HCC Welcomes Grant Applications
HUDSON: The Hudson Cultural Council will soon be accepting online applications from organizations, schools, and individuals for grants to support community-oriented arts, humanities, and science programs. If you have a great idea for bringing culturally enriching programming to the Hudson area and need funding to make it a reality, you are welcome to apply for a grant. The online application window will be open from September 1 through October 15. Priority is given to programs which take place inside the town of Hudson and to those serving Hudson youth as well as Hudson-based organizations, artists and interpretive scientists. Projects may take place in libraries, community centers, town halls, parks, schools, and wherever communities come together.
The Hudson Cultural Council is composed of volunteers appointed by the Town of Hudson Select Board. Its mission is to support and enhance Hudson's diverse heritage and cultural opportunities by supporting activities that enrich the lives of Hudson residents of all ages. The Council strives to achieve these goals through the funding of local programs with money allocated from the Mass Cultural Council and the Town of Hudson.Check out the council’s website www.hudsonculturalcouncil.org or facebook page www.facebook.com/HudsonCulturalCouncil/ for updates and more information on the application process as the window draws nearer. To contact the HCC directly with questions, or to become an HCC member, email hudsonculturalcouncil@gmail.com.