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Fresh Start Furniture Bank Seeks Donated Items and Volunteers

HUDSON: Fresh Start Furniture Bank is seeking donations of your gently used furniture, household goods and linens. Are you moving or downsizing?  If you've been cleaning out your home or the home of a loved one and are looking for a good home for things you no longer need, please consider donating your items to us!  Your donations help those in need. 

Fresh Start is a volunteer-run, non-profit in Hudson that provides furniture, linens and housewares free of charge to qualified Massachusetts residents in need, as they transition to new housing.  They provide almost everything they need in one trip, thanks to your donations.  They typically help 10-15 families per week and need your donations to keep up their stock.  
The following are just some of the items currently needed:  
  • FURNITURE - sofas, dining tables, sets of kitchen/dining chairs, coffee tables, TV stands, full and queen beds; 
  • HOUSEWARES - basic appliances (toasters, microwaves, etc.), pots and pans, drinking glasses, lamps;
  • LINENS - sheet sets, blankets and comforters, kitchen towels/oven mitts/placemats and towels

In addition, they maintain an Amazon wish list for anyone interested in buying new items to help the cause. Items accepted are in good, clean condition only.  All donations are tax deductible.

Please visit www.freshstartfurniturebank.org for a list of items they accept, or find them on Facebook for their latest needs.  Additionally, they would be grateful for new packing materials (bubble wrap, etc.) or cash donations to help offset operating costs.  Businesses take note:  we can put those boxes that reams of copy paper come in to good use!

Household goods and linens can be dropped off at 16 Brent Drive in Hudson during business hours only: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am-12pm, and Saturdays from 8:30am-12:30pm.  Furniture donations are accepted on Saturday mornings from 8:30-10:30am, no appointment necessary.  Limited pick-ups can be arranged for larger donations.

Volunteers are always needed to load, unload, sort, clean, stock and distribute items. If you can help out for as little as three hours a month, please call (508) 485-2080, or through the website contact form. Teens welcome!
Beer fest image

Family-Friendly Assabet Craft Beer & Food Truck Festival

STOW: Looking for something a little different to do during the upcoming Labor
Day weekend? How about enjoying an outdoor event that is sure to be fun for the entire family while also supporting social outreach in our local community? On September 3, from noon until 4pm, the Assabet Craft Beer & Food Truck Festival will take place on the grounds of the First Parish Church of Stow & Acton (FPC) at 353 Great Road. It’s the first ever festival of its kind to take place in Stow and will feature face painting, corn hole, and a whole series of creative kids’ games available in a dedicated children’s play area.

This event is the brainchild of four craft beer enthusiasts and FPC members who wanted to create a fundraiser for the church that would celebrate its engagement in the local community as well as highlight its involvement in a diverse variety of social justice causes.

“First Parish is a community and family focused congregation,” says Dave Sansone, one of the principal organizers. “We hope through hosting this festival we can introduce Millennials and Gen Xers with families to our church so that they can enjoy a fun-filled day of festivity that also benefits a host of worthy causes, from seeking racial justice and helping the oppressed to protecting our environment and promoting peace.”

Participating in the Festival will be three prominent local craft breweries: Amory’s Tomb Brewing of Maynard, Bull Spit Brewing of Lancaster and Maynard, and Sterling Street Brewery of Clinton. Wine and cider will also be available from Bull Spit Brewing.

"Just 40 years ago, there were only eight microbreweries in the entire  country," says Neil Saunders, another festival organizer. "Now the U.S. has over 9,000 small and independent craft breweries.
Massachusetts alone now has over 200 microbreweries and brewpubs. And we're really excited that quite a few of them are right here in this area and that several will be at our festival."

Three food trucks will be on hand to satisfy the appetites of all those attending: Kith & Kin of Hudson will offer burgers and subs; Smokin’ Food Truck 51 of Worcester will provide BBQ specialties; and Lala’s of Somerville will serve Neapolitan-ish pizza. For dessert, there is New City Microcreamery of Hudson and its ice cream confections. All these food vendors will sell soda and soft drinks, and coffee and bottled water can also be purchased.

"This area has some excellent craft brewers and food vendors. We're happy to have the opportunity to introduce them to folks in the community who might not be aware of them," says Margaret Tucker, another festival organizer. "And we're also happy to give those folks a much-needed chance to enjoy socializing outdoors."

General admission to the festival is through a $5-10 donation per person, with all proceeds going directly to FPC to support its work in the community, but entry is free for children under 13. Drink tickets are $5 each for a 10-ounce cup of beer or cider or a 6-ounce cup of wine. The event will proceed rain or shine. For more information, contact craftbeerfest@fpc-stow-acton.org.

Board of Health Mandatory Non-Essential Outdoor Water Use Ban

STOW: Whereas the Town of Stow is in an area of the State declared to be in Level 3 – Critical Drought,
Whereas the State Guidance on Non-Essential Outdoor Water-Use restriction is to ban all non-essential outdoor water use,
Whereas Stow residents and businesses derive their potable water from private and public water supply wells which access groundwater,
Whereas wetlands and streams have shown stress from the current drought condition,
Whereas a supply of potable water is necessary for the promotion of public health of the residents of Stow,

The Stow Board of Health, acting under 105CMR400.220 (b) Emergency Procedures, hereby prohibits non-essential outdoor water use at all times.  This ban shall be effective August 22, 2022 and the Board of Health will monitor the drought level and shall review the ban from time to time.

Examples of nonessential outdoor water uses include, but is not limited to:
  • Irrigation of public and private lawns via sprinklers or automatic irrigation systems;
  • Washing of vehicles, other than by means of a commercial car wash, except as necessary for public safety or operator safety; and
  • Washing of exterior building surfaces, parking lots, driveways or sidewalks, except as necessary to apply paint, preservatives, stucco, pavement or cement.

The following uses are permitted:
  • Watering of personal gardens by means of a hand-held hose/watering can is allowed after 7:00PM until 7:00AM; and
  • To meet the core functions of a business or commercial activity.
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Symphony Pro Musica Invites Players to Audition for Upcoming Season

HUDSON/BOLTON: Based in Hudson and now celebrating its 40th year, Symphony Pro Musica is a high-level, ambitious volunteer community orchestra serving MetroWest and Central Massachusetts conducted by Mark Churchill, and it is seeking players for the upcoming season!

Rehearsals are held on Wednesday nights at Hudson High School, 7:15-10pm.  Occasional Thursday dress rehearsals and sectional rehearsals on Monday evenings are held.  Auditions will be held on August 29 in Bolton, or by arrangement.  Players should prepare two contrasting solo works and three to four excerpts of their choice.
Current openings include:
  • Strings, especially 1st violins and cellos, but all are welcome to audition.
  • Oboe.  One section player and one English horn for concert II.
  • Contra bassoon
  • Clarinet 3/bass clarinet
  • Principal horn and two to three section horns for Mahler 5 only.
  • Timpani
  • Percussion

All instruments are very welcome as subs and/or for waitlists.  If interested, please email SPM Executive Director Mark Ford at spmoffice@symphonypromusica.org

Concerts on November 5/6, February 4/5, March 25/26 and May 20/21. Repertoire for the season includes Mahler, Symphony No. 5; Brahms/Schoenberg Piano Quartet No. 1; Borodin, Symphony No. 2; Mendelssohn, Symphony No. 3 and features soloists cellist Thomas Mesa (Jessie Montgomery world premiere), violinist Maria Ioudenich (Beethoven Concerto), and Benjamin Hochman (Bartók Piano Concerto No. 3., and other shorter works.  Visit www.symphonypromusica.org for more information.

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Stow Bike for the Woods

STOW: The 21st annual Stow Bike for the Woods is taking place Sunday, August 28. This is a family-friendly road-bike ride supports the Stow Conservation Trust. Registration starts at 8:30am, ride at 9am. The ride starts at the Stow Shopping Center, 113 Great Road. You can register for the ride and get more information at http://bikeforthewoods.org.  There will be food and drink including fresh peaches, cider donuts, and our famous mid-ride lemonade stand. Come for the scenery, return for the great snacks!
Choose from a variety of ride lengths including 5, 14, 37, and a 65-mile metric century. All ages and abilities are welcome. The routes are well marked and cue sheets are provided. The routes take you by many of the conservation properties in the area. See up close why Stow and surrounding towns are considered biking nirvana by those in the know. The Stow Conservation Trust aims to preserve open space for future generations. All proceeds from the ride go to the Trust. Last year the ride raised over $2000 for this worthy cause.
Food, drink, and support for the ride are provided by Bagels Plus of Acton, Pedal Power of Acton, Emma’s Cafe in Stow, Idylwilde Farms of Acton, Carver Hill Orchard of Stow, Honey Pot Hill Orchards of Stow, Trader Joe’s of Acton and Starbucks of Acton.

Stow Open Space and Recreation Plan Survey - Please Participate!

STOW: Help to develop the next Open Space and Recreation Plan for Stow! The Stow Conservation Department and Stow Recreation Department are currently beginning the process of updating the Stow Open Space and Recreation Plan.  The Plan helps guide the town’s priorities and is updated every 5 to 10 years.  As part of community outreach for the Plan Update, Stow residents are asked to take a short survey on conservation and recreation issues.  Initial input on future uses for the North Course of Stow Acres is sought (and there will be a much more extensive public outreach effort next year).
The survey is available in two ways:
  • An electronic version of the survey is available at: https://tinyurl.com/StowOSRPSurvey.
  • Paper copies of the survey can be found at the Council on Aging, Randall Library, and in the cabinet outside of Town Building.  Completed surveys may be mailed or dropped off to the Conservation Commission office at Town Building, 380 Great Road, 2nd Floor, Stow, MA 01775. 

All responses are due by September 15, 2022.

Nashoba Symphonic Band Announces 2022-2023 Season

BOLTON: The Nashoba Symphonic Band is pleased to announce its concert schedule for the 2022-2023 season. All concerts will take place in the auditorium of Nashoba Regional High School, Route 117 (12 Green Road GPS), about a mile west of the center of town. Admission is free and open to the public. The theme for the season is “Joy in Form,” exploring the ways in which various elements are combined to create a complete musical work.
  • October 30, 3pm - “Brilliant Expositions!” includes Festive Overture by Dmitri Shostakovitch, Suite from Candide, Clare Grundman's setting of music from the Broadway show by Leonard Bernstein, and the glorious Symphony No.3 by Vittorio Giannini.
  • February 4, 2023, 2pm - “Unexpected Developments!” features Variations for Wind Band by Ralph Vaughan Williams with Arthur Fracknpohl's Celebration Overture and the Fantasies on a Theme by Haydn by Norman Dello-Joio, plus marches by Kenneth J. Alford and Leon Jessel.
  • May 7, 2023, 3pm “Fiendish Finales!” includes a complete performance of Robert W. Smith's Symphony No.1 The Divine Comedy, based on the writings of Dante: Inferno, Purgatorio, Ascension, and Paradiso. The work is aptly framed by the Rakoczy March from Berlioz's Damnation of Faust, and March “Gloria” by Frank Hoyt Losey.
  • June 15, 2023, 7:30pm - “Fitting Codas!” features classics of concert band repertoire, including Symphonic Dance No.3 “Fiesta” by Clifton Williams, Pines of the Appian Way by Ottorino Respighi, and selections from the musical, Man of LaMancha, as well as music performed by graduating members of the Nashoba Symphonic Band.

The Nashoba Symphonic Band welcomes new players at the beginning of each season and at the rehearsal following each concert. There are no auditions, but adult membership is limited to a certain number within each section. Students (grade 8 and above) are required to present a recommendation from their school music director or private instructor. The band currently has openings for section clarinets and trumpets, 2 trombones, 1 tuba and percussion. Rehearsals of Nashoba Symphonic Band are held on Thursdays from 7-9 p.m. on the stage of the Nashoba Regional High School. Those wishing to become members, or needing further information should contact the conductor/music director, David Bailey at baileydavidwayne@gmail.com OR Joe McCarthy, Nashoba Regional High School Instrumental Director at jmccarthy@nrsd.net.

Fall Election/Voting Info: In Person, Early Voting & Vote by Mail

STOW: PLEASE NOTE:  September 6th Primary Ballots have been mailed BUT the Special Town Election ballots are still being printed.  Town Ballots will be mailed as soon as they are received.  See ballot updates at TRACK MY BALLOT LINK 

1. In Person on Election Day: No Application Needed
    Center School, 403 Great Road
    September 6: 7am-8pm
2. In Person Early Voting: No Application Needed
    Stow Town Building, 380 Great Road
    Aug 27: 9am-3pm & Aug 29-Sept 2:  8:30am-4pm
3. Vote By Mail: Application Required
Application must be completed and received by the Town Clerk’s Office no later than August 29 at 5pm to have a ballot mailed to you.

* Preferred/quickest way to return voted ballots: Drop off in the blue Ballot/Election Mailbox at the Town Building, 380 Great Road


The State mailed every registered voter a postcard application.  If you did not receive one, you may download an application here:  Vote By Mail Application

REMINDER when returning a VOTE BY MAIL APPLICATION / POSTCARD: If you are registered Unenrolled (aka Independent), you MUST choose a ballot (Democratic or Republican). This will not enroll you in a party – you will remain Unenrolled / Independent. If you are unenrolled & do not choose a ballot – you will not receive one.

NOVEMBER 8th State Election
1. In Person on Election Day: No Application Needed
    Center School, 403 Great Road
    November 8: 7am-8pm
2. In Person Early Voting: No Application Needed
    Stow Town Building, 380 Great Road
    Oct 22 - Nov 4 (days & times tbd)
3. Vote By Mail: Application Required
Application must be completed and received by the Town Clerk’s Office no later than November 1 at 5pm to have a ballot mailed to you.

Sounds of Stow Announces an Exhilarating & Innovative 44th Season

Chorus and orchestra cropped2019
STOW: The Sounds of Stow Chorus & Orchestra is excited to announce their new season, featuring performances in two new, state-of-the-art facilities.

The season begins with “Dona Nobis Pacem: Four Visions,” repeating the group’s 2003 response to 9/11 and is equally timely today.  This most heartfelt of texts concludes the traditional Mass setting, and the program will compare and contrast those final settings in four great works, composed in different artistic eras and representing very different philosophical approaches to the text.  The program consists of excerpts from Johann Sebastian Bach’s B-minor Mass, Joseph Haydn’s Harmoniemesse, Franz Schubert’s Grand Mass in E-flat, and Ludwig van Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis. Also featured is outstanding pianist Sonya Ovrutsky Fensome, who will present Cesar Franck’s Symphonic Variations for piano and orchestra. The concert will be on November 20 at the Littleton High School auditorium.

On April 2, 2023, Sounds of Stow will return to Hale Middle School in Stow, with a concert entitled “Joyous Voices – Winsome Winds.” The orchestra opens the program with one of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s most delightful compositions, the Sinfonia Concertante for Four Winds, followed by the joyous, innovative Harmoniemesse, Joseph Haydn’s final choral work. What better way to welcome Spring and raise your spirits after the long, dark winter days!

Rounding out the season, Sounds of Stow will join other choral groups for “Voices Rising,” a special event on May 20, 2023, at the new performance space opening this season in Groton.  Formerly Indian Hill Music, the stunning new Groton Hill Music Center offers a truly world-class performance space.  The program includes works by Antonin Dvorak, Mozart, Johannes Brahms, and a new, appealing work by Peter Boyer, On Music’s Wings.  

This thrilling season of music will be great fun for musicians and audience members alike. Please mark your calendars for some afternoons of magnificent music, all of which will feature outstanding soloists from the Boston area. New singers are always invited to join the chorus. Please visit www.soundsofstow.org for details.

Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition's Annual State-wide Against the Tide Multisport Virtual & In-person Events

Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition (MBCC) is hosting its annual, statewide Against the Tide athletic fundraising events as both virtual and in-person events this summer.  
MBCC will hold its in-person Cape Cod Against the Tide event on August 13 at DCR’s Nickerson State Park in Brewster for the 23rd year. This event will feature a 1-mile recreational and competitive swim, a ½-mile recreational swim, 5K and 10K runs, a 3-mile walk, and a 1-mile USMS sanctioned swim.
Additionally, MBCC is offering participants the option to participate remotely in the Against the Tide August virtual event from August 6–13. The virtual event components include 1-mile recreational or competitive swims, a ½-mile recreational swim, 5K and 10K runs, and a 3-mile walk.
Registration for both the virtual and in-person options is $40 for an individual participant, and $100 for a family registration (up to 5 family members). Participants may register as an individual or as part of a team. Participants are encouraged to raise funds beyond the registration fees, as all proceeds support MBCC’s unique goal of breast cancer prevention. All participants will receive an event t-shirt. Prizes will be awarded for the top swim and run finishers of the in-person events. To learn more about all of the registration options or to make a pledge, please visit the MBCC website at www.mbcc.org/swim or call 508-246-3047.

Stow Reach Significant Drought Conditions

STOW: UPDATE: Level 3 - Critical Drought Status reached. The state declared that the region is now in a Level 3 -- Critical Drought.  See www.mass.gov/info-details/drought-status. Residents in Stow are urged to do their part to conserve water at all times of day.
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With 90% of Massachusetts experiencing drought conditions, Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) Secretary Beth Card declared a Level 2-Signficant Drought for Middlesex County.

“As the state continues to experience dry conditions, and with little rainfall expected in the immediate forecast, it is important that we all implement water conservation practices to reduce stress on our local water supply systems and our natural habitats,” said Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Beth Card.
Private wells, local streams, wetlands, vernal pools, and other water-dependent habitats are impacted by drought conditions while water quality in ponds can deteriorate due to lowering of levels and stagnation.
While Stow has no municipal water supply and most residents have their own private well, it is important that while your well “feels” private, we need to remember we all draw from the same aquifer, which is now being stressed due to the lack of rain. While the Town of Stow cannot require restricted use of water for irrigation of lawns and gardens, it is highly encouraged in order to assure we all continue to have an adequate water supply throughout the summer.
Individuals including residents utilizing a private well, are asked to take the following actions:
- Minimize overall water use;
- Limit outdoor watering to hand-held hoses or watering cans, to be used only after 5pm or before 9am.
Taking water conservation steps now will help to ensure essential needs, such as drinking water and fire protection, are being met, habitats have enough water to support their natural functions, and to sustain the Commonwealth’s water supplies in the long-term.
If you should experience a well failure, please notify the Board of Health, as the state is collecting the information to identify particular areas of concern. Current status of drought levels may be monitored at www.mass.gov/info-details/drought-status#current-drought-status- and are updated weekly.

Town Beach Closed Until Further Notice Due to Algae Bloom

Lake boon and assabet photo
STOW: 7/29/22 Update: PLEASE NOTE: The Town Beach will remain closed at least through the weekend. Signs of bacteria still exist. An update will be provided when we get the "all clear" to reopen.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE LAKE BOON ASSOCIATION: Due to a dense brown-black algae bloom accumulated at the town beach, it has been closed to swimming. An unofficial Blue-Green rapid test this noon showed that cyanotoxins are likely present in that area. The Stow Board of Health will be doing further testing. Be on the lookout for and avoid algae blooms in your area of the lake if considering swimming. This especially applies to young children and dogs, which are very likely to ingest water and could get very sick. See and save the attached Massachusetts Dept of Public Health bulletin for more information.

There are likely to be more algae blooms this year with the high temperatures and drought conditions. If you see a bloom in your area please take a photo and email it along with notes on the date, time, location, extent, approx wind speed/direction, etc. to grayscale@earthlink.net. The Lake Boon Association will attempt to keep Boonies informed of changing conditions. The LBA cannot say when or where it is safe to swim. It can only help enable individuals to make better informed decisions.

If you have neighbors who are not on-line for these notices, please make them aware of the potential hazards going forward.

Remember that the long term solution to reducing the frequency of algae blooms is to reduce phosphorus entering the lake from fertilizers, poorly maintained septic systems, pet waste, dish washing and car washing detergents, etc.

Check out the Lake Boon Association on line at www.lakeboon.org. or www.facebook.com/lakeboonstow.

FINANCIAL FOCUS: Market decline offers buying opportunities

July 27, 2022

The financial markets have gotten off to a rocky start this year. What’s caused this volatility? And does it present opportunities for patient investors?

First of all, several factors are behind the market volatility, including the war in Ukraine, higher inflation, rising interest rates and the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, while these factors may be specific to the recent market decline, volatility itself is a common feature of the investment environment. In fact, history shows that corrections of 10% or more happen about every year, and declines of 15% or more have happened every other year, on average. Furthermore, while 2022 has thus far been challenging for investors, it was preceded by a long period of strong markets, with the S&P 500 averaging more than a 20% return over the past three years. 

Knowing the typical frequency of market volatility and reviewing the results of the past few years may make the current situation seem less shocking. But you don’t have to simply “ride out” the downturn – because a down market may give you the opportunity to buy more investment shares at good prices. Specifically, you can expand your holdings in companies that have good growth prospects due to strong management and products or services that provide sustainable competitive advantages. And this type of opportunity is important, because one of the keys to building wealth is to increase the number of shares you own in your various investments and hold them for the long term. While the market will always fluctuate, the long-term trend has been positive, particularly for well-diversified portfolios built with quality investments.       

Of course, while it is a good idea to boost your share ownership at favorable prices, you still want to be strategic about it, rather than just buying whatever seems to be the biggest bargain. In reviewing your existing portfolio, can you identify any gaps that could be filled with new investments? Are there opportunities to further diversify your holdings? By owning different types of stocks, bonds, government securities and other investments, you can help reduce the impact of volatility on your portfolio. (Keep in mind, though, that diversification can’t guarantee profits or prevent losses in declining markets.) Or, if your portfolio has become “unbalanced” in some way, you could also use this time to rebalance it back to its original long-term targets. You might also consider setting up a systematic investing program in which you invest the same amounts in the same investments on a regular basis, such as monthly. When prices go down, you’ll automatically buy more shares, and when prices rise, you’ll buy fewer shares. (However, systematic investing does not guarantee a profit or protect against loss and you’ll need to be willing to keep investing when share prices are declining.)
Before this year, average annual returns have been solid for about a decade, which makes it somewhat easy to forget about normal market volatility and may have led to overly optimistic performance expectations. So, it would not be surprising if your initial reaction to the current downturn is one of concern. But by viewing the current investment environment as a chance to add quality investments at attractive prices, you can help yourself develop a behavior that can serve you well throughout your life as an investor.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, Member SIPC

High School Musical 2 JR Arrives at Hudson High

HUDSON: Looking to beat the heat and head inside for a fantastically fun show? Then look no further! There are Friday, July 29 and Saturday, July 30 7pm performances of 'High School Musical 2, Jr edition,' showing at the Paul 'Skip' Johnson Auditorium at Hudson High School, 69 Brigham Street. A lighthearted tale of teens working summer jobs at a golf course, while frequently breaking into song and dance, this show is full of friendship, young love, and humor. All the kids are looking to make money for different reasons, but their bonds are tested as loyalties and competing efforts present challenges. Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, and the gang triumph happily in the end after an exciting season at the club! Whether you love every one of the High School Musical movies and will be singing along, or have never heard of the 'HSM' magic, those young and young at heart will leave laughing and with a head full of catchy tunes!

Tickets are $12 for adults; $10 for students, children and seniors, and will be sold at the door. Rivers Edge Arts Alliance and the Summer Performing Arts Collaborative are thrilled to partner in bringing this production to the stage. 

FINANCIAL FOCUS: Strengthen Your ‘Three-legged Stool’ for Retirement

July 18, 2022

For many years, Americans provided for their retirement needs through three sources: employer-sponsored pension plans, Social Security income, and savings and investments accumulated through employer plans or individual accounts – the so-called “three-legged stool.” But today, that stool is shakier than it used to be. What can you do to strengthen it?

To begin with, all three legs of the stool are facing challenges. Let’s consider them:

• Employer pensions – A generation ago, workers employed in many companies could count on a set monthly pension income to help them through their retirement years. Today, pensions – also known as defined benefit plans – are mostly found in public sector employment, as most private-sector employers have replaced their pensions with 401(k) and similar plans. These plans can be quite effective at helping build resources for retirement, but they do place most of the responsibility for saving on the employee.

• Social Security – Social Security has come under financial pressure because the workers-to-retirees ratio has declined significantly, according to the Social Security Administration’s 2021 Board of Trustees Report. A number of proposals have been brought forward on how to improve the long-term financial security of the Social Security system.

• Personal savings and investments – In terms of building savings and investments for retirement, the picture is somewhat mixed. The national savings rate has increased in recent years, but more than half of American workers still say their retirement savings are not where they should be, according to a 2021 survey from Bankrate, a personal finance website. And the same survey found that just over half of investors with a 401(k) or IRA have taken early withdrawals – that is, they withdrew money before they retired. Furthermore, we may be waiting too long even to begin saving/investing for retirement. A survey from Age Wave and Edward Jones found that respondents began saving for retirement at an average age of 38, but the majority said they should have started saving a decade earlier.

You have options for improving some parts of your own three-legged stool. For example, no matter what happens to Social Security, you can still decide when to start taking payments. You can begin collecting benefits as early as 62, but your monthly checks will be larger if you wait until your “full” retirement age, which will likely be between 66 and 67. You can even delay taking benefits until they “max out” at age 70.

As for a pension, you can’t control what’s available to you through your employer, but you can create your own retirement income stream by contributing as much as you can afford to your 401(k) or other employer-sponsored plan and by increasing your contributions whenever your salary goes up. And you can also contribute to an IRA or other investment vehicle to further boost your retirement funds. Try to leave these accounts intact until you need them for retirement. This will be easier if you’ve built an emergency fund, with the money kept in a liquid, low-risk account, to pay for unexpected costs, such as those resulting from a major car or home repair.

The three-legged stool may not be as universal as it once was – but you can still construct a sturdy structure to support your retirement needs in the future.

This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward Jones Financial Advisor. Edward Jones, Member SIPC

Community Greening Initiative Blooms on Franklin Street: New England Botanic Garden and WooServes Student Volunteers Beautify Downtown Worcester 

BOYLSTON: With the help of New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill, a group of local students recently kicked off a summer of community service by transforming a downtown Worcester street median into a beautiful pollinator haven.  The students were part of WooServes Summer Youth Service Institute, a United Way of Central Massachusetts program that engages young people aged 13-17 in volunteer projects to address community needs in health, food insecurity, youth education, access to outdoor recreation, and more. Over six-weeks, students connect with their peers and learn the power they have as young people to make a difference in the community. They also gain valuable insight into local nonprofits working to build a vibrant and healthy Central Massachusetts region.

Twenty-eight WooServes participants, representing all Worcester Public High Schools, Nativity School of Worcester, Abby Kelley Charter Public School, Shrewsbury High School, and Millbury High School, joined members of the New England Botanic Garden team on Franklin Street in Worcester, near the YWCA. Garden staff provided guidance and all the tools needed to plant over 60 plants in the 3,000 square foot median. Many of the plants, like vibrant red coneflowers (Echinacea ‘Sombrero Sangrita’) were selected by Garden horticulturists to support pollinator biodiversity in the city. While students were digging holes and pulling invasive weeds, bees dusted with pollen could already be seen visiting the new flowers.

“Urban environments are part of complex ecosystems, and the presence of plants is essential to everyone’s well-being,” said Grace Elton, CEO of New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill. In cities, trees provide shade that can lessen the harmful effects of heat waves. Plants also improve stormwater management and promote biodiverse habitat. 

“New England Botanic Garden is a beautiful place to escape into nature, but it’s also an organization committed to initiatives that bring people and plants together to solve environmental issues,” Elton continued. “We’re proud to partner with the United Way to create opportunities for young people to learn, to give back to the community, and to be inspired by the difference they can make.”

“Volunteering is something that’s always been really important to me,” said Alia Haytham of Shrewsbury. “The feeling you get when you’re helping, and you get to see someone smile—that’s a big part of who I am and who I want to be. I want to make people smile.” This is Haytham’s second year participating in the program.

“The United Way is excited to engage local teens this summer through our WooServes Summer Youth Service Institute. It helps build the next generation of philanthropists and civically engaged leaders,” said Emily McCann, Vice President of Community Engagement at United Way of Central Massachusetts. “Partnering with community agencies like the New England Botanic Garden helps to enrich the WooServes program experience through hands-on volunteer service projects.”

While 2022 marks New England Botanic Garden’s first time coordinating the WooServes kick-off project, the Garden collaborates annually with local organizations to establish and steward plants in Worcester where they are needed most. Currently, the Garden is planting the Lincoln Street rotary and working with Main South CDC to install sidewalk planters in a program known as Planters for People. Throughout the summer and fall, Garden staff will continue to care for the new plants at the Franklin Street median. Flowers will bloom for the community and for pollinators for weeks to come.

To learn more about the New England Botanic Garden at Tower Hill and its community greening initiatives, contact Liz Nye at lnye@nebg.org or visit https://nebg.org/.  

Announces 2022 Scholarship Recipients

ACTON: Discovery Museum announced today its first-ever Discovery Museum Scholarship recipients, four area high school students selected through a competitive application process that saw 158 applications from students in 56 towns throughout Massachusetts.

Launched this year for the Museum’s 40th anniversary, the Discovery Museum Scholarship recognizes high school students who embody the mission and values of the Museum. Scholarships of $1,000 each were awarded to:
  • Ajax Benander, Hudson, MA; Advanced Math and Science Academy Charter School
  • Myles Braverman, Westford, MA; Westford Academy
  • Sunithi Krishnan, Acton, MA; Acton-Boxborough Regional High School (and Discovery Museum Explorer)
  • Cara Murphy, Hudson, MA; Massachusetts Academy of Math and Science

“We created the Discovery Museum Scholarship to honor the millions of young people who have come through our doors over the past 40 years—so many of whom have gone on to inspire us,” said CEO Neil Gordon. “Ajax, Myles, Sunithi, and Cara each impressed the scholarship review committee with their achievements, community support activities, and plans to further their education. From their applications we learned a bit about how Discovery Museum impacted them while they were young and contributed to the paths they have chosen. We are very proud honor and support these impressive students on the next step in their educational journey.”
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FPC Hosts Annual Summer Jazz Service

STOW: The July 10 Sunday service at First Parish Church of Stow and Acton (FPC), Unitarian Universalist, will be led by its own Parish Jazz Band. Once again, the band will offer a summer worship service filled with the joy of jazz music. This service draws scores of listeners every year and indeed, is one of FPC’s most popular lay-led Sunday mornings.

This year’s service features music by Thelonious Monk, Antônio Carlos Jobim, Horace Silver, Miles Davis, Duke Ellington, George Shearing, and a beautiful hymn by Ralph Vaughan Williams. The homily will be delivered by the band’s pianist and newest member, Stephen Warnick, who will speak on the theme of “Attention.”

The service will take place in FPC’s Fellowship Hall at 10am. All are welcome! To get to Fellowship Hall, go through the main entrance (not the sanctuary entrance) and take a right. Attendees must socially distance and wear a mask that covers both mouth and nose.

FPC warmly welcomes gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people. The church is located at 353 Great Road (at the intersection of routes 117 and 62) and is wheelchair accessible. For more information, contact the church office at 978-897-8149 or visit www.fpc-stow-acton.org.
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Registrations Open for Spark Studios Vacation Bible School

BOLTON: Registration is now OPEN for Spark Studios Vacation Bible School!  Held at Trinity Church Congregational, 14 Wattaquadock Hill Road, VBS will be held this summer from August 1-5, from 9am-12pm. Vacation Bible School is a free program including Music, Craft, Snack, Recreation, and Bible Learning offered to children in PK - 8th Grade.  This year, children will learn how God designed people with the power to follow His plan.  To register online or print a registration form, go to www.TrinityBolton.org.

Special Town Election in Stow

STOW: There will be a Special Town Election on September 6 for the Select Board in Stow. Nomination papers are available.  Commitment is a 3-year term
(unexpired term ending in 2024). Call or email the Town Clerk if you want to run for Select Board, 978-897-5034;  townclerk@stow-ma.gov.

July 15: deadline to take out nomination papers
July 19 at 5pm: deadline to return nomination papers
August 4: deadline to withdraw nomination
August 17: deadline for Voter Registration

Candidates must be a registered voter in Stow.  To check your voter status, visit www.sec.state.ma.us/VoterRegistrationSearch/MyVoterRegStatus.aspx.  To register to vote, visit  www.sec.state.ma.us/OVR.

Interested in running for office? Check the board’s webpage to read the latest minutes and a description of the responsibilities and membership. Contact the department staff person or a current board member if you have questions about the position, time commitment, etc.
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$50,000 Secured in FY23 Budget for Hudson Cultural Alliance
Funds will support non-profit seeking to transform Hudson Armory into a community performing arts center

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HUDSON: State Senator Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton) has secured $50,000 in the FY23 Senate Budget for the Hudson Cultural Alliance, which hopes to transform the Hudson Armory into a performing arts center in downtown Hudson. Last week, the Massachusetts State Senate passed a $49.78 billion budget for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23).  The budget makes significant, critical investments in education, healthcare, housing and community support to meet the on-the-ground challenges brought on by the global pandemic and ongoing financial uncertainty.

Currently, the town of Hudson is negotiating with the state to purchase the Hudson Armory, through a $230,000 earmark that Senator Eldridge secured last year in the Senate FY22 budget.
“These critical funds will provide yet another boost to the Hudson Cultural Alliance, and the town of Hudson, to achieve an exciting vision for the Hudson Armory,” stated State Senator Jamie Eldridge. “This project has the potential to be an exciting cultural arts and economic development collaboration among state government, local government and the nonprofit sector.” 

Numerous studies show that the arts create a “ripple effect”, by creating fun, vibrant neighborhoods that attract and retain residents and businesses while spurring economic development. The Hudson Cultural Alliance believes that the Hudson Armory Project will create its own “Ripple Effect” by bringing together families, artists, performers, and local businesses to share their stories, culture, and experiences,” stated Tom Desmond, president of the Hudson Cultural Alliance. “Senator Eldridge’s support continues to be critical to the success of this project and is greatly appreciated.”

The Senate’s FY23 Budget is available on the Massachusetts legislature’s website, by clicking here. Now that the Senate and Massachusetts House of Representatives have passed their respective budget proposals, both branches will now work together, form a conference committee and reconcile differences.

Fresh Start Furniture Bank Seeks Donated Items and Volunteers

HUDSON: Fresh Start Furniture Bank is seeking donations of your gently used furniture, household goods and linens. If you've been cleaning out your home or the home of a loved one and are looking for a good home for things you no longer need, please consider donating your items to this volunteer-run non-profit that provides furniture, linens and housewares free of charge to qualified Massachusetts residents in need, as they transition to new housing.  They provide almost everything someone needs in one trip, thanks to your donations, typically helping 10-15 families per week.  
The Bank is currently critically low on almost everything, particularly the following: 
  • FURNITURE - sofas, upholstered chairs, small dining tables, sets of kitchen/dining chairs, coffee tables, TV stands, full and queen beds; 
  • HOUSEWARES - kitchenware (cooking utensils, basic appliances - toasters, microwaves, etc. - mixing bowls, casseroles, colanders, cookie sheets), lamps; and 
  • LINENS - sheet sets, blankets and comforters, kitchen towels/oven mitts/placemats and hand towels.  In addition, we maintain an Amazon wish list for anyone interested in buying new items to help the cause.
Items are accepted in good, clean condition only.  All donations are tax deductible.  Please visit www.freshstartfurniturebank.org for a list of items accepted, or visit them on Facebook for their latest needs.

Additionally, The Bank would be grateful for new packing materials (bubble wrap, etc.) or cash donations to help offset operating costs.  Businesses take note:  they can put those boxes that reams of copy paper come in to good use!

Household goods and linens can be dropped off at 16 Brent Drive during our business hours only: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am-12pm, and Saturdays from 8:30am-12:30pm.  Furniture donations are accepted on Saturday mornings from 8:30-10:30am, no appointment necessary.  Limited pick-ups can be arranged for larger donations.

Also, typical for this time of year, many volunteers are away for extended periods of time.  They can always use new volunteers to load, unload, sort, clean, stock and distribute these items. If you can help out for as little as three hours a month, please call (508) 485-2080, or contact them via the form on their website.  Teens welcome!
Flower communion sunday at fpc stow

FPC Flower Communion Sunday

STOW: On Sunday, June 12, First Parish Church of Stow and Acton (FPC), Unitarian Universalist, will celebrate diversity with its annual Flower Communion Sunday, a service that was created by Norbert Čapek (1870-1942), who founded the Unitarian Church in Czechoslovakia. Each person brings a cut flower or two to place in a communal basket. The resulting bouquet symbolizes the diversity of those present, including the many blessings, gifts and talents each brings to the community. At the end of the service, each person takes a different flower home to remind them to be grateful for all we receive from others in our community.

Čapek introduced the Flower Communion Sunday service to his church on June 4, 1923. Čapek sought a symbolic ritual that would bind people more closely together. So he turned to the native beauty of the Czechoslovakian countryside for elements of a communion that would be genuine
to them. All are welcome as FPC continues this 95-year-old international tradition.

The service will take place both in person and virtually at 10am, and will be followed with a bring-your-own-lunch picnic gathering outdoors. In-person attendees must socially distance and wear a mask that covers both mouth and nose. A link to the virtual room will be posted at http://fpc-stow-acton.org/services. To prevent disruptive intrusions, the virtual room will be locked about 15 minutes after the service begins.

FPC is located at 353 Great Road (at the intersection of routes 117 and 62) and is
wheelchair accessible. For more information, contact the church office at 978-897-8149 or visit

Minuteman High School's Students of the Term Announced for Term 3

LEXINGTON: Minuteman High School recently recognized four students from Stow, Arlington, Lexington, and Needham with the Student of the Term Award. The award is based on nominations from teachers and celebrates both academic achievement and good citizenship. One student is awarded per grade. Assistant Principal Brian Tildsley surprised the students, presenting them their awards in class. Later in the week the winners received a certificate and a free lunch with the staff members who nominated them in The District Restaurant at Minuteman.
The Students of the Term for Term 3 are:
Danieliz Calderon of Needham, a senior in the Culinary Arts and Hospitality program. “Danieliz prevailed against many obstacles she faced during the COVID-19 pandemic and has demonstrated exceptional progress,” said Anita Currier, culinary arts teacher. “We admire her fortitude and courage. We are immensely proud of her accomplishments and commitment to success.” During her participation in the student Top Chef competition, Calderon received The Superintendent’s Special Award for her shrimp taco dish.
Jamie Lehoux of Lexington, a junior in the Metal Fabrication and Welding program. “I have seen tremendous growth from Jamie in welding and academics,” said Denise D’Ambrosia, teacher’s aide. “She is always pushing herself to be a better welder, including by working with more difficult metals such as aluminum. She is constantly involved with new projects and is always willing to learn and take feedback.” Lehoux participated in the SkillsUSA Districts competition in February.
Nick Krain of Arlington, a sophomore in the Automotive Technology program. “Nick has excellent attendance, is very conscientious, and is always prepared for shop,” said Don Melanson, automotive teacher. “I consider him one of the top students. He’s an excellent example for others.”
Robert Emken of Stow, a freshman in the Programming and Web Development program. “Robert is very conscientious, always having his homework done and coming [in] for extra help when need be,” said Connie Maynard, Spanish teacher. “He always works hard… It’s great to see.”
Minuteman is an award-winning regional career and technical high school and continuing education institution that integrates robust academic and technical learning. As an accredited member of the New England Association of Schools & Colleges (NEASC), Minuteman challenges all students to aspire to their full potential, accelerate their learning, and achieve success in the 21st-century global community. Located in Lexington in a new state-of-the-art facility, Minuteman’s member towns are Acton, Arlington Bolton, Concord, Dover, Lancaster, Lexington, Needham, and Stow.
PHOTO: The students (from left, front row) are Robert Emken of Stow, Jamie Lehoux of Lexington, Danieliz Calderon of Needham, and Nick Krain of Arlington. Back row: English as a Second Language teacher Daniela Das, Spanish teacher Connie Maynard, Principal George Clement, Culinary Arts teacher Martin McElhinney, and Automotive teacher Don Melanson.
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First Parish Church of Stow and Acton Annual Plant Sale

STOW: First Parish Church of Stow and Acton will hold its annual plant sale on May 21, from 9:30-11:30am. Choose from a selection of perennials, ground cover, herbs, annuals, shrubs, small trees, and garden-related items. The sale will take place rain or shine in the church parking lot at 353 Great Road (at the intersection of routes 117 and 62, next to the Randall Library). Proceeds benefit the church. For more information call 978-897-8149 or visit www.fpc-stow-acton.org.
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Climate Education and Action Summit Set for May 21

HUDSON: What can we do here and now in Metrowest to affect climate change? That question and others will be addressed at a Climate Education and Action Summit on Saturday, May 21 from 3-5pm. The event will be at the 21 Church Street, the location of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Metrowest - the Argeo R. Cellucci, Jr. Clubhouse. To register, visit www.saintstephenlutheran.com/micahcenter.html. For more information email micahcenter@saintstephenlutheran.com.

This free, family-friendly event is designed for middle school age students through adults from any area town and is sponsored by the Micah Center for Social Justice and Green Hudson. Green Hudson will lead an environmental education session which will answer questions such
as “What causes climate change?”, “What is the evidence that climate change is happening?” and “How does climate change affect life on Earth?” Summit leaders are Brian White and Per Gyllstrom.

Climate science, climate change myths, risks associated with continuing to use fossil fuels, the impact of climate change on the habitat we depend on to sustain life, and how the modern electrical grid incorporates renewable energy will be discussed. In addition, Brian and Per will give an overview of careers in renewable energy and climate adaptation. This interactive exchange will focus on what Metrowest communities can do now to impact global climate change - in our homes, schools, transportation, policy, local government, and through advocacy
and education.

Activities will include a hands-on experiment, and an Eco Challenge with
environmentally-friendly prizes, and, keeping true to the theme, snacks will be offered on compostable dishware with minimum packaging.

Brian White, founder and president of Green Hudson, and a director of the Hudson Land Trust, has been involved in social and environmental causes since high school. He grew up in Carbondale, PA, the location of the first deep vein anthracite coal mine, and grew up observing the harm that fossil fuels have visited on some of the most beautiful land in our country. Brian and his family have
lived in Hudson since 2005. He works for Bose Corp in Framingham and currently leads the consumer electronic advance development group.

Dr. Per O. Gyllstrom is a senior software architecture and strategy advisor at Enel X North America Inc. He works with Enel X senior management to drive and guide the current and future development of Enel’s energy applications and platforms. At Green Hudson, Per is focusing ongreen energy initiatives.

Green Hudson is a citizen group that seeks to help the town become more
environmentally friendly and conscious, through outreach, education, and direct action.

The Micah Center brings forth social topics for education, awareness and to promote
meaningful discussion that could lead to meaningful change.

Bluegrass in Apple Country

STOW: Get ready to tap your toes! At 3pm  May 22 at the First Parish Church in Stow,
the Sounds of Stow Chorus presents Carol Barnett’s “The World Beloved: A Bluegrass
Mass” together with Southern Rail, one of New England's premier bluegrass bands. The highly original “The World Beloved: A Bluegrass Mass” combines lively bluegrass
instrumentation with movements from the Traditional Mass, interspersed with simple but meaningful poetry. Southern Rail’s performances have been hailed by the Boston Herald as “first rate bluegrass… precise harmonies, sharp instrumental work… soaring and lush.”

The concert opens with the beautiful flute quintet, “Dawn Carol” by Margaret Lowe,
followed by a lovely setting of the traditional Appalachian hymn, “Hark! I Hear the Harps Eternal” and the Bluegrass Mass. In addition, Southern Rail will present two full sets of bluegrass and lead an audience sing-along. The catchy  rhythms and upbeat energy of this concert will lift the spirits of all!

Note that musicians and audience members must be fully vaccinated and masked. Please bring proof of vaccination to the concert. Seating at the church is limited and will be first come, first served. Doors open at 2:30p,, with overflow seating and live-streaming provided in
the Parish Hall. For tickets and further information, please visit www.soundsofstow.org.

Hudson Cultural Council Community Survey

HUDSON: The Hudson Cultural Council needs your help! They need the people who live, work and visit the community to advise them about how best to allocate public dollars for programs and activities in the arts, humanities and interpretive sciences. Please take their online community input survey by June 30. The link is www.hudsonculturalcouncil.org/2022-community-input-survey or use the QR code to access the survey.

The municipally-appointed council receives an annual allocation from the Mass Cultural Council as well as from the Town of Hudson to fund projects. Since the council distributes public dollars, it is essential that we gather local public opinion and learn more about what is happening in our community and what the community needs. The data from the survey will help to develop useful criteria and funding priorities to guide our future grant-making decisions.
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Everyone's Favorite Ogre Visits Quinn Middle School

HUDSON: Everyone’s favorite ogre is back and performing live on the Quinn Middle School stage on May 12-14, 2022!  "Once upon a time, there was a little ogre named Shrek...." And so begins the tale of an unlikely hero, Shrek played by Ella Williams, that finds himself on a life-changing journey alongside a wisecracking Donkey and a feisty princess. Throw in a short-tempered king, a dragon with an attitude and over a dozen fairy tale misfits, and you've got the kind of mess that calls for a real hero. Join Quinn Middle School May 12, 13 & 14 at 7pm, May 14 at 2pm.  Advanced tickets may be purchased online at https://our.show/quinn-middle-school/shrek for $10 and a limited number of tickets will be available at the door for $12.  All proceeds directly benefit Quinn Middle School’s Drama program. This show is rated G and recommended for all ages. For more information, email kmckenzie@hudson.k12.ma.us.

Ella Williams (Shrek), Lailah Ruminski (Donkey) & Evelyn Nguyen (Fiona).
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Symphony Pro Musica Hosts Spring Concerts

HUDSON & SOUTHBOROUGH: Symphony Pro Musica, conducted by Mark Churchill (pictured), presents its final performances of its 2021/22 season on Saturday, May 14 at 7:30pm at the Hudson High School, and on Sunday, May 15 at 3:30 pm at the Putnam Family Arts Center at St. Mark’s School, Southborough. The program is titled “Joyous Celebrations!” and features the twin daughters of Mark and Marylou Churchill, Emma and Julia.

The program opens with the Academic Festival Overture by Johannes Brahms. The Overture captures the excitement and expectation of the graduation season with infectiously exuberant music, four popular drinking songs of the time in fact! The major work is Beethoven's Symphony No.1, built on the achievements of Haydn and Mozart.  It’s a work of youthful passion and charm, but with plenty of the composer’s own voice and the clear promise of the great things to come.
Emma and Julia will have just completed their professional music studies and have chosen two stunning, shorter works to perform. A staple of the violin repertoire, Ernest Chausson’s poignant Poeme for Violin and Orchestra is his most-loved composition, and Darius Milhaud’s Cello Concerto No.1 is a raucous piece drawing from jazz and Brazilian musical influences whose last movement is titled “Joyeux!”  Mark Churchill adds, “This will be the second time Emma and Julia have performed with the orchestra—they were 11 years old for their SPM debut!”
Emma and Julia are receiving master’s degrees from the Shepherd School of Music at Rice University.  For undergraduate studies Julia attended the Eastman School of Music and Emma the Oberlin Conservatory.  Daughters of Boston Symphony principal second violinist Marylou Speaker Churchill and SPM conductor and cellist Mark Churchill, they grew up in a musical household and started music lessons at age 3 and a half, studying strings, piano, composition and music theory, and participating in numerous orchestras, chamber ensembles and summer programs.  Notable among these were 14 years at the New England Conservatory Preparatory School, 9 summers at Greenwood Music Camp, and 4 years as members of the Boston Philharmonic Youth Orchestra.  They appeared as soloists with SPM in a performance of Vivaldi’s Double Concerto for violin and cello when they were 11 years old. 

SPM continues its long tradition of performing at Hudson High School, which began at the orchestra’s founding 39 years ago. The orchestra returns to St. Mark’s School, where SPM last played in February 2020. Churchill adds “It’s wonderful to return to the Putnam Family Arts Center. It’s a beautiful space designed with superb acoustics in mind.”

Students are always able to attend SPM concerts at no charge. Adult tickets are $25, senior tickets are $20, and group rates are available. First-time SPM concertgoers may also attend free of charge. Tickets to the performances may be found on Eventbrite (www.symphonypromusica.eventbrite.com), or online at www.symphonypromusica.org.  For information, call 978-562-0939 or email spmoffice@symphonypromusica.org.
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11th Hour Bell Ringing at FPC

STOW: On the eleventh day of each month at 11 a.m., churches and communities across the commonwealth are ringing bells for 11 minutes to signify the climate crisis we face. First Parish Church of Stow & Acton (FPC) at 353 Great Road is one of those churches.

The bell ringing initiative is a project of 11th Hour Calling, an interfaith collection of people who, at the 11th hour, “gather together and ring church bells, strike Buddhist gongs and singing bowls, recite the 99 names of Allah, sing nasheed (Islamic songs), recite Quran, or play the daf or djembe for 11 minutes after a prayer/ meditation/ poetry gathering,” according to their website at www.11thHourCalling.org. All are welcome to hold signs in front of FPC as its steeple bell is rung for 11 minutes on the 11th
day of each month at 11am. Please arrive at 10:45am.

Says Rick Lent, co-chair of FPC’s Climate Task Force, “We want everyone to recognize the crisis we face.”

Volunteers Wanted for Bridges Together Program

STOW: The Stow COA is looking for volunteers to participate in the Bridges Together Program (Fridays from 9-9:50 beginning on 5/6).  Bridges Together is an intergenerational program that empowers older adults to influence young minds and dispel myths, by sharing their experiences and wisdom.  It is great fun and a valuable lesson to young people.   Please consider volunteering!
  • Volunteers must be Stow residents 60 or older.
  • Volunteers will need to participate in a brief orientation session on 4/29 from 9-9:50 am at the COA.
  • Volunteers should be available to attend weekly sessions at Center School (in the 4th Grade Classrooms) on 5/6, 5/13, 5/20, 5/27, 6/3, and 6/10 from 9-9:50 am and the final session on 6/17 which will be held at the Pompo Community Center.
  • Volunteers will have an at-home assignment between classes.
  • Volunteers will be required to complete a CORI required by the school.

If you are interested and available to participate, email COAAdminAsst@Stow-MA.gov

'Chicago' Comes to Hudson High School

HUDSON:The talented and dedicated teens at Hudson High School will deliver an excellent performance of the musical Chicago during the last weekend of April. The shows are scheduled for April 29 at 7pm; April 30 at 2pm (the understudy performance) and 7pm, and May 1 at 2pm. All shows are in the Paul "Skip" Johnson Auditorium at Hudson High School, 69 Brigham Street. Tickets are $13 for adults and $11 for students or seniors, and are available in advance at www.onthestage.tickets/show/hudson-high-school/chicago-high-school-edition-30167. There will also be tickets sold at the door.
This classic musical features a 1920's story of crime, love, betrayal and a satirical look at the criminal justice system and "celebrity criminal" culture. From "All That Jazz" to "Cell Block Tango" and "Roxie" to "Razzle Dazzle" - you will hear all the famous and well-loved songs and feel the energy of live theater's return to the stage! Join the audience to celebrate these performers and be entertained and delighted.
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“Caregivers & Grief Support” Group 
First & Third Mondays

HUDSON: On Mondays, May 2  and 16,  from 11am to Noonish, the First United Methodist Church at 34 Felton Street will hold its “Caregivers and Grief Support” group meeting in Lamson Hall on the first floor of the church.  Handicap accessible via a motorized seat, with safe distancing and wear masks for small gatherings.

In these current difficult times of isolation, caregiving for a loved one may have become more challenging and oftentimes, some of us have had to cope with the loss of the person we were caring for. This group is open to anyone experiencing these situations. These are not professionals and only have caring and support to offer.

The purpose is to establish a safe, quiet setting for those who are feeling the weight that often accompanies the difficult emotions that follow our efforts.  If you feel alone, isolated and/or unique in your caregiving role, attend.  Problems won't be solved, and situations won't be changed, but support will be offered by encouraging each other to not feel weak, selfish, guilty or unloving because of our thoughts.  Sometimes we even find humor and laugh with each other.  This, too, is healing for caregivers and those grieving. Share your concerns and feelings with those who know what you are going through.  No judgment. Only compassion.

Meetings are open to anyone who is a caregiver or is grieving a loss and may be feeling isolated by their particular situation. You may come just to listen or to speak. There are no dues or fees to think about.

First United Methodist Church is located over the hill, just off the Hudson Rotary at 34 Felton Street. More information is available at 978-562-2932 or at www.hudsonfumc.org.

Blessing of the Animals Multigenerational Service

HUDSON: The Unitarian Church of Marlborough and Hudson (UCMH) will hold its annual Blessing of the Animals IN PERSON in their beautiful, historic sanctuary at 80 Main Street. This multigenerational worship service will be led by Rev. Alice Anacheka-Nasemann on Sunday, May 1 at 10:30am.

“Our animal companions are often cherished members of our families, bringing us deep love and connection as well as laughter and joy,” said Rev. Alice. “This service will feature a blessing of the animals as we honor their importance in our lives.”

Well behaved animals of all varieties are welcome to join us on leashes or in appropriate enclosures. There will be a slide show presentation of pets who prefer to be left at home, so they can be included in a distance blessing. Please contact the church office via email at administrator@ucmh.org for information on how to send your picture for inclusion. Additionally, all are invited to bring pictures or other mementos to honor pets on our Altar of Memory.

Everyone is welcome to participate regardless of faith, religion, or spiritual affiliation, including atheists. We ask that all participants please observe our Covid protocols, including masking while indoors (especially while singing) and maintaining a physical distance of 6 feet between people not from the same household. Additional information, including links to services, is available at www.ucmh.org.
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Nashoba Symphonic Band Presents Spring Moments to Remember

BOLTON: The Nashoba Symphonic Band, under the direction of David Wayne Bailey, will present its Spring concert, Moments to Remember, on Sunday, May 1 at 3pm in the auditorium of Nashoba Regional High School, Route 117 (GPS Green Road). The program features the area premiere of the “Afro-American Symphony” by William Grant Still, in a transcription written for the band at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Also being performed will be “Hymn for the Innocent” by Julie Giroux, Vincent Persichetti's “Divertimento for Band,” and a unique mini-tone poem for band, “City Rain'” by Judith Land Zaimont. All Nashoba Symphonic Band concerts are free and open to the public.

The eighty-piece Nashoba Symphonic Band is a program of the Nashoba Friends of music consisting of students, faculty, parents and musicians from Bolton, Stow, Lancaster and surrounding communities. Conductor David Wayne Bailey is a resident of Concord. The band performs four concerts each season, featuring the foundation pieces of the literature, recents compositions and music from films and theatre as well as classic marches. Nashoba Symphonic Band is supported in part by grants from Berlin, Bolton, Hudson, Marlborough and Stow Cultural Councils, supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council, a state agency.
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Photographing Pets with Assabet Valley Camera Club Program

HUDSON: On Wednesday, May 4, the Assabet Valley Camera Club (AVCC) is pleased to host Cathleen Broderick. For over 20 years she has been photographing pets, families, and high school seniors. She especially enjoys photographing dogs as they always think they look great, and they are always up for a party! Join Cathleen as she reviews what makes a great image and tips for getting better expressions and photos of our furry friends.

Broderick has earned the Master, Craftsman and Certified Professional Photographer designations from Professional Photographers of America, and is a Past President of Professional Photographers of MA. Visit www.cathleenbroderick.com for more of her work.

Due to Covid 19 all AVCC meetings are currently being held online. If you are interested in attending this program, contact AVCC at info@assabetvalleycc.com a few days prior to the meeting to request a link to the event. The club’s Zoom room opens at 7pm with a brief business meeting at 7:15pm. Cathleen’s presentation Photographing Pets will begin at 7:30pm.

Normally, AVCC meetings are held in the Great Room at the Hudson Senior Center, 29 Church Street. The first meeting of the month generally features a program designed to instruct and/or to entertain camera enthusiasts.  During the second monthly meeting, a competition of members’ digital images are judged and critiqued by qualified individuals. Assabet Valley Camera Club, affiliated with both the New England Camera Club Council (NECCC) and the Photographic Society of America (PSA), participates in interclub competitions on regional, national and international levels.

AVCC welcomes anyone interested in learning more about photography as a visual art and its practical application as a science.  Members benefit from the hands-on experiences, from the knowledge presented in programs, and from having their work critiqued. For more information check out the AVCC website at www.assabetvalleycc.com or contact Elliot Mednick, club president, at 978-293-5192.
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“Caregivers and Grief Support” at First United Methodist Church

HUDSON: On April 18 from 11am to Noon, the First United Methodist Church at 34 Felton Street will hold its “Caregivers and Grief Support” group meeting in Lamson Hall on the first floor of the church.  Handicap accessible via a motorized seat, with safe distancing and wear masks for small gatherings.

In these current difficult times of isolation, caregiving for a loved one may have become more challenging and oftentimes, some of us have had to cope with the loss of the person we were caring for. This group is open to anyone experiencing these situations. These are not professionals and only have caring and support to offer.

The purpose is to establish a safe, quiet setting for those who are feeling the weight that often accompanies the difficult emotions that follow our efforts.  If you feel alone, isolated and/or unique in your caregiving role, attend.  Problems won't be solved, and situations won't be changed, but support will be offered by encouraging each other to not feel weak, selfish, guilty or unloving because of our thoughts. Sometimes we even find humor and laugh with each other.  This, too, is healing for caregivers and those grieving.
Share your concerns and feelings with those who know what you are going through.  No judgment. Only compassion.

Meetings are open to anyone who is a caregiver or is grieving a loss and may be feeling isolated by their particular situation. You may come just to listen or to speak. There are no dues or fees to think about.

First United Methodist Church is located over the hill, just off the Hudson Rotary at 34 Felton Street. More information is available at 978-562-2932 or at www.hudsonfumc.org.

Stow Cultural Council Awards Grants for 2022

STOW: The Stow Cultural Council is proud to announce the 2022 winners of grant funding for local arts and humanities  activities that enrich the Stow community. This diverse group of projects, performances, and events deepen and enhance the cultural life of the Town and the immediate area, bringing enjoyment and cultural enrichment for residents of all ages.
FY2022 grantees include:
  • Nashoba FIRST Robotics Team #1768, $500
  • Pamela Means, Power of the Protest Song: Our Shared History & Present Day Struggles, $425
  • Anna-Celestrya Carr, Cultural Appreciation with Arts and Crafts, $600
  • Steven M. Hurlbut, Jumpin' Juba Senior Concert, $350
  • Clear Path for Veterans New England, Art from the Heart, $375
  • Nashoba Symphonic Band, $500
  • Sounds of Stow, Sounds of Stow 2021-2022 Concert Season, $500
  • Nashoba Friends of Drama, Spring Musical, $500
  • Brooke Lindsay, The Howler - literary magazine at NRHS, $750
  • Abigail Morgan, Art as Activism, $1000
  • Randall Library, Summer Reading 2022 & Year-Round Library Diversity Programming, $1348

The Stow Cultural Council’s mission is to  create a closer-knit community in Stow by  sponsoring and supporting activities and  events that bring the diverse elements of  our community together for enjoyment and cultural enrichment. The SCC is seeking to fund projects that will bring together parts of the community that do not often interact in their day-to-day life. We feel that a wide variety of cultural events can be used to foster understanding between the various groups in town through experiencing events together, working together on projects, and sharing stories about Stow’s history.

Randall Library Friends Form Revitalize Randall Special Subcommittee

STOW: The Randall Library Friends Governing Board is pleased to announce the creation of a special subcommittee to focus on raising awareness and support for the proposed Randall Library renovation project. The all-volunteer Revitalize Randall Committee is focused on sharing information about the design process, answering questions, and encouraging residents to attend and vote in favor of the project at Town Meeting (May 14) and Town Election (May 21).

Residents can learn about the project on the Friends website: www.randallfriends.org (Revitalize Randall tab) or by stopping by the information table at the Randall Library and/or at the Friends Book Sale (April 23/24).

The need for a renovation has reached a critical state and we are excited to share the proposed design plans with the community. Once complete, Randall will be a 21st century library replete with the resources our residents need.

When the projects passes at both Town Meeting and the Town Election, the Committee will engage in a community-wide fundraising effort with the goal of engaging individuals, local businesses and grant/foundation support for the project, which will offset final costs to the Town.

Says Randall Library Friends Board President, Lisa Lavina, “We’re excited to share the project information and have Town residents of all ages join us to support creating a 21st century library for Stow. See you at Town Meeting!”

Yard/Craft Sale at First United Methodist Church

HUDSON: Calling All Vendors!  Reserve your space. First United Methodist Church of Hudson at 34 Felton Street invites everyone to their Annual Yard and Crafts Sale on June 18 from 9am-2pm in the church parking lot. There will be delicious food for sale including homemade Chili, Chicken Salad, Beans and Corn Muffins; all at reasonable prices!

There is unlimited space for you to set up as the parking lot is huge. The church has a limited amount of tables - first come, first served, and chairs to the first responders.  There is a small $12 fee for each vendor.

Now that things are looking brighter for outdoor gatherings, call soon to reserve a space to sell your treasures and crafts. Call or email now to reserve a table, first come, first served or you can bring your own set-up. More information is available at 978-562-2932 or www.hudsonfumc.org

Senator Eldridge Announces Passage of Hudson Armory Home Rule Petition by Senate
Bill authorizing sale of Hudson Armory to Town of Hudson would be accompanied by $230,000 state budget earmark to purchase 1910 armory

HUDSON: State Senator Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton) is pleased to announce that the State Senate has passed S. 2729, an Act authorizing the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance to convey a certain parcel of land to the town of Hudson. The bill authorizes the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to sell the Hudson Armory to the town of Hudson. This castle-like building, built in 1910, sits on the banks of the Assabet River. The two-story Armory currently sits vacant, after most recently being used by the Massachusetts State Police.Many decades ago, many Hudson dinner banquets and celebrations were held at the Hudson Armory.

Seeking to make use of this space, a dedicated group of local citizens formed a non-profit organization, the Hudson Cultural Alliance. The Hudson Cultural Alliance has worked diligently to transform this former military installation into an arts center.

The Arts Center project is the capstone of Hudson’s downtown revitalization and will serve as both the hub of Hudson’s Cultural District and an ideal jumping-off point for the newly renovated South Street, the proposed Riverwalk, and the shops and restaurants in and around Wood Square.  

“I’m pleased to partner with Rep. Kate Hogan to guide this Home Rule petition through the Legislature, and I’m proud that it has now passed the State Senate,” said State Senator Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton). “Transforming the Hudson Armory into a Community Performing Arts Center is, in my opinion, the next stage for Hudson’s renaissance, which now attracts residents from across Metrowest, to enjoy all that Hudson has to offer. I’m grateful for the vision of the Hudson Cultural Alliance, the Hudson Business Improvement District, and of course Hudson town officials.”

In addition to securing Senate passage of this important legislation, to help this project move forward, Senator Eldridge has secured a total of $280,000 in state funds for the arts center. First, Senator Eldridge secured $230,000 in funds for Hudson to purchase the armory through a local earmark in the Fiscal Year 2022 budget. Second, Senator Eldridge secured $50,000 for planning, construction, renovation, property management and maintenance work at the Hudson Armory through a supplemental appropriation law. These funds are critical to Hudson’s economic development.

The town of Hudson has been an active partner in this effort. Scott Duplisea, Chair of the Hudson Select Board, stated, on behalf of the Select Board, “I wish to extend my gratitude to Senator Eldridge and Representative Hogan for their advocacy and leadership in the development of legislation authorizing the conveyance of the Armory to the Town of Hudson. The Board looks forward to partnering with the Hudson Cultural Alliance in the strategic redevelopment of this historic building for a community arts center in our downtown.”

Kristina Johnson, Hudson’s Director of Planning & Community Development, added, “the development of a performance arts center at the historic armory is vital for continuing  Downtown  Hudson’s economic and cultural renaissance. An investment in the  arts is an investment in the community and the local economy,  and we are grateful to Senator Eldridge's efforts to acquire an earmark so that the Town and the Business Improvement District can create a seamless integration of arts and culture into the local economy.”

Finally, this project would not have happened without the passionate advocacy of the Hudson Cultural Alliance. Tom Desmond, the Hudson Cultural Alliance’s President and Founder stated, “This funding allows the Hudson Cultural Alliance to take a major step forward with our project by actually acquiring the Armory.  Purchasing and renovating this iconic building has been our long term goal and Senator Eldridge’s assistance has made the purchase a reality. The Hudson Cultural Alliance is particularly grateful for the Senator’s ongoing support.”

End Hunger New England Announces Plan to Send up to 1 Million Meals to Ukraine & Refugee Centers

PEMBROKE: EndHungerNE announced that it has started a funding campaign to package and ship up to one-million meals to Ukraine and refugee centers in surrounding countries. The plan is to raise $350,00 in the next 2 months. All of the money tagged for the Ukraine will be used for food. 

Matthew Martin, the organization’s Development Coordinator stated, “We have been working on this for a while and just coordinated with a shipping and distribution partner to get our meals overseas. The situation in Ukraine is dire, our volunteers and supporters have been asking if we were going to get involved – and the answer to that is YES! We’ll start packaging this weekend.”

“The financial and volunteer support we have experienced over the past two years has been incredible. Over 1200 volunteers are regularly showing up at our Pembroke facility – brownie troops, high schoolers and sports teams, local civic and church groups, seniors – it's just been amazing! The more funding we can acquire, the more meals our volunteers can pack.” 

To make a donation or volunteer, please visit www.endhungerne.org. Checks can be made out to The Outreach Program (parent non-profit of EndHunger NE) and sent to 93 Whiffletree Lane, Marshfield, MA 02050. Please write Ukraine on the memo line and please check with your company to see if they offer a corporate match or are seeking to support the mission of EndHungerNE.

Volunteers Sought for April 8 Financial Reality Fair at Nashoba Regional High School

The Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley is running its annual financial Reality Fair for Nashoba Regional High School sophomores on April 8 from 7-11:30am. The club is seeking volunteers to bring a taste of financial literacy to the students in a fun and engaging way. Interested volunteers should contact info@nashobarotary.org or leave a message at 978-627-4135.

The Reality Fair is a financial management event for the high school’s sophomores, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley, Nashoba Regional High School, and Clinton Savings Bank. The objective is to give students a better understanding of the financial responsibilities they will face in the real world. Students pick a career, get a monthly paycheck, and have to maintain a lifestyle within their budget.

“On the day of the fair, students get a paycheck based on a career that they select,” explained Glen Bunnell, President of the Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley. “The paycheck shows their monthly salary and deducted taxes. With the remaining money, they need to pay for essentials like housing, utilities, insurance, transportation, clothing, and food. They are also tempted with “nice-to-have” luxuries, such as pets, travel, and entertainment, and they must spin a Wheel of Fortune that will help them understand life’s unexpected expenses or windfalls. It’s a real eye opener for most of them, and we can use more help for this learning experience. Besides, it’s a ton of fun!”

After students visit the various tables at the fair, they will balance their budgets and review their spreadsheets with a credit counselor. The completed ledgers are then sent home to the students for further discussion. As a result, each student should gain greater financial literacy and appreciation for future financial decisions.

For more information about the Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley, visit www.nashobarotary.org and www.facebook.com/nashobarotary.
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Red Cross Swim Lessons Available from Learn to Swim Program

BOLTON: Red Cross swim lessons are available at the Bolton Town Beach July 11-15, July 18-22 and July 25-29.  For more information or to register, go to www.townofbolton.com/parks-recreation-commission/pages/current-program-information. You must be a Bolton resident to register for the Learn to Swim program. 

Stow Police Department Announces Start of Jail Diversion Program

STOW: Chief Michael Sallese is pleased to announce that the Stow Police Department is partnering with the Harvard Police Department and Advocates to begin a Jail Diversion Program, which will connect those with mental-health or substance misuse issues to needed services.

An Advocates clinician will be available to the Departments as a co-first responder, accompanying officers on a range of calls including wellbeing checks; large-scale events; and calls involving populations in crisis, such as seniors, veterans, and children in need of support.  The clinician will follow up on cases, referring those in need to treatment providers and services as needed. Department personnel can make a referral to the JDP clinician to follow up on a case or situation that they deem necessary.

“Our officers are responding to an increasing number of situations involving mental health and substance misuse,” Chief Sallese said. “Through Jail Diversion, we will be able to address the key issues behind many of these calls more completely. We will be better prepared to ensure a safe outcome, and help those in crisis obtain needed assistance rather than entry into the criminal justice system.”

The Stow Police Department’s goal is to expand to a standalone Jail Diversion Program with a fulltime civilian clinician. Advocates provides co-response services to 17 police departments west of Boston. In 2021, its clinicians intervened in 4,818 cases, and successfully diverted 299 individuals from the criminal justice system.

"Advocates first began co-response with Framingham Police in 2003 and is eager to roll out the Stow/Harvard program. Providing crisis support alongside police partners allows for improved outcomes and connection to supports," said Taylor Hayden, an Advocates Jail Diversion Supervisor assigned to the Stow/Harvard Jail Diversion Program. "The goal in having a clinician embedded within the department is to offer an additional tool for officers to use during related calls for service."

Rotary Offers Youth Leadership Conference Opportunity for High School Sophomores

HUDSON/WORCESTER: Symphony Pro Musica, conducted by Mark Churchill, presents its second performance of the 2021/22 season on March 19 at 7:30pm at the Hudson High School, and on Sunday, March 20, at 3:30pm at Mechanics Hall in Worcester. The program is titled “Music Alive” and features violinist Inmo Yang, first-prize winner of the internationally renowned Paganini Competition. Yang will perform Jean Sibelius’s masterly and beloved Violin Concerto.

“It’s a privilege to work with Inmo once more,” says Churchill. “He has already established himself as one of the leading international violin soloists of his generation. He plays with power, grace and subtlety, and his technique is second to none. He plays the violin exactly as I think it should be played!” Yang recently released his second critically acclaimed Deutsche Grammophon recording, “The Genetics of Strings,” an insightful and virtuosic exploration of the history of strings. Inmo plays on the 1718 “Bostonian” Stradivarius, on loan from a private donor. (Listen to Yang’s performance of the Sibelius Concerto in Boston’s Symphony Hall here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjjROCnJ8iI )

The SPM program also features Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 6 “Pathetique,” his final composition prior to his death in 1893. Tchaikovsky himself famously wrote “it is the best thing I ever composed or  shall compose.”  Churchill comments “This piece represents a struggle between life and death, and is a reinvention of the symphonic form itself.” The program opens with Lili Boulanger’s “D’un matin de printemps,” a vibrant and delicate piece and Boulanger’s last  composition before her death at the age of 24.

SPM continues its long tradition of performing at Hudson High School, which began at the orchestra’s founding 39 years ago. The orchestra returns to Mechanics Hall, where SPM played in November 2021. Churchill adds “What a privilege it is to have a world-class concert hall right here in Central Massachusetts. The acoustics are ambiance are second to none.  SPM always feels honored to play at Mechanics, and we know that our listeners are in for a real treat!”

Students are always able to attend SPM concerts at no charge. Adult tickets are $25, senior tickets are $20, and group rates are available. First-time SPM concertgoers may also attend the Hudson performance free of charge. Tickets to the performances may be found on Eventbrite
(www.symphonypromusica.eventbrite.com), or on the SPM website, where you can learn more about this concert and upcoming concerts. Visit  www.symphonypromusica.org, call 978-562-0939, or email spmoffice@symphonypromusica.org.

PHOTO: 23-year-old superstar violinist Inmo Yang has won major international competitions and has recorded two albums with Deutshe Grammophon.
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Rotary Offers Youth Leadership Conference Opportunity for High School Sophomores

BOLTON: The Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley seeks qualified candidates to apply for this year’s Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) conference to be held June 24 – June 26 at Fitchburg State University, Fitchburg MA. This annual leadership conference offers outstanding high school sophomores the opportunity to live, work, and interact together in an atmosphere of friendly competition.  The program is designed to challenge participants to use and improve their leadership skills.  Best of all, there is no charge to students who participate. The Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley will sponsor four students at this year’s conference. Applications are due March 25, 2022 and are available from www.nashobarotary.org.

Robert Johnson, local Committee Chairperson, said that participants will be selected from students who reside in Stow, Bolton, or Lancaster, have exhibited leadership potential, and are currently in their sophomore year of high school.  The Rotary Club of Nashoba Valley is contacting high school principals, guidance counselors, youth organizations, and other sources for nominations and welcomes applications and recommendations from the public.
For an application and more information, visit www.nashobarotary.org or contact Robert Johnson at johnson@itesafety.com, 978-875-3143.