
Iris Society Plant Sale

CONCORD: Looking for beautiful irises to add to your garden?  Now is the time to plant.  The Iris Society of Mass. (ISM) is having a sale in Concord on Sat. July 31 from 11 am to 3 pm at Verrill Farm, 11 Wheeler Road. You will be able to choose from a large selection of named irises, all of which are from gardens of society members and grow well in our area.  There will be bearded irises, from tiny miniature dwarfs to tall beardeds, as well as beardless siberian irises, woodland iris cristata, and many other types. And, the price is right – very reasonable. Cash and checks only.

There will be color pictures of all the irises. So, if you are looking for a specific named iris or just irises of a particular color to compliment your garden, you can easily find what you want.  But come early for the best selection! 

Members of the society will be available to help with making selections and to provide information on the planting and care of the irises.  There will a demonstration on dividing and transplanting irises.  

ISM is an affiliate of the American Iris Society and is a not-for-profit organization.  Funds raised from this plant sale go toward the expenses for iris shows, meetings, and speakers.  All ISM meetings are free and open to the public.  ISM welcomes new members.  Membership information, as well as directions to the plant sale and other upcoming events, can be found on the ISM website: www.massirises.org.

Beyond the Notes Brings Collaborative Multimedia Concerts to The Umbrella Arts Center

CONCORD: This summer, Concord native and violinist Sarah Whitney will take The Umbrella Arts Center stage with guest cellist Ani Kalayjian with her highly acclaimed concert series Beyond the Notes for an unforgettable weekend of indoor and outdoor concerts! The two performers will take the audience on an extraordinary journey with an eclectic program of solos and duos that highlights the works of Black composers. The program will also feature a unique collaboration with experimental animator Sarah E. Jenkins, one of the many artists represented in The Umbrella's mixed media exhibition gallery, Dazzleship.
The series will be presented live on Saturday, July 31 at 7:30pm indoors on The Umbrella’s newly constructed Main Stage with limited capacity to allow for distancing and on Sunday, August 1 at 3:00pm outdoors under a tent. Sunday’s outdoor concert will be followed by a private tour of the exhibition led by Dazzleship curator Michael MacMahon. 20% of all proceeds will be donated to The Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), a national, nonpartisan, anti-poverty nonprofit advancing policy solutions for low-income people. CLASP develops practical yet visionary strategies for reducing poverty, promoting economic opportunity, and addressing barriers faced by people of color. 

Praised by the Washington Post for her "marvelous violin acrobatics," violinist Sarah Whitney is known for her musical versatility and has been heard worldwide across stages in Europe, Asia, South America, Africa and the United States. She is recognized as a performer, teacher, entrepreneur and advocate for bringing fresh new ideas to classical music. She is a member of the acclaimed string quintet SYBARITE5, one of the fastest-rising chamber-music ensembles in the United States, whose latest album reached #2 on the Classical Billboard Charts.

Tickets are $30/person; $15/students and can be purchased in advance or at the door. Sunday attendance includes free admission to a post-show curator’s tour of the Dazzleship art exhibition in The Umbrella Main Gallery. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit www.theumbrellaarts.org/BTN.

Robin Wall Kimmerer to Receive 2021 Thoreau Prize

CONCORD: The Thoreau Society announced today that the botanist and best-selling author Robin Wall Kimmerer will receive the 2021 Thoreau Prize for Excellence in Nature Writing. The $2,500 prize and commemorative gift will be awarded in Concord on October 29, as part of the Concord Festival of Authors.

On July 10 during its annual conference, the society will also honor the 2020 Thoreau Prize winner, the conservationist, author and internationally recognized field biologist George Schaller. The awarding of the prize last July was cancelled due to the pandemic. This year’s conference of the 80-year-old society devoted to Thoreau will be held virtually.

Kimmerer, a forest ecologist, and advocate for the rights of native peoples, is the author of Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants. She is a professor of environmental biology at the College of Environmental Science and Forestry of the State University of New York and is the founder and director of its Center for Native Peoples and the Environment.

Braiding Sweetgrass weaves together indigenous Native American and traditional Western scientific ways of looking at nature. The Thoreau Prize committee noted that its focus on the reciprocal and ethical relationship between people and plants captured the spirit of Thoreau’s nature writing. Braiding Sweetgrass became a New York Times Bestseller in January 2020, seven years after Milkweed Editions published it in 2013.

A specialist in mosses and the author of numerous scientific articles, Kimmerer describes herself on her website first as a mother, then as a scientist, professor and member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. Her first book, Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses, won the John Burroughs Medal for outstanding nature writing. In 2015 she addressed the general assembly of the United Nations on a central theme of both her work and of Thoreau’s writing, “Healing Our Relationship with Nature.”

The German-born Schaller, one of the world’s preeminent field biologists, is a wildlife researcher specializing in mammals. His books include The Year of the Gorilla, The Serengeti Lion, which won a National Book Award, The Last Panda, and Tibet’s Hidden Wilderness. Schaller has received National Geographic's Lifetime Achievement Award, a Guggenheim Fellowship and the World Wildlife Fund Gold Medal for promoting understanding and the conserving of endangered species.

The Henry David Thoreau Prize for Excellence in Nature Writing was established as an annual award in 2010 by Dale Peterson to honor a writer of fiction, nonfiction or poetry whose work embodies Thoreau’s legacy as a gifted stylist, keen naturalist and social thinker. The Thoreau Society became administrator of the prize last year.

It is named for Thoreau, who wrote, “I wish to speak a word for nature, for absolute freedom and wildness, as contrasted with a freedom and culture merely civil” and who said one of his aims was to “regard man as an inhabitant, or a part and parcel of Nature, rather than a member of society.”

It is given as a lifetime achievement award or to honor mid-career nature writers of exceptional promise. Previous winners of the Thoreau Prize have included the poets Mary Oliver and Gary Snyder, the author-naturalists Sy Montgomery, Peter Matthiessen, Diane Ackerman and Gretel Ehrlich, the poet, novelist and essayist Linda Hogan, biologist E.O. Wilson and the ecologist and nature writer Bernd Heinrich.

The Thoreau Society is the oldest and largest independent author society in the nation.

AARP Massachusetts Fraud Watch Update: July 2021

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Did you know that someone’s identity gets stolen every two seconds?  The AARP Fraud Watch Network provides you with tips and resources to help you spot and avoid identity theft and fraud so you can protect yourself and your family.  Our watchdog alerts will keep you up to date on con artists’ latest tricks.  It’s free of charge for everyone:  AARP members, non-members, and people of all ages.  Be a fraud fighter!  If you can spot a scam, you can stop a scam. Report scams to local law enforcement. Contact the AARP Fraud Watch Network at www.aarp.org/fraudwatchnetwork for more information on fraud prevention.

Warm weather is here which means door-to-door sales crews are here, too. But what they’re selling isn’t always legit. Be cautious anytime a stranger comes knocking, especially if the visitor is trying to sell you goods or services. Be wary of contractors who say they stopped by because they just happened to be in the neighborhood. The good ones are usually too busy to roam around in search of work. Also be on guard for high pressure tactics to make a quick decision for a steep discount, and requests for payment upfront. Your best bet is to proactively seek out services if you need them, versus reacting to an unexpected sales pitch. It’s always okay to explain you don’t do business at your front door (or to not answer when strangers knock).

Many scams originate right at your fingertips through your computer or smartphone. The good news is the way to block them is also within your grasp. Here are three tips to keep your devices safe from criminals. Make sure your devices’ operating systems are up to date; you should be able to set an auto-update feature that downloads the latest software when available. Next, make sure to change the password on your Wi-Fi router so it’s different from the password it came with. If you have a lot of devices connected to it, they could be vulnerable if the router is compromised. Lastly, a password manager is a great way to create unique and hard-to-guess passwords for all of your online accounts and apps.

America is open for business again and millions of people are traveling, or planning to. One thing you may run into is sticker shock – especially with rental cars. The lack of travel in 2020 led rental companies to sell a lot of their inventory of cars. Now that demand has spiked, supply is tight and prices are high.
Unfortunately, criminals are paying attention and posting fake rental car deals at rock bottom prices online. While everyone loves a good deal, doing business with an entity you aren’t familiar with could be risky. Whatever your travel needs, stick to reputable websites with proven track records. If you do find a deal with an unfamiliar provider, do your research: look up the company name with “scam” or “complaint” and see what appears, and check out reviews.

Who doesn’t love something for free? But beware, that “free trial offer” might mean months of payments that you didn’t know you signed up for and will have a hard time canceling. These types of sales tactics are called negative options – a customer signs up for a free trial and unwittingly accepts a subscription – sometimes for a questionable product – often by not seeing a pre-checked box in the very tiny print. When it comes to free trials, research before you enroll. Fully understand the terms and conditions by reading the fine print. Keep a close eye on your credit and debit card statements so you spot unexpected charges right away. Contact your bank or credit card company to address the issue; calling the company you inadvertently signed up for a subscription with will likely get you nowhere.

Be a fraud fighter!  If you can spot a scam, you can stop a scam. Report scams to local law enforcement. For help from AARP, call 1-877-908-3360 or visit the AARP Fraud Watch Network at www.aarp.org/fraudwatchnetwork.

Richard Higgins' Photography Exhibit at Concord Free Public Library

CONCORD: The Concord Free Public Library is featuring an exhibit of Richard Higgins’s photographs of trees through November 30. “An Eye for Trees, in Thoreau's Concord and Today” is in the library art gallery. It is free during library hours, which are 9am to 9pm Monday through Thursday; 9am to 6pm Friday; 9am to 5pm Saturday; and 1pm to 5pm Sunday. For more information, visit www.concordlibrary.org.
Higgins, the author of Thoreau and the Language of Trees, said it was inspired by Thoreau’s way of seeing trees,  which combined poetic insight with keen observation. Most of the 40 photographs depict common trees in Concord and surrounding towns. Higgins said he took many of the photographs in winter, when snow and ice transform trees and disclose them anew.

“If there’s an artistic aesthetic, it’s finding beauty in the familiar and ordinary—a skill Thoreau  developed to a high degree,” said Higgins, a writer and editor who lives in Concord.

“Thoreau said that we only truly see when we look, and he was ever looking to discern the expressions, character and beauty of trees.”

Higgins displayed in his photographs of trees earlier this year at the Cape Cod Museum of Natural History. Many of the exhibit photos were in Higgins's Thoreau and the  Language of Trees, published last year by the University of California Press.
A former longtime Boston Globe reporter, Higgins is also coauthor of Portfolio Life: The New Path to Work, Purpose, and Passion after 50, and the editor of several books.  His writing has appeared in numerous publications, including the New York Times, Atlantic Monthly, Christian Century and Smithsonian.

Dazzleship Comes to the Umbrella

CONCORD: A common question for artists over the past year has been, “How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected your work?” and the answers haven’t always been easy to articulate. Beyond the impact on his or other artists’ individual work, however, painter and curator Michael MacMahon wants to embrace the unknown, and celebrate how the art community around him has adapted and evolved over the past year. It’s this exploration at the heart of Dazzleship, a mixed media exhibition curated by MacMahon for The Umbrella Arts Center Main Gallery, running July 21-Sept. 12.

In addition to hosting work in The Umbrella, Dazzleship will feature an experimental animation program curated by Sarah E. Jenkins, in a multimedia collaboration with violinist Sarah Whitney’s interactive classical music series, Beyond the Notes, hosted by The Umbrella Performing Arts on July 31 and Aug. 1. The exhibition will be on display in The Umbrella Main Gallery, 40 Stow Street, Concord, from July 21 - Sept. 12, 2021. Additional special artist events will be announced at a later date.

Local Residents Named
to Spring 2021 Dean’s List
at Saint Michael’s College

CONCORD: The following local students were named to the Dean’s List at Saint Michael’s College for the Spring 2021 semester.

* Danielle Butler, a senior biology major from Acton (01720) and a graduate of Acton Boxborough Regional High School.

* Daniel Armstrong, a junior criminology major from Acton (01720) and a graduate of Acton Boxborough Regional High School.

* Clea Edelman, a May 2021 graduate art and design major from Concord (01742) and a graduate of Chapel Hill - Chauncy Hall School.

* William Meehan, a senior business administration & economics major from Concord (01742) and a graduate of Concord Carlisle Regional High School.

Saint Michael’s College, founded in the great Catholic intellectual tradition, which also recognizes the principles of social justice and compassion, is a selective, fully residential Catholic college in Vermont’s beautiful Green Mountains. Our closely connected community delivers internationally-respected liberal arts and graduate education near Burlington, one of the country’s best college towns. To prepare for fulfilling careers and meaningful lives, young adults here grow intellectually, socially, and morally, learning to be responsible for themselves, each other and their world.

DONORS URGENTLY NEEDED: Red Cross Still Facing Severe Blood Shortage

The American Red Cross continues to experience a severe blood shortage that is negatively affecting blood product availability across the country. Donors of all blood types – especially type O and those giving platelets – are urged to make an appointment to give now and help ensure hospital shelves are stocked with blood products over the Fourth of July holiday and beyond.

Right now, the Red Cross is working around the clock to provide blood products to hospitals responding to an unusually high number of traumas and emergency room visits, as well as overdoses and resulting transplants. As a result of the blood shortage, some hospitals are being forced to slow the pace of elective surgeries until the blood supply stabilizes, delaying crucial patient care. 

In addition, while summer is traditionally a time when blood donations decline, this year is particularly challenging as many Americans receive their vaccinations and resume summer activities after more than a year of limited interactions and travel, leading to lower donor turnout. The need for blood doesn’t take a holiday break − patients still depend on lifesaving transfusions.

Donors are needed now to prevent further delays to patient care. Schedule an appointment to give blood now by using the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visiting RedCrossBlood.org, calling 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or enabling the Blood Donor Skill on any Alexa Echo device.

As a thank-you, all those who come to give July 1-6 will receive a Red Cross embroidered hat by mail,* while supplies last. And, donors who come to give July 7-31 will receive a $10 Amazon.com Gift Card by email, plus a chance to win gas for a year (a $5,000 value). (Terms and conditions apply; visit rcblood.org/fuel). 
In most cases, those who have received a COVID-19 vaccine can donate. However, knowing the name of the manufacturer of the vaccine they received is important in determining donation eligibility.
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Concord Conservatory's Fall Group Classes and New Programs

CONCORD: Get inspired and tap into your music potential with a group class. CCM’s highly accomplished faculty build a strong foundation of technique, theory, and musicality, which encourages a lifetime of continued musical education and enjoyment. Plan to join a fun group class and connect with other musicians who value music like you! Sign-up today for a social and collaborative learning experience.

CCM’s group classes offer an opportunity for all ages and ability levels—some with no experience necessary. From singing, guitar, and keyboard classes for kids to banjo, ukulele, and acoustic guitar classes for teens and adults, you can choose the right course for all family members. Secure your place in the class now.

Introducing New Early Childhood Group Classes at CCM! Engage and motivate your young learner with CCM’s Music Makers class for 3 year-olds or the Musical Gateway class for 4 and 5 year-olds. Your kids will be immersed in a positive and supportive learning experience while soaking up musical knowledge and getting active! 

CCM’s West Side Strings Program! Young violinists and cellists benefit greatly from this ongoing supportive and immersive CCM learning experience. They’ll receive benefits from both private lessons as well as the group class experience. Organized by age and experience, students will develop skills in technique, music reading, solo performing, and ensemble participation. 

Chamber Music Ensemble Program! Intermediate to advanced strings, winds, and piano players can now join a weekly Chamber Music Ensemble—guaranteeing them a challenging, rewarding, and memorable musical experience. Taking part in an ensemble assures the development of their leadership and interpersonal skills, critical thinking, and being an integral part of a team. With weekly coaching sessions, master classes, special events, and performing, musicians will elevate their playing to the next level.

Maybe a jazz or rock ensemble interests you or your kids more? CCM can help there too. If you’re dreaming of cranking out a Miles Davis Quintet piece or a Rolling Stones song, we’ll provide expert coaching and instruction so you can master the music you want to play. 

The Concord Conservatory of Music (CCM) is the area’s non-profit community music school, located at 1317 Main Street in the West Concord Union Church. Explore CCM offerings or set up private lessons at www.ConcordConservatory.org or call (978) 369-0010. Financial assistance is available.

Anchor Down: The Campaign to Support Emerson Hospital's Behavioral Health Services in a Year of  Unprecedented Storm

CONCORD: The Auxiliary's flagship behavioral health fundraiser, EmerSong, is cancelled this year due to COVID-19. Yet they are proud to announce Anchor Down, their fundraising appeal designed to continue this vital mission of supporting mental health services -- at a time when our community needs it most. They encourage you to watch these videos produced exclusively for the Auxiliary. The goal for this campaign is two-fold: first to raise funds to support those in our community struggling with mental health; and second to share with you a global view of the state of mental health services in Massachusetts, particularly the pandemic's impact on it, and Emerson Hospital’s role in this crisis. Join the Auxiliary, contribute to Anchor Down, and learn how your donations can fill the gaps to support inpatient and emergency Behavioral Health care. To learn more, please visit: EmersonHospital.org/SupportMentalHealth

Bullet Journaling at the Concord Free Public Library

CONCORD: The Concord Free Public Library will host a free four-part class on Bullet Journaling for ages 12 and up beginning on July 12 at 4pm. The workshops will take place on Mondays at 4pm on July 12, 19, 26 and August 2 at the Main Library Sudbury Road Garden.

Participants will learn the basics of bullet journaling and explore the different elements of bullet journaling. Participants will set up weekly spreads, create lots of cool trackers, and play around with different styles of journaling.
Each participant will receive a free packet of supplies. Space is limited so register in advance: https://concordlibrary.org/news-events/events-calendar.

Instructor Claire Sun is a local artist from Carlisle (MA) who has been brush lettering and bullet journaling for over five years. She's taught multiple workshops at local libraries and organizations and runs the bullet journal Instagram account (@suncerulean) with over 9k followers. Other than her artistic endeavors, Claire also enjoys listening to podcasts and playing the guitar. She's very excited to share her passions with this community!

For more information about Library programs and services, call 978-318-3301 (Main Branch) or 978-318-3350 (Fowler Branch), sign up for our e-Newsletter, or visit us online at www.concordlibrary.org.

Teen Driver Safety Classes at Concord Free Public Library 

CONCORD: The Concord Free Public Library invites teens to driver safety classes, Wednesdays, July 14, 21 and 28 at 4pm. This is a free series hosted by AAA to learn about driving safety.  Attend one, two or all three workshops. Teens will learn about the risks of driving while impaired by marijuana. Attitudes about the use of marijuana have shifted in recent years. Marijuana is now prescribed for medicinal purposes and the legalization or decriminalization of recreational marijuana in many states resulted in greater societal acceptance of the drug’s use.  This curriculum also intends to correct misconceptions about marijuana’s potential risks to teenagers.

On July 21, teens will learn how to handle driving emergencies. Knowing what to do in an emergency is something every driver should know. This program will advise drivers what to do if they break down, how to stay safe on the road, and items to keep in your vehicles.

On July 28, teens will learn about the risks of distractions. Get tips to avoid becoming a distracted driver. Every day, motorists who read or send a text while driving take their eyes off the road for up to 5 seconds. At 55 mph, that's like driving the entire length of a football field with your eyes shut. Texting - along with other activities like phone calls, eating, drinking, setting your GPS or working your car's entertainment system - takes your mind and your eyes off the road. 

To receive a Zoom link, register at https://concordlibrary.org/news-events/events-calendarFor more information about Library programs and services, call 978-318-3301 (Main Branch) or 978-318-3350 (Fowler Branch), or visit www.concordlibrary.org.

Read to Luna the Dog Live! at the Concord Free Public Library

CONCORD: The Concord Free Public Library invites children to Read to Luna the Dog on the Main Library lawn the second Friday of each month beginning in June between 11:30am-12:30pm. Luna is a certified therapy dog through Pets & People Foundation, Inc. Did you know that reading to dogs boosts reading skills and emotional and social skills for children? This event is for children ages 5+. Children are invited to register for their own individual 15 minute session with Luna. Register in advance by visiting the library's events calendar online at www.concordlibrary.org.
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Local Residents Receive Academic Honors

CONCORD: Northeastern University is pleased to recognize those students who distinguish themselves academically during the course of the school year. The following students were recently named to the University's dean's list for the Spring semester, which ended in May 2021.

In addition to achieving distinction through the dean's list, these students are members of the University Honors Program, which offers high caliber students the chance to further hone their studies and interests, live in special interest residential communities, participate in enriched, interdisciplinary courses, and engage in research and creative endeavors, service, and global experiences. Invitation into the University Honors Program is highly competitive and students must maintain a high GPA to maintain membership.

To achieve the dean's list distinction, students must carry a full program of at least four courses, have a quality point average of 3.5 or greater out of a possible 4.0 and carry no single grade lower than a C- during the course of their college career. Each student receives a letter of commendation and congratulation from their college dean.

* Concord (01742) resident Kasey Lee, majoring in computer science/ mathematics

* Acton (01720) resident Christina Pathrose, majoring in computer science

* Acton (01720) resident Iris Wang, majoring in electrical and computer engineering

* Acton (01720) resident Summer Weidman, majoring in environmental studies/political science

* Acton (01720) resident Joshua Chun, majoring in undeclared
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June is PTSD Awareness Month

June is PTSD Awareness Month. Though most often associated with veterans who experienced atrocities of war, anyone, including children and teens, can suffer with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Children typically recover quickly from stressful events, but when it comes to severe stress, especially serious injuries, the death of a close family member or friend, sexual assault, living through a disaster, or witnessing a violent act such as a school shooting, children can often suffer the long-term effects of PTSD.
The National Center for PTSD estimates that 7-8% of people will experience PTSD during their lives. Worse yet, over 65% of children who are exposed to a traumatic event will, at some point, attempt to take their own lives.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the symptoms of PTSD are different for young children than those of older teens and adults. Children younger than 6 will often wet the bed, forget how or refuse to talk, act out the traumatic event during routine play, or become unusually clingy with a parent or other adult.

Research shows that depression rates increase after a trauma and tend to be especially high among children with PTSD. If your child or someone you love is struggling with depression or thinking about suicide, get help now. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 1-800-273-TALK (8255), is a free resource, available 24 hours a day for anyone who is in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. The Crisis Text Line is a free 24/7 text line where trained crisis counselors support individuals in crisis. Text “Jason” to 741741 to speak with a compassionate, trained Crisis Counselor. Confidential support 24/7, for free.

The Jason Foundation is another available resource.  The Jason Foundation is dedicated to the awareness and prevention of youth suicide through educational programs that equip youth, parents, educators, and the community with the tools and resources to identify and assist at-risk youth. Many times, a young person will exhibit clear warnings signs prior to an attempt. By knowing the warning signs, and knowing how to help, you could save a life.  Visit The Jason Foundation’s website to learn more about youth suicide, the warning signs, and how you can help make a difference.  The Jason Foundation has never charged a school, community, or individual for the use of their programs or resources.  http://www.jasonfoundation.com
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Emerson Hospital & IMPACT Melanoma Team Up to Protect the Public

CONCORD: Emerson Hospital and IMPACT Melanoma, a national non-profit organization dedicated to reducing the incidence of melanoma, have teamed for the third consecutive year to protect residents from skin cancer. The organizations have deployed touchless, automatic sunscreen dispensers at 16 high-traffic locations, including parks and recreation facilities, beaches, rail trails, and athletic fields throughout Concord and the greater area. The dispensers provide complementary sunscreen throughout Acton (at The Discovery Museum), Bedford, Chelmsford, Concord, Harvard, Hudson, Maynard and Westford.
Jen Melanson, Community Service Coordinator for the town of Chelmsford, reported after the 2020 season, “The program was so well received, we had positive feedback on social media and from citizens who were very excited and appreciative. We are grateful to Emerson Hospital for providing the dispensers and are excited to support the program again this year.”
“We are pleased to work with Emerson Hospital on this invaluable initiative for the third year,” said Deb Girard, IMPACT’s Executive Director. “It is imperative to educate communities at all levels – residents, government, employees, and visitors – to create a broad sense of sun-safe practices aimed at healthier lifestyle choices for our skin. With this initiative in motion, we can achieve exactly that with the fleet of free sunscreen dispensers, and educational messaging. We are excited and hope that neighboring towns take notice. Together we can make a great IMPACT and practice of safe skin.”
Emerson Hospital is sponsoring bright yellow sunscreen dispensers that are filled with SPF 30 sunscreen. The dispensers are monitored regularly and replenished as needed, ensuring that everyone in the area who needs sunscreen has easy access to it. SPF 30 or higher sunscreen is rated and recommended for use by children ages six-months and up, and adults. All sunscreen ingredients are safe and approved by the FDA.
“Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers in our service area, according to our latest Community Health Assessment,” notes Christine Gallery, Senior Vice President, Planning and Chief Strategy Officer, Emerson Hospital. “We are proud to support IMPACT Melanoma again this year, so that people throughout our towns can have fun this summer, while easily protecting themselves from skin cancer. We anticipate the community will use the sunscreen often and it will become a routine part of their summer safety regimen. We encourage the community to be in touch with a physician with any questions or concerns about their skin.”
To learn more about the importance of sunscreen and where the complimentary sunscreen dispensers are located, please visit www.emersonhospital.org/sunscreen.