Pastor rheanna

St. Stephen Lutheran Church Welcomes New Pastor

MARLBOROUGH: Parishioners at St. Stephen Lutheran Church welcomed a new pastor recently, and the warmth of that welcome has brought joy to Pastor Rheanna Goodrich and her family as they settle in to their new home. “The call has been amazing so far,” says Pr Rheanna.
“The congregation has been so welcoming to our family, and super supportive.”

At St. Stephen, the new pastor is “looking forward to getting to know everybody here, working with people to figure out what comes next.” Her focus is both the church and the Marlborough-Hudson community. She notes that “a lot of people don’t know Jesus, a loving, benevolent God. There is so much pain and brokenness.” The call of the church, she says “is to help heal.”

Pr Rheanna comes to SSLC from Michigan, where she has spent the major portion of her life, but New England is also in her background. Born in Montana, she lived with her parents and sister in New Hampshire from age 2 to Grade 4, and has fond memories of outdoor activities. “We ran around in the woods all the time and loved playing outside.” Her family attended Baptist and Episcopal churches, but she came back to her Lutheran roots in Michigan during her high school years. Her faith was important, but Pr. Rheanna didn’t realize then that it  would become her vocation and went on to earn a BS in English with a focus in Creative Writing at
Central Michigan University. After graduation, “I quickly realized I needed a job and went into business,” she recalls of her time spent managing apartment complexes. “Then God got involved.”

Active in her congregation leading programs, and serving as council president, the thought of becoming a pastor emerged, but she was unsure “whether I wanted to take on the responsibility in my 20s.” She was now married - she and Mara will mark their 21 st anniversary this summer. Talking with Mara and her pastor, eventually “there were enough signs that I couldn’t ignore it. This was in my heart.” She enrolled in the five year program at Trinity Lutheran Seminary in Columbus, Ohio, and daughter Kaili, now 12, was born during this time. Pr Rheanna accepted a first call to a church in Au Gres, MI, “a lovely, rural community experience,” and a second call to Bridgeport, MI, closer to Mara’s work.

Accepting her third call meant a move to Massachusetts for the family of three and four cats. “It is fabulous to be back in a place of diverse culture, people, language, and food,” she says. The family likes the outdoors, especially hiking, biking, and camping. Pr Rheanna also enjoys creative writing, including science fiction as well as poetry. Among many new and old adventures, she would love to try snowshoeing again, take Kaili to Hampton Beach, to experience it as she had as a child, and all three would like to explore Salem, and the history of a very distinct era. “We were looking for a new adventure,” Pr. Rheanna says with a smile, adding that “New England is a homecoming for me and had everything we were looking for.”

For more information about the church, visit or the church’s Facebook page. Saint Stephen is a member of the New England Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America ( . The church is a Reconciling in Christ congregation, welcoming to all. Parishioners come from Marlborough, Hudson, Berlin, Northborough, Southborough, Westborough, Shrewsbury, Sudbury, Stow and Bolton. Sunday worship is at 10am, with Sunday School at 9am.

Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley Awards Scholarships to Local Students for Upcoming (RYLA) Conference in June

The Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley announced that it has awarded scholarships to this year’s Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) Conference to be held in June. The lucky scholarship winners are Nevaeh Duplessis, Vincenzo Porfino, Riley Dinjian and Madison Oxnard.

Robert Johnson, local Committee Chairperson, said that the chosen students will be among the more than 150 Massachusetts high school sophomores who will attend the RYLA Conference. Aimed at developing the leadership potential of young men and women, the conference will feature many thought-provoking events including interactive Leadership Labs, exciting guest speakers, and challenging mental and physical activities that will provide the participants with a chance to excel amongst and with their peers. Topics will include decision-making, critical thinking, communicating effectively, ethics, and public service. To be chosen, the candidates needed to qualify by showing leadership potential and good citizenship characteristics and showing a strong desire to attend and benefit from the conference. Additionally, in their individual interviews, they needed to stand out from the other applicants.

Congratulations from the Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley to this year’s scholarship winners and their families! Anyone interested in obtaining further information should visit or contact
Robert Johnson at, (978) 875-3143 or any other member of the Nashoba Valley Rotary Club.
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The Town of Acton Swap Shop Needs Volunteers!

ACTON: Does giving stuff away make you happy? Are you a social animal? Will you have a few hours to help keep good things out of the trash? The purpose of the Acton Swap Shop is to reduce trash by putting perfectly usable items into the hands of those that can use them. One person's trash is another person's treasure! The Swap Shop is located at the Acton Transfer Station and Recycling center, and anyone with a sticker can use the Swap Shop. It is open May-October, Tuesday-Saturday, and volunteers pick their own hours. For more information, visit, or contact Debby Andell at
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Sounds of Stow Presents “Joyous Voices – Winsome Winds”

STOW: Join the Sounds of Stow Chorus & Orchestra on April 2 at 3pm, for a program entitled “Joyous Voices – Winsome Winds” with pieces by Mozart and Hadyn. The concert, with full orchestra and outstanding soloists and under the baton of Barbara Jones, Artistic Director, will be held at the Hale Middle School.

The orchestra opens the program with one of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s most delightful compositions, the Sinfonia Concertante for Four Winds, followed by the joyous, innovative Harmoniemesse, Joseph Haydn’s final choral work. What better way to welcome Spring and raise your spirits after the long, dark winter days!

The soloists for the Sinfonia Concertante are frequent Sounds of Stow collaborators Veronica Kenney (Oboe); Dianne Mahany (Clarinet); Leo Kenen (Bassoon); and Jeff Stewart (Horn). For the Harmoniemesse, the chorus will be joined by outstanding vocal soloists Aurora Martin, soprano; Krista River, mezzo; Jason Wang, tenor; and Mark Cleveland, bass-baritone.
Tickets for the April concert are available for online purchase at or email  Masks are requested.

Looking ahead, mark your calendars for “Voices Rising” on May 20 at the new Groton Hill Music Center, a truly world-class performance venue. Sounds of Stow will be joining other area choruses and the Vista Philharmonic Orchestra for an exciting evening of music. Learn more at
Jellyfish swim

Assabet Valley Camera Club: Photoshop Brush Program

HUDSON: On April 5, the Assabet Valley Camera Club (AVCC) is pleased to host Bernie Hynes whose presentation will explore the use of the Brush Tool in Adobe Photoshop. This “how to” program will demonstrate ways to add another level of creativity and WOW factor to one’s images. Hynes, a retired New Englander currently living in Port Charlotte, FL, is well-known for his service to many camera clubs in the Northeast. He has won Print of the Year
at both the New England Camera Club Council and the Florida Camera Club
Council. He holds several medals and awards from PSA as well as the Glennie
Nature Salon.

Currently AVCC meetings are being held online. If you are interested in attending
this program, contact AVCC at a few days prior to the meeting to request a link to the event. The club’s Zoom room opens at 7pm with a brief business meeting at 7:15pm. The presentation Photoshop Brush Program will begin at 7:30pm. Normally, AVCC meetings are held at the Hudson Senior Center, 29 Church Street,
Hudson. The first meeting of the month generally features a program designed to
instruct and/or to entertain camera enthusiasts. During the second monthly meeting, a competition of members’ digital images are judged and critiqued by qualified individuals. Assabet Valley Camera Club, affiliated with both the New England Camera Club Council (NECCC) and the Photographic Society of America (PSA), participates in interclub competitions on regional, national and international levels.

AVCC welcomes anyone interested in learning more about photography as a visual art and its practical application as a science. Members benefit from the hands-on experiences, from the knowledge presented in programs, and from having their work critiqued. For more information, visit

Stow Garden Club Presents "Peonies: Love of my Life"

STOW: On April 5 at 7pm at the Stow Community Center at 509 Great Road, the Stow Garden Club will welcome Christine Paxhia who will present "Peonies: Love of my Life." Paxhia has been a member of the Massachusetts Master Gardeners Speakers Bureau for over ten years. Her love of peonies began as a child. Her garden has over 38 varieties of peonies. Her presentation will include the history of peonies and how to select, install and care for these much loved plants. A photographic slideshow will be included. Non-members are invited to attend, but are asked to pay five dollars.
Great american rain barrel earth green

Sustainable Stow Rain Barrel Program

STOW: Remember the drought last summer? Rain barrels are an effective way to conserve water, help your garden survive dry spells, and reduce the runoff that pollutes waterways. Sustainable Stow is partnering with The Great American Rain Barrel Company to offer 60-gallon, food-safe barrels at cost to residents of Stow and surrounding communities. Place your order by April 3 at midnight - select Stow from the list of Massachusetts communities at Barrels must be collected on April 15 from 1-3pm at the Stow Highway Department, 88 S. Acton Road. Barrels cannot be held for later pickup. For more information on rain barrels, please see the FAQs and How to Use sections at

If you are a DIY kind of person, you may prefer to make your own. There's a great step-by-step tutorial and video from Better Homes Gardens at
Yeonjae cho

Celebrating 40 Years of SPM with "Mahler 5"!

HUDSON: Symphony Pro Musica, conducted by Mark Churchill, presents its third performances of its celebratory 40th Anniversary season on March 25 at 7:30pm at the Hudson High School, and on March 26 at 3:30 pm at St. Mark’s School in Southborough. The program, “Celebrating 40 Years of SPM with Mahler 5,” marks the first time in nearly 25 years the orchestra has performed this monumental composition.

Churchill states “Mahler’s Fifth Symphony is one of the towering achievements of Mahler’s unique genius. This broadly conceived five-movement work covers the entirety of human existence from the archly tragic opening funeral march to the heavenly Adagietto for harp and strings, a love letter to the composer’s beloved wife Alma.” Mahler struggled with the work and revised it numerous times, feeling that its time was 50 years into the future. As a lovely and much more innocent prelude to the symphony, the program opens with Mozart’s Exsultate Jubilate with another captivating rising star of classical music, soprano Yeonjae Cho (pictured), who will charm and excite you with her exquisite vocal artfulness.

Listeners will have the opportunity to enjoy a pre-concert talk 45 minutes prior to the performance, which will provide a guide through the concert works. Included in the program itself will be a brief presentation about the Hudson Armory Project, one of SPM’s valued community partners. The Project’s mission is to enrich the cultural economy of the region by creating an environment in which the arts flourish, inspire, and enhance the quality of life for all citizens.

SPM continues its long tradition of performing at Hudson High School, which began with the orchestra’s founding 40 years ago. On Sunday afternoon, SPM will play at the Putnam Family Arts Center at St. Mark’s School in Southborough. There will be a pre-concert talk 45 minutes prior to the start of each performance. Students are always able to attend SPM concerts at no charge. Adult tickets are $25, senior tickets are $20, and group rates are available. Tickets to the performances may be found online at, or from their website, where you can learn more about this concert and the balance of the season. Please visit, call (978) 562-0939, or email

SGCC Spring Programming at Unitarian Church of Marlboro & Hudson

HUDSON: The Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson (UCMH). 80 Main Street, is pleased to announce that we have resumed in-person programming through our Spiritual Growth and Community Center (SGCC). The spring calendar is in full swing, and new participants are warmly welcomed! Offerings include:
* Free Your Inner Artist! Second Wednesdays, 7-9pm in Union Hall ($5 suggested donation) – Freeform exploration of abstract art using acrylic paint and found objects.
* Open Creativity: First and third Thursdays, 7-9pm in Union Hall ($5 suggested donation) – Bring your creative project-in-progress, or just a desire to explore the possibilities in the company of other creatives. Coffee and inspiration provided!
* Pub Theology: Second Thursdays, 7-9pm at Lost Shoe Brewing and Roasting (no fee to attend, purchase your own refreshments) – All are welcome to engage in deep, respectful, and reflective conversation over drinks. Theme changes monthly.
* FreeDrum: First Saturdays, 7-10pm ($5 for adults, kids under 13 free) – Dave “Drumhead” Curry leads an evening of high-energy, freestyle drumming and dancing that welcomes all ages and skill levels.
* New Age Spiritualist Collaborative: Meetings monthly, fourth Thursdays ($5 suggested donation) – Explore modalities such as mediumship, divination, energy healing and astrology with the aim of evolving consciousness by understanding our soul's place in the Universe.
For full information about these and other events, visit, or email the church office at The SGCC is an outreach program of the Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson that provides inspirational programs, classes and events to awaken peace, joy, love, compassion, personal growth, and creativity.  All programs are open to the community and all are welcome.

Stow Republican Town Committee Grows and Grows

STOW: Another snowstorm was expected on February 27, and members again turned out for the monthly Stow RTC meeting. Chairperson Dexter was encouraged to see several first-time attendees and continue to encourage all residents of Stow to attend Republican Town Committee meetings and help build this budding organization.

Grassroots was the order of business. The SRTC is actively seeking individuals interested in joining town boards and committees. Residents seeking to spread the ideals of the Republican party, small government, lower taxes, more individual freedoms will receive the full support of our committee. The chair believes leading by example to be the most effective manner in encouraging more volunteers to fill these town vacancies.

The March Stow Republican Town Committee meeting is scheduled for March 27 at 7pm at Pompositticut Community Center. As always, all Stow residents are invited. Those wishing more information about upcoming meeting and events are encouraged to check out its Facebook page at, or email STRC directly at

Take a Deeper Dive into Garden Design

HUDSON: Are you considering creating a new garden, updating an existing one, or undergoing a complete redesign? It is not as overwhelming as you may think! Join professional photographer and landscape architect Joanne Pearson for “Garden Design – A Deeper Dive” on March 20 at 7pm at Hudson Senior Center, 29 Church Street, presented by Hudson Garden Club. Pearson uses a visually appealing presentation that showcases photographs of both U.S. and European gardens and landscapes to set us on the path to garden design success. Explore hardscape and softscape elements that help landscape designs stand out, and discover concepts for planning and modifying gardens suitable for every homeowner’s style, schedule and budget. Doors open at 6:40pm, masks are optional, parking is free, and complimentary refreshments
are served following the presentation. A $5 per person donation is requested from non-garden club members. For more information, contact Cindy Provencher at (978) 618-3467, or visit

Joanne Pearson is proprietor of Fair Haven Photographs, and her acclaimed lectures on gardens and photography inspire and educate audiences.

Hudson Cultural Council Seeking New Members

HUDSON: Are you interested in supporting local cultural events in Hudson? Have you considered serving on a board and helping to determine how to allocate funds for cultural events? The Hudson Cultural Council (HCC) is looking for volunteers interested in serving as voting members who can help share ideas and knowledge when making determinations on how funding for the cultural council is dispensed. The HCC is a group of volunteers appointed by the Hudson Select Board for three-year terms. Its mission is “to support and enhance Hudson's diverse heritage and cultural opportunities by supporting activities that enrich the lives of Hudson residents of all ages”. The HCC strives to achieve these goals by diligently evaluating grant requests and allocating funds from the municipality as well as the Massachusetts Cultural Council to projects best serving Hudson residents. Some of this year's grant recipients include Hudson Division of Recreation, MetroWest Boys and Girls Club, Hudson Public Library, Green Hudson, and Hudson Cultural Alliance.

Visit or for more information. Please contact the council via email at with any questions about becoming a member. To apply, fill out an interest form at the Hudson Town Clerk's Office, 78 Main Street. An online link to the form is also accessible on the Town of Hudson website at Committee / Board Interest Form (

Rabies Immunization Clinic Schedule

Rabies immunization for dogs and cats over six (6) months of age, not previously immunized, and those with a red heart (2020) rabies tag must be immunized. Depending on the vaccination status of your dog or cat the veterinarian will inform you of the effective vaccination duration for the vaccination given. The charge per immunization is $20, payable to Vet. Residents of Nashoba member towns may attend any of the following clinics. Cats must be brought in cages or closed boxes during the last half of any clinic. The tag for 2023 will be a green bell.

Times & Places:

Ayer Animal Hospital, 196 W. Main Street
Bryan Clifford | 3/24, 5-6pm
Corynne Orzech | 3/31, 5-6pm

Highway Barn, 88 S. Acton, Bolton/Stow Gould | 3/30, 6-7pm

Highway Barn, 112 West Street, Berlin Bianco | 3/25, 10-11am

Lancaster Fire Station, 1055 Main Street
Bianco | 3/25, 11:30am-12:30pm

Pepperell Fire Station, Jersey Street
Flanagan | 4/1, 9-10:30am

Townsend Highway, 177 Main Street
Flanagan | 4/1, 11am-12:30pm

Littleton Animal Hospital, 29 King Street
Brooks | 2/25, 1-3pm

Friends of Troop 2 Stow Host Shredding Fundraiser

STOW: Friends of Troop 1 Stow will be hosting their Paper Shredding Fundraising event on April 1 at Hale Middle School, 55 Hartley Road, from 8-11am. The cost is as follows: $5/grocery store bag; $10/banker/copy paper box (fits 5 gal container); $15/large bank box (fits 17 gal container). Boxes will be returned. Credit card payment only, drive up service. For more information, visit or call (978) 212-9175. 100% of net proceeds goes to supporting the Scouts of Troop 1 Stow.
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Writer Song-Singer” Heather Maloney to Perform in Stow

STOW: Massachusetts-based “writer song-singer” Heather Maloney will perform at the next New Revival Coffeehouse on March 4 at 7:30pm. Maloney found music in the midst of three years at a meditation center, honing a sound moored in days of silent reflection and reverence for storytellers like Joni, Rilke, Ken Burns, and the anonymous authors of Zen parables.
While she eventually traded the quiet, structured life of a yogi for the kinetic life of a touring musician, the core of her songwriting remains centered around the same curiosity about our inner world and the desire to articulate it through storytelling. Maloney has toured nationally as a headliner as well as in support of acts like Mary Chapin Carpenter, Lake Street Dive, Shakey Graves, Gary Clark Jr., and Colin Hay.

The New Revival Coffeehouse is at First Parish Church of Stow and Acton, 353 Great Road. Tickets are $17 in advance at and $20 at the door. Doors open at 7pm and the concert begins at 7:30pm. Masks are optional. For more information, visit or For questions, call (978) 274-2593, or email
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First United Methodist Church Corned Beef & Cabbage Benefit Dinner

HUDSON: On March 11 at 6pm, the First United Methodist Church of Hudson, will be sponsoring a delicious Corned Beef and Cabbage Dinner to benefit “Bridges to Malawi,” a poverty-stricken country located in southeast Africa. An informative talk will be presented by Dr. Brian Lisse who has spent over 13 years traveling to Malawi, having established this nonprofit organization. Its mission is to help the lives of those less fortunate who are suffering from sickness, disease and famine.

The dinner is $15 per person with money going to support purchases of Chlorinators and Filtration systems for safe water usage and other necessities. Dr. Lisse, along with a group of medical students and other healthcare providers, make annual trips to Malawi where they provide medical care and medical  knowledge to improve the health and well-being of the Malawi community. The organization and its team have helped to fight malnutrition and famine, increase family incomes, and further help the people of Malawi.

Please join in this most important outreach ministry from 5– 6:30pm and know that you are helping others in a critical life situation.  FUMC is located just over the hill, off the Hudson Rotary at 34 Felton Street. More information is available at (978) 562-2932 or online at

Calling all vendors for Annual Yard/Craft Sale at FUMC

HUDSON: First United Methodist Church of Hudson invites everyone to their Annual
Yard and Crafts Sale on June 10, from 9am-2pm, held in conjunction with Hudson Fest. The sale will be held outdoors, weather permitting. Start getting those items you no longer want or need but are too good to throw away. And if you’re a crafts person, now is the time to put some of that marvelous creativity you possess, into action and come sell your wares. There is no set-up charge, but it is asked that you agree to donate a minimum of 10% of what you take in. If you’d like to reserve a spot, unlimited space is available in the parking lot. Folding chairs will be provided, or you can bring your own. Call or email to reserve. First United Methodist Church is located at 34 Felton Street, at the top of the hill, just off the rotary in Hudson. More information is available at (978) 562-2932 or

Creativity with Your Smartphone

On March 1, the Assabet Valley Camera Club (AVCC) is pleased to host Hazel Meredith, an award-winning photographer, teacher, speaker, workshop leader and a highly respected competition judge. In 2007, Meredith began teaching post-processing techniques through
adult education programs, camera clubs and conferences across the United States. As well as doing her own workshops, Hazel is a frequent webinar presenter for Topaz Labs.

During her Creativity with Your Smartphone presentation, Hazel will show how to create exciting, creative images on your smart phone. She will share some of her favorite apps for creative processing including Snapseed, DistressedFx+, Image Blender, Retouch, and the JixiPix suite of apps. Photographic creative processing isn’t limited to one’s desktop computer! It is as close to you as what is in your hand.

Actively involved in the photographic community on the local, regional and national levels, Hazel has held leadership positions in several organizations and has received distinction awards from both the Photographic Society of America and the New England Camera Club Council. View her gallery at

Currently AVCC meetings are being held online. If you are interested in attending this program, contact AVCC at a few days prior to the meeting to request a link to the event. The club’s Zoom room opens at 7pm with a brief business meeting at 7:15pm. The presentation will begin at 7:30pm.

Normally, AVCC meetings are held at the Hudson Senior Center, 29 Church Street. The first meeting of the month generally features a program designed to instruct and/or to entertain camera enthusiasts. During the second monthly meeting, a competition of members’ digital images are judged and critiqued by qualified individuals. Assabet Valley Camera Club,
affiliated with both the New England Camera Club Council (NECCC) and the Photographic Society of America (PSA), participates in interclub competitions on regional, national and international levels.

AVCC welcomes anyone interested in learning more about photography as a visual art and its practical application as a science. Members benefit from the hands-on experiences, from the knowledge presented in programs, and from having their work critiqued. For information, visit

Town Election Season is Coming!

HUDSON: Hudson’s Town Clerk Office and the League of Women Voters - Acton Area have everything you need to participate in local elections as a voter or as a candidate. The League of Women Voters - Acton Area has resources to help you get started as a candidate including videos with advice from former candidates and candidate checklists for our member towns. What to consider when you decide to run?

  • March 20: Nomination papers are due back at the Town Clerk’s Office by 5PM
  • April 21: last day to register for voting at Town Meeting and in Local Election
  • May 1: Town Meeting
  • May 8: Town election

OPEN POSITIONS: Position, # open, Term
  • Select Board, 1, 3-year term
  • Moderator, 1, 1-year term
  • School Committee, 2, 3-year term
  • Trustees of Benevolent Funds, 1, 3-year term
  • Municipal Light Board, 1, 3-year term
  • Park Commission, 1, 3-year term
  • Board of Health, 1, 3-year term
  • Library Trustee, 1, 3-year term
  • Planning Board, 1, 3-year term
  • Cemetery Commission, 1, 3-year term
  • Cemetery Commission (Vacancy), 1, 1-year term
  • Constable, 1, 3-year term
  • Board of Assessors, 1, 3-year term
  • Vocational Regional District School Committee Member, 1, 4-year term

Click HERE or scan the enclosed QR code to learn about open positions in Hudson and key dates for voter registration, elections, and Town Meeting. Hudson has vacancies to fill this spring with skilled and engaged citizens like you!

For more information, visit the League of Women Voters at or the Hudson Town Clerk at
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Find Out about Affordable, Reliable, Clean 21st Century Nuclear Energy

The climate crisis is no longer hypothetical. It has arrived. The fastest way to de-carbonize the planet and reduce use of fossil fuels is to incorporate more nuclear energy into the regional power grid. Energy educators are offering free public talks to groups of all kinds – schools, libraries, religious communities, as well as civic, service and environmental organizations in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, southern New Hampshire and Maine and northeastern Connecticut. 

Learn about modern safety procedures, the science and enormous power of uranium and thorium as a 21st century solution to meet the escalating world demand for electricity. Examine the fears underlying discussions of nuclear operations, waste and safety. Find out how modern nuclear reactors feed regional power grids with clean energy 24/7, and how other countries are developing this dense low-carbon energy source. Explore Eco-Nuclear Solutions, a non-partisan, volunteer, grassroots group of scientists, educators and environmentalists at To reserve a date to explore the potential of nuclear power, contact

The one-hour presentation is an introduction to nuclear energy and how it benefits the planet and the world’s people. Access to reliable affordable electricity is a gateway out of poverty, which typically leads to lower birth rates. Nuclear power is experiencing a renaissance as one of the most reliable, affordable and zero-carbon sources of electricity that requires minimal land. It is the only electricity generating technology that sequesters  and/or safely disposes of all byproducts which, along with its demonstrated reliability, makes it a rockstar to provide energy, the lifeblood of the world. The Seabrook, NH and Millstone, CT, nuclear plants provide 20% of electricity to the New England grid. Scientists and activists will share data, stories, slides and videos about the world’s drive for reliable, affordable and clean energy.

The team includes: David Butz, a self-educated living encyclopedia of nuclear energy, past, present and future; Carolyn McCreary, Ph.D, who served two terms on the Ayer Select Board and led the town to become a Green Community; Dale Levandier, Ph.D., a chemist with knowledge of nuclear physics; and other scientists and environmental activists.

Stow Cultural Council Awards Grants for 2023

STOW: The Stow Cultural Council is proud to announce the 2023 winners of grant funding for local arts and humanities activities that enrich the Stow community. This diverse group of projects, performances, and events deepen and enhance the cultural life of our town and the immediate area, bringing enjoyment and cultural enrichment for residents of all ages.

Follow the Stow Cultural Council on Facebook for announcements, highlights, and reminders of upcoming events and activities.

FY2023 grantees:
  • Karen (Mayotte) Wesley, The Center School, Expansion of Inclusive Book Offerings around Gender and Identity
  • Acton Community Chorus, Snow Angel
  • Clear Path for Veterans New England, Build-A-Flag Youth Workshop
  • Discovery Museum, Open Door Connections
  • Rita DiStefano-French, Quilts for Stow EMS
  • Abigail Morgan, Hidden Cultures Community Art Show
  • Jessica Moriarty, Wall Mural Hartley Road
  • Nashoba FIRST Robotics Team #1768
  • Nashoba Friends of Drama, Spring Musical
  • Nashoba Symphonic Band, 2023 Concert Season
  • Nashoba Valley Chorale, Wake Up, My Spirit
  • Yin Peet, 2023 CAI Stone Carving Symposium
  • Randall Library, Year Round Diversity Programming
  • Sounds of Stow, 2023 Concert Season
  • Jackie Spataro, Kids Town Meeting
  • Virginia Thurston Healing Garden, Music Therapy

State Representative Kate Hogan shared these thoughts: "The wide variety of art programs and events benefiting from these grants play a vital role in enriching our community, fostering diversity and inclusion, igniting creativity and lifting spirits. Supporting the arts makes Stow a better place to live, work and visit for everyone.  I'm proud to appropriate funding for our cultural councils each year in the state budget and delighted to see the dollars at work locally."

The Massachusetts Cultural Council distributes funds to local and regional cultural councils, who then re-grant funds to arts, humanities, and interpretive science projects in their own communities. The Town of Stow supplements the amount received from the state.

Interested in joining the SCC to support arts and culture in Stow? Contact for more information.

MetroWest Food Collaborative Hosted Food Access Summit

HUDSON: Recently, The MetroWest Food Collaborative (the Collaborative) hosted a Food Access Summit to bring diverse voices to the table to look beyond emergency food, and to talk about the systemic changes that will make the food system stronger, more equitable and work better for everyone in the region.

Congressman Jim McGovern was present and shared his commitment to advancing food equity and justice on a national level and thanked the collaborative for the work that is being done by all those in the room. The Congressman spoke on food insecurity on the national level during the summit. “I think hunger is a political condition. We have the money, we have the food, we have the infrastructure, we have everything. We lack the political will.” He highlighted the role of policymakers as he continued, “We have a White House that has a strategy that they want to move forward on. They have resources they can funnel to local communities. I don't know what’s going to happen in two years, but we have them for two years, and we have a president who said that ending hunger by 2030 in this country is a national priority. We need to get stuff done.” Hopeful for the future, Congressman McGovern left all who were present with a call to action: “No more talk -- Let’s roll up our sleeves and let's make huge amounts of progress in these next two years!”

Amongst the 60+ other guests present was Senate President Karen Spilka, Speaker Pro Tempore Kate Hogan and Representative Jack Lewis, who shared regional data, perspectives on unique collaborations they’ve witnessed between Collaborative members, and recognition that policies are necessary to combat the issues of food insecurity within the region. Youth from Voices of the Community and Discovering Hidden Gems also shared first-hand experiences on the role of food access and justice and the impact on their lives.

The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated pre-existing community hardships, especially the need to get food to residents that was healthy and culturally relevant. "Between the lingering effects of the pandemic and inflation cutting into family incomes, food insecurity presents a grave challenge to Massachusetts communities - particularly low-income communities and communities of color," said MA Senate President Karen E. Spilka. As of September 2022, 16.6% of households were food insecure throughout the Commonwealth. This is down from the height of the pandemic, but is still double the number of households that were insecure pre-pandemic. It is clear that hunger does not impact everyone equally. One in five households with children (21.5%) statewide struggle with food insecurity, according to data from fall 2022. However, food insecurity remains most prevalent in Latino/a (36.1%), Multiracial (35.8%), and Black (35.7%) households with children. The pandemic made it clear that there were gaps in the food system, and the idea of regionalizing efforts and collaboration became the quickest and most efficient way to address the issue, thus the Collaborative was born.

The Collaborative sits within the MetroWest Shared Public Health Services group, under the Public Health Excellence grant from Massachusetts DPH, with the Hudson Health Department serving as the fiscal agent. The Collaborative’s membership represents a wide range of sectors including municipal public health, public schools, emergency food providers, philanthropy, community health, social services, and community organizing. The Collaborative has fifty members across the Shared Public Health Region (Ashland, Framingham, Hopkinton, Hudson, Maynard, Milford, Millis and Natick) and envisions a thriving food system that delivers food justice for all. Food justice is a holistic and structural view of the food system that sees healthy food as a human right and addresses structural barriers to that right.

Along with advocacy efforts, the Collaborative also strives to increase healthy food access and are utilizing community engagement to excel in their efforts. Monthly calendars with detailed community-specific food resources are distributed throughout the region, via social media, and online at The Collaborative’s member organizations also run mobile food pantries, farmers markets, food/clothing/supplies distributions and several other programs that promote and advocate for healthy food for all. These dedicated individuals bring many years of experience from living and working within MetroWest. None of these individuals or organizations alone have the capacity to look at the regional data, trends, and policies affecting the regional food system, but by bringing together their knowledge and relationships within the communities, they can begin to tackle systemic issues, such as reducing the SNAP Gap in the region.

“I am grateful to the Collaborative for the vital work they are doing in the region. Combating hunger is an economic justice issue that requires greater support and collaboration among organizations serving our communities. At the legislative level, we have been listening to our constituents and voted to extend free school meals, invest money into the Healthy Incentives Program (which allows people to use SNAP
benefits at farmers markets), increase the minimum wage, and to strengthen our Commonwealth's universal health care," said Representative Jack Patrick Lewis. The idea that food insecurity is about political will and not the lack of food was a recurring theme at the summit.

Events such as the Food Access Summit aim to bring the Collaborative’s mission to light for both community members and stakeholders. “It was so exciting to bring together legislators and members of the Collaborative to open the lines of communication around ensuring food security within the region and opportunities to strengthen the regional food system,” said Kali Coughlan, the MetroWest Food Collaborative Coordinator.

Valentine’s Dinner Fundraiser at Hudson First United Methodist Church

HUDSON: On February 11 at 5pm, First United Methodist Church is going to host a little something special to celebrate Valentine’s Day. Those who have dined with FUMC already know of their reputation for serving wonderful dinners. This is going to be a sit-down dinner and you will be served stuffed chicken breast, mashed potatoes, salad and a veggie and desert.

To complete the festive holiday spirit, FUMC is excited to welcome back, for a return visit - Tony Funches, a former lead vocalist from one of the original “Platters”
group. Be sure to mark your calendars,

This is a fundraiser for the church and the cost is only $10/per person. Invite your
friends to come and enjoy this delightful evening.  First United Methodist Church is located over the hill off the Hudson Rotary at 34 Felton Street. More information is available by calling (978) 562-2932 or online at
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Hudson High School Drama Society presents "Bring It On!"

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HUDSON: Campbell is cheer-royalty at Truman High School and her senior year should prove the most cheertastic — she's been named captain of the squad! But, an unexpected redistricting has forced her to spend her final year of high school at the neighboring Jackson High School. Despite having the deck stacked against her, Campbell befriends the school's dance crew. Together with their headstrong and hardworking leader, Danielle, they form a powerhouse squad for the ultimate competition — the National Championships!
Bitingly relevant, sprinkled with sass, and inspired by the hit film, Bring It On The Musical takes audiences on a high-flying journey that is filled with the complexities of friendship, jealousy, betrayal and forgiveness. Uniting some of the freshest and funniest creative minds on Broadway, Bring It On features an original story by Tony Award winner Jeff Whitty (Avenue Q), music and lyrics by Pulitzer- and Tony Award-winning composer, Lin-Manuel Miranda (In the HeightsHamilton), music by Pulitzer- and Tony Award-winning composer, Tom Kitt (Next to Normal), lyrics by Broadway lyricist, Amanda Green (High Fidelity), and was nominated for the Tony Award for Best Musical. 
Hudson High's actors will showcase their amazing dance and vocal talents in this energetic production. The show is led by Hudson's own: Musical Director Sarah Worrest, Director Alyssa MacDonald, and Choreographer Steven Yerardi. 
Shows are scheduled for January 27 at 7pm, January 28 at 7pm, and January 29 at 2pm. All shows will be in the Paul "Skip" Johnson auditorium at Hudson High School, 69 Brigham Street. Tickets are $15 (adults); $12 (students & seniors) at the door, and available with a discount of $2 off when purchased ahead of time at

Local Students Named to Dean's List at Fitchburg State

FITCHBURG: Fitchburg State University President Richard S. Lapidus has announced the students who qualified for inclusion on the Dean’s List for the Fall 2022 semester. A student is placed on the Dean’s List for the semester if an average grade of 3.20 or better is attained, and the student is attending the university full time.  Congratulations to:

Acton / Boxborough / Maynard
Catherine Abrams
Yilver A. Aguilera

Zainabu A. Bosungmeh 
Joseph D. Ditavi
Abderrahmane Garchali 

Ryan B. Kidder 
Carl W. Lindberg
Kyle J. Lindfors

Jonah T. Sallese 
Zachary J. St John 
Ayer / Shirley / Groton / Harvard / Devens
Chassity P. Boo 
Kaitlyn M. Bremer 
Jonathan W. Bremer 
Hailey G. Burke 
Savannah D. Caldbeck
Matthew J. Carey 
Andrew T. Esielionis
Emily J. Hanson 
Kayla A. Holland 
Curtis J. Holmes
Kabriana T. Kien 
Ryleigh A. Levensailor 
Brady W. Madigan 
Deven J. Muldoon 
Eli Norton 
Mishayla S. Silver
Megan R. Strout
Mark K. Terhune 
Danielle M. Varner 
Jing Wang
Stephen T. Wells

Chelmsford / North Chelmsford
David E. Kelley 
McKenna G. Moore 
Sara Najm 
Karen A. O'Rourke
Seth E. Rigby

Concord / Carlisle / Bedford
David P. Eisenberg 
Shujiao Liu

Hudson / Stow
Brian K. Boland 
Emily Cristobal 
Molly J. Flanagan
Isaiah French

Emily G. Hallsworth 
Nicholas D. Solimine 
Cameron J. Sousa
Dale A. Sousa 
Courtney M. Walsh

Marlborough / Sudbury
Julia M. Barnes 
Ava E. Hannon 
Kaleigh A. Morales 
Nickolai Voskanian

Westford / Littleton 
Vincent A. Colavita 
Erick K. Gakuo 
Benjamin R. Golash 
Kyanah Long 
Nathan S. Martin 
Edith Masembe 
Adam E. Quinlan 
Alyssa K. Ramirez 
Asha L. Speller 
Benjamin G. Stormwind
Meaghan J. Walsh

Additionally, Fitchburg State University President Richard S. Lapidus has announced the names of students included on the President’s List for the Fall 2022 semester. The President’s List honors students for consistently high academic achievement. A student is named to the list after achieving a 3.75 average in each of three successive semesters.  Congratulations to:

Acton / Boxborough / Maynard
Owen C. Thayer
Chelmsford / North Chelmsford
Alyssa J. Fields
Emily F. Klein 
Sophia A. Piper

Learn more at

Toe-Tapping Snappy Hot Jazz at New Revival Coffeehouse

Gypsy jazz 440 outdoors
STOW: On February 4, the New Revival Coffeehouse will present 440 Gypsy Jazz, a quartet that expands the gypsy jazz tradition of Django Reinhardt and Stephane Grappelli. They play danceable swing standards from the era of Cole Porter, George Gershwin and Benny Goodman, as well as originals from the band. Sometimes called gypsy swing, jazz manouche or hot club style jazz, gypsy jazz originated in the 1930s in Paris with Reinhardt and Grappelli’s band Quintette du Hot Club de Paris, and is often featured in the soundtrack of movies by Woody Allen. The usual instrumentation is acoustic guitar, violin and clarinet, with upright bass.

The leader of 440 is violinist Tomoko Iwamoto, born in Osaka and a graduate of Berklee College. Tomoko is a composer, arranger and educator and plays classical and other styles of music in addition to gypsy jazz. She has released two CD’s, “Yo-ki Swing,” and “Why Why.” “Tomoko has her own melodic vocabulary that she has created within the gypsy jazz context. Not an easy thing to do. It reflects the bravery and strength of her character. It shows she has lived some life and her stories are subtly silhouetted through her music. Such a pleasure.” Chris McDermott, guitarist, singer and songwriter and producer.

The New Revival Coffeehouse is at First Parish Church of Stow and Acton, 353 Great Road. Tickets are $17 in advance at and $20 at the door. Doors open at 7pm and the concert begins at 7:30pm. Masks are optional. For more information, see or For questions, call (978) 274-2593, or email coffeehouse@fpc-stow-
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Symphonic Treasures: Symphony Pro Musica’s Upcoming Program

HUDSON/SOUTHBOROUGH: Symphony Pro Musica, conducted by Mark Churchill, presents its second performances of its celebratory 40th anniversary season on February 4 at 7:30pm at the Hudson High School, and on February 5 at 3:30pm at St. Mark’s School in Southborough. The program is titled “Symphonic Treasures” and features violinist Maria Ioudenitch, who will perform Ludwig van Beethoven’s Violin Concerto.

“Maria Ioudenitch (pictured) makes her SPM debut. She is an extraordinary young Russian-American musician and one of the greatest rising violin stars performing today.” says Churchill. Joseph Joachim, the famous German violinist and close friend and collaborator of Brahms declared ‘The Germans have four violin concertos. The greatest, most uncompromising is Beethoven’s.” In fact, Joachim’s playing and devotion to the work set the musical world on fire and it has graced every great violinist’s repertoire since.

Opening the program is French Impressionist composer Claude Debussy’s Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, which begins with a captivating flute solo by our outstanding principal flutist Ethan Lin. Closing the program is Alexander  Borodin’s magnificent Symphony No.2. Churchill comments “This piece used to be a staple of symphony concerts around the world. We think it still should be! It’s exciting, tuneful, challenging but satisfying to play, and it’s a joy to listen to. It brings out the best qualities and spirit of the romantic symphony orchestra.”

SPM continues its long tradition of performing at Hudson High School, which began with the orchestra’s founding 40 years ago. On Sunday, SPM will play at the Putnam Family Arts Center at St. Mark’s School. There will be a pre-concert talk 45 minutes prior to the start of each performance. Students are always able to attend SPM concerts at no charge. Adult tickets are $25, senior tickets are
$20, and group rates are available. Tickets to the performances may be found on Eventbrite -, For more information, visit, call (978) 562-0939, or email

Town of Stow Completes Second Phase of Stow Acres Land Acquisition

STOW: The Town of Stow is pleased to announce that it has completed the second phase of the acquisition of Stow Acres Country Club, purchasing 109 acres as part of a larger vision to create housing, open space, and recreation options in line with community priorities. The $3.535 million purchase, which was completed on Friday, Jan, 13, is being funded through the Stow Community Preservation Act, and a Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Grant from the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs, assisted by private fundraising by the Stow Conservation Trust.

Rather than sell the course on the open market, Stow Acres’ owners approached the Town of Stow in late 2020 and proposed working in partnership on a development and preservation plan for the land. A unique public-private partnership emerged, including the Stow Planning and Conservation Departments, Stow Conservation Trust, local development firm MCO & Associates, and Stow Acres Country Club, supported by Dodson & Flinker, a planning and design firm. This working group developed a vision of large-scale conservation and ecological restoration of the Town’s most sensitive areas; maintaining and creating recreation opportunities, and diversifying housing with traditional New England architecture to help the town meet its affordable housing goals.

The resulting project received strong support from Stow Select Board and other town boards, Town Administration, the Town’s State House delegation, and from community members and stakeholders.
About 32 acres of the North Course parcel will be developed into smaller single-family, village-style homes, designed to limit the impact on the environment and maximize affordability. The remaining acreage will be set aside for public conservation and recreation. The Town is negotiating a short-term lease to continue operation of nine holes of the North Course. The Town also has purchased a separate conservation restriction for the 18-hole South Course.

“Thank you to the town staff and members of town boards and committees who devoted countless hours to bringing this idea to fruition,” Town Administrator Denise Dembkoski said. “I especially would like to thank Peter Brown and Stow Holdings LLC for being true community partners. Sale of a large parcel for development will alter a community forever. Instead, Peter worked with the Town every step of the way to ensure that the best interests of both sides are met.”

Those interested in learning more about the proposal may visit the Stow Acres Planning Process page.

“The Stow Acres project is a textbook example of how communities and developers can work together collaboratively,” Conservation Director Kathy Sferra said. “The final result is that Stow will be able to plan for its growth, rather than reacting to growth.”

Boys & Girls Clubs of MetroWest Seeks Nominees for Hall of Fame

Father and son
HUDSON/MARLBOROUGH: Since its inception 79 years ago, Boys and Girls Clubs of MetroWest (BGCMW) has provided children of all backgrounds with the opportunity to grow and realize their dreams. Their experiences in the Boys & Girls Club helped shape them and open doors to a bright future. BGCMW needs the public’s help in identifying community members who deserve to be recognized for their hard work and devotion to the organization.

The Hall of Fame event is a breakfast celebrating those individuals that do so much for the organization. The event includes an induction ceremony into the Hall of Fame, as well as recognition of Youth of the Year winner. These individuals will be honored at the breakfast on May 18, 2023 at the Courtyard by Marriott in Marlborough. Nominations open online and are available until February 28th.

The Hall of Fame is an opportunity to recognize community members long-term BGCMW dedication, positive youth influence, those who have gone on to make major contributions in their fields, many of whom are alumni or have been associated with the Club for many years, for their dedication to BGCMW mission and continued support of the organization. The Youth of the Year is the highest award available for current members in our membership and recognizes one member's dedication, leadership and academic achievement.  Their stories are very different, but all begin the same way: with the life-changing programs, caring and attentive staff, and fun and safety of the Clubs. The Hall of Fame will acknowledge individuals, whether alumni or club supporters, for their unwavering commitment to BGCMW and the young people of MetroWest. If you wish to nominate someone, visit

The Boys & Girls Clubs of MetroWest has enabled community youth most in need to achieve great futures as productive, caring, responsible citizens. The Clubs serve more than 6,200 youth each year across its’ three Clubhouses in Hudson, Marlborough and Framingham. The Club
maintains a low membership fee of $25 per year, per child because of the generous support provided by local companies, foundations, and individuals. To learn more about, or donate to, the Boys & Girls Clubs of MetroWest visit

Assabet Valley Camera Club Program presents Color, Contrast, Lighting, and Composition

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HUDSON: On February 1, the Assabet Valley Camera Club (AVCC) is pleased to host Silvana Della Camera, award-winning photographer, judge, and presenter as well as a member of the Professional Photographers Association (PPA). In her hour-long presentation on Color, Contrast, Lighting, and Composition Silvana will discuss how photography is much more than pointing a camera at a scene and clicking the shutter. It involves a process of weighing the assorted components seen within the viewfinder and realizing how they can be used to capture a powerful image. She will guide photographers on how to evaluate and isolate the various graphical elements before them to create an impactful, visual story.

Silvana Della Camera, a software engineer by trade, began her fascination with photography as a very young child. Now a lifelong obsession, Silvana shares her enthusiasm for photography through her workshops, photo walks and camera club presentations on various topics including
infrared, black and white, time-lapse and deep-space photography. To see more of her images and to join her email list visit her website at . She can also be found on Instagram and Facebook.

Currently AVCC meetings are being held online. If you are interested in attending this program, contact AVCC at a few days prior to the meeting to request a link to the event. The club’s Zoom room opens at 7pm with a brief business meeting at 7:15pm. Silvana’s presentation will begin at 7:30pm.

Normally, AVCC meetings are held at the Hudson Senior Center, 29 Church Street. The first meeting of the month generally features a program designed to instruct and/or to entertain camera enthusiasts. During the second monthly meeting, a competition of members’ digital images are judged and critiqued by qualified individuals. Assabet Valley Camera Club, affiliated with both the New England Camera Club Council (NECCC) and the Photographic Society of America (PSA), participates in interclub competitions on regional, national and international levels.

AVCC welcomes anyone interested in learning more about photography as a visual art and its practical application as a science. Members benefit from the hands-on experiences, from the knowledge presented in programs, and from having their work critiqued. For more information, visit .

ARC Comedy Night Benefit is February 10th

HUDSON/MARLBOROUGH: The ARC is hosting the 12th Annual Comedy Night Benefit, featuring the area’s most  popular and talented comedians on February 10, at the Hudson Portuguese Club, 13 Port Street. The event, being held in support of the Addiction Referral Center (ARC) of Marlborough, will include lots of laughs, food, and raffle prizes. The ARC has been serving the local community for fifty years, since 1972, and relies on  fundraising and donations to provide its services.  

Entertainers at the Comedy Night Benefit include popular comedians Amy Tee, Ryan Shea, and Bill Douglas. Boston comedian Dave Rattigan returns as host. These days he co-hosts two podcasts, the crime ‘n  grime-focused Crime Solvers Podcast and Real Stories by Real Cops. His CD has been  played on SiriusXM Radio, and he performed three times on the syndicated Steve  Katsos Show. He’s done commercials for Olympia Sports and iParty, and performed in  Dublin and Kilkenny, Ireland and in Boston with Irish comedians Ardal O’Hanlon and  Joe Rooney. He’s performed at the Hampton Beach Comedy Festival (NH), Boston  Comedy Festival, Women in Comedy Festival, and Salem Comedy and Spirits Festival,  and shared the stage with Bill Burr, Jeff Dunham, the Beach Boys, and more. 

Amy Tee is one of the busiest comedians on the New England comedy circuit today.  Whether performing in world famous comedy clubs, theaters, colleges, or at charity  events, her edgy but subtle approach turns her personal tribulations into non-stop  hilarity with mainstream and alternative audiences from Los Angeles to New York City  alike. As an official presenter for the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Amy  Tee proudly uses her comedy act to serve as a mental wellness advocate. Mentioned in  Curve magazine as one of the "funniest lesbians in America," and identified as a rising  star by the Boston Globe, she is a regular performer at the Boston Comedy Festival and  also featured on Sirius XM Satellite Radio & LOGO television network. 

Ryan Shea is a Boston based comic that has been a regular in the Boston clubs for the past 11 years. He performs all over the east coast, and is a former comic in residence at the reputable Comedy Studio in Cambridge. In 2016 he was asked to perform for the troops and asked back in 2017. Shea is honest, outspoken, and introspective. He brings high energy and points of view for everyone to enjoy. 

Bill Douglas is a middle school science teacher by day. At night he’s still a middle school science teacher, but also travels around New England performing comedy. In  addition to New England, he’s performed at clubs in the Midwest and San Francisco. He  has shared the stage with headliners such as Jimmy Dunn, Paul Nardizzi, Carolyn  Plummer, and Paul D’Angelo. 

Doors open for the event at 6:30pm and the show begins at 7:30pm. Food is available  for purchase. Coffee and desserts are complimentary. For further information on  sponsorships, program ads, tickets or table reservations, call the ARC Office at (508) 485-4357. Tables ($250) and individual tickets ($25) should be purchased in advance at  the ARC. Chairing the event are Tracey Gustafson and Bob Landry.  

The Addiction Referral Center (ARC) ranks as one of the most respected and active  recovery service resources in Middlesex County. As a nonprofit organization, the ARC  provides individualized referral services, Recovery Coach appointments and daily peer support meetings at no cost to those seeking recovery from substance use disorder. To  donate to the ARC or sponsor the 12th Annual Comedy Night Benefit please call (508) 485-4357 or visit comedy.
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Tom Denney Nature Camp Registration is Open!

BOLTON: Registration is now open for Tom Denney Nature Camp, available to students entering Kindergarten through High School. Activities include swimming, games in the fields and woods, arts & crafts, songs, tracking, scavenger hunt, hiking, exploring, campfires to roast hot dogs and marshmallows, building shelters, Animal Adventures, Predator and Prey, The Amazing Race & more. Campers entering grades 6th-9th in the Eco Adventures program  will play kayaking games on the pond, laser tag in the woods, nighttime activities on Thursday and dinner and s'mores, water guns, an adventure hike, team building activities & more. There are 6 weekly sessions that run July 3 – August 13, Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm. Before/After Care is available! Campers from all towns are welcome!

Counselors-in-Training must be entering 9th grade or above and attend Orientation June 28 - 30 and then choose two weeks or more to be at camp.

Visit for more details and to register. Questions: (best means of communication) or (978) 429-3004 (voice mail).

Local Grants Awarded for Hudson and Surrounding Towns

Massachusetts state legislators Representative Kate Hogan and Senator James Eldridge along with Donna Specian, Chair of the Hudson Cultural Council, have announced the award of the 2023 grants for cultural programs in Hudson and the surrounding area.

Some of this year's grant recipients include: Boys and Girls Club of MetroWest, C.A. Farley Elementary School, Green Hudson, Hudson Division of Recreation, Assabet Valley Chamber of Commerce, Hudson Public Library, and the Hudson Cultural Alliance for the Hudson Armory Project.

"Congratulations to the many and varied organizations that will be supported by Hudson Cultural Council grants this year. The programs that benefit from these funds bring enjoyment and entertainment, instruction and therapy to residents of all ages in our community,” stated Rep. Kate Hogan (D-Stow). “I'm proud to appropriate funding for our cultural councils each year in the state budget and delighted to see the dollars at work locally."

The Hudson Cultural Council is part of a network of 329 Local Cultural Councils serving all 351 cities and towns in the Commonwealth. The state legislature provides an annual appropriation to the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency, which then allocates funds to each community.

"I am delighted to see that the state funding has benefited organizations like the Hudson Cultural Council, which is critical to the missions of arts, humanities, and interpretive sciences," said State Senator Jamie Eldridge (D-Marlborough). "Congratulations to the Council for awarding 16 grants totaling $22,697 to organizations in Hudson which is particularly exciting given the recent acquisition of the Hudson Armory for a community performing arts center!"

The Hudson Cultural Council will seek applications again in the fall. For local guidelines and complete information on the Hudson Cultural Council check out the council’s website at Applications and more information about the Local Cultural Council Program are available online at Online applications will again be available September 1, 2023 and will be due October 16, 2023.
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Emergency Shutdown 12/30 in Hudson

HUDSON: From Hudson Light and Power: HLP crews need to do an emergency shutdown to permanently repair the issue that caused the town-wide outages on Friday 12/23. This repair will take place late Friday night 12/30 into Saturday morning, midnight – 2am. You will not be able to report the outage online or with the 888 # as their office will be without power as well.
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Acton Community Chorus Presents Snow Angel

STOW/ACTON: The Acton Community Chorus' upcoming concert, "Snow Angel", by young Canadian composer, Sarah Quartel, with solo cello and djembe, will be at First Parish Church of Stow and Acton, 353 Great Road in Stow, January 14 at 7:30pm. This emotional work brings about the themes of the concert - the army of angels watching over a child, the beauty of winter, and the love and fear expressed through lullabies. But you won't be lulled to sleep, as percussion and cello weave through the many songs in the concert, summoning the power of the "Angel Band" and the "Voces Lucis (Voices of Light)" through varied musical styles and languages. Tickets, available at the door, or from any Chorus member are $25. Admission for children grades K-12 is free.
In addition, you’re invited to the Open Sing rehearsals for the Acton Community Chorus Spring Pops Concert on January 23 and 30 at 7:30pm at the Faith Evangelical Free Church, 54 Hosmer Street in Acton. Celebrate the Roarin’ 20’s with hits by Irving Berlin, George and Ira Gershwin, Fats Waller, and Cole Porter, including Ain’t Misbehavin’, Embraceable You, Singin’ in the Rain, Someone to Watch Over Me, Blue Skies, and so many more.  Don your fedora, break out your flapper dress, and come have a blast with other people who love to sing!  No audition necessary. 

For more information, please visit
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Action Holiday BINGO! Wrapping Up Soon

Have you been playing The Action's Winter BINGO! this season?  The game will be wrapping up soon, so be sure to dab your numbers, cross your fingers, and when you find yourself with a row completed horizontally, vertically or diagonally, copy or scan your cards and send them to "" or 100-1 Domino Drive, Concord, MA 01742.  One winner will be drawn from all verified submissions.
Fog on fenway

Assabet Valley Camera Club: A Certain Slant of Light

HUDSON: On January 4, the Assabet Valley Camera Club (AVCC) is pleased to
host Suzanne Révy, photographer, writer and educator who earned a BFA from the Pratt Institute and an MFA from the New Hampshire Institute of Art, and previously worked as photography editor at U.S. News & World Report and Yankee Magazine. She has exhibited her work at museums and galleries throughout New England and in New York. Révy is an adjunct professor of photography at Clark University in Worcester.

A Certain Slant of Light began as a daily photographic ritual where Suzanne employed a mobile phone to keep her eyes open for light as it moved and changed throughout the day. As a photographer who primarily uses film in a methodical manner, the immediacy, speed and ease of phone photography offered a different avenue for practice and honing her vision on a daily basis. Capturing images at sunrise on a small pond allows Révy to witness seasonal changes in shifting light and weather. In her presentation, she will discuss how using the phone has enhanced her practice in film photography and will describe how her phone pictures have evolved over time.

Currently AVCC meetings are being held online. If you are interested in attending this program, contact AVCC at a few days prior to the meeting to request a link to the event. The club’s Zoom room opens at 7pm with a brief business meeting at 7:15pm. Suzanne’s presentation will begin at 7:30pm.

Normally, AVCC meetings are held at the Hudson Senior Center, 29 Church Street. The first meeting of the month generally features a program designed to instruct and/or to entertain camera enthusiasts. During the second monthly meeting, a competition of members’ digital images are judged and critiqued by qualified individuals. Assabet Valley Camera Club,
affiliated with both the New England Camera Club Council (NECCC) and the Photographic Society of America (PSA), participates in interclub competitions on regional, national and international levels. AVCC welcomes anyone interested in  learning more about photography as a visual art and its practical application as a science. Members benefit from the hands-on experiences, from the knowledge presented in programs, and from having their work critiqued. For more information, visit
Community survey ad(3)
Or click HERE to take the survey.

If you would like to know more about the Green Advisory Committee contact  Additional information and meeting agendas and minutes can be found at Survey deadline extended to 12/31/22.
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FPC Holiday & Christmas Eve Services

STOW: Continuing its month of special holiday services, First Parish Church of Stow & Acton (FPC), Unitarian Universalist, will hold a Winter Solstice service on December 18 at 10am, and it will hold its traditional Christmas Eve services on December 24 at 4pm and 9pm. All services will be held both in person and online.

On December 18, FPC will forego its traditional “Mummers’ Play,” and instead the children and youth will share a new play, “Winter Wonder: The Solstice.” Scripted by FPC’s minister, the Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Landrum, the play is about the meaning and beauty of the Solstice. It will feature a small “nod” to the Mumming tradition. Also participating will be Marissa Evans, Acting Director of Religious Education.

FPC’s 4pm Christmas Eve Family Service, geared towards children, will feature interactive moments, stories, and carols, finishing with the traditional candle-lighting and singing of “Silent Night.”  The 9pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Service, geared towards adults, will feature traditional carols and anthems, paired with readings and the age-old story of the birth of Jesus. Guest musicians will join the FPC Choir and FPC organist/pianist Sanghee Kim as they perform under the direction of FPC Music Director Brad Dumont. An extended prelude of Christmas music will begin at 8:45pm, and this service will also end with the traditional candle-lighting and singing of “Silent Night.”

There will be no service on December 25.

Masks are required in the sanctuary, with the exception of the balcony. To enter the virtual room, go to FPC now has a closed captioning option in online services. If the Closed Captioning option is not turned on, you can use the button at the bottom of your screen to request that the host turn it on. To prevent disruptive intrusions, the virtual room will be locked about 15 minutes after the service begins.

FPC warmly welcomes gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. Its facilities are wheelchair accessible. For more information, call (978) 897-8149 or visit The church is located at 353 Great Road, at the corner of routes 117 and 62.
Seafarers satchels

St. Stephen Church Delivers 31 Christmas Satchels to Seafarers

MARLBOROUGH: Waiting until Christmas to open presents delivered weeks in advance can be a challenge, but a group of seafarers vowed to do just that when 31 packages of warm winter clothing and other gifts donated by St. Stephen Lutheran Church arrived in New Haven, CT where merchant marines were in port for a day.

Most people may not think about the shipment of such things as rebar and scrap metal, or even how home heating oil and imported wood get to their final destination, or the sailors whose efforts are a vital part of the process. Seafarers from all over the world are an integral part of bringing these, and other products for New Englanders into New Haven, CT. Seafarers are often isolated and lonely, sometimes without the means to contact family frequently, or purchase needed items while in port. Typical contracts put most at sea for 10 months a year, and they remain a largely forgotten population at the holidays.

Seafarers International House serves this population, and the people of St. Stephen Lutheran Church, Marlborough, have responded for the past seven years by providing Christmas gifts of satchels filled with hand-knit hats and scarves, hooded sweatshirts, shirts, socks, cans of nuts and Christmas cards. This year, church members Melanie Whapham and Judy Kellogg of Marlborough traveled to New Haven to meet with Port Chaplain Ruth Setaro and deliver 31 satchels.

The visitors had the opportunity to meet some of the seafarers. “A crew from the COSMOS was in port for the day, leaving for India,” Melanie said. “These merchant marines will be the best color coordinated sailors on the seas.” The hand knit items matched wonderfully with the purchased sweatshirts and shirts, she noted.  Chaplain Setaro said the sailors were very grateful for the packages. “They were so excited to get these gifts and promised they would wait until Christmas to open them.”

The need for additional warm, hand knit hats continues, and less than 2 weeks after an announcement in church, 30 more hand-knit hats had been donated.
Seafarers International House is an ecumenical mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to seafarers and sojourners, as well as people who are distressed, disadvantaged, and displaced. For more information, check out https:/

Seven Lutheran chaplains support the Seafarers Port Mission. When requested, they will board merchant marine ships to provide pastoral care and counseling. During the holidays, chaplains distribute the packages to ships that port in New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, Philadelphia and southern New England that will be out at sea for Christmas.

For more information about the church, visit  or the church’s Facebook page. Saint Stephen is a member of the New England Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America ( The church is a Reconciling in Christ congregation, inviting people of every gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, ability, marital status, or class. Parishioners come from Marlborough, Hudson, Berlin, Northborough, Southborough, Westborough, Shrewsbury, Sudbury, Stow, and Bolton.
Peer mentor and principal

Parker School Opens 2023-24 Enrollment Season

DEVENS: Francis W. Parker Charter Essential School announced the enrollment season for the 2023-2024 academic year is now open. Parker is a free public charter school open by lottery to students entering grades 7, 8 and 9. Applications can be submitted online at until February 1, 2023. The lottery will be held on February 7, 2023 at 4pm. All application, lottery, and enrollment regulations, as outlined in the enrollment policy will be followed.

In addition, Parker has limited openings in grades 7 and 9 for mid-year entry during the current (2022-23) school year. There are no openings in grade 8 for the 2022-23 school year at this time. Applications for the current school year can be submitted online and will be accepted until January 4, 2023. If more applications are received than there are available spaces, a lottery will be drawn on January 12, 2023 at 4pm. Enrollment offers will be made with an intended start date of the first day of second semester (January 24, 2023).

Parker Charter School educates 400 students in grades 7-12 from more than 40 towns in Massachusetts. Founded in 1995, Parker is committed to the principles of progressive education—inclusive community, low student-teacher ratio, project-based learning, and promotion based on mastery of core intellectual skills. Learn more at Sign up for an information session at

FINANCIAL FOCUS: What to Know about Sustainable Investing

December 6, 2022
You may have heard about “sustainable investing.”  But if you're not familiar with it, you may have some questions: What does it involve? Is it right for me? Can I follow a sustainable investing strategy and still get the portfolio performance I need to reach my goals?

Sustainable investing can be defined in different ways, with different terminologies. However, one way to look at a sustainable approach is by thinking of it as investing in a socially conscious way which may involve two broad categories: environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing and values-based investing.

As its name suggests, ESG investing incorporates a broad range of environmental, social and governance risks and opportunities, along with traditional financial measures, when making investment decisions. This approach may have a neutral impact on performance because it maintains a focus on managing risk, traditional fundamental analysis and diversification. Here's a quick look at the ESG elements:

    • Environmental – Companies  may work to reduce carbon emissions, invest in renewable energy, decrease pollution and conserve water resources.
    • Social – A business  may promote gender and pay equality within its workforce, and maintain positive labor relations and safe working conditions for employees.
    • Governance – Companies distinguished by good governance may institute strong ethics policies, provide transparent financial reporting and set policies to ensure it has an independent, objective board of directors.

You can pursue an ESG investing approach through individual stocks, mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which hold a variety of investments similar to mutual funds, but are generally passively managed – that is, they do little or no trading. As an ESG investor, you don't necessarily have to sacrifice performance because ESG investments generally fare about as well as the wider investment universe. Some investments may even gain from the ESG approach. For example, a company that invests in renewable energy may benefit from the move away from fossil fuel sources.

Now, let's move on to values-based investing. When you follow a values-based approach, you can focus on specific themes where you may choose to include or exclude certain types of investments that align with your personal values.

So, you could refrain from investing in segments of the market, such as tobacco or firearms, or in companies that engage in certain business practices, such as animal testing. On the other hand, you could actively seek out investments that align with your values. For instance, if you’re interested in climate change, you could invest in a mutual fund or ETF that contains companies in the solar or clean energy industries.

One potential limitation of values-based investing is that it may decrease the diversification of your portfolio and lead to materially lower returns due to narrowly focused investments, prioritization of non-financial goals and too many exclusions.

Ultimately, if you choose to include a sustainable investing approach, you will want – as you do in any investing scenario – to choose those investments that are suitable for your goals, risk tolerance and time horizon.

If sustainable investing interests you, give it some thought – you may find it rewarding to match your money with your beliefs.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor Mandy Calouro, Chelmsford, MA. - Edward Jones, Member SIPC

Let Troop 1 Stow Haul Away Your Christmas Tree

STOW: Let Troop 1 Stow haul away your Christmas tree.  Reservation deadline is January 4.  Tree picks will start on December 12. To make make your reservation please pay the $15 online at or mail in a check payable to Troop 1 Stow at P.O. Box 75.  If you have any questions, please call (978) 212-9175 or by email Stow residents only, please.