects; and projects celebrating local history and cultural diversity. First-time applicants are given priority in grant decisions.

People of all ages, backgrounds, and affiliations are encouraged to apply for projects that will enhance Bedford as a community. Funding for the grants comes from Mass Cultural Council  with the Select Board also allocating funding. This year, Select Board liaison Emily Mitchell emphasized the Select Board’s continuing commitment, noting that "Bedford has a long history of community arts and culture, and the Bedford Cultural Council is an integral partner is bringing innovative and inclusive programs to the Town through its annual grant program. The Select Board strongly encourages individuals and community groups to apply for FY23 grants to continue Bedford's rich tradition of cultural and educational opportunities.”

"As a former BCC Chair, I'm always proud to see the amazing work that the Cultural Council supports. The dedication of the BCC volunteers exemplifies the best of Bedford. I encourage everyone involved in the arts and humanities to apply and take advantage of this incredible resource," said Bedford's State Representative Ken Gordon.

“The Council works hard to encourage people in the community to apply for grants, then is put to the task of applying limited resources to fund worthwhile projects,” said Bedford’s State Senator Mike Barrett. “These grants ensure that Bedford's wealth of cultural groups will continue to thrive.”

The application is completely electronic, straightforward, and relatively easy to complete. Bedford funding priorities, local guidelines, and information are available online at www.bedfordma.gov/cultural-council and www.mass-culture.org/Bedford. The online application is available at  https://massculturalcouncil.smartsimple.com/s_Login.jsp.

If you want to learn more about the online application and process, the Massachusetts Cultural Council is hosting an information session on September 13, 2022. You can register for this webinar at https://massculturalcouncil.org/event/how_to_apply_localculturalcouncilgrant/. More detailed information on the grant process can be found at https://massculturalcouncil.org/communities/local-cultural-council-program/application-process/

If you have any questions, please email the Bedford Cultural Council at BedfordMACulturalCouncil@gmail.com or contact Barbara Purchia at bsrpurchia@aol.com or 781-275-2464.
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Beford Library Hosts Fall Book Sale

BEDFORD: The Friends of the Bedford Library are delighted to hold their Fall book sale this year inside the library on the following dates:
  • September 15 from 6:30-8:30pm (Special Members Preview)
  • September 16 from 1-5pm
  • September 17 from 10am-4pm
  • September 18 from 1-4pm ($10 Bag Sale)

There are thousands of fiction and non-fiction books, DVDs, CDs and more for adults, teens and children. Don’t miss out on wonderful books, puzzles, games, and other merchandise at great prices. And remember, 100% of all proceeds go directly to support Bedford Public Library
programs and acquisitions.

All visitors to the sale, please wear masks to keep Volunteers safe!
Concord open bluegrass jam at ccm

Sample the Concord Open Bluegrass Jam
Free Jam Session September 10

CONCORD: Discover the joys of making music with others in a special bluegrass jam session during the Concord Conservatory of Music’s Discovery Day Open House on September 10, from 3-4pm. Join the area’s roots music community for a jam session in the beautiful Sanctuary of the West Concord Union Church. CCM faculty member and mandolinist Maxfield Anderson will lead the group through vocal songs and instrumental tunes from a variety of musical traditions, including bluegrass, old time, classic country and western, blues, swing, and beyond. This session is open to acoustic musicians, including voice, fiddle, mandolin, guitar, banjo, dobro, bass, cello, harmonica, etc. — at all levels — and community members who wish to listen and enjoy the sanctuary.

The Concord Open Bluegrass Jam runs weekly on Thursdays from 7:30-9pm. For more information, visit concordconservatory.org/news-events/jams.
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Discovery Day Open House at CCM
Instrument Exploration for Kids & Adults

CONCORD: Start your Fall off with a free, fun and interactive afternoon event for kids and adults! Try out instruments you’ve never even held before at the Concord Conservatory of Music’s Discovery Day Open House on September 10 from 1–3 pm.

Experience hands-on Instrument Exploration, which allows you to play various instruments in a safe environment. You'll be guided to determine which instrument and group class is right for you and your kids. Develop your talent and skills with exceptional and innovative instructors, who are trained in the best practices for today’s techniques and technologies. Not limited to beginners, students already playing an instrument will also have the opportunity to meet instructors to find the right match. For ages newborn through age 11, choose demo classes appropriate for your child’s age and interests. Sign-up in advance online at www.ConcordConservatory.org.

Introduce your kids to the world of music through singing, dancing, and games! CCM Early Childhood and Music & Movement group classes help kids develop social, cognitive, and emotional skills while having fun with music. Young musicians explore all the qualities of music through movement—learning about pitch, phrasing, accent, and all of the richness of music. Experience free 30-minute Music & Movement and Group Keyboard classes, too!Group Keyboard allows students to learn to read music and play the piano through songs, games, movement, and educational activities. The small classes of students move together as a group, covering note reading, rhythm skills, and ear training by singing with solfège.

You can also enter a raffle at Discovery Day to win a free CCM Group Class for the 2022 Fall semester! Additionally, anyone registering for a group class at the Open House will receive a 10% discount. Discount valid only at the Open House.

For new students seeking private lessons, visit www.ConcordConservatory.org and submit a Student Interest Form or call (978) 369-0010. Concord Conservatory of Music is located at 1317 Main Street in the West Concord Union Church. Financial assistance is available.
Ukulele group class at concord conservatory of music

Free Trial Group Classes at CCM

CONCORD: Did you know that you can sample a Concord Conservatory of Music (CCM) Group Class to see if it’s a fit for you? Have fun connecting with other musicians and learning in a social and supportive shared experience. The CCM Free Trial Group Class week runs from September 12-17.

CCM group classes provide excellence in music education, balancing rigor with the joy and fun of creating music for any age. Group classes are available for the true beginner and the more advanced student. Small classes give each student individual attention, yet learning in a social experience. Register as soon as possible due to maximum enrollments per group class. Sign-up for your free trial group classes at www.ConcordConservatory.org

Kids gain a strong foundation of playing technique, music theory, and musicality, which inspires a lifetime of continued music appreciation and enjoyment. Now even babies and toddlers can attend Concord Conservatory of Music! For adults, CCM offers many ways to help you develop and continue your lifelong love of music. Try out one of our banjo, ukulele, or guitar classes. Maybe you want to learn how to jam in a bluegrass group!  For information on the complete list of CCM offerings, visit  www.ConcordConservatory.org, email  info@concordconservatory.org or call (978) 369-0010.

River Clean-up Volunteers Needed!

ACTON: OARS needs volunteers to help spread out across the Sudbury, Assabet and Concord river watershed to clean up rivers, streams, ponds and trails! This year marks the 36th Annual River Clean-up which will be hybrid and take place September 16 thru 18. Every year OARS relies on the support of volunteers and local businesses to keep our rivers clean. Local business owners are also encouraged to reach out and find out how company teams can get involved in this year’s clean-up. Visit www.oars3rivers.org to find out how to join in!

OARS is a nonprofit, science-based organization whose mission is to protect, improve and preserve the Assabet, Sudbury and Concord River watersheds for all people and wildlife. The watershed includes: Acton, Ashland, Bedford, Berlin, Boxboro, Billerica, Carlisle, Concord, Framingham, Hopkinton, Hudson, Lincoln, Maynard, Marlboro, Northborough, Lowell, Saxonville, Stow, Southborough, Sudbury, Tewksbury, Wayland and Westborough.

FINANCIAL FOCUS: Prepare Yourself for a Long Retirement

August 29, 2022

We all want to live long lives. We all expect to live long lives. But are we financially prepared for this longevity?  Before we get to the issue of preparation, let’s look at a couple of interesting findings from a 2022 survey by Age Wave and Edward Jones:
  • The surveyed retirees said, on average, they expect to live to 89, and they said the ideal length of retirement is 29 years.
  • When asked if they want to live to 100, nearly 70% of the respondents said “yes.” The main reason for this desire for long life? To spend more years with their family and friends.

Of course, none of us can see into the future and know how long we’ll be around. But with advances in medical care and a greater awareness of healthy lifestyles, these aspirations have a real basis in reality.

However, if you’re going to enjoy a longer lifespan, and the extra years with your loved ones, you need to ensure your finances are also in good shape. How can you make this happen?  Here are some basic steps to follow:
  • Save and invest early and often. This may be the oldest piece of financial advice, but it’s still valid. The earlier you start saving and investing for your retirement, the greater your potential accumulation. Consider this: If you began saving just $5,000 per year at age 25, and earned a hypothetical 6.5% annual rate of return, and didn’t take any early withdrawals, you’d end up with $935,000 by the time you reached 65. But if you waited until 35 to start saving and investing, and you earned the same hypothetical 6.5% return – again with no early withdrawals – you’d only end up with $460,000. And if you didn’t start saving until 45, you’d end up with just over $200,000, again given the same 6.5% return. 
  • Be mindful of debt. You may not  want to be burdened with certain debts when you enter retirement. So, while you’re still working, try to reduce unwanted debts, particularly those that don’t offer the financial benefits of tax-deductible interest payments. The lower your debt load, the more you can save and invest for the future.
  • Keep reviewing your progress. It’s important to monitor the progress you need to make toward achieving your goal of a comfortable retirement. Over the short term, your investment balances may fluctuate, especially in volatile financial markets such as we’ve seen in the early part of this year. But you’ll get a clearer picture of your situation if you look at long-term results. For example, have your accounts grown over the past 10 years as much as you had planned? And going forward, do you think you’re in good shape, or will you need to make some changes to your investment strategy? Keep in mind that, if you’re 50 or older, you can make “catch-up” contributions to your IRA and 401(k) that allow you to exceed the regular limits. You may also want to adjust your investment mix as you near retirement to potentially lower your risk exposure.

Hopefully, you will enjoy many years of a healthy, happy retirement. And you can help support this vision by carefully considering your financial moves and making the ones that are right for you. 

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor
Financial Advisor, Mandy Calouro, Chelmsford, MA
Edwardjones.com/Mandy-Calouro, Edward Jones, Member SIPC

Concord Park Transforms into Tropical Island for Hawaiian Luau

CONCORD: Residents at Concord Park Senior Living were in a tropical state of mind for the most recent stop on their Grab Your Passport Road Trip Around America! Staff organized a day of Hawaiian music, snacks and decorations to transport residents to the islands. 

Grab Your Passport! is an innovation from Senior Living Residences, management company for Concord Park. It is an educational program that gives residents the opportunity to connect to the world around them, interact with new cultures, and explore new places. Each month, the entire community virtually travels to a new destination through decorations, music, cuisine and educational programming. Highlights of the day include hands-on activities and sharing artifacts, family recipes, photos, and stories of past travels. 

Concord Park hosted a Hawaiian luau to celebrate the beautiful state. Residents and staff looked snazzy in their shades, which were decorated with flamingos, palm trees and seashells to add to the oceanside atmosphere. They also posed with lei necklaces and a tropical backdrop. Residents cooled down with piña colada popsicles while Concord Park’s Director of Dining Experience, Misty Heldermon, demonstrated how to crack open a coconut. The addition of live singing and guitar made this an experience to remember. 

Located in the heart of historic West Concord Village, Concord Park is a Volunteers of America Massachusetts community offering independent and assisted living options as well as a state-of-the-art Compass Memory Support Neighborhood® featuring innovative, research-based programming for those with memory loss. The community recently unveiled new and renovated spaces for residents to enjoy including a new theater, fitness center and cafe, and an expanded and updated dining room, salon, and living room. Those interested in learning more can visit www.ConcordPark.org or can contact Maryellen King at mking@slr-usa.com or (978) 369-4728.

Concord Conservatory's Singing With Parkinson's Chorus Challenges Progression

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CONCORD: Concord Conservatory of Music’s Singing with Parkinson’s Chorus brings together Parkinson’s patients, their families, and caregivers to provide enjoyment, strength and comradery. This is an ongoing program, and participants are welcome to come at any time during the semester to try  out the chorus. Meetings are on Tuesdays, 10:30am-Noon and will resume on September 6.

A chorus-based opportunity to participate in voice therapy through song, Singing with Parkinson’s focuses on vocal fitness while offering people coping with the disease a chance to sing together, perform in the community and build new friendships.  Breathing, stretching, posture, and vocal exercises are taught in a supportive, congenial environment. The chorus sings songs from a variety of genres, with input from the group helps guide the repertoire. The cost for participants is $50 for the fall semester, which is 10 sessions, and there’s no cost for caregivers and family members to attend.

Concord Conservatory of Music is located at 1317 Main Street in the West Concord Union Church. Financial assistance is available. Visit www.concordconservatory.org for information.

Concord Museum Names New Executive Director

Lisa Krassner Returns to MA & Brings 20+ Years of Museum Leadership Experience 

CONCORD: The Concord Museum Board of Governors is pleased to announce it has named Lisa Krassner as the Museum’s new Edward W. Kane Executive Director. Krassner will begin her new position on September 1, 2022, which follows Thomas Putnam’s recent retirement after four years of leadership. 
Krassner is an experienced and innovative museum leader who has expanded audience engagement at museums in Boston and New York City for more than 20 years. The Museum’s Board of Governors unanimously approved Krassner’s candidacy after a national search. 
“I believe Lisa’s enthusiasm and impressive museum experience will be a wonderful asset to the Concord Museum. I am looking forward to working with Lisa as she takes this vibrant organization to the next level,” said Holly Salemy, President of the Board of Governors at Concord Museum.
In Krassner’s new role, she will be responsible for providing strategic leadership, management, and direction for the Concord Museum. In reporting to the Board of Governors, she will lead the organization to harness key strategic opportunities to drive future growth and will have a significant impact on its mission. 
“It is an honor to join the Concord Museum as its next Executive Director at such an important moment in the Museum’s history,” said Krassner. “The 2021 re-envisioning of the galleries sheds new light on the history of Concord and how its community influenced American political, literary, and cultural life in unparalleled ways. I look forward to welcoming more visitors to our dynamic programs, ever-changing exhibits, and treasured collections of American material culture and decorative arts.” 
Krassner most recently served as the Chief of Visitor Services, Security, and Floor Operations for the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York City, one of the largest, and highest attended, natural history museums in the world. Prior to joining AMNH, Krassner was the Chief of Member and Visitor Services at The Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met) where she directed service excellence for more than seven million visitors annually and grew the membership base to be the largest art museum membership program in the world. Krassner was also the Senior Director of the Visitor Experience at the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA), Boston from 1999-2012 where she led the Visitor Services, Security, and Membership teams and grew audience engagement strategies to bolster the MFA’s mission. 
Krassner holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Bryn Mawr College and Graduate Certificate Degree in Museum Studies from Tufts University. She received a Master of Business Administration with Honors from Simmons University. 

The Concord Museum educates visitors of all ages about the history of Concord and its continuing influence on American political, literary, and cultural life. The Museum’s nationally significant collection serves as a catalyst for changing exhibitions, extended classroom learning, dynamic programs, and publications relevant to an ever-changing world. Founded in 1886, the Museum is a center of cultural enjoyment for the region and a gateway to the town of Concord, Massachusetts for visitors from around the world. In 2021, the Museum completed a New Museum Experience initiative that funded the complete redesign and fabrication of all new dynamic and multi-media installations of the permanent galleries. www.concordmuseum.org

Open Table Partners with Nonprofits to Bring Prepared Meals to Minority and Immigrant Communities 

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CONCORD/MAYNARD: Open Table, the Concord and Maynard charity dedicated to fighting hunger and building healthy communities, announced that it is working with four separate programs to get 1000 prepared meals per week to elders and 300 fresh lunches per week to children in need through a variety of programs this summer. The participating programs include: The Food Project, IINE in Lowell, Mill City Grows, and the Kids Summer Lunch and Snack Program.

These four partnerships are in keeping with Open Table’s goal to significantly grow the number of individuals it serves through its mobile programs. Working with partners helps Open Table identify and serve unmet need, especially within minority and immigrant communities. For many people, lack of transportation, lack of information, shame, and stigma, along with limited access to food pantry locations and hours are obstacles. Innovative partner-based programming, focused on increasing information, access and choice allows Open Table to begin meeting critical food needs for “the invisible two-thirds” of food insecure households not currently accessing food pantry services.

Participants in the Open Table mobile food partnerships receive either pre-cooked and frozen meals made fresh in Open Table’s professional kitchen or kid’s packs, which contain meals and snacks for enjoying at summer camp or at home.
  • Food Project – Every Thursday, the Food Project picks up 75 frozen meals prepared at Open Table and labeled in Spanish. The Food Project then distributes the meals to seniors at La Alianza Hispana, a community-based organization providing culturally and linguistically appropriate health and education programs to the Latino Community of Greater Boston.
  • IINE, Lowell -  Building on its success in providing prepared meals for Afghani refugees, Open Tables is now providing IINE with up to 70 monthly meals for all the refugees and immigrants who come through its doors. 
  • Mill City Grows – Beginning the week of August 13, Open Table will deliver 85 all-vegetarian meals  to Lowell-based non-profit Mill City Grows (MCG), which includes them in their CSA farm shares to people in need. Meals are labeled in Spanish, Portuguese and Khmer.
  • Kids Summer Lunch and Snack Program – Open Table is preparing 300 lunches a week for area children to eat at home or to take to summer camp programs. The kids’ packs must be reserved in advance and are distributed through the Acton Food Pantry and at the Open Table pantry in Maynard.

“The funds provided by a Massachusetts Food Infrastructure grant have allowed Open Table to upgrade both our kitchen equipment and transportation capabilities so that we can make and deliver more prepared meals to those in need,” said Jeanine Calabria, executive director, Open Table.  “Partnerships with groups like the Food Project, IINE, and Mill City Grows are a friction-less way to extend our reach further into communities where food insecurity is real and where Open Table can make a big impact.”

Open Table is a 501(c)(3) established in 1989. Their mission is to address hunger in their local community by providing healthy food in a welcoming environment while respecting the dignity and diversity of those served. For more information, visit www.opentable.org.

Concord Women’s Chorus to Host New Singer Auditions

CONCORD: Concord Women’s Chorus (CWC), fostering the power of women’s voices in song, invites new singers to join its ensemble at “New Singer Auditions” on September 6, 8:45am, and October 25, 8:45am, at Trinity Episcopal Church, 81 Elm Street.  Artistic Director and Conductor Jane Ring Frank welcomes newcomers to audition, join rehearsal and learn more about the fall season.  Rehearsals continue Tuesday mornings, 9:30am to 12pm, also at Trinity Episcopal Church throughout the 2022-23 season.

CWC welcomes singers with prior choral experience including good sight-reading skills, solid intonation and vocal quality, responsiveness to direction and the ability to blend within an ensemble. For auditions, prospective members may be asked to sight-read a short passage and/or sing a familiar tune, arriving with a prepared solo is not necessary.  An information form is available to be printed in advance and brought to the audition at concordwomenschorus.org/wp/sing-with-us.  Chorus members are expected to attend rehearsals and to participate in performing scheduled concerts. Since CWC values opportunities to collaborate and perform with other musical and cultural groups, additional commitments may become available during the season.

The ensemble continues weekly rehearsals in preparation for upcoming concerts, including “Grown Wild: A Special Commission Concert,” performing Sunday, October 23, 4 pm.  The performance features a commissioned work by composer Melissa Dunphy based on the poem by CWC member singer and poet Melissa Apperson, and soloist Beth Welty, violin.  Scored for women's voices, violin and piano, the new work is written specifically for CWC's distinctive sound. The program also features works of women composers from the nineteenth century to today.

The season continues with “Songs of Peace and Promise,” performing Saturday, December 17, 4 pm, offering a celebration of the wintry season of light in song, through familiar holiday tunes, poignant Chanukah pieces and a mash-up of mass movements.  For the spring, the ensemble rehearses for the concert “Come Day, Come Night,” performing on Saturday, May 13, 2023, 4 pm, featuring a program of love songs to boat songs, exploring the joys of a life well-lived.

CWC is committed to the safety of all and requires that all singers present proof of full Covid-19 vaccination, leadership will request a copy of vaccination cards upon arrival.  All participants are required to wear masks during rehearsals.

For more information, performance details or to join Concord Women’s Chorus, email Chorus Manager Patsy Eickelberg at  manager@concordwomenschorus.org, visit concordwomenschorus.org, or follow Concord Women’s Chorus on Facebook and Instagram.
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Concord’s Assabet River Bluff is Permanently Conserved

CONCORD: The Assabet River Bluff, a seven-acre parcel off Upland Road and Old Marlboro Road in West Concord, has been purchased by the Town of Concord and the Concord Housing Development Corporation. One acre will be set aside for up to five units of affordable housing, while the remaining six acres along the Assabet River are being permanently conserved as open space for public use. The successful project is the result of a year-long collaboration of municipal boards, conservation groups, a nonprofit housing entity, and local residents.

When the seven-acre parcel came on the market in June 2021, neighbors contacted Sudbury Valley Trustees (SVT) and the Concord Land Conservation Trust (CLCT) to see if anything could be done to save the property from development. A working group was established between the two land trusts, the Town’s Planning and Natural Resources Divisions (NRD), and the Concord Housing Development Corporation. The landowner, Digi, LLC, agreed to take the property off the market for a year to allow the conservation and housing groups to develop a plan.

With approval from town voters at Annual Town Meeting in May 2022, the Town contributed $1 million of Community Preservation Act funds toward the $2.8 million purchase price of the property, with $700,000 allocated for the open space and $300,000 for the affordable housing land. Concord’s recently established Affordable Housing Trust contributed $650,000, and the Concord Housing Foundation provided $50,000 which includes transaction costs.
Generous donors from Concord and beyond contributed more than $700,000 toward the purchase through a campaign led jointly by CLCT and SVT, and in May 2022, the Town learned it had been awarded a $500,000 federal Land & Water Conservation Fund grant in support of the effort.

Thanks to the outpouring of support, CLCT and NRD will be able to provide additional funds to the NRD for improvements to the site, including the construction of an all-persons trail, and set aside a permanent stewardship fund for the property.  The CHDC will embark on a public process to design the proposed housing over the next year, and looks forward to continued support from the community.

“The Assabet River Bluff project is an example of what strong partnerships between Concord’s housing interests, land preservation interests, and the town leadership can do.” said Lee Smith, CHDC’s President.  “The CHDC looks forward to creating affordable homes on this property so close to public transportation and West Concord Village center.” 

“We are thrilled to have helped protect this important community asset,” said Christa Collins, SVT’s Director of Land Protection. “Though small, the Assabet River Bluff’s location on the Wild & Scenic river, adjacency to the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail, and proximity to the West Concord MBTA station makes it a regional conservation priority.”

“This lovely riverfront woodland has been among the Land Trust’s highest priorities for preservation for years,” said Polly Reeve, chair of CLCT. “We are proud to have been part of this collaboration and the creative solution including both land conservation and affordable housing that resulted.”

Delia Kaye, Concord Natural Resources Director, added, “It has been an honor and a privilege to partner with dedicated professionals from housing and land protection groups towards two important community goals, and inspiring to see such strong support from the community for this project.”

Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition's Annual State-wide Against the Tide Multisport Virtual & In-person Events

Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition (MBCC) is hosting its annual, statewide Against the Tide athletic fundraising events as both virtual and in-person events this summer.  
MBCC will hold its in-person Cape Cod Against the Tide event on August 13 at DCR’s Nickerson State Park in Brewster for the 23rd year. This event will feature a 1-mile recreational and competitive swim, a ½-mile recreational swim, 5K and 10K runs, a 3-mile walk, and a 1-mile USMS sanctioned swim.
Additionally, MBCC is offering participants the option to participate remotely in the Against the Tide August virtual event from August 6–13. The virtual event components include 1-mile recreational or competitive swims, a ½-mile recreational swim, 5K and 10K runs, and a 3-mile walk.
Registration for both the virtual and in-person options is $40 for an individual participant, and $100 for a family registration (up to 5 family members). Participants may register as an individual or as part of a team. Participants are encouraged to raise funds beyond the registration fees, as all proceeds support MBCC’s unique goal of breast cancer prevention. All participants will receive an event t-shirt. Prizes will be awarded for the top swim and run finishers of the in-person events. To learn more about all of the registration options or to make a pledge, please visit the MBCC website at www.mbcc.org/swim or call 508-246-3047.

FINANCIAL FOCUS: Market decline offers buying opportunities

July 27, 2022

The financial markets have gotten off to a rocky start this year. What’s caused this volatility? And does it present opportunities for patient investors?

First of all, several factors are behind the market volatility, including the war in Ukraine, higher inflation, rising interest rates and the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, while these factors may be specific to the recent market decline, volatility itself is a common feature of the investment environment. In fact, history shows that corrections of 10% or more happen about every year, and declines of 15% or more have happened every other year, on average. Furthermore, while 2022 has thus far been challenging for investors, it was preceded by a long period of strong markets, with the S&P 500 averaging more than a 20% return over the past three years. 

Knowing the typical frequency of market volatility and reviewing the results of the past few years may make the current situation seem less shocking. But you don’t have to simply “ride out” the downturn – because a down market may give you the opportunity to buy more investment shares at good prices. Specifically, you can expand your holdings in companies that have good growth prospects due to strong management and products or services that provide sustainable competitive advantages. And this type of opportunity is important, because one of the keys to building wealth is to increase the number of shares you own in your various investments and hold them for the long term. While the market will always fluctuate, the long-term trend has been positive, particularly for well-diversified portfolios built with quality investments.       

Of course, while it is a good idea to boost your share ownership at favorable prices, you still want to be strategic about it, rather than just buying whatever seems to be the biggest bargain. In reviewing your existing portfolio, can you identify any gaps that could be filled with new investments? Are there opportunities to further diversify your holdings? By owning different types of stocks, bonds, government securities and other investments, you can help reduce the impact of volatility on your portfolio. (Keep in mind, though, that diversification can’t guarantee profits or prevent losses in declining markets.) Or, if your portfolio has become “unbalanced” in some way, you could also use this time to rebalance it back to its original long-term targets. You might also consider setting up a systematic investing program in which you invest the same amounts in the same investments on a regular basis, such as monthly. When prices go down, you’ll automatically buy more shares, and when prices rise, you’ll buy fewer shares. (However, systematic investing does not guarantee a profit or protect against loss and you’ll need to be willing to keep investing when share prices are declining.)
Before this year, average annual returns have been solid for about a decade, which makes it somewhat easy to forget about normal market volatility and may have led to overly optimistic performance expectations. So, it would not be surprising if your initial reaction to the current downturn is one of concern. But by viewing the current investment environment as a chance to add quality investments at attractive prices, you can help yourself develop a behavior that can serve you well throughout your life as an investor.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, Member SIPC

Music Education Program for Kids with Special Needs at Concord Conservatory

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CONCORD: Concord Conservatory of Music (CCM) uses the language of music to help children with special needs flourish. Parents often seek extracurricular activities for their children to help expand their horizons. It’s not an easy task, and it becomes even more complicated when a child has special needs.

Deeply committed to providing educational opportunities for all learners, CCM has contracted with the Berklee Institute for Arts Education and Special Needs to bring Tones of Fun Developmental Music Class to the community. Starting on September 21,
the 45-minute class will meet on Wednesdays at 4pm for ages 3-6 and at 5pm for ages 7-10 for a 10-week semester.

Music and its creative interactions make Tones of Fun the perfect teaching tool for children with special needs. Physical, language, social, cognitive, and musical development are stimulated through musical play in a celebratory social group of all ages and skill levels. Each class will incorporate simple percussion instruments, creative movement, improvisation, and playful props. A highly trained instructor from the Berklee Institute for Arts Education and Special Needs will lead the class and ensure that each student receives the attention they need in a safe and welcoming environment.

No previous musical experience is necessary to participate. However, students must be accompanied by an adult to every class, participate effectively in classes, and maintain an environment that is safe for themselves and others. Parents/Caregivers can register through CCM at https://concordconservatory.org/programs/tones-of-fun-developmental-music-class. Visit www.ConcordConservatory.org for more information.

FINANCIAL FOCUS: Strengthen Your ‘Three-legged Stool’ for Retirement

July 18, 2022

For many years, Americans provided for their retirement needs through three sources: employer-sponsored pension plans, Social Security income, and savings and investments accumulated through employer plans or individual accounts – the so-called “three-legged stool.” But today, that stool is shakier than it used to be. What can you do to strengthen it?

To begin with, all three legs of the stool are facing challenges. Let’s consider them:

• Employer pensions – A generation ago, workers employed in many companies could count on a set monthly pension income to help them through their retirement years. Today, pensions – also known as defined benefit plans – are mostly found in public sector employment, as most private-sector employers have replaced their pensions with 401(k) and similar plans. These plans can be quite effective at helping build resources for retirement, but they do place most of the responsibility for saving on the employee.

• Social Security – Social Security has come under financial pressure because the workers-to-retirees ratio has declined significantly, according to the Social Security Administration’s 2021 Board of Trustees Report. A number of proposals have been brought forward on how to improve the long-term financial security of the Social Security system.

• Personal savings and investments – In terms of building savings and investments for retirement, the picture is somewhat mixed. The national savings rate has increased in recent years, but more than half of American workers still say their retirement savings are not where they should be, according to a 2021 survey from Bankrate, a personal finance website. And the same survey found that just over half of investors with a 401(k) or IRA have taken early withdrawals – that is, they withdrew money before they retired. Furthermore, we may be waiting too long even to begin saving/investing for retirement. A survey from Age Wave and Edward Jones found that respondents began saving for retirement at an average age of 38, but the majority said they should have started saving a decade earlier.

You have options for improving some parts of your own three-legged stool. For example, no matter what happens to Social Security, you can still decide when to start taking payments. You can begin collecting benefits as early as 62, but your monthly checks will be larger if you wait until your “full” retirement age, which will likely be between 66 and 67. You can even delay taking benefits until they “max out” at age 70.

As for a pension, you can’t control what’s available to you through your employer, but you can create your own retirement income stream by contributing as much as you can afford to your 401(k) or other employer-sponsored plan and by increasing your contributions whenever your salary goes up. And you can also contribute to an IRA or other investment vehicle to further boost your retirement funds. Try to leave these accounts intact until you need them for retirement. This will be easier if you’ve built an emergency fund, with the money kept in a liquid, low-risk account, to pay for unexpected costs, such as those resulting from a major car or home repair.

The three-legged stool may not be as universal as it once was – but you can still construct a sturdy structure to support your retirement needs in the future.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, Member SIPC
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The Nature Connection Ice Cream Fundraiser

ACTON: Looking to chill out on a hot day and for a way to support a meaningful cause?  Visit West Side Creamery in Acton (Villageworks Plaza, 537 Mass. Ave.) between the hours of noon-9:30pm on Wednesday, July 27 and mention that you’re supporting The Nature Connection when placing your order. 20% of the sale will be donated to the organization, which makes nature accessible to all.  At the event there'll be an information table set up outside.  Your support makes a big difference in the lives of those impacted by our programs. If you have any questions, visit nature-connection.org or email info@nature-connection.org.
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Rotary Club of Concord Awards Eight Scholarships

CONCORD: The Rotary Club of Concord congratulates eight winners of 2022 Rotary Scholarships, administered by The Scholarship Fund of Concord and Carlisle to:

Alicia Kearney, the William L. Eaton Scholarship: Alicia Kearney is excited to broaden her robotics expertise at the Stevens Institute of Technology where she plans to study mechanical engineering. While at CCHS, her participation in (and ultimate election as captain of) the Robotics Club was her greatest joy. This summer, Alicia is hoping to start a week-long Robotics camp for local middle school children. Alicia was awarded the Rotary Class Act Award for community service and an award from the Rotary Club for her leadership of the Robotics Club.
Alicia was selected for this scholarship because of her commitment to community services her work with middle school students and her previous awards from the Rotary Club.

Max Hamel, the Thomas R. Huckins Scholarship: Max took his love of the outdoors into consideration with his selection of the University of Vermont where he plans to pursue studies in Marketing or Environmental Science with an underlying focus in business. He is proud that he co-owns a successful landscaping business that he founded with several friends six years ago. Max organized a community service organization called High St. Helping Hands that gives CCHS students the opportunity to volunteer for projects that his company has donated to beautify the CCHS campus. While at CCHS, Max was a member of the baseball and football teams, the leadership counsel for the football team, and the Tai Chi Club. Max was selected for this scholarship because of his commitment to the environment and his commitment to community service.

Jasper Clarkson, the Richard L. Hale Scholarship. Jasper Clarkson is enrolling at the University of Puget Sound. Jasper originally hailed from the West Coast and has always aspired to return. Jasper serves his community through work at OpenTable, as a TA in the library as well as assisting elder neighbors with household maintenance and upkeep. Jasper was motivated to participate in the CCHS chapter of Innocence Project to investigate and defend those who are wrongly convicted and on Death Row. He was able to communicate directly with a man he was advocating for, and it shaped his view of the criminal justice system and social justice. Jasper was selected because of his commitment to community service and his advocacy of changes to the criminal justice system and his pursuit of social justice.

Elicia Benavides, the Captain Thomas J. Hudner Jr. Scholarship: Elicia plans to attend Suffolk University in the fall, majoring in environmental studies and global law. She hopes to continue into Law School and study immigration law. She chose Suffolk because her mother, who trained as a lawyer in Peru, got in but was unable to attend. Elicia started a non-profit in 5th grade, Read to Lead, and continues it to this day. She collects books and donations during the year and in the summer brings them to the village where her mother was raised in Peru and acts as a small lending library. She wanted to give back to the community that raised her mother. She believes that education is the only way out of poverty, and she is very passionate about studying indigenous cultures. Elicia was invited to the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards convention in the summer of 2021. Elicia was selected for this award because of her commitment to community service, her initiative in providing longstanding service to her mother’s village in Peru and her previous recognition by the Rotary Club.

The following Interact Scholarships were administered by the Scholarship Committee of the Rotary Club of Concord.  Interact is a Rotary club for young people who want to connect with others in their community and school. The CCHS Interact club carries out service projects and learns about the world. While CCHS’s Interact Club receives guidance from the Rotary Club of Concord, it governs and supports itself. Four CCHS Seniors won Interact Scholarships:

Zachary Hooven: Zachary will be attending William and Mary and aspires to work internationally in a finance role in investment banking and asset management. He plans to further his philanthropic interests, particularly in strengthening educational systems. Zach has spent the last two years training and recruiting tutors for ESL students. 

Alexandra Newman: Alexandra (Allie) intends to build on her volunteer and educational experiences to pursue a career in law or international relations. At CCHS she participated in many community service projects and beyond school, traveled on two mission trips to Puerto Rico to rebuild following Hurricane Maria. 

Kiley Pietropaolo: Kiley will be attending Georgia Tech. She has enjoyed her relationship with Rotary from Early Act in Middle School through Interact in High School, and credits this with her appreciation of the importance of serving her community.

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This year the Rotary Club of Concord will hold its 34th Annual Thomas R. Huckins Memorial Golf Tournament on Monday August 29 at the Concord Country Club. As in the past, the event will benefit the Rotary Scholarship Fund and Rotary charitable projects. Rotary thanks “Platinum Sponsors” Emerson Hospital, Barrett Sotheby’s International Realty (the Maurer/Widell Team) and Deaconess Abundant Life Services along with “Friends Sponsors” The Salute Military Golf Association-Boston and Spaulding Management for their support. To register to play in or learn more about the event, visit www.rotaryclubofconcord.org and click on Golf in the banner at the top of the page.

PHOTO: (From left) Rotarian Hilary Taylor, Interact Scholar Kiley Pietropaolo and Rotarian Sharon Spaulding at Interact Awards Ceremony.
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Concord on Full Display at the Summer Sidewalk Celebration

CONCORD: Concord will be on full display at the Summer Sidewalk Celebration this year! The Concord Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Concord invite residents and visitors alike to enjoy sales, dinning, shopping, and live entertainment throughout Concord Center, the Thoreau District, and West Concord on Saturday, August 6 from 10am to 3pm. At the Celebration, local businesses will both offer new products in-shop and host sales outdoors at merchandise tables. Local blues band “Becky and The Swinging Bards” will jam-out, while non-profit theatre group “The Concord Players” will karaoke the day away!

To ensure easy event access, Walden Street will be closed to traffic from 10am to 4pm with its parking lot open for visitors.

In addition to the Sidewalk Celebration, the Chamber and Town is sponsoring a Enjoy Local Passport program that rewards customers who dine or shop at ten or more Concord Businesses between July 1 and August 10 with free entry to both raffled weekly prizes and a sweeping grand prize.

“Both programs are great ways to have fun while supporting local companies,” says Marie Foley, Chamber President and owner of Revolutionary Concord, Alright Art Supply and The Concord Toy Box. “Be sure to drop by the Chamber of Commerce’s table during the Celebration for surprise giveaways and more information.”

To learn more about Concord’s Summer Sidewalk Celebration and Enjoy Local Passport, visit https://concordchamberofcommerce.org.

Chocolate at the Job Lane Farm Museum

BEDFORD: Job Lane Farm Museum will present chocolate demonstrator, Linda Greene on July 24 from 2-4pm, featuring a colonial period chocolate and talk about how chocolate first came to the area. Greene is the Director of the Westford Museum and is passionate for Chocolate. As an 18th Century Chocolate Interpreter, she was a versatile educator and interpreter at the Captain Jackson’s Historic Chocolate Shop on the Olde North Church campus. For information, visit https://joblanefarmmuseum.org.
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Become a Weed Warrior!

CONCORD: Become a Weed Warrior and help remove invasive water chestnut from the Sudbury, Concord and Assabet Rivers! Only by consistent removal can we prevent our rivers from becoming choked with these weeds. OARS is recruiting volunteers to join OARS staff this July. Volunteers will be trained to identify water chestnut and how to pull it, working from a boat or on the land. Volunteers will need to provide their own kayak, canoe, or small watercraft, paddles, and lifejacket/ personal floatation device. To learn more and volunteer, please contact Russell Forester at outreach@oars3rivers.org.

OARS is a nonprofit, science-based organization that works to protect and restore the health and resiliency of the Assabet, Sudbury, and Concord Rivers and their watersheds. Visit www.oars3rivers.org for information.
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Concord Chamber of Commerce Relaunches Passport Program

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CONCORD: Concord’s Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Concord are once again bringing back the popular Enjoy Local Passport program through August 6, 2022.  It’s easy to play! Participants in the Enjoy Local Passport program are encouraged to shop and dine in ten or more of their favorite Concord and West Concord businesses. To enter the contest, shoppers just need to get their Concord Passport stamped or initialed at each of the locations. Online sales are also included. Every week during the promotion, a winner will be selected and awarded a gift check– or shopping bucks - that may be used at any local store or restaurant. On August 6, 2022 a grand prize winner will be picked too!

Beth Williams, Town of Concord’s Economic Vitality and Tourism Manager,
explained, “Last year we had 500 entries and nearly 100 Concord businesses were
represented – and this year promises to be even more successful. Really everyone
wins with the Local Passport.”

“We are always looking for ways to help local businesses be more successful and
the Passport program is the perfect tool to incentivize people to shop locally,” said
Marie Foley, President of the Concord Chamber of Commerce. “We really hope people have fun with it and we encourage everyone to try a couple of new stores or
restaurants that they’ve never been to before.”

Passports may be picked up and turned in at the Concord Visitor Center, 58 Main
Street, or the Concord Flower Shop, 135 Commonwealth Avenue in West Concord. You can also email your completed passport to visitors@concordma.gov.

Bedford Garden Club Hosts Meeting at Job Lane Farm Museum

BEDFORD: The Bedford Garden Club will hold a meeting on July 12, at the Job Lane Farm Museum located at 295 North Road. Social time is at 11am, followed by a meeting given on the history of the Lillian Dutton Memorial Herb garden and about Lillian Dutton who had a mail order herb business while living there. There will also be talk about the herbs that are planted there, how they were originally used, and if they are used today.  Due to the pandemic, please bring your own lunch, your drink, and a chair.  The public is invited, and it is free.  For more information, visit https://bedfordgardenclub.org.
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Animal Clinic to Open on Minuteman High School Campus in Partnership with Boston Veterinary Clinic
Students and Professional Staff will Offer Public Services

LEXINGTON: An animal health and wellness center that will be operated in collaboration with Minuteman High School students and professional staff from Boston Veterinary Clinic (BVC) will tentatively open on the Minuteman campus in Lexington in the fall of 2023, Minuteman Superintendent-Director Edward A. Bouquillon and BVC CEO Paul Mataras announced today.

The partnership and opening of the animal clinic mark a milestone for Minuteman’s Animal Science career major, which launched last fall. The clinic will be in the East Campus Building, which is separate from the main school building, with its own parking area and easy access for patients and pet parents.

“Many young people are passionate about animal welfare and there is a clear need for skilled professionals in this growing field,” Bouquillon said. “Thanks to this wonderful partnership with Boston Veterinary Clinic, our students will get valuable hands-on learning experience, provide an important public service, contribute to the local economy, and help countless dogs, cats, and other animals with their health and wellness needs.”

There is a large demand for skilled workers in the animal science field. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of veterinarians is projected to grow 16 percent by 2029, which is much faster than the 4 percent growth rate for all occupations combined.

“We are excited to work with the Minuteman team of educators in this first-of-its-kind partnership,” Mataras said. “It allows us to continue our expansion in Greater Boston, adding BVC Lexington to our network, while also bringing our high-level training program, focused on fear-free primary care, to the future leaders of veterinary medicine.”

In 2018, Minuteman was granted special legislation to allow the school district to enter into long-term leases with mission-compatible business partners. By doing so, Minuteman can provide a lease to a business partner that will incorporate a career technical education program into its business model, thus increasing opportunities for students and expanding the school’s enrollment. Reflecting a statewide trend in career technical education schools, Minuteman is experiencing an enrollment waitlist for the first time in recent memory.

There are currently multiple bills pending in the Massachusetts State House that would allow career technical education schools to expand their ability to provide long-term leases to business partners from five to 25 years, including House Bills 4542 and 4864.

The pending opening of the Minuteman/ BVC animal clinic remains subject to local and state licensing approvals. Representatives from BVC and the Minuteman signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) this month. The Minuteman School Committee voted unanimously in favor of proceeding with the MOU in a public meeting on May 17, following a presentation from Mataras and BVC’s Chief Veterinary Officer, Dr. Brian Bourquin.

Minuteman is an award-winning regional career and technical high school and continuing education institution that integrates robust academic and technical learning. As an accredited member of the New England Association of Schools & Colleges (NEASC), Minuteman challenges all students to aspire to their full potential, accelerate their learning, and achieve success in the 21st-century global community.

The Bedford FBCoA Fix-It-Shop is Ready for Your Business

BEDFORD: What if you had a repair person at your fingertips?  What if that repair person promised high quality service at ridiculously low costs?  What if that repair person was trustworthy and skilled at their craft?  Would you take advantage of it?  Well, you actually have this service right town!
The FBCOA Fix-It Shop (The Friends of the Bedford Council on Aging) can fix almost everything (except electronics). It's a group of capable volunteers who take pride in their work. The shop is open to all - from Bedford and any other town, and people of any age, and the prices cannot be beat!

The folks at the Shop have repaired a microwave, a fax machine, a sewing machine, and a Roomba, as well as some of the other mechanical things they routinely fix, such as:
  • watch batteries for only $5
  • clocks: wall, mantel, anniversary 
  • lamps, vacuum cleaners, remote controls, radio/CD players etc.
  • small appliances such as coffee makers, blenders, toasters, fans, and humidifiers. 
  • stubborn switches, such as on a microwave door
  • sharpen knives, scissors, and garden tools
  • re-glue tables and chairs, and broken ceramic items
  • Return sound and lights to children's toys

If you're not sure - bring it in!

The minimum charge is $3. The shop stocks many standard parts. Anything requiring extensive labor or special-order parts will be done only after prior customer approval.

All proceeds benefit the FBCOA (Friends of the Bedford Council on Aging).
Open Tuesdays and Wednesdays 9am to noon, upstairs in the Town Center (yellow building behind Town Hall), 12 Mudge Way.  Call (781) 275-6825 for more information.
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Jane Goodall at CCHS
Goodall to Receive the Thoreau Prize at the Concord-Carlisle High School

CONCORD: The Thoreau Society recently announced that conservationist and best-selling author Dr. Jane Goodall will receive the 2022 Thoreau Prize for Literary Excellence in Nature Writing. The prize will be awarded during the Annual Gathering on the afternoon of July 10 at 2:30pm at the Concord-Carlisle High School. Join in person or virtually via our live-stream. Tickets are available at www.thoreausociety.org.

When Goodall was 26 years old, she was dispatched to Tanzania by famed anthropologist Louis Leakey, who had obtained a small grant from the National Geographic Society to fund a study of chimpanzees at Gombe Stream on the edge of Lake Tanganyika. She had been working for Leakey as a secretary. In 1960, with no formal scientific education, she arrived at the research outpost where her work would take place. She was accompanied by her mother, Margaret.

Goodall is a keen observer and careful to document her daily observations. One day, near the end of the six months afforded by the grant, she happened to be observing a chimpanzee she had named “David Greybeard” for his distinctive appearance. (At the time, the scientific community frowned on assigning human names to primate subjects in the field, supposing identification numbers more objective.) She observed the chimpanzee fashioning a stick into a kind of rod that he then used to capture termites as they swarmed around the opening of their mound.

As the story goes, when she informed Leakey of her discovery, he replied with a telegram that read, “Now we must redefine tool, redefine man, or accept chimpanzees as human.” Previously, it had been thought that only humans make tools. But since Goodall’s watershed research with chimpanzees, we have learned that many other animal species also fashion objects into tools.

Given the momentous discovery, the National Geographic Society naturally extended the research grant for continued work at Gombe. Goodall’s first husband, Baron Hugo van Lawick, began photographing and filming chimpanzees in 1962, helping to document her research at Gombe Stream. The work introduced the world to the Kasekela chimpanzee community, and its now famous members, Flo, Fifi, and Flint.

According to their website, the Jane Goodall Institute, founded in 1977, “continues Dr. Goodall’s pioneering research on chimpanzee behavior—research that transformed scientific perceptions of the relationship between humans and animals.” Today, the Institute remains at the forefront of global advocacy for chimpanzee communities.

Goodall is not only an astute scientific observer, she is also a gifted  communicator. The Thoreau Prize Committee, under the auspices of the Thoreau Society, is pleased to recognize Dr. Goodall’s extraordinary literary accomplishments in nature writing. Bestsellers written by Dr. Goodall have included In the Shadow of Man (1971), My Life with the Chimpanzees (1988), Through a Window (1990), and most recently The Book of Hope (Celadon, 2021). She has published books for children as well as adults, and in 1991 she founded Roots and Shoots, an organization that promotes student engagement, from preschool to college age, with environmental, conservation, and humanitarian issues.

The Henry David Thoreau Prize for Literary Excellence in Nature Writing was established as an annual award in 2010 by Dale Peterson to honor a writer of fiction, nonfiction, or poetry whose work embodies Thoreau’s legacy as a gifted stylist, keen naturalist, and social thinker. The Thoreau Society has helped to steward the prize and events since 2017. The prize is given both as a lifetime achievement award and to honor mid-career nature writers of exceptional promise. Previous winners of the Thoreau Prize have included the poets Mary Oliver and Gary Snyder, the author-naturalists Sy Montgomery, Peter Matthiessen, Diane Ackerman and Gretel Ehrlich, the poet, novelist, and essayist Linda Hogan, and field biologists Robin Waller Kimmerer, George Schaller, Bernd Heinrich, and E.O. Wilson.

Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE, is the Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute & UN Messenger of Peace.  To learn more about the work of the Jane Goodall Institute, visit www.janegoodall.org.

PHOTO: Jane Goodall Institute / by Bill Wallauer Jane Goodall at Gombe Stream National Park.

Local Residents Earn Dean's List Honors from MassBay Community College

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WELLESLEY: The following local students have been named to the MassBay Community College Dean's List, achieving this outstanding academic honor for the spring 2022 semester.

To be eligible for the MassBay Dean's List, students must complete at least six credits of college-level courses, be in good standing with the College, and earn a grade point average of 3.5 or higher.
  • Frank Abbott of Acton (01720), who studies Biotechnology
  • Holly Lascko of Acton (01720), who studies General Studies
  • Hailey Martinez of Acton (01720), who studies Liberal Arts - Early Childhood Education
  • Walid Alsharafi of Concord (01742), who studies Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Nell Larkin of Concord (01742), who studies International Business

MassBay Community College is the most affordable higher education option in MetroWest Boston, offering a robust portfolio of courses and more than 70 associate degree and certificate programs with flexible day, evening, and weekend classes in Ashland, Framingham, Wellesley Hills, and online. MassBay students receive an unmatched educational value by earning stackable credits that transfer to bachelor's degree programs, and workforce-ready skills necessary to advance careers in high-demand fields such as health and life sciences, automotive technology, engineering, business, cybersecurity, and the humanities. MassBay's Associate Degree in Nursing (RN) and Practical Nursing (LPN) programs were both ranked as the #1 Nursing Program in Massachusetts in 2020-2021 by national nursing advocacy organizations RegisteredNursing.org, and PracticalNursing.org. Since its founding in 1961, MassBay has been accredited by several governing bodies and remains firmly committed to its mission of meeting the needs of the diverse local communities it serves. We value the intrinsic worth of all individuals, collectively in pursuit of inclusiveness and prioritize our work towards achieving equity within our community and beyond. To learn more about MassBay, visit massbay.edu.

Songs & Stories with Alan Goodrich
at the Concord Free Public Library

CONCORD: The Concord Free Public Library invites children and their caregivers to enjoy songs and stories with Alan Goodrich in the Children’s Garden at the Main Library on Thursday, June 23 at 10:30am. No registration is required for this event.

Alan is a guitarist and singer-songwriter/ solo performer who presents live music
concerts "for kids of all ages" including classic and current children's songs and original songs. In addition to his solo performances, Alan is the lead singer and drummer for Alan and The Alligators (a rock group based out of Concord) and has also performed with Rock & Roll Hall of Fame members The Platters, T Lavitz (of The Dixie Dregs, and Jefferson Starship fame), The Knoxville Symphony Orchestra, Greg Hawkes (of The Cars), Dave Mattacks (of Paul McCartney, and Elton John fame), and others.

Alan's original music CDs have been added at over 75 radio stations across the US and
Canada and charted in the Top Ten in college radio.  He resides in Concord where he is a music teacher in addition to being a live music performer. For more information, you can visit him online at www.alligatorsband.com.

For more information about Library programs and services, call 978-318-3301 (Main Branch) or 978-318-3350 (Fowler Branch), or visit www.concordlibrary.org.

Summer School Registration Now Open at Minuteman
High School Academic Recovery, Preschool Fun, Middle School Enrichment

LEXINGTON: Registration is now open for Minuteman High School's summer programs: high school academic recovery, preschool fun, and middle school enrichment.Courses will be held in one- or two-week sessions between July 11 and August 12. Minuteman High School is located at 758 Marrett Road (Rt. 2A) in Lexington, and is close to I-95 and Route 2.
  • A middle school enrichment program (grades 6-8), with numerous courses in career technical education areas such as auto mechanics, plant science, multimedia, animal science, cosmetology, and early education, will be available July 11-29.
High School Academic Recovery
The high school summer program is open to any student in grades 9-12; they do not need to be current Minuteman students. The academic recovery classes are for students who did not pass their course(s) for the year and/or need additional support in the following academic subjects: Algebra I, Algebra II, Biochemistry, Chemistry/Physics, English, Geometry, History. A Public Speaking/Debate class is open for high school students as well. Courses are offered in 1- or 2-week sessions between July 11 and August 5 in either the morning or afternoon. Details and register online.
Middle School Enrichment
The middle school enrichment program is open to any student in grades 6-8 who has an interest in hands-on learning. One-week courses are held from July 11-29 and include veterinary science, auto mechanics, cosmetology, early education, environmental science, multimedia, and public speaking/debate. Free school bus transportation is provided to students living in Minuteman’s nine member towns of Acton, Arlington, Bolton, Concord, Dover, Lancaster, Lexington, Needham, and Stow. Details and register online.
Preschool Summer Fun at Minuteman!
Colonial Children’s Academy, the childcare center at Minuteman High School, is offering a summer program for children ages 3-6. Weekly programs run between July 11 and August 5. Hours are 8:30-11:30 AM with an optional lunch until 12:30 PM. The cost is $160 per week or $200 per week with the extra lunch hour. For more information, visit minuteman.org/ccasummer
If you have any questions, please email Cindy DeMaio, summer school coordinator and cosmetology instructor, or Kim Quinones, administrative assistant.
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Bike for Books at the Concord Free Public Library

CONCORD: The Concord Free Public Library is encouraging children, teens, and adults to bike to the Library! Every time you bike to the Main Library or Fowler Branch Library, show your helmet and they’ll stamp your bike card. After 10 stamps, you earn a free $5 gift certificate to Bedford Farms! For more information about Library programs and services, call 978-318-3301 (Main Branch) or 978-318-3350 (Fowler Branch), or visit www.concordlibrary.org.

June 2022 StoryWalk at the Concord Free Public Library

CONCORD: The Concord Free Public Library invites everyone to visit our StoryWalk, newly installed for the season on Main Street, leading to the new Children’s Library entrance. The June StoryWalk features Runaway: The Daring Escape of Ona Judge by Ray Anthony Shepard and illustrated by Keith Mallett. The story is a picture book biography of Ona Judge, a young enslaved woman who escaped the family of George Washington. In honor of Juneteenth, meet the acclaimed author of Runaway and historian Mr. Shepard on Tuesday, June 21 at 10:30am at the Main Library. No registration required. Visit www.concordlibrary.org for more Library programs.

Open Table Receives Cummings Foundation Grant
Metro West nonprofit receives two years of funding from Cummings Foundation

CONCORD/MAYNARD: Open Table, the Concord and Maynard charity dedicated to fighting hunger and building healthy communities, announced that it is one of 140 local nonprofits to receive grants of $100,000 to $500,000 each through Cummings Foundation’s $25 Million Grant Program. The Concord and Maynard-based organization was chosen from a total of 580 applicants during a competitive review process.

Currently Open Table distributes bags of groceries, which include fresh produce, proteins, dairy, baked goods, and shelf-stable produces, to over 300 households each week and provides over 800 prepared meals to clients that hail from the Metro West suburbs.  Open Table has received incredible support from the communities it serves through donations of food and funds, making it possible for us to continue to address food insecurity in our region.

“The Cummings Foundation grant  will help Open Table  expand its services as a community food hub and support the increased number of individuals and families facing food insecurity during these challenging times,” said Jeanine Calabria, executive director of Open Table. “In addition, the grant will be used to help Open Table grow its mobile food program.”

The Cummings $25 Million Grant Program supports Massachusetts nonprofits that are based in and primarily serve Middlesex, Essex, and Suffolk counties.
Through this place-based initiative, Cummings Foundation aims to give back in the areas where it owns commercial property. Its buildings are all managed, at no cost to the Foundation, by its affiliate, Cummings Properties. This Woburn-based commercial real estate firm leases and manages 11 million square feet of debt-free space, the majority of which exclusively benefits the Foundation.

“We are so fortunate in greater Boston to have such effective nonprofits, plus a wealth of talented, dedicated professionals and volunteers to run them,” said Cummings Foundation executive director Joyce Vyriotes. “We are indebted to them for the work they do each day to provide for basic needs, break down barriers to education and health resources, and work toward a more equitable society.”

With the help of about 90 volunteers, the Foundation first identified 140 organizations to receive grants of at least $100,000 each. Among the winners were first-time recipients as well as nonprofits that had previously received Cummings Foundation grants. Forty of this latter group of repeat recipients were then selected to have their grants elevated to 10-year awards ranging from $200,000 to $500,000 each.

“Our volunteers bring diverse backgrounds and perspectives, which is so critical to our grant selection process,” said Vyriotes. “Through this democratized approach to philanthropy, they decide more than half the grants every year.”

This year’s grant recipients represent a wide variety of causes, including food insecurity, immigrant and refugee services, social justice, education, and mental health services. The nonprofits are spread across 45 different cities and towns.

The complete list of 140 grant winners, plus more than 900 previous recipients, is available at www.CummingsFoundation.org.  Cummings Foundation has now awarded more than $375 million to greater Boston nonprofits.

Open Table is a 501(c)(3) established in 1989. Their mission is to address hunger in their local community by providing healthy food in a welcoming environment while respecting the dignity and diversity of those served. For more information, visit: www.opentable.org

Woburn-based Cummings Foundation, Inc. was established in 1986 by Joyce and Bill Cummings and has grown to be one of the largest private foundations in New England. The Foundation directly operates its own charitable subsidiaries, including New Horizons retirement communities, in Marlborough and Woburn, and Cummings Health Sciences, LLC. Additional information is available at www.CummingsFoundation.org.
Make your own videogame with coderdojo

Make Your Own Videogame with Coderdojo

CONCORD: The Concord Free Public Library is excited to invite videogame designer and master coder Matthew Mackowski for the first installment of a monthly program, Make Your Own Videogame with Coderdojo, on June 4 from 2-4 pm in the CFPL Main Teen Lounge. Teen participants will have the opportunity to learn the basics of coding and get an inside look at the videogame industry and what it takes to become a designer. Or if you already have projects you are working on, bring them in for consultation. Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops. Future session dates are TBA. No registration required.

This is not only a great opportunity for young coders to receive feedback on their projects, but to practice team-building, taking and receiving criticism, and solving problems collaboratively. 

CoderDojo is a global movement of free, volunteer-led, community-based programming clubs for young people. Anyone aged seven to seventeen can visit a Dojo where they can learn to code, build a website, create an app or a game, and explore technology in an informal, creative, and social environment. 

Matt Mackowski is a professional video game developer and software engineer with over 15 years of experience. He has worked on games for the PC, mobile and console markets. Including working games for VR/AR. His notable shipped titles include the Fieldrunner series for mobile gaming, NBA 2k22 and Gears of War 3 port for the Playstation 5.

Renewable Energy with Ted Barten

CONCORD: On Sunday, June 5 at 10:30am, Kerem Shalom member Ted Barten will share his work over the past five years in the rapidly emerging offshore wind sector—including industry pioneer, Vineyard Wind. Barten will present an online “case study” of Vineyard Wind 1, America’s first successful utility-scale offshore wind project.

Barten is an environmental engineer by training (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), is a Registered Professional Engineer in Massachusetts and several other states, and earned his MBA at Northeastern University. Ted has devoted his 48-year environmental engineering career to siting, environmental analysis, licensing, and permitting of energy generation and energy infrastructure projects throughout the Northeast.

Please see keremshalom.org for additional information and registration for all events. Contact the office at 978-369-1223 or ksadmin@keremshalom.org with any questions.